The human race survived, barely, but generations isolated in bunkers left it genetically fragile. Social norms have changed. Breeding with someone from your home town is criminal. Women travel circuits of neighboring towns hoping to find men who will give them healthy babies. But nature does not turn on a dime.
Generations in fallout bunkers left the human race with dangerously little genetic diversity. Girls of breeding age have a duty: travel circuits through neighboring towns, mating with strangers who will give them strong offspring. Brigitte is excited to begin doing her duty.
After-bunker society has strict rules about sex: rules that the lustful teenage urges screaming inside John don't understand. He wants to be a good man; he wants to do his duty and honor his community. But more than that, he NEEDS to get laid.
Adults are always telling Izzy to act like a girl, to be friends with other girls. She'd rather hang out with the boys. She'll figure out who she is and what it means to be a girl her own way.