Those Three Bitches - Cover

Those Three Bitches

by Cantbuymy

Copyright© 2014 by Cantbuymy

Drama Story: The Hive of the Killer B's. Ok, this one is a little preachy but it is my story and I can be preachy if I want to be. I am not sure of the proper category for this or even the proper subcategories. It deals with the evils or child abuse, so you get to decide if you want to read it; but there is no sex with children.

Caution: This Drama Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Reluctant   Tear Jerker   .

The characters just became what they became and I had no real control over it. I was going to make it way different but they would not let me. They had a story to tell and well, I guess I am the one they picked to tell it. That happens sometimes.

The Hive of the Killer B's

They were originally called "The Three Bitches," then it became "The Bitches" and finally everyone just seemed to settle on "The B's." This is a story about "The B's;" "The Killer B's." When they were all together it was called "The Hive."

Their names are Brenda, Barbara, and Betty.

I think every school had them, the bitches I mean. Sometimes they are the hot cheerleaders, or maybe they were the sports girls, or the rich girls, or the pretty girls, or even the girls with boobs when no one had a good set yet. But they all had one thing in common, they were always bitches.

Well we had them in our school and they were "The Three B's," Brenda, Barbara, Betty, "The Three Bitches." Somewhere in time they morphed into the "Hive," as in beehive, like a hive of killer bees. These were three sisters and that made it three times as bad. They were also rich, even worse and damn if they weren't beautiful, had boobs, brains and even money. Shit! They wore only new clothes, and the latest fashions. No discount chains for them.

Daddy owned two car dealerships, and a few other businesses and he was married to the best looking woman in town. Everyone was scared of pissing off their daddy because he was a monster if you crossed him. Now the wife, well she and her B's always drove new cars with dealer plates. She was on every committee she wanted to be on and was always the Chairperson. She said what she wanted and that is what happened.

And Brenda, Barbara, Betty, decided the same thing in school. They were not just on "student counsel" they ran student counsel. They decided what the student paper would publish and every one of those papers better have a picture of them in it. They passed judgment on the articles too. If daddy was planning a new shopping center and the paper wanted to run an adverse environmental story about it, well it never saw print. And what was even worse, they were two years apart in ages so we had six years of their running things.

When Brenda was a senior, Barbara was a sophomore. When Barbara was a junior then Betty was a freshman. They formed an impenetrable barrier to upward mobility for anyone not them.

But they had one defender and that was Mary, my Mary. Mary was, to my way of thinking, even more beautiful than the B's. And while the B's had all the sports jocks and BMOC falling over them, Mary had me, just me. Mary did not seem to mind in the least. Well there were others that wanted Mary but I won!

I had no idea why Mary defended them but she did. She did not travel in their crowd, but she was always treated well by the B's, which was not what anyone else got from them. Like I always said, Mary was special for everyone.

Mary was the same age as Barbara and they went to the same school with each other forever. It was not a large town and even the B's went to our small public schools. Why not, their mother and father were the big fish in the small pound. If they wanted something to happen, it happened. It was like it was their private school and the rest of the parents had to pay for it with their tax money.

One day I called them the B's when Mary was around. Boy did she chew me out. I was to use their names at all times, and I was to be polite and if someone was talking bad about them then I was to walk away and not join in. If I did not do that then Mary and I were finished.

Mary told me that I did not know about their life and while it was not her place to tell me, I would have to take her word for it. I chose Mary and never called them the B's ever again nor would I be part of any group of people doing it. I did not defend them but I would just walk away. Soon people understood what I would do and they never mentioned them around me.

Mary and I were the couple that every yearbook said would get married and live together forever, and they were right about that, except the last part.

Mary and I got married right out of junior college. I went to the local junior college and then transferred to state. Mary did the exact same thing. I studied electrical engineering and computer science and Mary became a nurse.

It was during our second year of college that there was a fire and the B's parents died in that fire. The B's were out of town when the fire started and came home to find their parents dead. There was some talk about the fire being set by someone but there was no evidence of it. The B's took the money and left town, and only came back on very special occasions and they all had to do with Mary.

We both worked and lived in the same town we grew up in. We had four children, two boys and two girls. They were great kids, getting into all the same trouble we did at their ages, and we suffered through the hormone surge and imbalances that they had to go through. Through it all Mary and I kept up our love for each other. The kids got out of high school, went to college, got married and gave us grandchildren which Mary and I doted over. But this is not about them.

I had my share of "Honey do's" to do; way more than most. We bought our home and it was small but on a big lot. I ended up adding five bedrooms, Mary already knew she wanted four children and so did I.

But there were problems. Mary insisted she see the B's once a year, where ever they were. They would all get together in some city and would spend two days together. Mary would always come back very upset and would ask me to hold her and she would sometimes cry. I asked her why, but she would never tell me why.

I did not like them, they dressed trashy and I thought they were a bad influence but I trusted Mary, I was just afraid for her. I told Mary how I felt and it was the only time she refused to stop seeing or doing something I did not want her to do. I did not like it but I was so crazy about Mary, so I finally just said ok, I believed in her. I did get the feeling that if I had insisted she would have stopped but if Mary needed to do it then I would not bother her about it.

When Mary was pregnant the B's came to the hospital every time and were great with Mary and our children. When we got married the B's came and they were great with Mary and were even in the wedding party, and I stayed out of their way. Mary wanted me to be polite and I was, but I was not overly friendly. I knew about their marriages and their divorces and I heard the rumors too. They were sluts as far as I was concerned. But if Mary wanted it, Mary got it. I could deny Mary nothing, and she denied me nothing.

The B's were there when our children got married and when the grandchildren were born. They sent gifts every Christmas and cards too. Not just gifts to Mary, but to me and the children and then to the grandchildren. But I hated those damn trips away. They killed me knowing she was going to be gone and then come back so hurt and upset.

But between those trips Mary was the best possible wife. She was the best possible nurse. She worked with children, she loved children. She hurt when she worked with the dying and with the abused. She and I hated child abuse and those children got her special attention. She always said their bodies could be fixed but what some evil person did to their souls would never heal; the best they could hope for was a scar to cover the memories. She talked to me a lot about that, and she studied how to help those so cruelly treated by the very people who should have been protecting them. We both did a lot of reading on it and some crying too.

At times Mary would bring some of the children home when we did family things. At first they would be hollow and alone but after a while they would join in with the other children. I always stayed away from them, a strange man was not what they needed, but soon they even accepted me. I had to study to make sure I did not do something that would upset them. They would be around for a while and then they would be gone and not too much time passed until another one would appear with Mary and it would all start over again. It was part of their recovery. They needed to see that there really were families where children were not abused so that they could have families and know that an abusive husband or even a wife should be reported to the police immediately.

Mary was the one person everyone loved. When we walked down the street Mary was always greeted, some people would actually walk across the street just to say hello to her; she was that kind of person.

Then after almost thirty years of marriage Mary came to me. "Honey we have to talk" the conversation started with. "Baby you have to be strong, very strong for me, our children and grandchildren. I am going to leave you soon, I wish I did not have to go, I know you are going to miss me but I have no choice."

"But why, what have I done? Is there someone else?" I asked.

There were so many things going through my mind. I was in turmoil and I had nowhere to turn; who could I talk with when the only person I knew to talk with was Mary? "Why is she leaving me?"

"Baby there is no one else, there has never been anyone but you, and you have done nothing wrong and I am sorry I made you think that. This is hard for me to tell you but baby I'm dying I have leukemia; I have maybe two years left, if that long. I checked with all the doctors and they did every test, the only person in God's creations who could take me from you has called me home, and I have to go. I have already decided not to go through the pain of chemo or anything like that. Two years is all we might get and I don't want to be sicker than I would otherwise have to be."

My Mary, my perfection, the one person who was my rock and my foundation was leaving and nothing could prevent it. "You will be ok, and I will be ok; we will be together." She told me.

Well there were a few things I could do. I made her retire but she continued to work as a volunteer in the child leukemia center and with abused children too. She told me she wanted to be useful and help people as much as possible. I took retirement to spend time with her. I drove her to work and picked her up, because even the time she was driving to work was time away from me so I took over that. I wanted every second to be with her. She kept me busy at home with "Honey Do" things but after thirty years how much can she come up with?

The next thing that happened was the B's came home. Not just home, but next door. It was a small four bedroom house that had been in foreclosure and needed a lot of work. And the grounds, damn they looked like hell and brought everyone's values down.

The B's were there all the time; it was like Mary was a sister. They were with her more than the children. They saw her every day. At first I resented their taking time away from Mary and me, but then I saw how they made each other happy and I just went with it. In the end I saw that I was not losing time with Mary, I was just sharing it and I saw the B's as keeping her happy.

Those "Honey Do" lists now included the B's house. I would work there during the day when Mary was at work. First it was "please help with the yard" they need you.

I was sure that they had more than enough money to have it done but I guess it was the way Mary wanted to keep me busy. So I spent four or five hours a day working on the yard, until it looked pretty good. Mary and I would sit in the B's back yard and Mary would kiss me and say what a good job I did. The B's were polite and grateful. I could tell it was not faint praise as they really meant it.

There was one time that I went over and saw that on the front door they had a brass beehive up where the name should go. I took it down and put their names up in brass letters and laid the hive by the door. I told Mary what I did and she kissed me and told me I was sweet. The next day the names were still there but the large brass beehive was now attached but under the names. I guess the B's did it, but I left it there; it was there house. Later they thanked me for putting their names up.

The B's helped with some things around the house too. They were all good cooks and soon they were cooking meals for all of us. I was never quite sure of the relationship with Mary but they seemed to just love the hell out of her.

The B's could really be pretty mean but not once did they ever look at Mary, or treat her with, anything but pure love and respect. And their dress, they all dressed very conservatively and not once did I hear of them going out and drinking it up or even cutting someone down with nasty comments. The B's were different.

Mary wanted all of us to go out that first year; and I mean all of us. Mary and I never danced with anyone but each other but she insisted I have at least one dance with each of the B's. Nothing sexual, nothing intimate, but she felt it was unfair for her and I to dance and just have them sitting there.

At first no one ever asked the B's to dance; everyone remembered them. Later that changed and they did dance with a few people, but never slow dances where they had to be held close. They did with me only because Mary would tell me when she heard the song that I should ask one of them to dance. Again it was never sensual, just friends, although I don't remember every dancing with anyone but Mary up to that point in time.

After the first year Mary started to get too tired so I made her cut back to four hours a day as a volunteer. Mary made me work harder next door. We still went out but Mary could only do one dance but she made sure the B's each danced at least twice with me. The B's began refusing dances with anyone but me. Mary said they were being respectful.

The 4 hours she was at work I worked next door. The B's came over and had dinner with us and we would talk. Once a day she would send me to do more "Honey Do" things next door, she needed time for girl talk she said.

By the end of the first year I had done the yard, put in trees, did their plumbing, remodeled the kitchen, all the bathrooms, closets, bedrooms, and added custom woodwork that I hand made. I changed it from a foreclosure to a "Better Homes and Gardens" model home. Hell it was worth three times what they paid for it.

We would still all go out together and it gave me a way for Mary to be able to have fun and at the same time I would have help with her. I could never imagine that the B's could ever be as caring for anyone as they were for my Mary.

Then she got even more tired but I still drove her to the hospital almost every day. Mary said the kids wanted to see her and she did not want to disappoint them. We always stopped to buy candy to give them. Mary had been giving the children candy for decades; it was her little present to them. Mary could not get out of her wheelchair without help but I pushed her from child to child and then backed away so she could talk in private with some of them. It was the poor abused children that needed her the most. Everyone got a piece of candy.

Things began to move far too quickly for us all. Mary lost most of her health and then one day I was holding her and she was in my lap and her head was resting on my shoulder. I kissed her and she told me she loved me and I told her I loved her and only her. She reminded me of our wedding vows and I told her "forsaking all others" she smiled at me and said she thought that would be the part I remembered. Then she went to sleep.

I felt her last breath pass through me, I heard the death rattle, yes there is such a thing and you can hear it. I wanted to go with her because I could not stand to be without her. She was part of me.

I don't know how much time had passed but it must have been hours when I came out of it. The B's were there sitting quietly watching and waiting, they looked as sad as I felt, maybe worse. They picked Mary up and took her to our bedroom. I was lead away and told to take as shower and get ready. Calls were made and arrangements, long since established, came into play.

The B's bathed Mary and dressed her as she had wanted, in her wedding dress. I was helped by one of them, I don't really remember which and I put on a black suit, also what Mary wanted.

When she died there was an announced it on the local radio and TV stations. Thousands came to pay respects to church where Mary was to be that night. The line never ended, everyone in the town came.

The undertaker came and the B's and I put her into a coffin. There would be no embalming or autopsy. As people passed through the church Mary was laid in her wedding gown and I sat in a chair next to her coffin crying or staring into space in the direction of her body. The B's never left her or my side.

Mary had requested an immediate funeral and the next day it took place. The schools closed to allow children who knew Mary to come and pay their last respects. Everything was closed. I was amazed at how many people Mary had touched with her love.

Every once in a while a child would come up and place a small piece of candy in her casket. I cried.

The service was the strangest I could ever have thought of; but that was Mary for you. I had to be dressed in my tuxedo, exactly how I looked when we were first married. Mary even wanted our marriage vows spoken again. The B's would alternate saying those things that Mary had repeated. But it was the last, the final words that did it for me, that killed me, that let me know it was actually over. When I and the B's said "Till death us to part" I broke down.

This was it, it was death, and there was no way I would ever be able to see her again, death had parted us forever. I could not stand; the B's helped me, sobbing to my place. I never noticed how much they were crying too, I was just so consumed by my own grief.

Somehow we made it to the cemetery and I still don't know how Mary was laid to rest or what happened. The next thing I remember was being home with people I had not seen in years telling me how badly they felt for me and that they would pray for me. Food was brought and consumed; the B's guarded me like a pride of lioness would guard the cubs. There were ten guest books and more had to be purchased. The local police actually directed traffic.

I was fifty years old and adrift without any direction. After three days the B's told me it was time to wake up and live. At first I was angry but agreed. There were more "Honey Do" things at the B's home and I did them as if in a fog. There were things to do in my own home too.

The children and grandchildren came and went as they are want to do at times like these; they had their own grief to deal with. The B's took care of me and kept me busy for the next month. Finally the mirrors were uncovered and I shaved; something that Mary always liked about Jewish mourning rites, so we adopted it.

The B's told me that they were selling their home and I saw the sign out front. It sold pretty quickly and when I heard what they got for it I was amazed; I must have really done a good job. Well the B's always did know how to turn a profit; might as well make a few dollars off of my work too.

I was a little bitter, everything I did for them I actually did for Mary, and to see it sold was like seeing Mary being sold. But they were not finished with me. It would be a fast escrow and they would need a place to stay and I let them talk me into staying with me; I had six bedrooms and they were over here all the time anyway. They even had their own keys. Frankly, I would be glad to get rid of them, I was pretty mad at selling off everything I did for them, for my Mary.

So the house sold and they moved in with me. The day escrow closed I had to drive them to get the check. Like they could not drive themselves; the B's were users. Then we went to the bank to put it into a saving account. It was over one million five hundred thousand dollars. I went in with them and they signed the paper work and told me to sign too. I was still confused about everything so I just did it. I could have signed over the deed to the house for all I remembered. When we got home they gave me the paperwork and asked me to put it into the document safe I had. It was then I looked at the papers, they had put the money into my name too. When I asked about it they said I did most of the work to get the house ready for sale and since I would be investing the money it was just easier that way.

I looked at them and I sat down with the checkbook and immediately wrote a check to Mary's hospital for use in the abused children's wing under her name. I was expecting some discussion or even a fight but they smiled and insisted we drive there immediately and give them the money. It was a check for fifty thousand dollars.

The B's insisted that we stop and buy some candy, and after giving the check to the administrators we visited the children. Everyone got a kind word, and some private time so that they could tell how they felt to someone who would listen, and yes, they got a piece of candy too. It was a small community hospital and they needed every cent they could get and they could use it yesterday.

We needed to continue Mary's work, and those children would be our project too. We always stopped and bought them candy, just a piece for everyone we talked to. We saw them all at least twice a week.

The B's never seemed to want to go and live someplace else. There was always a reason for them to stay in my home. They also made sure that any single women were kept away from me, as if I wanted another woman after Mary.

The B's insisted that we go out and so being used to doing those things I was told to do, I did it. That is what happens to men after thirty years of marriage, we are house broken. At first it was just a dinner here and there. There was no laughter or happiness, just eating.

There were dinners at home and the B's did everything they could to help me. Not help me get over losing Mary, or forgetting Mary, but to help me cope with the reality that Mary was gone. Without knowing it they brought back happiness into my life, to all of our lives. It was probably a year before things got back to what one might call normal. And for that entire year we spent time with the children, just like Mary had done.

Then something happened that made me think that things were different. We had gone out for dinner and then went to the room next door where they had dancing. We were sitting in a horseshoe booth and they asked me to get them drinks so I did. When I came back some guy was sitting in my place at the end of the horseshoe. He just smiled at me but did not get up. What the hell, the B's are entitled to a good time. I set down their drinks and started to leave when I heard Betty say she wanted to dance. Betty was sitting next to the man who was sitting in my seat. He smiled and moved out of the way so she could get out and he could dance with her. Brenda moved over from the center and took the seat at the now vacant end of the horseshoe and Barbara now sat at the other end, the center was empty. Betty then walked past the guy and taking me by the hand walked out onto the dance floor where a slow dance was playing and we danced as if we had done it a million times before. The man sitting there was now standing, neither woman was going to move, they just smiled at him. Eventually he just sort of ambled away, embarrassed at having to do so and at being so publicly shut out.

I had forgotten that the B's were well practiced at shutting people down.

That was when I became aware that I was being marked by the B's as theirs. I felt safe with them. If Mary trusted them I trusted them. When the dance was over we changed partners and it went on that way for about an hour or two.

Things changed at home too, but very slowly. I won't bore you with the slow pace of change, let's just say things became, well, less formal for the B's. First it was shorts and then my shirts without braziers under them. Then panties and t-shirts became standard at home. The B's were fine looking mature women and being a man I noticed it. Bikini's in the back yard and in the Jacuzzi or the pool were also standard. They always seemed to catch me looking too but did not look angry, just amused.

There were even times that they lost the tops of their bikinis when we were alone in the Jacuzzi, or they wore see through night gowns and no panties. They were fine looking women and their maturity only enhanced their beauty. They teased me until my cock was a piece of stone. But still I did not let go. When they first began to tease me a little, we all got a bit of a laugh over it, but this was beyond a laugh or a tease. Then I would think of Mary and get a little mad at myself.

Finally I had enough of the teasing as I could see where it was going. I told them it was time for them to leave and they said:

"Isn't he precious; you could just eat him with a spoon. He is still faithful to Mary. We love you for that. We loved Mary too; she was our only real friend."

They finally said they would leave but there was a letter I had to read first. Mary had been gone for over a year when they gave me her letter. She wrote it many months before she died. It had never been opened but Mary had told them to give it to me if I every told them to leave or there were other problems.

"My Beloved

If you are reading this it is because you are proving that you are still the best and most faithful husband in the world. You were always true to me but I am no longer there for you to be true too.

First I want you to know that Brenda, Barbara, Betty are, next to you, my best friends. I brought them there to help you, not me.

Unless you missed it, that funeral where I wore my wedding dress and everyone recited the vows, was not just to make you realize I was gone, it was to bind you to Brenda, Barbara, Betty. You recited those vows together, you are bound by them just as when you said them to me and we were bound to each other by them.

This will probably be a surprise to all of you, but it is what I wanted to happen. If you are reading this it is because they want to be more intimate with you and you keep resisting. I knew it would happen and I want it to happen for you all. You are still a young man with all the urges and needs of a vigorous man your age. Do not resist your wives, it is you duty to care for and protect them as you did me, and as I did for them too.

If they want you to know what we did to protect each other and what they were being protected from they will tell you, and that is not for me to do.

But now you must be patient and understanding. I know you must think I have it wrong, but I don't. I know you and I know them. Let them set the pace, let them decide when and what, or even if, let them heal and help them as they help you. No matter what happens I will always be your loving wife and if they share some of your time on earth it will not hurt our time or our love. Love them, they so need to be loved by a good man like you.

Your Loving and Always Faithful Wife


I handed the letter to the B's and they read it. "Damn" Brenda said. "She married us to you. We did not read her vows, we read ours."

Next Barbara and then Betty read the letter too. "This changes everything" Barbara said.

It never dawned on any of us to dispute what Mary had done for us, done to us. It was as she wanted it to be. I now had three wives and they shared one husband.

"I need a Jacuzzi" Betty said as she just stripped off and walked out the door naked. Brenda and Barbara followed suit.

"You too big boy" Brenda said as she took me by the hand.

Once outside they just took control of me. I was stripped down and started to get into the Jacuzzi with them. I did have an erection and I was embarrassed, they were very beautiful women, but truthfully I was pretty horny, and Mary did say I have three wives.

"Remember big boy, you got three wives, and you and this belong to us now." Brenda said. She then grabbed my very hard cock and gave it a stroke I shot off like crazy. Rope after rope of cum came jetting out onto the deck and I was standing there looking stupid and embarrassed.

"Bit of a short fuse?" she asked.

They all laughed, but not at me, it was just funny. I would have to clean that up pretty soon I thought.

"Well it has been a long time so give me a break, you three have been teasing me for more than a few months, and I'm horny." I replied.

"Well now we know you will get some time before you need to go again."

They all laughed and so did I. I was too old to be embarrassed by this, but I was just a little.

"Can you say foreplay sisters?" and they laughed again. "Now go and take a shower and get ready for Barbara." Brenda said. "Our honeymoon is about to start."

Barbara comes into the bedroom. At first she is not really into any kind of sexual actions. She seems just to go along with it. We kissed a little and caressed each other, just getting to know each other, but something is wrong, I can feel it.

"Barbara, is everything ok? We don't have to do anything you know. We can just be here and hold each other." I said.

There is more of this story...

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