Making a baby for Linda
Copyright© 2014 by Shani 34
Chapter 6
Drama Sex Story: Chapter 6 - A married couple can't have babies and want to try IVF. But they can't afford it, so the husband steals money from his company. He is caught, and his boss offers not to prosecute if he signs his wife over to him for a very personal form of fertilisation, which the husband has to attend. But the company wants others to assist with making Linda's baby.
Caution: This Drama Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Consensual Coercion Fiction Cuckold Humiliation Oral Sex Anal Sex Voyeurism Workplace
"I don't want all those men fucking me in the ass," Linda said sulkily. Her husband Martin, lying on his back beside her, was half asleep, remembering how much he had enjoyed doing it to her a few minutes before.
He asked her what was troubling her about it. "It's just so impersonal. Even doing it the last way, with me on my back and my legs up over your shoulders, and you over me looking down at me, it still really felt as though you were just using my body for your pleasure. When we fuck normally your chest rubs against my breasts and you kiss me, but each position we have tried for you to fuck me in the ass you hardly touch me except with your cock."
Martin dreamily thought back over the events of the last few days and realised that his wife was right, somehow buggering her was completely different to fucking. The word 'Fucking' was more nicely described as 'making love', but fucking her in the ass was, quite simply, 'buggering' her, with no romantic feelings at all. If he was honest with himself, he was enjoying obeying his boss's instruction to bugger Linda repeatedly, in preparation for the next group sex session which was going to involve all the other men buggering her too, but he could understand why Linda wasn't so excited by that prospect.
"I guess you don't have much choice though, darling?"
"I suppose," she muttered, unhappy with his response and turning away from him and trying to go to sleep.
Martin spooned up behind her with his hand over her, holding her belly, very aware of the baby inside. But he couldn't sleep, and lay awake thinking over what she had been saying. If he was honest, he had to admit he had enjoyed fucking her in the ass precisely because it was so impersonal and basic and animal. He tried to rationalise what had felt so good about it, and realised it was precisely because he didn't have to try to please her while he was doing it. He had known that in several positions it was quite possible to play with her breasts or her clit, but thinking back over the few times they had experimented with anal sex over the last few days he recognised that there was something about buggering a girl that took away all romantic and sharing thoughts! He could see what was worrying Linda.
Some time later he whispered, "Darling are you awake?" and she turned to him and he could see she had been silently crying. He put his arms around her and tried to console her. When he ran his hand down over her lovely bum cheeks she stiffened, and he brought his hand back up and rubbed her back.
"Baby, perhaps we are going about this the wrong way. Now they don't need to fuck your pussy to get you pregnant, they think they only have a choice between your mouth and your ass. Maybe you need to make them want your mouth more than your ass."
"I'm not sure what you mean. Mr Seymour and the others all came in my mouth before he said we had to start preparing for anal."
"Hon, I was there watching, remember? They all shoved their cocks in your mouth just the same as I have been shoving mine into your bum. The only reason they came in your mouth was because they were excited, same as when I bugger you, and they liked the tightness of your mouth when you struggled. You did nothing to help any of them, as far as they were concerned there was really nothing to choose between your mouth and your ass, and I'm afraid when you see them next they are all going to want your ass."
"What are you saying? That I'm no good at oral sex?"
Martin knew he was on dangerous grounds here, but felt it was time to be honest. Hoping she wouldn't respond by going ballistic, he sighed and sai softly, "Yes, darling, I'm afraid that's just what I am saying."
He felt his wife stiffen in response to this criticism, but after a few minutes thinking about what he had said, she relaxed. "What do I do wrong?"
"That's just it, darling, you don't do anything. Watching Mr Seymour fucking your mouth was no different to what it's going to be like watching when he fucks your ass. You will just lie or sit or kneel there and he will do all the moving. But while a girl can't do much to encourage a guy who is buggering her, you can do all sorts of things with your mouth, if you want to, before even putting it in your mouth."
Linda muttered defensively, "You've never complained before."
"Darling, be honest. You have never used your mouth to pleasure my cock. Never."
For some minutes they lay in each other's arms contemplating those words. Pressed against her husband as she was, Linda knew that it was true, she had always been reluctant to use her mouth to pleasure him and had never imagined letting him cum in her mouth. But now she knew she had to change. She suddenly realised his cock was hardening against her tummy, and was both puzzled and amused by that response. Finally she kissed him on the mouth and whispered, "Teach me what I should be doing."
"Slide down the bed and just start playing with my cock. Just with your mouth, not your hands." Martin was shivering as his wife went down under the covers. But she didn't know any better, and just took his cock into her mouth! "No, darling, that's not it. Listen to me!"