Right Under Your Nose
Copyright© 2014 by Sid Emmet
Chapter 7
BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 7 - John decides to turn over a new leaf and his best friend Anna wants to help. What happens next surprises them both. Sometimes what you most need is right under your nose. A slow starting romantic love story with some D/s thrown in for good measure.
Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Consensual Romantic Fiction BDSM DomSub MaleDom Spanking Light Bond Oral Sex Anal Sex Exhibitionism
It wasn't so much that I had a type. Hell, I was attracted to all kinds of women. Young, older, thin, curvy, tall, short, whatever. I didn't have any sort of conscious criteria, but apparently I had a hell of a subconscious one. As I stared at the ceiling and ran though all the girls I'd found attractive ... ok, not all, but lets say all in the last month ... and compared them to the woman I'd dated. There was an obvious bias occurring. I guess I was worried about hurting them? So all the girls under a certain ... robustness, lets say ... I would admire from afar and then discounted as possible partners. Let be clear, I'm no ogre, but I'm a big guy and I know a lot of people, men and women find that intimidating. As I don't particularly enjoy feeling like a bull in a china shop, I'd been filtering my choices for a partner with that in mind, but without realizing it. I wonder if my choice of the cute-russian-dj last night, was part of my response to do things differently this time.
Anna had been nibbling at my scone the entire time. I was thinking about making a more substantial breakfast, and knew that Anna wouldn't be satisfied with a whole bag of pastries, much less the two she had brought. For form's sake, I looked at my half eaten pastry, and then glowered at her. She had a face that radiated innocence, marred by MY scone crumbs on her cheek. So I got up, leaned over and brushed them away and then turned to the stove to make breakfast. Her look of surprise when I brushed her cheek confused me, I can't believe she thought I'd miss her eating my scone. I simply had more important things going on in my head.
Breakfast was quickly made, and eaten even faster, we didn't even bother talking. As I began to seriously consider my day, chores mainly, maybe some video games in the afternoon, Anna looked up from her plate.
"I have an idea." She stated, and paused waiting for my reaction.
"Stop the presses? Mark the date in red? Call CNN?" I joked. She threw a napkin at me.
"Seriously, I have an idea. It's a bit ... unorthodox, but I think it has merit." The feistiness of the previous moment was replaced with something else. Something smaller.
"I'm listening..." I replied gravely, all my attention on her now.
"I think you need ... practice." She said slowly. "I think you should try to pick me up in a bar" She finished quickly.
"What?" This was not at all what I expected, although even as I exclaimed my confusion, I could see where she was going and she was right, it did have merit.
"Think about it. You're totally new to dating ... real dating. I've been out there, and I think you could practice on me, and I could give you feedback. A spy in the enemy camp so to speak. That way when you do find someone you're really interested in, you won't blow it." There was almost a pleading quality to her voice. It was, in fact, a great idea.
"I like it. Yes. Tonight." I decided.
"Wait what?"
"Tonight. Tonight we'll chose the bar, I'll do my best to pick you up. You tell me where I messed up. Next week, I'll actually try to take you out to dinner and whatever."
"Huh?" She seemed awfully confused for someone who had the idea in the first place.
"Well I don't know how to do bars, and I'm not sure how to go about a proper date either. You can help me with both things. Tonight and next Friday. If you don't have other plans..." I let that hang.
"Uh ... no. I don't. Yeah, you're right. Ok, two dates. But here's the thing. We have to pretend we don't know each other. No undue familiarity, or anything like that. It'll be like acting, I'm just a woman in a bar and you're just a man who finds me attractive."
"No acting needed there." I said without realizing it. She looked shocked again. Her face went pale, then flushed. She's so cute when she blushes.
"Ahem ... ok then. Um... 7pm at The Aquarium?"
"It's a date." I replied, she looked mostly recovered when she said "Not yet it isn't." Then gave me a lopsided grin and stood up to go.
"I'll see you tonight!" She said over her shoulder as skipped out the door.
"But I thought we were going to hang out?" I said to the closed door. She was gone.
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