Right Under Your Nose
Copyright© 2014 by Sid Emmet
Chapter 28
BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 28 - John decides to turn over a new leaf and his best friend Anna wants to help. What happens next surprises them both. Sometimes what you most need is right under your nose. A slow starting romantic love story with some D/s thrown in for good measure.
Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Consensual Romantic Fiction BDSM DomSub MaleDom Spanking Light Bond Oral Sex Anal Sex Exhibitionism
Sitting on John's lap might be my new favorite past time. Well, my second favorite past time. Anything to do with his cock is my first favorite and so far sitting on his lap leads to his cock getting involved so ... As John dismissed me to get ready for bed, the butterflies in my belly started again. I was sore, but not terribly, and I'd deal with whatever he wanted to do, but it was sweet of him to ask. All I know is that I wanted something more tonight. I really couldn't get enough of him, especially sexually. As I brushed my teeth and thought about what to wear to bed, I realized this thing with John was like finding a secret door in a house I'd lived in my whole life. I knew the house inside and out, I'd thought, and then one day a panel falls open and you see a passage way to a whole new wing. I couldn't wait to explore every inch of it. It was a delicious blend of the safe and familiar, and the unknown.
As I got into bed, I wondered what John had in store for us tonight. It was pretty late, so maybe he just wanted to sleep. I hoped not, but he was Sir, and I'd been pretty pushy since yesterday. I didn't really want to be a brat, I was just overexcited about ... everything. But I tend to get manic when I get excited and I didn't want John to regret us getting together as I don't think 'manic' is a positive thing for him. So I reminded myself that this was a marathon not a sprint, unlike all my previous relationships. I needed to let him lead, to get comfortable with it and not drag him where I hoped we'd go.
Trying to think about things from his perspective was good practice, and as I lay there listening to him clean up, I thought about what he'd see when he came to bed: His slave, lying in his bed, looking ready for sleep. Hmmm ... that's not right. So I hopped up, straightened the covers and kneeled at the foot of the bed. I remember reading some story online that detailed all the different positions a slave should know, and I'd even practiced them a time or two to see how it would feel. I settled into what I thought of as 'Position 1'; kneeling, knees spread, back straight, hands palm up on my thighs. I sat still and made a big mental note to spend a lot more time thinking of things from John's perspective.
In only a minute or two I found myself in a trance, like meditation. I was simply waiting for my man, for my Sir. My horniness had morphed into a deep satisfaction. I was where I was supposed to be. Everything was right with the world, and my heart swelled with love thinking about John. He'd be coming down the hallway any minute now, and we'd be together, and I couldn't think of anything better in the world. The butterflies had stilled, and I felt like I was a bed of coals, not the flaming, consuming fire of this morning, but somehow deeper and more profound. Then I heard his footsteps in the hallway, and I realized I'd closed my eyes. I opened them to see him enter the room, his eyes glowing and a smile quirked on his lips. He looked happier than I'd seen him in a long time, and my body flushed under his gaze.
"What's this?" He asked, "A pretty slave girl for me to slake my lusts with?" Oh god. The coals flared into fire again and I had to exert a lot of control to not start squirming like a puppy.
"Yes Sir. I'm ready for whatever pleasure you care for. Please do with me what you want."
"Oh I will." He said with a deep chuckle. "For now, close your eyes and do not open them unless I tell you to. Understand?"
"Yes Sir." I closed my eyes, and I could hear him moving around me and digging through the closet. Then I heard him mutter "that'll work" to himself and I swear I could feel his gaze return to me. Within moments his hot breath was in my ear and he whispered "Do you trust me?"
I squeaked out "Yes, Sir" that was more excitement than apprehension. I had no idea what he was up to, but I was totally for it. Then I felt a smooth cloth settle on the bridge of my nose and realized he was blindfolding me. I could smell him, his warm, masculine scent was in a cloud around me. Deftly he knotted the blindfold and then he took my right wrist in his hand. Limply, I let him move me as he wished. Almost as quickly as with the blindfold, my wrist was pulled behind me and bound to my ankle. Then he did the left side. He was completely silent, all I could hear was his measured breathing and the rasp of cloth being bound around my limbs. Oh my god, I was so fucking turned on. Helpless, bound, and at his disposal. I felt like I was vibrating like a terrier.
Quietly he asked "You ok? Nothing too tight?" I tugged a little at my bindings and shook my head no. "I didn't take away your voice Sparrow, feel free to talk. If I wanted you silent I'd have gagged you too."
My voice cracked as I spoke "Sorry Sir. I'm ... uh ... I don't trust my voice." I was panting and had broken out into a light sweat. I was breathless thinking about what might happen next.
"Ok. Well I'm going to give you a little challenge then, and you won't need your voice for it."
I could hear him smiling through his words. Then the unmistakable sound of his zipper and the rustle of clothes. Being blind really enhanced my remaining senses. I could smell him more distinctly, and every sound, including my panting, seemed to be super-clear. Suddenly I felt something hot close to my face. I could smell his faint musk and I knew what was going to happen next. Without thinking my mouth opened and I leaned forward trying to find his cock.
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