Right Under Your Nose
Copyright© 2014 by Sid Emmet
Chapter 22
BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 22 - John decides to turn over a new leaf and his best friend Anna wants to help. What happens next surprises them both. Sometimes what you most need is right under your nose. A slow starting romantic love story with some D/s thrown in for good measure.
Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Consensual Romantic Fiction BDSM DomSub MaleDom Spanking Light Bond Oral Sex Anal Sex Exhibitionism
I knew I fucked up. Maybe I did it on purpose to see what he'd do, and maybe I just forgot where I was in my blissed out delirium, but I knew I fucked up. That was totally inappropriate to say in the middle of a crowded cafe, now I was freaked out that he was pissed at me. Serves me right I suppose.
Kay didn't let me wallow for long though. We grabbed a table outside as far from the other tables as we could manage, and she held onto both my hands with a gleeful look on her face.
"What the fuck was that?" she exclaimed in a stage whisper.
"That was Sir." I said, a little carefully. "Honestly, we haven't done much in that area, but that was definitely him. I hope I didn't fuck up too badly."
"Ooo ... what happens when you fuck up?" Kay, still excited.
"That's the thing. I don't know. Other than talking, and..." I paused remembering where my panties were. "A couple of other things, we've mostly just been vanilla with each other. Oh, I made him breakfast today, naked, and sat on his lap while we fed each other."
Kay sighed in reflected pleasure. "That sounds nice. The beginnings are always so romantic. Brian hasn't done anything like that in a long time."
"Really?" I was surprised. My outburst was at least partly in response to hearing Kay brag about her husband for years.
"Yeah, I mean the sex is still phenomenal, but it's more structured now. We know we each other likes and we've pared it down to the minimum basically. I think we're both more concerned with making sure we get enough sleep and all that. Naked breakfasts just don't happen anymore."
"I guess I've never been with anybody long enough for a routine to really get established." I said.
"Well it happens. You can do stuff to mix it up, but over time I think it's inevitable." She sighed again. "At least I get to live vicariously through you." She finished with smirk. "What was with him calling you Ann? I've never heard anybody call you Ann before."
I blushed. "That's our codeword. If he calls me Ann, and I respond by calling him Sir, then the game is afoot."
"Really? That's an interesting way to handle it. So this is a full-time thing? Not just in the bedroom?" She asked.
"He said he didn't want it to be full-time, that we need to ease into it and get used to the idea. I agree, actually. But he was on point to call me out in there. I can't believe I said that out loud."
"I can't believe your sitting there in that blouse without a bra. And unless I miss my guess, no panties."
I groaned. Embarrassed and now aroused. "Oh shit. I was so worried about what I'd said, I'd forgotten that part."
She patted my hand affectionately. "I'm sure no one noticed. Honestly. I was looking for it, or something. I figured you were on your walk of shame this morning."
I nodded, and saw John come out holding three cups. I held my breath, his face was impenetrable.
Kay hopped up to help him, and I saw her saying something quietly to him. He shook his head.
"Sorry Sir," I managed as he set the cup down in front of me. "I really am."
"I know you are, Sparrow. But that doesn't make your behavior right, does it?"
I hung my head. "No sir."
Kay watched this interplay. "So um ... John. Do I call you John?"
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