Right Under Your Nose - Cover

Right Under Your Nose

Copyright© 2014 by Sid Emmet

Chapter 15

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 15 - John decides to turn over a new leaf and his best friend Anna wants to help. What happens next surprises them both. Sometimes what you most need is right under your nose. A slow starting romantic love story with some D/s thrown in for good measure.

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Fiction   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   Spanking   Light Bond   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Exhibitionism  


"First, the rules." I said. Her eyebrows went up but remained silent. She'd been silent since I'd shushed her in the cab, and I don't remember Anna ever being silent for that long unless she was unconscious. Did she think that I wasn't allowing her to speak? I needed to clarify that.

"Rule number one: Tonight is a special case. The rules I'm about to state on only in force until the end of the date. You can call the end of the date at any time by simply asking to be taken home. Do you wish to be taken home?"

With a big grin, she shook her head emphatically.

"You can speak freely. I wasn't trying to silence you permanently in the cab, I just wanted to make sure you were able to take a breath." I joked.

"Smartass." She replied, her grin even bigger. I laughed.

"OK, back to the rules. 1. Tonight is a special case. Number two: Speak freely, but most importantly speak honestly. Complete honesty, I will do the same. If there is something you don't wish to discuss, you can state that, but I don't expect to use that clause myself and I would hope you would do the same. Tonight I will be a complete open book. I think we need to clear the air about a few things." She sighed, but nodded again. I raised an eyebrow, I wanted more than a nod. She relented, "Yeah, I agree. It's going to be embarrassing, I think. But I'll do it."

"Fair enough. For now those are the only rules. Others may come into play, but that's it for this portion of the evening." I wanted us to have the chance to discuss things as equals, or some semblance of normality, before we went down the rabbit hole, if we got that far. She looked a little confused, but was still smiling. So I decided to start off with the worst part of it.

"Kay stopped by to see me." I let that hang. Anna went pale and looked mortified. She squeaked out, "When?"

"Yesterday." I was going to continue, but Anna had flushed bright red and slammed her face into her crooked arms on the table. I could hear her mutter, "I'm going to kill her. She is so dead."

I tried to salvage what I could. I'd expected a reaction, some embarrassment sure, but not quite this bad.

"Anna ... Anna ... it's ok. Look at me please." I pleaded. She shook her head, still planted between her arms. I gambled "Anna. Look at me now." I said as sternly as I could. Her head popped up. Eyes surprised. I could tell she wanted to dive back into the safety of her arms, but my command was clear.

"Anna. If Kay hadn't come by, we wouldn't be here like this tonight, as Anna and John. Kay did you ... did us a favor. And as embarrassing as you might think it is, and it shouldn't be, we need to talk about it."

As I spoke she sat up. She was still beet red but she soldiered on and looked me in the eyes. I felt so proud of her at that moment. This couldn't be easy and she didn't know where this was going. I only hoped that we wanted to go to the same place.

"Kay said ... some things that I need to hear from you. Ok?" She shuddered, closed her eyes and took a deep breath. When she opened them, they looked worried. But she slowly nodded.

The waiter arrived with the wine, and the appetizers, but didn't linger or make me taste the wine before he left. He'd earned that tip right then. Anna took her wine glass and emptied it.

"Whoa ... easy there. I want you sober for this." I said. She flipped me off, which made me very happy.

"Ok, ok. I'll stay sober. I just needed the first glass. Go ahead. Ask your god damn questions." She replied heavily.

Anna pissed off and cursing was a good sign. It was a flash of the Anna I've known for years, and it made my heart sing to see her come back a little. I laughed, relieved.

"First of all, we're cool. You and me. I won't say that nothing has changed, but we're as solid as we've ever been, ok?" She seemed relieved by that, so I dove in.

"Kay said that you're in love with me. Is she right?" Anna sat very, very still for a few moments, and nodded almost imperceptibly. I felt like jumping on the table and shouting to the world; but I kept my calm, except for exclaiming under my breath, "Oh thank god." When Anna heard this she zipped around the booth and was in my lap before I knew what was happening. I found myself in a torrid lip-lock with one arm around her back, and the other on the top of her ass. When we finally broke for air, she was panting and there were tears running down her face. It was nothing like kissing my sister. My skin was on fire, and my cock was rigid, running down the leg of my pants. Anna's face went from soft adoration to a predatory leer. She wiggled her butt in my lap as I groaned.

"Reeaally..." She purred out. Then leaned in and kissed my neck gently before whispering, "Best date ever." And ran her fingers through the back of my hair. I was covered in goose bumps and tried to catch my breath.

Weakly, I cleared my throat and managed to croak out, "I'm not done yet. Go back over there." As I tried to scoot her off my lap, which lead to more delicious friction between her firm ass and my dick, she whined like a little kid, "Awww do I hafta?"

"Yes! Damn it. I'm trying to talk to you. You're not too big to spank you know."

The predatory leer was back, "Promises, promises." But she scooted off and got back around to her side.

"Ahem. Ok. Well, as you probably guessed. I'm in love with you too." She nodded happily, with a huge smile on her face.

"Your lap told me that." She laughed, "Or at least in lust, which is good enough for me right now."

I tried to glower at her, but I think it came out as more of a leer. At least she had the presence to blush. It was very pretty.

"The other thing Kay said..." I paused. I wasn't exactly sure how to go about this, so I blundered on. "She said that you're submissive?" It ended as a question.

Anna cocked her head and stared at her empty wine glass. I refilled it as she prepared to speak. "Yes. For the purposes of our conversation, yes I am."

"What does that mean?" I asked confused at her strange answer.

"Well. I'm an unrealized submissive, I guess." She paused again and tried to gather her thoughts. "I have submissive fantasies, have had since I knew what sex was. But other than a slightly kinky boyfriend in college, who liked to hold me down during sex, I've never explored them."

I nodded slowly. I know how she felt. At least I think I did. "So what do you mean 'for the purposes of our conversation'?"

She looked at me. "John, I'm going to bare my soul here. Since Kay, that bitch," she said with a smile, "already told you the good parts. What you do with it, is up to you. But you said complete honesty, so here goes." She took another sip of wine, not a gulp I was glad to see, and took a big breath.

"I've never been submissive to anyone else, because I don't trust anyone else enough to let go. I say anyone else, because I trust you. I trust you with my life, and my heart, and my soul. I don't trust anyone as much as I trust you. Not even my mom. And since our date last week, I haven't been able to think of anything else but being yours. I want to throw myself on your feet and beg, but I didn't want to embarrass you. For you, I'd be anything you want. There's almost nothing I wouldn't do if you'd have me."

As surprised as I was, I caught the 'almost' in her speech, and my eyebrow raised. She smiled, seemingly more at ease than any other time this evening.

"Animals, kids, and scat are my hard limits."

I goggled. I knew the concept of hard limits, and realized we'd shot by the slow explanation of her submission and my dominant desires, and were into the crafting-a-relationship section of the night.

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