Daisy - Cover


Copyright© 2014 by Thaumaturge

Chapter 15

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 15 - An unusual farm girl discovers passion from an unexpected direction. This is a relatively old story, in fact the first I felt good enough about to show to others.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Consensual   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Brother   Sister   Polygamy/Polyamory   Oral Sex  

Daisy was assigned a room with a cute, slim seventeen year old strawberry blonde named Amy. Daisy got the room through a roommate service. It was just off the campus. She didn't expect her private life would agree with dorm living. She was right.

Daisy kept her eyes averted as best she could and tried to concentrate on her school work. Amy was a hot little unit. Even though she was very shy and reserved.

When she noticed Amy glancing back she had to fight even harder.

She bided her time. They would be together for a long time. She didn't need to spoil it by moving too quickly.

She talked often with her lovers back home on the phone. Usually they called her.

Daisy started to excel at her school work. She had a special talent and interest in old literature. She had been reading a lot on those long cold winter nights on the farm.

Amy was in some of her classes, and wasn't doing as well.

Daisy took to tutoring her. When the time was right she slipped her the poems of Sappho and some modern day lesbians, as there wasn't much of Sappho still in existence.

It took about two weeks before Amy got kind of quiet and contemplative.

Daisy would catch her looking at her at times while she studied. When she undressed she would sneak a peak or two. When she was going to the shower, and was totally nude seemed to be when she peeked the most.

Daisy felt no shame about her body. There was nothing to be ashamed about. She had large firm breasts that sat high on her chest. Everywhere else was just plain firm. Hard work on the farm had done that to her. So at times she would lounge around the room with very little on.

Amy on the other hand felt very self-conscious about her body. She was thin, almost childish in her build. Her breasts, just tiny buds projecting from her otherwise flat body. She just barely had any pubic hair. When she had first glimpsed Daisy's form she had felt a momentary hope there was someone else with as little pubic hair as her. Then she realized that Daisy was shaved. This disturbed her greatly for a time.

One night Daisy was studying, lounging in a pair of sheer panties with a cut off T-shirt barely covering her nude breasts. Amy was on the other side of the room seemingly studying herself.

"Do women really do that?" asked Amy.

"Do what?" Daisy responded without looking up.

"You know, like it talks about in that book you gave me."

Daisy looked up at her and studied her a moment. Now might be the time. Daisy was actually horny as hell. She had hazarded masturbating several times while Amy was off in class. Once she had barely covered up in time. She decided to chance it.

"I'm not sure what you mean. Could you be more specific?"

Amy blushed crimson: "You know ... make love to one another?"

Daisy replied matter of factly: "Sure. Have been for years. But some of those poems were written in about 600 BC."

Amy seemed half relieved, half disappointed and said: "But they don't still do it, right?"

"Of course, some women still do that."

Amy thought for a moment, then asked: "But why?"

"Why what?"

"Why would a woman want to make love with another? What could be the purpose of it?"

"Purpose? For enjoyment, I guess." (Daisy was enjoying herself.)

"Enjoyment?" Amy said absently, like it was a new concept.

"Sure, why would anybody make love at all?"

"Why to make children!" Amy said.

"And what if you don't want any children? Would you go without making love?"

"Uh ... I guess so. Why else would you do it?"

"Are you funning me girl?"

"No, I'm serious!"

Now she had Daisy's full attention. Daisy put her book down and considered Amy, who shifted nervously under her gaze. "You mean you don't personally enjoy making love?" asked Daisy.

"Uh ... I ... I'm not sure."

"Not sure?, how can you be not sure? Haven't you ever done it?"

"Uh ... no."

"Do you mean to tell me you're a virgin?"

"Sure, aren't you?"

"No, I'm not. Not for a long time now."

"You're not!? But you're not married. Did you get divorced?"

"No, I've never been married."

"Then how could you have sex?"

"I just did."

"But why?"

"For enjoyment!"

"You mean you liked it?"

"Of course. It's wonderful. With the right person."

"And you met the right person?"

"Yes, several."



"You mean you've done it more than once?"

"Yes, hundreds of times."


"Yes, Hundreds. Are you hard of hearing?"

"No why?"

"Because you keep turning what I say into questions right back at me. Yes, I have made love hundreds of times, why? Because I like to. I enjoyed it. I would like to be enjoying it right now. But those I have enjoyed it with aren't here right now. In fact I'm so horny right this instant that I may go out in search of someone else I might enjoy it with."

"Oh, you wouldn't!"

"Yes I would ... baring that I might just masturbate."

"OH! You wouldn't!"

"Sure I would. You mean you don't?"

"NO! Of course not. It's a sin!"

Daisy sighed, then said:. "Listen sweety, I don't believe in that crap. It's you're choice if you want to. But personally I feel that if god gave me a body like this, then he won't mind if I touch it. I also don't think that he will mind if I let others touch it. That's my decision. If it wasn't, then why do I have a brain?"

Amy thought about this for a long time.

Daisy went back to her book, but kept half an eye towards Amy. She was clearly suffering from a great dilemma.

"Is it really enjoyable?"

Daisy sighed again and this time closed her book.

"Yes, dear. It really is enjoyable. Would you like to see for yourself?"

"OH, I couldn't!"

"Then how are you ever going to know?"

"But I don't know anybody to find out with."

"You know me."

Amy's mouth gaped wide. Perhaps Daisy had overplayed her hand. Well too late. Her only course of action now was to press on.

"OH! You mean make love with you? Oh I couldn't."

"Why not?"

"Cause that would be wrong!"

"Suit yourself." said Daisy about to pick up her book again.

"Besides how could we?"

Time for Daisy to lay it on the line.

"Amy, you're a lovely girl. You have some hang ups about your body and some strange attitudes about life, but you're very lovely. Now this all came to your mind because you've been reading about women making love with women. You're curious about this, cause you don't know. But the only way for you to find out is to do it. Now because of the way you were taught to think, you can't do that. Okay. If you can't, you can't. I don't have that hang up. I can do, and I will do whatever I wish to do with my body.

Now there's no way I could explain sex to you. It's something that must be experienced to be understood. If you would like, I would be more than happy to show you. Like I said, you are lovely.

I think you are very interested in me showing you. You've been curious about me for a long time. You sneak peeks at my body. You wonder about such things as my shaving off my pubic hair. You've been almost drooling over me since I moved in.

Now I don't mind this a bit. In fact I'm flattered by it.

I've been fairly drooling over you since I moved in too. But I won't play games with you about it. If you're curious enough that you'd like to try it, tell me so. If you're not, tell me so and that will be the end of it. Either way you must decide for yourself. Nobody else can do that for you. It's your body and your life. Now which is it?"

Amy was almost too shocked for words. Nobody had ever spoken so frankly to her in her life. She stared at Daisy bewilderedly.


"I ... I don't know."

"What's not to know? Either you want to find out, or you don't. Now which is it?"

"I ... I..."

Daisy sighed. She lifted her T-shirt off and tossed it aside.

Amy just gawlked in frightened fascination.

Daisy lifted her hands and ran them over her breasts, pinching the nipples between her fingers. They turned hard and protruded. She pushed her panties down to the floor and ran her hands over her thighs and drew them back up between her legs. She pulled back her labial lips and her clitoris popped out. She rubbed it with her thumb.

Amy turned a deep crimson red and averted her eye's.

Daisy stood up and moved over in front of her.

"Look at me!" she commanded, "You were curious. The only way to find out is to look. Don't sneak peeks when I'm not looking. Be honest enough with yourself and me to openly look. I don't mind you looking. You want to look, So LOOK!"

Amy was almost in tears, but she slowly lifted her head up and looked at Daisy's body.

Daisy cupped her breasts in her hands and said: "These are breasts. Sometimes called tits, hooters, jugs, gazongas, melons etc. If I was writing medically about them I would call them mammary glands. They have nipples on the ends. This is where the milk comes out when you feed a baby. The production of milk is triggered by hormones in your body when you give birth. The nipples are sensitive to touch. It feels good when they are rubbed or licked. Maybe this is so women will want to feed their children, I don't know. But I do know that I like it when ever they are rubbed or licked. If I want to feel that pleasure, and there's nobody else to do it for me, I will rub them myself."

Amy looked at them and gulped.

Daisy lifted her leg up high onto the desk next to Amy, exposing her pussy to her close inspection.

She peeled back the lips of her labia and said: "This is my vagina. The folds of skin on each side are my labia. The whole area is called the vulva. This little hard protrusion in front is my clitoris, sometimes called a clit. When it gets rubbed or licked it feels VERY good. It can also feel very good when something is in your vagina. A vagina is also called a pussy, twat, snatch, rug, love canal, honey box and cunt. I don't care much for the last one, but depending on who says it, I may not mind."

Amy looked faint. She was staring straight into Daisy's pussy. She swallowed hard.

Daisy lowered her leg and said: "Okay, Now show me your body." Amy blushed bright red once more.

"Oh, I couldn't. I mean. Mine are so much smaller." she gulped.

"So? They are the size they are. That's a matter of heredity. It's no different than hair or eye color. It's not the size that matters. It's how sensitive they are to stimulation and how you feel about who's doing the stimulating. Now I just gave you the grand tour of my body, so strip off!"

Amy gulped, but slowly lifted her top off. She wore a useless sports bra that was fully opaque.

Daisy waited.

Amy sighed and unfastened her bra. As she pulled it away she covered her small breasts with her arms.

Daisy grabbed her wrists and pulled them to the side saying: "Don't be ashamed of them. They're lovely. They're yours. They are your breasts. Be proud of them! Touch them if you want, but don't hide them."

She dropped Amy's hands. This wouldn't work if she forced too much.

Amy let her arms drop to her sides. She said: "I couldn't touch them!"

"Why not. Look, I can touch mine."

"But you're different than me!"

"How so? Breasts are breasts. I told you size doesn't matter. Would you like to touch mine instead?"

"Oh ... NO! I couldn't!"

"Okay, so touch your own!"

"I can't!"

"Yes you can. It's easy. Just raise your hands and touch them. You've done it thousands of times before when you washed them. I know you have cause they're not dirty!"

Amy seemed to consider this. Her hands slowly lifted up to her breasts as she tentatively touched them.

"That's it baby. Just let your fingers feel the surface of the skin. Then touch the nipples ... see how they get hard and how good it feels?"

Amy said nothing, but she continued to touch her nipples. Her breathing became heavier and she quivered a bit.

Daisy said: "Okay ... that's good. Now touch mine."

Amy stopped what she was doing and looked real scared.

"Come on baby. You touched yours. Now go ahead and see what mine feel like."

Amy didn't move. Daisy reached out and gently guided Amy's hand to her breasts. At the first touch she shivered a bit. Daisy pulled Amy's other hand to her breast and she held both where they were.

Slowly Amy began to feel the skin of Daisy's breasts. She seemed almost ready to cry.

Daisy let her hands go and reached out to caress Amy's. Her breath caught in her throat, but she kept her hands where they were. After a time she began to feel along the sides and over the nipples.

"That's right baby. Just like I'm doing."

Amy had her eyes closed, but she kept on caressing. Daisy let her fingers wander down the girls sides.

Amy's eyes came open and she gasped: "What are you doing?"

"It's all right baby, it's just skin. Just move your hands where I move mine."

Amy gulped and said: "I don't know..."

"Yes you do, doesn't this feel good?"

"Well ... Yes. I guess so."

"Then you do know ... Just move your hands on me where I touch on you. You wanted to know what it was like, so find out."

Amy mutely mirrored Daisy's movements. She guided her down her sides and around to her ass. Then she pulled her body towards her.

Amy didn't fight it as their skin touched together. She quivered in Daisy's arms. Daisy kept her fingers moving softly over her skin.

"That's good ... You're doing just fine. Now look into my eyes."

Amy opened her eyes and found Daisy's face just inches from her. She was slightly shorter than Daisy and had to incline her head to look into them. She gulped and quivered as Daisy held her gaze.

Daisy whispered now: "Now in a few moments I'm going to touch my lips to yours. When I do it will be soft and gentle. But it will last longer than you're used to. Don't be afraid, it's all right. Just close your eyes and enjoy the way it feels."

Amy looked scared, but didn't resist as Daisy's lips descended upon hers. Daisy kissed her as softly as she could. She slid her lips around them, just barely brushing them. Letting the almost invisible tiny hairs on their lips merge and stimulate each other. Then she moved back.

"Now wasn't that nice?"

"Mmm hmm..." Amy half moaned.

"Now I'm going to do it again, but this time don't keep yours together. Let your lips separate a bit."

Again she descended. This time she had access to her full lips. She gently nudged them with her own and then softly sucked each between her own. Bussing it gently. Then she moved to the side and softly nibbled at the corners with her own lips. Amy shuddered in her arms and moaned softly. Daisy touched her lips softly with the tip of her tongue. She slid it across the surface of each one. Amy moaned louder.

Daisy slid it between them as her lips once more contacted the young girls.

Amy quivered under her touch.

Daisy concluded the kiss as softly as it had begun.

"Now, you try it. You do the same thing to me that I just did to you." Daisy softly whispered in her ear.

The young girl tentatively did as she was told. Daisy fought the urge to kiss her deeply. The tender lips upon hers were almost an agony.

Daisy waited until finally her tongue slid over her lips. Amy was breathing very hard now. Her quivering continued. Daisy's caresses of her back and sides continued as well.

Finally Amy pulled back.

"That's good, baby. Now were going to do it together. Only move your lower jaw a bit from side to side like I do." she whispered.

Their lips met. Amy received her first real kiss. Her heart raced and she shuddered when her tongue encountered Daisy's. She pulled hers back in, but Daisy's followed it. It swirled around hers and she gasped for air. Daisy held her head softly yet firmly as they kissed.

Daisy pulled hers back in but left her mouth open in invitation. After a time Amy's slowly pushed into her mouth. Daisy touched it softly with hers and then swirled it around hers once more. Then she pulled back.

"Now that's kissing the way lovers do it. Sometimes it's nice when it's soft and gentle. Sometimes hard like this." said Daisy.

She kissed Amy hard in demonstration.

Amy's breath caught in her throat and her whole body quivered.

Daisy's fingers found the waist band of Amy's shorts. They were held up with elastic and Daisy slid her hands inside them.

Amy seemed alarmed and tried to pull back.

Daisy held her firm as she caressed her ass cheeks and kissed her deeply once more.

Soon Amy stopped her struggling.

Daisy used the lull to push the shorts down over her hips. She lowered the young girls panties at the same time.

"What are you doing?" gasped Amy.

"You mean what are we doing? Why we're making love. We have been for ten minutes now. You can't make love with your clothes on, so I'm removing yours. Now kiss me hard!" Daisy commanded the last part.

Amy looked helpless. She was confused, but she was full of desire. She looked pained but did as Daisy had commanded.

Daisy pulled the young girl's bare body against her as the girl kissed her hard. She felt the soft patch of pubic hair against her own bare Mons Venus. She ground her hips into hers as she pulled her into her with her hands upon the girls ass.

When Amy finally pulled back Daisy said: "Now, We're going to lay on the bed. When we do it's going to be just like we are now, only we'll be more comfortable."

Amy mutely nodded. This had gone far beyond her control. She was helpless as Daisy guided her back onto her bed.

Daisy lay beside her. Her leg forced between the other girl's as she bent and kissed her hard. Her arms entwined around the young girls quivering body. She stroked and caressed her whole body. She guided the girls hands back to her breasts. She gently caressed the girls abdomen and ass cheeks. She pulled her ass forward so that her leg was forced hard against the girl's vulva.

Amy moaned loudly through the kiss. Daisy moved her lips to the side and kissed down her neck and over one shoulder. Then she did the same to the other side. She pushed her tongue into the girls ear and Amy caught her breath once more in her throat.

Daisy kissed downward once more, rocking her leg against the girls labia. As she descended she moved herself downwards so that her hip was against Amy's clit.

She rocked it side to side as she sucked the pert little nipple into her mouth and then swirled her tongue around it. Amy moaned louder.

Daisy treated the other nipple the same way.

Amy gasped slightly as she said: "Oh yes. That does feel good."

Daisy dawdled a bit longer, moving back and forth between the nipples. Then she kissed on downward.

Amy was tracing her fingers over Daisy's shoulders and through her hair. Daisy kissed her navel and then licked along the insides of her hip bones. Amy moaned louder.

Daisy's nipple dragged down over the top of Amy's clit as she descended. (Almost there!)

She softly kissed down along each side of the soft thin pubic patch. Then along her inner thigh. She pushed the legs open as she moved between them. Kissing the inner surface of the leg.

But at the first contact of Daisy's lips on her labia Amy tensed up and gasped: "Stop! What are you doing?"

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