Those Weekend Getaways - Cover

Those Weekend Getaways

Copyright© 2014 by Clowns

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - A man's journey into the secret lives of his family

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Consensual   Cheating   Slut Wife   Wife Watching   Incest   Mother   Son   Grand Parent   Gang Bang   Interracial   Voyeurism   Big Breasts   Prostitution  

For the last several years, my wife and her mother do a weekend getaway and drive to St Louis. Usually it's a once a month thing but it can vary. In the last year, my son started going with them. They had to almost force him to go that first time, but now he seems more excited to go than his mom. I am sure winning a moped the first time up there in some raffle helped change his outlook. Quite the coincidence winning the exact moped he had been saving up for.

Since my wife is a stay-at-home mom with no income of her own, I often wondered how my mother-in-law can afford these getaways, as she works as a secretary for the public school administer. My father-in-law has a decent job working as a supervisor at the local factory but has the reputation of being very tight with money.

As for me, I am a manufacture's rep, which puts me on the road about ten days each month. Since this puts me out of town over the weekend, I usually pick the weekend they will be gone. I cover a five state area so I log quite a few miles on my car in that ten days. I am my own boss and since I now have a well-established list of clients, it's pretty routine. I have made some good contacts of all kinds and as a salesman, I have learned what it takes to keep each customer happy. Some like concert tickets, some sports events, some just a business dinner out at a nice restaurant (my treat of course).

One of my regulars though likes porn. Not just looking at it, but actually recording his own experiences, all with hidden cameras. Over the years he has given me quite a few pictures and movies. Having never been married or even dated anyone seriously, Joe's theory was it was cheaper and easier to just go with professionals. When he first told me this, he apparently saw the look of "no way would I ever pay for it" on my face because he was quick to point out that with the ring on my finger, I was already paying dearly for it. Unless I strayed and risked losing everything in a divorce, I was also stuck with the same-ole same-hole (his words – not mine). I tried not to judge and I always accepted his "gifts", which sometimes I would actually check out before getting rid of the evidence. I sure didn't want my Same-ole Same-hole to find it.

Lately Joe had fallen in with a group of guys who shared his tastes and apparently the kinkier the better. He was pretty excited when he presented me with the movie his group of five made with a very pregnant housewife. Apparently $5k in cash bought three hours of fun.

I have to admit I was intrigued on my last trip as Joe couldn't even wait to get our real business out of the way before telling of his group's latest party. It seems they found a family of three; a grandmother, a mother, and a son and it was the best tie he had ever had. When I mentioned how that must have cost them he just laughed and said that was just icing on the cake; they only charged $1k for all night. As if to make sure I had no doubts, he told me how they brought family pictures of when they were younger to show they were indeed family. He went on to say how they looked enough alike that no one doubted them anyway, but apparently past clients had questioned them and this was their way of showing that they were indeed who they said they were. It was when he started to describe them that I started to feel an odd sensation over-come me. He proceeded to tell me how grandma was a red-head with soccer-ball size jugs, mom was a blonde, while smaller in stature, still stacked, while the son was 13 or 14 with blonde hair and dark blue eyes like his mom and grandma.

Chapter 2 »



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