A New Past
Copyright© 2014 by Charlie Foxtrot
Chapter 23: Into the Breech
Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 23: Into the Breech - A disenchanted scientist is sent into a version of his past and given a chance to change his future. Can he use is knowledge to avert the dystopian future he has lived through or is he doomed to repeat the mistakes of his past?
Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa mt/ft Consensual Romantic Fiction School Rags To Riches Science Fiction DoOver Time Travel Anal Sex First Oral Sex Slow
“You’re kidding me, right?” I asked as Alison closed the folder before her.
We had determined the U.S. Government was not likely behind the attack on me, and had returned to Stanford by Wednesday the week after the attack. For the past two weeks, Jeryl and I had had a constant companion from Alison’s team with us: to and from the house, on campus, in classes, outside our offices. It was starting to wear on our nerves.
“No, I’m quite serious.”
“The French?”
“They might have had ties to others, but all the evidence we’ve been able to come up with point to them.”
“Why would the fucking French government target me?”
“Not the government. Since it was contracted out, we may never know exactly who, but my sources believe it was from their aerospace industry.”
“Why?” It was almost too much to believe.
“They’ve gotten wind of the stealth capabilities you are enabling is my guess. It puts them at an incredible disadvantage on the international arms market.”
“What does the FBI say?”
“I haven’t talked to them yet. My contact at MI-6 is passing information on to Langley first.”
“So what does it mean? Will they try again?”
“I don’t know. Kidnapping does not fit the normal profile for industrial espionage, so we aren’t certain what their exact motive was. My guess is they will try to get into the Austin plant. I’ve increased security there. In the meantime, we will continue to monitor you and Jeryl until we can determine why they thought a snatch job was warranted.”
I flipped through the file while I tried to think my way out of the situation. I recalled my first time through. I had not paid enough attention to world politics then, but recalled that France’s government had chafed under its declining status on the world stage. In another thirty years, France’s influence would become greatly diminished. With less government influence, their industrial influence also waned.
“Do you think we could buy them off?”
“What do you mean?”
“License some of my materials to them.”
“Surely your Air Force would object?”
“I’m not talking about stealth. We could talk to them about some of the other compounds and even produce new materials for them. If they got some of the tech, maybe they would think that was all there was.”
Alison was silent for a minute. “I think that might be either a very stupid, or very clever idea. I would caution you to think very carefully through all the possible ramifications before even starting down that path.”
“Oh, I will. In the meantime, what can we do to get back to some semblance of normal around here?”
“Paul, this might be your new normal,” she said.
“Alison, that might be the meanest thing you’ve ever said to me.”
She had the good grace to blush. “Unfortunately, it might be true. I’m planning on this level of security through the school year at least. We will continue to evaluate the situation, but get use to Sanford or Matthew being with you.”
“I’ve arranged for some additional training for him. I’m also getting him his carry permit.”
“What about family and friends? Will they try to get them to use against me?”
“Maybe. I’m stepping up surveillance to cover them. If we see something suspicious, we’ll increase their protective details.” She paused and gave me one of her indecipherable looks. “Would you like some good news now?”
“It looks like the Air Force and FBI made some progress on the leak.”
She nodded. “Lockheed provided material to General Dynamics for ‘testing’ on some aircraft. Some researcher at General Dynamics leaked the point of origin for the material. He has confessed.”
“Stupid bastard,” Alison said. “He sold the info for five thousand dollars.”
“Whom did he sell it to?”
“He thought it was a competitor. The FBI thinks it was a Soviet agent.”
“Any possible French connection?”
“At this point, anything is possible.”
“Well, I’m still ending the contract with Lockheed.”
She arched her eyebrow. “Who will you sign with next?”
“I don’t know. This is one thing I now wish I had never sold in the first place. The money is nice, but the collateral damage is starting to wear me down.”
General Baker was an imposing figure in his dress blues. He had short salt-and-pepper hair and piercing blue eyes. He stood just over six feet tall and filled the doorway to my office. Captain Conway from the Air Force Inspector General’s office was behind him. I motioned them inside. Matthew followed them and offered drinks as Candace joined us. Finally, the fictional pleasantries were completed and we got down to business.
“Mr. Taylor,” the general began, “first of all, I would like to apologize to you for the harassment in March. Captain Conway has informed me of how the investigation was being conducted. I hope you understand that I find my fellow officer’s judgment in that matter very questionable.”
I was surprised and I told him so. “I have always tried to be cooperative with the government, sir, but my willingness to help seems to be taken as weakness or naivete. I appreciate your words, but I am going to judge the government by its actions, going forward.”
“I understand. That’s one of the reasons I came to meet with you.”
“One of them?”
He nodded. “I want to show you that I am not your enemy. The compound you are making for Lockheed, is possibly the greatest advancement for air warfare since jet propulsion. I feel that it is critical for us to ensure the continued production of that compound.”
“And my noticing for non-renewal to Lockheed makes you believe production is in jeopardy?”
“Isn’t it?”
“Frankly, yes. I’ve had nothing but trouble since signing that deal with them.”
“But the Air Force has had nothing but a growing appetite since you did. We would be willing to pay $100 a gram to secure all of your production output.”
I shook my head. “I’m not entering into any more exclusive contracts.”
That seemed to surprise him. “What are you planning to do then? Shut down?”
“It has crossed my mind, but I think now that too many people are at least aware of what the compound can accomplish. My people and I will never be safe, until either everyone knows about it, or the need for it goes away. I don’t think either is likely, at this point.”
He nodded. “I agree. Given your history, I also understand why telling the Air Force to take a hike has some appeal to you. I went to the Academy with Haverston. He was a total ass when he was a Firstie, my Doolie year.” He shook his head, as if clearing a memory. “Obviously, it is in the Air Force’s best interest for you to continue production. What can we do to encourage that?”
I glanced at Candace. We had been trading ideas on how to approach the sale of material for the past month.
“What would you think about a semi-open market?”
He frowned. “What do you mean?”
“The Air Force or DOD vets companies or programs to bid on our production capacity. We offer our monthly production to the highest bidder.”
He sat back in his chair. “Interesting. It would be a unique approach, I’ll give you that.”
“Of course, I would still control the production volume, so if people decided to try and fix a price, I could drop production the next month.”
He smiled. “So if Lockheed and Rockwell wanted to low-ball you, you could cut production the next month and they would potentially not get enough material for their projects. Would you guarantee a minimum monthly volume of production?”
“No. I’ve spent a bit of money on the facilities in Austin. I can use them for some other materials as well as the stealth compound. If I’m not getting sufficient returns, I could easily change production to a more commercial material.”
“Would you let the Air Force bid directly?”
“Only if the DOD was vetting bidders. And if the Air Force was bidding, I feel it would only be fair for the other services to be allowed in, too.”
He nodded. “It makes sense. I wonder how much the Navy would pay to make one of its carriers stealthy? I’d hate to be in that appropriations meeting. What if someone buys the entire process from you?”
“If I get a realistic offer, I would give the government a chance to match it. I would not entertain anything less than seven billion right now, however, so I doubt I’ll have offers to turn down. With your thought about the Navy, I might have to increase that estimate.”
“Hey, let’s get the important strategic assets covered first before you go talk to the Navy. They already have the Trident program to meet their needs.”
We all chuckled, but I paused long enough to make a note to myself. I might not sell the Navy the stealth coating, but any of the strengthening compounds could help them tremendously.
“Do you think this sort of approach could work?”
“Actually, I think it could work very well. There is legislation making its way through congress right now to re-align the services. One area that is getting some attention is procurement. They want to streamline and unify procurement processes. Whatever office gets established could do the vetting for bidders. Let me go back and talk to some folks in Washington about it. If they don’t like it, I can at least assure you the Air Force will do the initial vetting to get the process rolling.”
“Good enough,” I said.
“So general, what else did you want to discuss today?” Candace asked.
“It’s related to your production plans. I need to know if you are going to meet Lockheed’s needs for coating material. We want to move forward with the B-1B program. It would be a lot simpler if we could apply the coating during production instead of after the fact as Lockheed did with the two test planes.”
“That’s a contract issue,” Candace said. “Right now, we are obligated to deliver all of our production to Lockheed and they are obligated to purchase it.”
“But you are going to end that contract in July. They don’t have enough material to keep pace with Rockwell’s production schedule. We are trying to get our first wing operational before the end of the year. That’s eighteen aircraft.”
I grabbed my note pad and jotted down some numbers.
“Are you still assuming fifty kilos per aircraft?”
The general nodded. “That’s my understanding.”
“If we don’t have to shut down for security issues, we can produce the 900 kilos needed for the first wing before our contract ends.”
The general let out a deep breath, almost a sigh. “Then let’s make sure you don’t have any security shut-downs. The Air Force Chief of Staff has told me personally that I have anything I need to make sure you are able to produce your compound for us. Captain Conway here will be my personal liaison to Lockheed and your company to ensure everything runs smoothly. With your permission, I want her to get going on briefing Rockwell and a couple other companies on your stealth compound. We will authorize your first auction for August first, if you are agreeable.”
I nodded. “We should have a solid production forecast by then. Just remember that an August auction will be for September delivery.”
He nodded. “This is important enough to us, that we’ll pay for Rockwell to delay production on the aircraft.”
For the first time since entering our offices, the general seemed to let himself relax. “So, is there anything I can do for you, Paul? You’ve taken quite a load off my mind in the past twenty minutes.”
I smiled. “How would you feel if I asked to borrow a test pilot, and some time at Andrews?”
“So what do you think?” Tom asked as he raised the lights in the conference room. I had flown him up to screen his documentary for us after he turned in his final cut to his professor.
Jeryl, Kelly, and I traded looks. I waited for them to speak first. Jeryl smiled and squeezed my hand before jumping up and giving Tom a hug and quick kiss on the cheek.
“I think it is wonderful,” she gushed.
Kelly nodded. “It was very well done, Tom. You made Paul real, not some cardboard cutout on film. You should be proud.”
Tom looked at me, happy with the ladies’ opinions, but waiting for mine.
“I hated it.” I said.
Tom’s face fell and Jeryl and Kelly started to harangue me but I held up my hand to stop them.
“I hated it because it was about me, and I hated it because I wanted to hear more of the person you portrayed. It was really good, Tom. I’m just not that public of a person. Seeing and hearing myself on film bothers my ego, but you did a very fair and balanced portrayal of my accomplishments and vision. I hope it earns you a good grade.”
Everyone’s smiles returned, and I stood up to shake his hand. Not being the shy type, Tom pulled me in for a quick hug.
“Man, you just about scared the crap out of me,” he said. “You really liked it?”
I nodded. “I really did.”
“Enough to let me submit it to a couple of places?” He asked with a grin.
“I want to put it in for Sundance. They have a short documentary category for next year. It would be so cool to have it screened there.”
I thought about it for a second. “Okay. Kelly will draft a release for you to submit it to Sundance. Where else?”
“Well, if Sundance passes, there are a couple of other small festivals in LA.”
“When would you hear back from Sundance?”
“Let’s wait until then for any other releases. But, if Sundance picks it up, you’re going to have to pay me.”
“I don’t even have a job yet. How can I pay you?”
“Funny you should ask, but you know Jeryl has foolishly agreed to marry me, right?”
His face split into a grin. “And you want me to film the wedding?”
I nodded. “You, plus one. We’ll fly you out to wherever it is and pay for rental equipment and editing time as well.”
He hugged me again and slapped my back. “It would be great. I can hardly wait for the screening at Sundance, man.”
“What can I do for you, Captain Conway?” I asked as Matthew escorted the female Air Force captain into my office. She looked cute in her uniform, and I had never thought of Air Force uniforms as being attractive.
She waited until Matthew left and the door was closed before responding. Once she was certain they were alone she sat down and opened the locks on her briefcase.
“General Baker wanted me to come by and share some information with you. I must preface that this is all classified Top Secret and you cannot discuss it.”
She slipped a briefing notice to me, which I signed and dated.
“What is it?”
“Part of the after action report on Operation El Dorado Canyon. That was the op name for our joint bombing of Libya, last month.”
“I saw the reports on the news.”
Forty-five aircraft from a base in England and two aircraft carriers had conducted a simultaneous attack on seven targets across Libya that were tied to the export of terrorism. All the bombs had landed within twelve minutes. I knew this attack had gone a little better than on my first time through. No U.S. planes had been damaged and there were no near misses on the French embassy this time. It was pretty impressive.
Captain Conway handed me five pictures. They were a little grainy. Each photo showed a target image and what looked like a spectrum analyzer in an inset. The targets were all anti-aircraft missile batteries.
“What am I looking at?” I asked.
“These are the pictures for each of the three most common air defenses systems around Tripoli.” She spread the first three photos out. “The inset is a computer generated image of the targeting radio spectrum, at the time we attacked. Those parts of the image are what make this briefing Top Secret.”
I looked more closely at the spectrum. “Let me guess, they were painting the aircraft when these were generated?”
“That’s right. You can see there was not sufficient reflected energy to indicate a target. Your coating was applied to significant portions of the F-111’s that carried out these attacks.”
She reached over and showed me the next two pictures. These two had clear block shaped peaks on the spectrum profiles. “These are from an F/A-18 that was conducting the wild weasel portion of the raid.”
“Wild weasel?”
“AA suppression. They want to get painted so they can lock a high speed anti-radiation missile onto the illuminator and take it out.”
“Why have these wild weasel missions, if the F-111’s were invisible?”
“The Navy aircraft were not coated and we wanted to make sure we dialed-back Gaddafi’s capabilities some. Make him a little more concerned about protecting himself instead of exporting bombs to discos in Europe.”
I looked at the images again. “Okay. So why share with me?”
She collected her pictures and returned them to her briefcase. “The General wanted you to know that your invention probably saved two to four aircrew during the raid. Statistically, we expected two aircraft to be at risk. We lost none. The fact that some of the best Soviet made anti-aircraft systems couldn’t even see them changed those statistics in our favor.”
“Well, thank the general for me.”
She gave me a tight smile, and stood to leave. She paused at the door and turned back. “You should know that it’s not all about money. You saved some lives, too.”
I nodded. “Thanks for letting me know.”
“God dammit, Paul. I swear I’m going crazy. I don’t know if I can take Tiffany or Alison being around me all the time,” Jeryl said as she slammed the door to our bedroom.
“What happened?” I asked as I stood up from the desk and gave her a hug.
“Nothing. I’m just tired of having a shadow all the time.”
I kissed her. “I know.” I wiped a tear from her cheek.
“I’m not a crybaby, but between the stress of body guards and getting ready for finals and not being able to do things on a whim, I’m going nuts.”
“Hey, I get it. I feel the same way.”
“But you don’t show it.”
“No, but I wail the shit out of the heavy bag, three or four times a week. It helps.”
She smiled. “Maybe I should work out some more. Lila would be happy to join in.”
I nodded. “She would. She wants to be ready for Bulldog this summer.” Bulldog was the officer version of basic training that NROTC Marine option midshipmen went through between their junior and senior years. It was supposed to be tougher than boot camp, but I wasn’t too certain of that. Matthew had told some pretty tough stories.
“Of course, she’s doing too much if you ask me,” Jeryl said.
“Oh, why?”
“She’s running her tits off,” she said with a giggle. Lila had dropped some body fat with her training, and her A-cup breasts had flattened a bit.
“I’m going to tell her you said that next time I see her.”
Jeryl laughed. “Somehow I knew that coming up here and venting would cheer me up. I love you, Paul.”
“I love you, too.” I kissed her again.
Now, why don’t we discuss what we’re doing after finals.”
Jeryl dragged me to the bed and pushed me down. She hopped on top of me, straddling me and leaned down for a kiss. “How about you tell me where and how many times you are going to fuck me silly while we’re on vacation, after finals?” she asked.
Her kiss stirred me.
“How about I take you around the world,” I asked with what I hoped was a devilish tone.
“Oh, goody! I love when you can do me three times in a night. And, it’s been since before Christmas since you’ve done my ass.”
It had been the night before we left for Hawaii. I laughed and pushed her off me.
“Maybe I’ll ‘rectal-fy’ that, right now.”
I reached for her shorts, but she scooted away.
“Oh, no you don’t, mister. Where are you taking me after finals? I want details before you get me naked and ravish my poor little rear.”
I pulled her in for another kiss and hug. “Where would you like to go?”
“Someplace we haven’t been before.”
“That hardly narrows it down.”
“I wanted you to have lots of choices to pick from,” she said with a grin.
“How about Greece?”
“Really? Do you think Alison will okay that?”
“I’m not sure I care.” I frowned. “Actually, I do care, because I don’t want anything to happen to you. I’m sure if we pick the right spot, Greece will be fine.”
“Yes, let’s go to Greece where you can have me every way you can think of and I’ll run around being your naked muse.”
“Okay, it’s settled. Does that mean I get to ravish you now?”
Jeryl reached for my shorts and soon it was hard to say who was ravishing whom.
We ended up on the island of Mykonos. Alison made the arrangements, which consisted of a rented villa just off the beach with wonderful views of the town of Chora as well as the crystal clear water and white sand beach. A live-in butler greeted us and soon had us enjoying an afternoon tea on the balcony overlooking the beach while he settled Alison and two of her associates in rooms on the lower floor.
Alison had told us she was giving Sanford and Tiffany vacations from us while we were taking a vacation from them. I knew they had all done a fabulous job looking after us, but was glad not to see their faces. Alison was a different matter.
She joined us on the balcony after changing into white shorts and a light green cover-up. It was light cotton and somewhat translucent in the bright afternoon sun. It showed her figure to good effect. She looked more relaxed than I had ever seen her.
“Do you like the place?” she asked after the butler, named ‘James,’ of course, poured her tea.
“I love it,” Jeryl said.
“It seems very nice.” Personally, I was waiting for the other shoe to drop. After all the tension of the past few months, it seemed too good to be true.
“I’m glad. I know you two need a chance to relax.”
“What about you?”
Alison laughed softly. “You may be right. I haven’t taken a real vacation in three years, ever since starting to work with you two, I might add.”
“Hey, it’s not our fault you are a workaholic,” I said.
“What is your American saying? ‘It takes one to know one?’”
I smiled and toasted her with my cup. “So what are the restrictions?”
“Just let one of the staff know where you are, and take one of us with you when you go out. Other than that, relax.”
“Really?” Jeryl asked. “No review of our plans for the day? No having to have an escort and a driver all the time? What’s changed?”
Alison gave her a weak smile. “I know what sort of stress you’ve felt for the past two months. I have people nearby, but they won’t intrude on your vacation unless they are needed, so you shouldn’t even know they are here.”
“How many besides the two downstairs and James?”
Alison laughed. “I should have known you would figure it out. I’ve got nine people here, plus myself. I really thought I could slip James past you.”
I grinned back. “So he’s security, not a real butler?”
“No, he’s a real butler who has also been highly trained in security.”
“But we’re supposed to just act as if we haven’t a care in the world?” Jeryl asked.
Alison nodded.
“Then I’m changing and getting a little sun this afternoon.” She got up and headed into the bedroom through the far door of the balcony.
Alison watched her and then looked back at me. She started to speak, but I held up my hand. I had a sneaking suspicion that Jeryl would not take long. I smiled when I saw I was right. Jeryl came back out with the Hawaiian scarf wrapped around her hips as a sarong, and not another stitch of clothing on. She did have a towel around her neck that was covering her breasts, but we all knew it would be on the lounger before she was. She stopped next to me long enough for a quick but passionate kiss and then spread her towel, unwrapped the sarong, and laid down on the lounge for me to admire.
Alison arched an eyebrow at me. “She is a cheeky girl, Paul. How do you handle her?”
“He handles me just fine,” Jeryl said haughtily.
We all laughed.
“Before the floor show, I was about to say that I thought I’d take a bit of a break this week as well.”
“Certainly. Where are you going?”
“Nowhere, but I won’t be doing my regular security duties unless there is an emergency.”
“That sounds fine to me,” I said.
“In that case, I might catch some sun as well.” She got up and pulled a lounger over near Jeryl. She made sure we were both looking as she pulled off the cover-up to reveal her own pale breasts. She turned her back to me as she dropped her shorts revealing her well-toned buttocks before turning back around to show her fiery red pubic bush, trimmed neatly into a small triangle.
As she sat on the lounge, she looked me in the eye. “Do you think you’ll be all right if I ask for help putting on some sun screen? I’d hate for you to become all tongue-tied like your cousin did three years ago.”
“And you called me cheeky,” Jeryl said with a laugh.
I stepped out of the shower and heard Alison and Jeryl talking in the bedroom.
“It doesn’t bother you that your employee saw you nude?” Jeryl asked her.
“No. Turned me on a bit, if I’m honest with myself.”
Jeryl giggled. “I felt the same way when I put on my little show. I was nervous and turned on.”
“Well, at least you had someone to help with that after you came inside.”
Jeryl was quiet for a minute. “You know that we’ve shared with one other woman, don’t you?”
I assumed Alison nodded. “I do. It was kind of obvious to Tiffany and Sanford. Lila is very cute.”
“But not threatening,” Jeryl said. “She is going into the Marine Corps come hell or high-water. We all know that, so I don’t have to get insecure when Paul touches her.”
“Um-hum,” Alison agreed.
“You wouldn’t be threatening to me,” Jeryl said so softly I could hardly hear her. “If you got turned on getting naked in front of James and Paul, I wonder what sleeping with him would do to you?”
My dick started stiffening at the thought of it.
“I’m sure it would be exciting and fun, but I’m not sure going beyond teasing is a good idea.”
“Most of the time, my job is to protect you both. If we had some sort of affair, and then something happened, I’m not sure I could keep my feelings out of it and do what was needed to keep you both safe.”
“Alison, I’ve known you for three years. I can’t imagine you not being able to do anything you put your mind to.”
“I could say the same about both you and Paul,” she replied.
“What if I told you I wanted you to sleep with us?”
“I’d probably put you off for a bit.”
“Honestly? Because you frighten me. You two are so in love and so intense with each other. If I intruded on that and damaged your relationship, I don’t think I could live with myself.”
“That’s sweet.”
“It is,” I agreed as I stepped out of the bathroom.
Both women looked at me as I held a towel around my waist.
Alison blushed. Jeryl laughed.
“Hardly fair, Paul,” Jeryl said. “You’ve seen both of us parading around nude today. You should join in. It’s liberating.” Before I could protest further, she took a step closer and grabbed my towel. I managed to snatch one end before she got it away clean and used it to pull her in for a kiss. She melted against me and I felt my partial erection grow firmer.
Alison watched us with hunger in her eyes.
I broke our kiss but held Jeryl against me. “I heard part of your conversation,” I said as I looked at Alison, still standing proudly naked before me. She had stayed on the balcony, when Jeryl and I had come inside for a quick romp on the bed. She was still sun bathing an hour later when I decided to shower.
“For whatever it is worth, I don’t think you would ever shirk your responsibility to us, regardless of anything we did while you were here on vacation with us. You must know how much we both respect and admire you.”
She blushed and looked away.
“And how lovely we both think you are.”
She looked back at us. I waited. Jeryl rested her head against my chest and looked at Alison.
“You do realize I’m nearly two decades older than you two?”
Jeryl chuckled, then said, “But you don’t look it.”
Alison stepped closer to us.
“Flatterer,” she said with a smile.
She leaned in to kiss Jeryl first, and then me. It was a hard, passionate kiss. She wrapped her arms around us both. Jeryl wiggled an arm free to wrap around her waist. I kissed Jeryl and then Alison.
“Is it true that red-heads taste spicier?” I finally asked.
Both women hit my arms and then pushed me toward the bed laughing. Jeryl dropped her mouth down to wrap her lips around my cock and pushed Alison up to straddle my chest.
“Why don’t you let him find out, while I take care of this thing that was poking my stomach,” she managed to say.
Alison looked down at me and then scooted herself higher until her red bush was dancing above my tongue. I licked upward and reached up to caress her breasts with their small, hard nipples. She lowered herself and let me taste her fully. Jeryl slowed her efforts and slipped one hand up my chest. I felt it turn palm up just before a finger worked its way past my mouth and probed into Alison.
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