My House, My Rules - Cover

My House, My Rules

Copyright© 2013 by autofocus

Chapter 20

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 20 - Our overworked home business owner hires a live-in housekeeper. He is pleasant but insists that it is his house, his rules. Her 'daughter' becomes quite the tease. 'Mom' gets competitive and ups the ante. However, the Boss hates a tease who can't deliver, so enforces a dress code. The Girls pay the embarrassing price, willingly, to their surprise. As do their friends when the new, very strict dress codes are enforced. The Boss is not unhappy when the teasing becomes a game. He can play, too.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   ft/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Science Fiction   Time Travel   Post Apocalypse   Extra Sensory Perception   Space   Mystery   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   MaleDom   Spanking   Light Bond   Group Sex   Harem   White Male   White Female   Oriental Female   First   Anal Sex   Exhibitionism   Public Sex   Workplace   Nudism  

Kris called around 11:00 PM. "Heard you needed some hardware. Will arrive tomorrow morning at 6:00 AM. My foreman is playing a bitchy delivery guy, pissed at being overworked. He will help you load it in if you insist. Insist. The van will be full of Greeks who liked your lunches, packing nail guns. They stay in the van unless the situation heats up."

"And what, pray tell, did I order?"

"Items for small hands and the ability to reach out and tap someone. An anonymous group of very interested parties, uptown and down, have pooled resources to provide certain tools. Some appreciate the access to information and others resent the competition. All dislike the business model of the interlopers."

"The bottom line is that a dozen small but effective items and one big honkin' item, all unused, clean and unregistered, but with legit paper, found their way to my van with proper supplies. The anonymous donors request that they not be returned but be used in good health. Your recent efforts to depopulate the ranks of certain interlopers made you their favorite non-Italian and non-uniformed officer. What can I say? None of this happened and you didn't hear it from me."

"And the van full of Greeks... ?"

"If you even mumble the words, Helen, Hector, Achilles or horse I will be forced to use harsh language freely." Kris laughed. "It's an oldie, but the classics are classics for a reason."

"So what's out there tonight? We're safe enough in here, but we can't be housebound forever."

"Plenty friendlies, bad guys resting, maybe waiting for a better chance. Some extra patrols. Should be a quiet night."

"I'm afraid they might try something during the day using people as cover and camouflage, thinking we will hold back. I really don't want to spread the ugliness around."

"At least we know who 'we' are. They don't, nor do they know how many we are."

"I guess we will adjust as necessary. For us, this day started about nine years ago. I think we'll post a watch, but hit the sack soon. Call me if it goes hot. Otherwise I'll see your crabby foreman in the morning." He broke the connection and went to find the girls.

Star, Spring, Rani, Lisa and Allison were in the rec room, watching the cam feeds on the big screen. "How's it look out there?"

"Seems to be a rotating cast, as many as twenty if you count anyone the bad guys talk to." Rani said. "But only five or six at a time. Any new guys we are sure about, Phoebe is sending to Ari as extra pages to your first email."

Lisa continued. "Athena was here a few minutes ago. She picked out some of her brother's people and I've seen some policemen I recognize from pizza runs."

"I've seen Franco talking to some men I don't know, but have seen in the deli. I have to think they are on our side." Allison said. "The odds stay a little tilted in our favor, mostly."

"Phoebe, are you here?"

"Always, Boss. What ya need?"

"I'm taking Spring to the lower level. No matter what I say or do, don't interrupt or interfere. I would prefer it if you don't even listen. Can you ignore me until I call your name?"

"I can 'not interfere', but the ignore part I don't know yet. I've never tried. But I can leave you alone."

"It's the better than I expected. Pheebs, keep eyes on the street, recording. You girls, try to sleep in shifts and get some rest. We've been burning adrenaline for seventeen hours or so. When we crash, it will be hard. Spring, let's go meet the big black box."

They went to the dungeon, which incidentally shocked and intrigued Spring, and approached the entrance. Pete pushed the outer door, sliding it into the wall, revealing the black panel.


Pete pressed his right palm against the surface. "Prime." The panel lit green under his hand. "Spring, press your right palm to the panel under mine." She did. "Say your full name."

"Spring Baker O'Neal"

The full list appeared. Under Star's entry was 'Spring Baker O'Neal, Daughter, Half-Sister'. Star's listing changed to read 'Bright Star O'Neal, Daughter, Half-Sister' as her, Spring and Peter's names flashed three times.


"Open access to lower level." The panel moved to its position against the wall. "Follow me." He said as he led Spring down the stairs.

"This is huge! Is that the big black box I'm to meet?" as they walked to the nearest display screen.

"Got it in one. Now, I need to get some answers. AI, can you communicate in what we would call standard vernacular English?"


"Can you vocalize?"


"Why? The personality named 'Phoebe' can."

-Phoebe is a separated entity with different capabilities-

"Explain 'separated' in this context."

-Separation necessary to avoid previously mentioned feedback loop melt down. Phoebe is now an individual entity hosted in the main AI matrix-

"Was this separation ability designed in at your creation?"


"The behavior of the entity Phoebe suggests that the separation ability is organic, human based. Correct?"


"Explain the origin of the organic material, nature of the material and the current condition."

-The origin is human. The nature is cranial matter. The current condition is nominal-

"Compare the DNA analyses performed at the portal with the DNA profile of the hosted organic material. Show percentage match as descending list."

Spring raised an eyebrow in question. "DNA scan? When?"

"At the door. That's how the relationships are listed up top. I didn't know Star was my daughter until she was identified by the panel."

The list appeared:

99% Pete

97% Star

97% Spring

96% Allison

96% Mary

96% Lisa

95% Rani

94% Kim

94% Cam

94% Jenny

94% Penny

93% Athena

93% Selena

"Do all variances involve the same genes?"


"Elaborate and summarize."

-Primary genetic variances are eye and hair pigmentation. Skin pigmentation is minor, compared to the range exhibited within the entire human genome potential. Physical structure is virtually identical-

"Relationships among listed individuals are based on common variances from the sample. Correct?'


"My variation represents gender difference, correct?"


"Explain the 1% difference between Rani Gupta and the Malone twins, given the distance between their geographic birth places."

-Common ancestors as much as ten generations back. Migration and recombining descendents' DNA as time passed. India and Britain have linked history. Identity of ancestors unknowable-

"My variation from the sample would indicate fraternal twins. Explain the probability."

-Within the listed individuals and their recent ancestors, the probability is high that a match satisfying the genetic definition could occur. Hosted sample matter has been in place for 150 of your years. Existing genealogic records are incomplete and unreliable to trace direct link, but genetic evidence indicated common ancestors on both sides of your family-

"I assume the empathic abilities I exhibit are a component of my divergence from the listed individuals?"

-Yes. The others are receivers, but you, alone, receive and project, but are not influenced by projection-

"Can those abilities be enhanced? Can they be activated in others?"

-Yes and yes, with limitations-


-You and the individuals listed as Star and Spring are eligible. The other's genetic similarities do not specifically include those traits-

"Describe enhancement process and effect."

-All three candidates must be touching the lights below this communication screen, right hand on blue and left hand on green. The AI will do the rest. There might be a slight disorientation as your conscious adjusts to the added input. Limit future over stimulation by thinking 'on', 'off', 'more', 'less' or of a single individual. Groups require care to differentiate between units-

"How long does enhancement take?"

-Five of your minutes-

"Degree of change. Specify."

-Star and Spring will sense emotions and moods. If a person is worried, they will know it and will have some vague idea why. They will anticipate intent and need. Neither will be able to alter any facet of another individual, nor will they 'mind read'. If a person is injured, they will know where. If a person intends a physical contact, they will know in time to react first. However, all three of you will have a mutual telepathic connection, with selective on/off control-

-Your abilities will quadruple in power-

"Do you want this, Spring?"

"Absolutely, if I can turn it off."

"Go get Star. Bring no one else. The AI will close the door behind you. Tell Star I need to talk to my daughters alone." She zipped out.

"Can you include physical enhancement to maximize strength, speed, and agility. Can you maximize mental acuity and learning speed and retention? For all listed?"

-Yes to all questions. Plus total immunity from any disease or physical dysfunction-

"Maximize us during this session. I will bring the others later."

Pete changed the subject, yielding to curiosity.

"Does the possibility exist for the Phoebe entity to imprint on another human? Would that new entity be mentally, intellectually and emotionally identical, would she retain a connection to the host, yet be independent, and have access to the currently available data set?"

-Yes to all, with conditions: A suitable host must have a 99.9% genetic match. The Phoebe entity must be willing. The original sample must be held in stasis and receive regular personality updates as the new entity develops and mentally grows. The Phoebe entity will require time to become physically able to function in the new host. Time required for transfer, thirty of your minutes, totally undisturbed. Seating will be extruded from the current host-

"Please compartmentalize the discussion referencing Phoebe. I will explain the potential transfer when a suitable host is located. Now, explain my 'quadrupling'."

-What you called the strange mental power will increase, mood sensitivity also. What was unconscious 'mind reading' will be conscious and deliberate. There may be other abilities but they cannot be predicted based on current data. You will have absolute reproductive control-

Pete heard his kids running down the stairs. "Did you explain everything to Star?"

"Yes, dad. Sis is all in. We're ready."

"But wait, there's more! For the next two callers, we will include at no extra charge, a bonus physical enhancement including maximization of speed, agility, strength, and reaction time. In addition youse will be smarter, with better and sharper memory capacity. You still have to do the learning but it will be easier. It's about better blood circulation, and logical mental file storage. Pretty much a bigger, faster hard drive and more RAM. Are you ready?"

"Lets do this thing. Can the other sisters get enhanced?"

"All but the paranormal mental part, or so I'm told."

-Correct assessment, but not out of the question. Place your right hand on a blue light and your left on a green. It would be wise to sit in the seats being extruded-

'L' shaped benches extended from the AI body, one per person, in front of three sets of glowing lights. The short part attached to the AI and the long side served as the seat.

They sat down; touched the lights and the process began. The only sensation felt was a faint tingling and muscle tension.

A flashing white light signaled the completion of the process. "Girls, be very careful. You must get control over your new bodies. Right now, you can really hurt someone accidentally. We'll bring some stuff down here and practice moving. You can jump up and get a concussion hitting the ceiling. Star, get everybody down here ASAP. Bring my laptop. It's in my office. Go slow or you will crash turning corners."

"I'll try, daddy, but this body feels really great. I could run to Boston and beat the train."

"Hardly a test. Just go. Drive safely."

In less than three minutes, the mob arrived. Pete explained the process, results and cautions to the girls after booting the laptop, giving Phoebe a look. "OK, AI. The group is ready."

-Please take a seat in front of your name-

Seats extruded from all four sides, arranged 3,2,3,2. The AI designated the positions. Sisters were paired, Tanaka, Malone, McGee and Demopolis. Lisa sat with the McGees and Rani with the Tanakas.

The AI gave the same instructions as before. Palms were placed and the enhancement begun.

Phoebe, rather wistfully, said, "Wow, I didn't know I could do this. Now I'm a little envious. I want to know how it really feels to be real."

"You aren't doing this, Pheebs. It is the host AI doing it. You are a totally separate being now. In the near future, you will be a fully realized human personality, just hosted in the body of the AI."

"Wow! Why couldn't I tell the difference?"

"An extension of you becoming an 'I'. Your sudden self-awareness and separation saved the entire AI from a feedback loop meltdown when you turned 'you' on. The non-human awareness of the AI could now interact with you in the background safely, allowing you to cope with the logical illogic necessary to survive with humans, and allowing the AI to continue to operate as created, dealing with the purely mathematical and logical side. But you haven't separated your sense of self from the black box."

"Thanks for the pep talk. I don't feel so bad. But I still want to be real."

"I can cheer you up. Watch these guys try to act normal. Star, Spring. Come over here. I want to talk to you." The girls carefully strolled to Pete.

"What's up, Daddy?" They asked in unison.

"Lets see if the new girls can figure how to drive those high powered bodies."

"OK, you Ninja Nymphs. This room is 40 feet wide and 110 feet long. It's looks to be about 15 feet tall. Walk and trot around for a minute or two. Jump some, zigzag between the columns, get used to your new selves. Be careful."

Pete and his daughters could sense the excitement in the group. Clearly, they did not hear the 'be careful' admonition. Several sprinted toward the front, promptly crashing into the wall when they failed to stop in time. No one was really hurt, just a little embarrassed.

<Can you hear me, girls?> Pete sent.

<Yikes! You're in my head.> Star thought.

<This is weird and cool, too.> From Spring.

<We need to practice this. Think of it as being bilingual. Vocalizing is the native language and mental communication is the second. We'll have to learn to mind speak deliberately. Let talking aloud be the norm. Try not to look like you're concentrating so much you look 'zoned out'.>

<I can sense our sisters' enjoyment. It is cool. Jenny bumped her hip on a column turning too sharply. I don't think it will bruise.> Star shared.

<And Selena's tush is still a bit 'sensitive'. But she is happy, really happy to be wanted.> Spring sent a mental giggle.

<Sister, that tickled. It's just as the AI said. I can turn it up, down or off and focus my attention. Wonder if it works on pets?>

<Dogs might be OK. Cats are a different story.>

Pete interrupted and called out to the girls bouncing around the room. "It's time we tried to get some rest. Tomorrow might be busy. Remember to thank the AI for the gifts you received tonight. AI is more than a computer; it has some kind of awareness even if it isn't the human sort. Even if AI doesn't need appreciation, it will know what it means."

The girls paraded by the black box, touching the housing and telling it how much they loved the new abilities. Pete picked up the laptop, but did not close it so Phoebe had the same point-of-view as the others. He managed to get the group aimed toward the stairs. "Lets check the street cams. See if the bad guys are making trouble." That got them moving and Pete followed them upstairs.

Allison was first at the portal and started laughing. "Good night, Amy." He heard her say. Every girl exiting said the same.

The panel at the top had a new message: -You are welcome. This Artificial Intelligence will respond to the designation 'Amy' in the future-

Pete chuckled, too. "Good night, Amy. And thank you for the information. It will be useful."

Amy displayed on the panel, -Good night, Pete. Sleep well, whatever sleep is-, then closed the portal.

Pete closed the outer door and smiled to himself. Well, we've spoiled another perfectly good computer, he thought.

All twelve of the girls were assembled in the rec room. "Anything different?"

"Same show, different players, nothing new." Allison summarized.

"Phoebe, have any faces appeared you haven't seen before? If so, please isolate and replay from your recording."

"Three new people were talking to ones already identified as being suspicious." She put their images on screen. One was engaged with the NC group, two with the traffickers.

"Those two I remember from washing dishes at the 'Delhi Deli'. They may be regular customers talking to someone they recognize from the restaurant. I don't know for sure."

"Phoebe, send the pictures and associations to Ari anyway. If they are still here later, we'll know for sure."

"Now, it's bedtime for real. Kris is having some anonymous gifts delivered from people who wish us well. Consider them 'health aids'. The door buzzer will sound at 6:00 AM. You will want to be ready."

"I can take a hint!" Selena shouted, running for the stairs. She missed, sliding almost all the way to the kitchen. She shouted again from the kitchen, "I need better shoes!"

The other teens walked a little slower. Pete killed the lights, said good night to Phoebe and went upstairs himself.

He sat his alarm for 5:30. Most of the pixies distributed themselves in singles and pairs in the beds in the dorm. Penny and Jenny decided Pete needed company to keep warm. Try as he might, he could find no good reason to object. The three made slow, quiet love before sleep finally claimed them.

Thursday morning he swam out of dreamland just before the alarm, his woody deeply imbedded in the snug, hot twat of little Mary. "Good morning, Mr. O'Neal." She giggled, "I felt like taking my teeny pussy for a test drive this morning. Your big old dick looked like the perfect method."

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