[ K ] [ T ] and Family
Copyright© 2014 to PocketRocket
Chapter 22: Portents
Drama Sex Story: Chapter 22: Portents - This is formally the third book of a trilogy. The first two parts are: "[K]itten and [T]eddybear" then "[K]&[T], LLC". Be assured, this is a complete work, not one in progress. The universe of the story is another matter. Many more stories are possible.
Caution: This Drama Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Fa/ft Consensual Romantic Lesbian BiSexual Heterosexual DomSub MaleDom FemaleDom Light Bond Anal Sex Petting Sex Toys
Interlude: 25th Anniversary
Friday night was quiet. The media was camped out, but many of the lightweights had been run off.
Friday 11:39 PM ET–http://www.xanga.com/groups/group.aspx?id=XXXXX
Davidspet: Oh my God. Remember that scene from Tuesday? They posted pictures at the club, along with some new rules. The rules are what you expect: more safety precautions and liability waivers. If it were not for the pictures, no one would have noticed. With them—you understand.
It was the girl. She had her legs spread all the way apart. I might be able to do that with my weight holding me down, like a cheerleader. She was doing it casually. Anyway, there was a long shot, getting all the bruises. Then there were detail shots from ankle to ankle. That scene was three nights ago and you can still count the stripes.
Tuesday, I said that Mistress Cynthia did not draw blood, but that wasn't quite true. I should have said the skin never parted. Some of the welts had oozed blood through the skin, particularly behind the knee. You couldn't see much around the pussy. It was the lighting I think. Pity. All you could see was the stripe up to the butt plug and another just on the side.
Everyone was effected. David challenged one of the other masters to a duel—lashes on pussy. They tied me and Sarah side by side, chose identical floggers and took one full minute warming us up. Shit. Then it was a race. My biggest problem was holding on til the stroke fell. David is really good at this—unless you have someone like Cynthia.
Saturday 9:31 AM ET—[email protected]
I know this is probably nothing, but Jason Porter showed up early for the wedding. They let him right in. Security here is very strict, so they knew him on sight. It may be nothing, since Justin Immons arrived an hour later. Porter was working for Immons before the catalog shoot and Immons is doing the wedding.
On the good side, I persuaded one of the local invitees to take me as his date. We will see what Immons has set up. Normally, after a success like the catalog, a country wedding would be a major come down. I could see him taking the job as a return of a favor, but still ... This wedding may be the exception and Immons has exclusive rights.
Security report, Lars Gunter
Lars Gunter, age 26, was born and reared in western Germany, near both Belgium and The Netherlands. He claims to be from Wesphalia, which is the old style term for an area near the Rhur valley. It is now heavily industrial. Siemens is based in Berlin, but had important facilities just outside his home town. He grew up with the company.
The odd last name is a gift from a WW I soldier, who left a pregnancy but no last name. It must have been quite the scandal, since his great grandmother was one of the lesser von Kessels. She was not allowed to give her illegitimate son the family name, so he was christened with his father's given name. The family professes Lutheran, but he is not known to be observant.
His grandfather served well in WW II, reaching the rank of Oberstleutnant (Lt. Colonel) and dying in the Italian Alps. His Father served the minimum time, also as an officer, but not advancing. The father is a music teacher and still living. Her Gunter's own rank was Oberleutnant (1st Lieutenant). He had served the minimum plus two years.
He attended the University of Jena before going into service. On completion, he returned for graduate school, excelling in Mathematics and Economics. Siemens considers him one of their elite young men. A group of them are doing a tour, beginning in Berne before moving on to New York. Speculation suggests that they will move on to the Far East. His entry visa is dated six weeks ago.
There was nothing to indicate a connection to Hanover or Dartmouth.
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