The Hermit of Scarecrow Valley
Copyright© 2013 by Lubrican
Chapter 22
Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 22 - Hermit: A man who wants nothing to do with other humans around him, and who is said to shoot at trespassers, or worse. Jennifer: A girl who wanted to see what the hermit looked like. Chance: An unplanned event, such as being there unexpectedly to save the hermit's life. Serendipity: When the hermit whose life you saved, ends up saving yours too. Complication: Like when your mom falls in love with the same hermit you fell in love with. And he falls in love with both of you too.
Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Ma/ft Consensual First Oral Sex Pregnancy
Jennifer found Bobby working on the banister of the stairs that led to what would be her room. He looked up, and smiled.
“Hey, beautiful,” he said.
Her stomach fluttered again, and she felt her nipples crinkle under her button up shirt. She never wore a bra outside of school any more, specifically because she loved the feel of her nipples whenever she saw Bobby.
“Hey, yourself,” she said.
The two men who had been installing the strips of golden oak on the floor came into the room.
“All done, Boss,” one of them said. “Looks good, if I do say so myself.”
“I wouldn’t expect anything else,” said Bobby. “I’ll go look at it.”
“Later,” said the man. “It’s Miller time, and if you see anything wrong you’ll make us stay.” He grinned, to show he wasn’t really worried. All the same, he pushed his partner toward the door. Bobby watched them go and then turned back to Jennifer.
“Your mom get off okay?”
“She was all excited,” said Jennifer. “She said something about probably having to rent a trailer to get all the new furniture back here.”
“They deliver,” laughed Bobby.
“I don’t think she has the patience to wait for them to deliver,” said Jennifer.
“She is a very impatient woman,” said Bobby.
“Yes,” said Jennifer, suddenly thinking about the baby.
She knew how both her mother and Bobby felt about the baby. That had been an evolution too. When her mother first told her about it, she had broken down, crying. That had made it difficult for Jennifer to vent her own rage, which turned out to be a good thing, since that rage had cooled pretty quickly into something more manageable. Then, their long conversations about it had helped them both, until upset became acceptance. Somehow, acceptance had become hopeful anticipation, and then it was like a landslide as anticipation became joy and an eager wish for the baby to get there.
Bobby’s own feelings evolved too. His were more simple. He went from guilt, to hesitant acceptance. His acceptance mirrored that of the women. And when their own feelings turned to joy, and he knew that he hadn’t ruined anything, his sense of relief was palpable. The reticence of his hermit’s life all but disappeared, at least in terms of his dealings with Mindy and Jennifer. He was still wary of outsiders, though the men from the VFW post had done a lot to restore his confidence in dealing with strangers. In the last month, his own anticipation was just as eager as that of the mother.
That had caused a flare-up of jealousy in Jennifer, and she wasn’t happy about that. It was that very problem she had come to deal with that morning.
“Can I talk to you?” she asked.
“Of course,” he said.
“In there?” she asked, pointing to the living room.
“In there?” The obvious confusion in his voice was easy to understand. The only furniture in the house was a queen sized air mattress, and a night stand. Both were in the living room, next to the fireplace with its airtight insert. That fireplace had been designed to play a significant role in heating the lower floor, but when it was fired up for the first time, it was so efficient that it kept the entire house comfortable, as long as the door to the upstairs was left open.
“Yes,” she said, reaching for his hand.
When she got him into the room, she took him to the bed, lying on the floor. A fire was going, and she could feel the heat, even through the thick clothing she had worn for her hike through the woods. She took off her jacket and dropped it on the floor.
“What’s up?” asked Bobby, realizing that her mood was different somehow.
“Take off your clothes, please,” she said, starting to unbutton her shirt.
“What?” He grinned, but it was an uncertain grin. She was definitely acting strange. “I thought you wanted to talk.”
“I do,” she said. “I just want to do it in bed.”
She pulled her blouse apart, exposing her stiff-nippled breasts to him. His reaction was the same as always. He licked his lips. She expected it, but it thrilled her to the bone every time it happened. He never tired of soaking in her nudity with his eyes, and she never tired of watching him do that. She knew it swelled her head, but she didn’t care.
She was also delighted that he was hard as he removed his pants. By then she was naked, but it wasn’t uncomfortable, because the fire was so hot. She pointed to the mattress as he dropped the last of his clothes.
“I want to be on top,” she said.
He paused. Something in her voice made him want to question her. But that made no sense. What would he question her about? He lay down on his back.
She lay on top of him, and almost from that instant, she writhed, sliding her naked flesh across his as her lips sought his for long, passionate kisses.
She had crushed his stiff penis against his abdomen, but that was normal. It was also normal for her to bend her back, adjusting her body until her slippery pussy lips were split by his rigid organ. One of her favorite games was to slide her distended clitty along the bottom of his cock, forwards and then backwards. She could almost have an orgasm on demand that way, especially if he was kissing her and squeezing her nipples at the same time.
She did so now, moaning her joy. That joy brought him close, and he didn’t want it to be over that quickly, so he pushed her back from his face. He saw sweat beaded on her forehead. An errant hair was stuck to her face. He realized the heat from the fire was making them both sweat.
“I want to suck your pussy,” he panted.
“In a minute,” she returned.
She felt like she was almost weightless as she used his slippery body like it was some kind of bizarre skating surface.
And then, what she had been waiting for happened. It had happened a hundred times in the past, something she was exquisitely aware of at the time, but did nothing about. As she moved, without either intent or preparation, her body slid toward his toes and the tip of his penis was in the perfect position to split her vulva. The bulbous head lodged in the opening of her sex. Always before she had flexed muscles in her abdomen that pulled her hips up a smidgen, making her pussy rise and glide along the underside of his penis, like it had that time she’d gotten pregnant and hadn’t known it.
This time ... she didn’t do that.
She was as well lubricated, sexually speaking, as any woman had ever been, and his penis found no resistance whatsoever as it slid deep into her body. She was stopped ... so to speak ... when her moving body tried to relocate his penis to another position on his body. Said penis resisted, and crushed her clit. His genitals did, in fact, move almost two inches, as the skin stretched.
The beginning half of her groan was actually the product of anticipation. She had come there to lose her virginity ... to become a woman, like her mother. It was an intentional act of a young woman who had made a decision about her body. So she was expecting to feel stretched, and full. What she was not expecting was the almost unimaginable fulfillment of having that beautiful penis she knew so well, and had sucked so many times, deep in her body. She had dreamed about that, both during the day and night, but her dreams were merely pale, ghostly images, compared to the actual feel of it. The last part of her groan reflected the astonishing completion she felt had just come to her life.
So she knew what had happened before he did. True, it was probably only a second or maybe two of difference, but a second in that situation can be a long time.
Long enough for internal muscles she hadn’t even been aware she had, to flex, loosen and flex again, creating exactly the situation that causes milk to squirt from the teat on the udder of a cow.
Bobby had always had a problem with premature ejaculation. It had lessened, with Mindy, as he gained conscious control over his emotions during their lovemaking. He had learned to control it with Jennifer too, as she sucked or stroked him. That, in fact, had been his intent when he expressed his desire to suck her pussy.
But this situation wasn’t normal, and by the time he came to a rational awareness of what was happening, his autonomic nervous system, with the help of a smiling Mother Nature, arrived at the conclusion that while having a premature ejaculation may be opposed to the wishes of the owner of the penis, it’s just fine and dandy with Mother Nature.
About the time Jennifer decided that her decision to become a woman was one of the best she had ever made, Bobby’s penis fired off its first salvo in a salute designed to swell her belly, as opposed to her head.
“Ohhhh Jenn,” he groaned, speaking that shortened nickname to her for the first time.
She wasn’t aware she was being bred. All she knew was that this was the best thing to ever happen to her. She didn’t even have an orgasm. But the feel of his hot flesh, inside her hot flesh, made her an addict, her very first time.
She kissed him to let him know how happy she was about this circumstance.
He kissed her back while his balls finished pumping sperm into his new mate.
Once again Mother nature watched with glee, cheering them on as if she was the captain of the varsity squad.
Maybe this time...
Their breathing had slowed. No words had been exchanged. Each was still embroiled in processing the flood of new information, as the impact of what had happened sank in. Mother Nature had grinned, and then flown off to supervise another mating, somewhere else, leaving them to deal with the aftermath of her meddling.
She was so sweaty that it felt uncomfortable now, and she slid off of him. As soon as she separated from him, though, she craved his personal touch again, and so rolled back against him, on top of the arm he instinctively put out for her to lie upon.
“Wow,” she said softly.
“We weren’t supposed to do that,” he said.
“Yes we were,” she sighed, still amazed at how happy she was she had decided to do this thing.
“What happened?”
“I got tired of waiting,” she said. She pushed her nose against his sweaty skin. “I decided that as we start this new life, I wanted to be a full partner in it.”
“Are you okay?” he asked.
“I still can’t believe it,” she said. “It didn’t hurt! Everybody says it hurts the first time!”
“It sure didn’t hurt,” he said, feeling his balls give one last attempt to expel more semen.
She lifted her head.
“Isn’t it supposed to last longer than that?”
He blinked at her several times.
“Uh ... yeah ... I guess it is.”
“It lasts longer when you and Mom do it ... right?”
“Well ... yes ... but it didn’t the first time,” he said.
“So the second time was different?”
“Yeah,” he said. “It definitely lasted longer.”
“Longer would be good,” she said, unaware she might damage the ego of the man lying next to her.
But his own inexperience hadn’t given him enough knowledge to be aware he’d been a pretty poor lover, so he didn’t feel bad. Besides, if both partners are happy, then it was a good experience ... right?
“Yes it would,” he said.
“So let’s do it again and see if it will go longer,” she suggested.
“I can’t right now,” he said.
“Why not?”
“For the same reason it won’t get hard again when you’ve sucked me,” he said.
It was at that point that Jennifer realized all that creamy, white, delicious stuff she usually swallowed ... was deep in her womb ... instead of her stomach. She rolled away from him instinctively, as her hand moved to smooth across her abdomen, like it did when she felt her mother’s belly.
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