The Hermit of Scarecrow Valley
Copyright© 2013 by Lubrican
Chapter 16
Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 16 - Hermit: A man who wants nothing to do with other humans around him, and who is said to shoot at trespassers, or worse. Jennifer: A girl who wanted to see what the hermit looked like. Chance: An unplanned event, such as being there unexpectedly to save the hermit's life. Serendipity: When the hermit whose life you saved, ends up saving yours too. Complication: Like when your mom falls in love with the same hermit you fell in love with. And he falls in love with both of you too.
Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Ma/ft Consensual First Oral Sex Pregnancy
Bobby blinked, and unconsciously licked his lips. Somehow they had gone from talking about lawsuits, to him being an outsider, to her asking if he wanted to see her breasts. He had been unprepared for her to ask him a question like that.
“It’s a simple question,” she said. “The answer is simple too. It’s either yes ... or no. All you have to do is answer the question. Do you want to see my breasts or not?” She folded her arms under the breasts she was referring to, and waited.
“I can’t just say something like that,” he said. “There’s no way that’s polite.”
“That depends on who you say it to ... and under what circumstances you say it. Isn’t that true?” She smiled. “Do you want to see them?”
“Okay...” He paused, and swallowed. “Yes.”
“And if I showed them to you, what would you want to do then?”
Again, he just stared. She pulled her T shirt up and off of her head. Reaching behind her, she undid her bra and shrugged it off, catching it in one hand as her breasts shimmied and shook. They looked like they enjoyed being free.
“Now that you see them, what do you want to do next?”
“I don’t know,” he growled, sounding a bit frustrated.
“Come on, Bobby. Do you want to touch them ... lick them ... suck them?”
“What planet were you born on?” came Jennifer’s voice. There was no doubt whatsoever that she was about to laugh.
Mindy covered her nipples with her hands.
“You’re supposed to be in your room!” she snapped.
“No I’m not. What was all that? Do you really not know what he wants to do?”
“You wouldn’t understand,” said Mindy, looking at her shirt. She finally gave up and reached for it. She was in the middle of putting it back on when Bobby spoke.
“Don’t!” he said.
She pulled the shirt over her head and looked at him. “Don’t what?”
“Don’t put it back on. They’re beautiful. I love looking at them.”
“You’ll notice we aren’t alone anymore,” said Mindy, pulling the shirt down to cover her breasts.
“You can look at mine,” said Jennifer, who promptly took her shirt off. She wasn’t wearing a bra, and looked completely comfortable being topless in front of Bobby and her mother.
“Didn’t we already do this?” complained Mindy.
“That was just to determine whose breasts he liked the most,” said Jennifer. “If you’ll remember, he said he couldn’t choose, and likes us both. I still don’t get why you were asking him stupid questions.”
“I was teasing him!” snapped Mindy. “I was trying to get him to admit what he wants to do!”
“So don’t stop just because I’m here,” said Jennifer, putting her dishes in the sink. “Maybe I can learn something.”
“You don’t need to learn how to be a slut,” said Mindy.
She got an almost violent reaction from both Bobby and her daughter.
In Bobby’s case, he barked “You’re not a slut!”
As for Jennifer, she yelled “I can’t believe you called me a slut!”
Mindy reacted to Jennifer’s comment.
“I didn’t call you a slut!”
“You said I don’t need to learn how to be one. That pretty much means you think I already know how!”
“That’s not what I meant!” complained Mindy. “I meant that I don’t need to be teaching you slutty things!”
“You’re not a slut,” said Bobby again. He sounded upset.
Mindy was both upset and off balance. She had come out of her emotional shell with this man, and she felt very vulnerable. But she liked him. She liked him a lot. She hadn’t had time to process all that before they ended up in bed. And all that did was make her like him even more, because he wasn’t selfish in bed. He was innocent, and caring, and thoughtful. And he had given her as many orgasms in twenty-four hours as her husband had given her in two or three years! She’d never seriously contemplated whether she believed in love-at-first-sight. All she knew was that she wasn’t unhappy that Bobby Higginbotham had come into their lives, even though Jennifer’s involvement made things incredibly complicated. Perhaps, if she’d had some time to think things through, she might have let convention shape her emotions and plans. But she hadn’t had time. Instead, she had ridden the carousel, and grabbed for the brass ring, loving every second of the excitement and passion she’d suddenly found herself involved in.
It was all this that caused her to speak without thinking first.
“I’ve known you for what ... a month? And in that time I’ve invited you to live with me, and gotten you in bed twice. I don’t even know your middle name and we’ve had sex three or four times. I can’t even remember how many times we’ve made love! If that’s not a slut, I don’t know what is!”
“What do you mean you’ve had sex?” Jennifer’s voice was loud in the silence that had resulted from Mindy stopping.
Mindy blinked. She opened her mouth and closed it ... several times. She looked vaguely like she was trying to ape a fish mouth. Nobody laughed, though.
“You had sex with him?“ Now there was outrage in Jennifer’s voice. “You weren’t even supposed to kiss him until I got to!”
“You did get to!” argued Mindy. “You let him lick your pussy!”
“So how come I can’t use that word, but you can?” complained the girl.
“Don’t change the subject!” ordered her mother. “You sucked him and he sucked you, and you gave him to me! You said you were finished with him, and that I could have him.”
“I didn’t mean you could have him to have sex with!“ shouted Jennifer. “You’ve had sex before! I’m still a virgin. This isn’t fair, Mother.
“You can’t have sex just because I’ve had sex,” said Mindy. “That’s just ridiculous!”
“Sure, it’s ridiculous for me to have sex, as long as you get to bang him so much you can’t even remember how many times you did it!“
Bobby got up and walked to the patio door. He opened it and stepped out, closing it behind him. He went to the pile of logs out back, picked up the axe, and started splitting wood. The two women looked at each other. Neither said anything for a while. It was Mindy who finally spoke first.
“I suppose the last thing we want to do is chase him away by fighting over him.”
“That would be awful,” said Jennifer. “Did you really have sex with him?” She slumped. “Of course you did. You wouldn’t have said it if it wasn’t true.”
“It kind of just happened,” sighed Mindy. “I didn’t mean for it to. Really! I mean I didn’t decide to do it ahead of time.” She frowned. “Not the first time. The next morning was different. And then today, when we got you home from the hospital, I didn’t plan it then either.”
“You did it today? While I was sleeping?” The outrage was back in Jennifer’s voice.
“Do you remember what you did on the way home?” her mother asked.
Jennifer’s eyes glazed over as she thought back. She frowned. “I got horny and Bobby helped me, and it was wonderful, except that suddenly I thought my face was going to fall off.”
“Yes, well, I watched what he did, and I got horny too. And I needed what you needed, and he was right there and I lost control again. I’m sorry. I really didn’t mean to do it. I had even told him we couldn’t do it any more until we got some con-” She stopped suddenly as she realized she had just confessed to planning to keep having sex with Bobby. “doms,” she finished, softly. She looked at Jennifer. “I’m sorry. It’s really hard for me to resist him. I think I’m in...” She stopped. She’d been about to confess to her daughter that she was afraid she was falling in love. Instead, she finished with: “fatuated with him. I mean a lot, honey. He makes me think of things I thought I couldn’t have any more.”
“Oh, I know where you’re coming from there,” said Jennifer. “I can’t tell you how many times I tried to imagine him and me, doing what I saw Mike Nelson doing to Renee Stephenson while they were having that stupid party.”
“What were they doing?” asked Mindy, automatically. If she’d have thought about it she probably wouldn’t have asked.
“They were having sex!“ yipped Jennifer. “It looked like he was killing her, but she obviously loved it. I can’t help but wonder what it must be like.”
“Oh,” said Mindy. She couldn’t think of anything to say. The first thing she thought of was how fantastic it was to have Bobby rutting into her, but she obviously couldn’t say that.
“I saw the two of you sleeping together,” said Jennifer, glancing at her mother. “That’s why I got mad and went off and killed that poor squirrel.”
Mindy blinked. “But if you saw us, why did you get so upset just now?”
“I thought you just sucked him, and then the two of you fell asleep together. I didn’t think you had sex!“
“Oh,” said Mindy again. “We did.” She winced. She hadn’t meant to say that. In a rush to purge all her guilt, she added to it. “After that I sort of told him he didn’t have to sleep on the couch anymore.”
She expected Jennifer to blow up again, but that wasn’t what happened. Instead, Jennifer looked at her sideways.
“So it was ... good?”
It was a simple thing, really, what happened in the next few seconds. Mindy, already on an emotional rollercoaster, felt the rush of joy as she realized Jennifer wasn’t furious, and screaming at her. The rush of relief about that caused something to happen that usually takes years, between a mother and daughter. At some point, the mother accepts the fact that her daughter has grown up ... and is an adult ... and is sexually active. And when that clicked, she was suddenly able to talk to her daughter as an equal, of sorts.
“It was incredible,” she sighed. She knew that was pushing things, though, so she added a quick “Sorry, but it was. That’s why I couldn’t control myself with him today, I think.”
It was silent for a long time, and she began to think she’d made a terrible mistake as Jennifer just stared out the window at Bobby, chopping wood. Finally, though, the girl spoke.
“I guess I’m glad, actually.”
“Really?” Mindy’s voice was just a whisper.
“You deserve to be happy,” said Jennifer. “Daddy was a jerk for leaving you ... us. You deserve to have a man in your life who isn’t a jerk.”
“Thank you.”
“But so do I,” said Jennifer, turning her head to look at her mother. “You can’t have him all to yourself.”
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