The Hermit of Scarecrow Valley
Copyright© 2013 by Lubrican
Chapter 14
Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 14 - Hermit: A man who wants nothing to do with other humans around him, and who is said to shoot at trespassers, or worse. Jennifer: A girl who wanted to see what the hermit looked like. Chance: An unplanned event, such as being there unexpectedly to save the hermit's life. Serendipity: When the hermit whose life you saved, ends up saving yours too. Complication: Like when your mom falls in love with the same hermit you fell in love with. And he falls in love with both of you too.
Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Ma/ft Consensual First Oral Sex Pregnancy
Bobby woke first. He was accustomed to getting up early, usually before the sun rose. He did most things without benefit of power tools or other labor saving devices, and little tasks took him as long as they had taken men two or three generations earlier. He didn’t care. All he had was time.
Waking in the arms of a warm, naked, woman, however, was something that had never happened to him, and he was completely at a loss as to what to do. Mindy was lying on top of his left arm, in which he could feel no sensation. He knew there would be excruciating pain as the blood flowed back into that arm, and feeling returned, but it would be worth every stinging jab to his nerves.
Suddenly, a joke one of his buddies in the Marines had told came into his head. It was about a man who got drunk and picked up a woman who was so ugly that, when he woke up, in exactly this situation, he had chewed his own arm off rather than wake the ugly woman up. That joke was how Bobby finally found out what the term “Coyote ugly” actually meant.
He smiled. Nothing could be farther from that joke than this situation.
She smelled good. Her warmth felt good. His memories of the night before washed through him and brought his attention to his penis, which was rock hard. Then his bladder notified him of discomfort. He thought of the joke again, because he didn’t want to wake her. But that was only because he had no idea what to do or say, once she woke up and her big, dark eyes looked at him. And, in truth, he was incapable, at that moment, of thinking this could ever happen again, and he was sure that once she woke, it would be all over. She had said beautiful things in the dark as they writhed together, but that was in the heat of passion. Already he was having a hard time getting his memories of what had happened to be clear and crisp. More and more it was seeming like some wonderful dream.
His bladder was insistent, though, so he pulled his arm out from under her and sat up. He couldn’t make that arm work at all, and it hung, like so much dead weight. He got up and went into the hallway, turning right to go to the bathroom. When he finished there, he thought about the fact that his clothes were in the living room, and headed that way. As he passed her bedroom door, though, he paused, looking in, wanting one last look at her naked body.
Her eyes were open.
“Come back to bed,” she said, her voice muzzy.
“Are you sure?” He felt immediately foolish for saying that.
“Come back to bed,” she said again. This time her voice was firm.
He went, unsure of what to do ... even how to get back into the bed ... not knowing what to do once he was back in bed. He needn’t have worried, though, because she knew exactly what she wanted. She had seemed languid and slowed by having just woken, before, but when he put a knee on the bed, she reached for him and pulled him on top of her. Her lips sought his hungrily and within seconds the hardon that had faded after he emptied his bladder was back, raging strong again. Again she pulled it to her opening and notched it in her sex. This time, though, her hands then went to his hips and prevented him from slamming into her, like he had before.
Instead, she pulled him slowly, making him enter her at a snail’s pace, while she chewed his lips. When his pubic bone gently impacted hers, and he felt the tip of his prick dig into something hard, deep inside her, she groaned, and changed the position of her hands. One of them went to his butt, and pulled, while the other went to his chest and pushed. He did a pushup, and those dark eyes he had been worried about stared up at him.
“Suck my nipples,” she panted.
He looked at her breasts, really seeing them for the first time. He had no experience at comparing them to anything. They just looked fascinating. The nipples she wanted him to pay attention to were brown, and stuck up off of her breast flesh like little thimbles. He bent his back to reach one with his lips, but it pulled him partway out of her, as her sharp nails dug into his ass.
“Wait,” she said.
She pulled him back down, chest to chest and rolled with him until he was on his back. She sat up, seeming suddenly tall, and he felt the tip of his cock dig harder into that hard place inside her as she groaned again. She put her hands on his chest, leaning forward, and her hips rocked forwards a few inches. Then he felt more weight on his chest as she scooted backwards again.
“It’s been sooo long,” she moaned.
Suddenly her hips were flashing forwards and backwards at an astonishing rate, as her fingers tried to sink into the flesh that covered is chest.
“Ohhh Bobby,” she whimpered. Her head hung and he was amazed at how relaxed her upper chest and shoulders looked, with her head hanging like she was tired, while everything below her waist was in violent motion. Without warning she stopped, frozen, and the most amazing feeling surrounded his penis as her vaginal muscles writhed, squeezing and relaxing over and over again as the sound of what he would have thought was heartbreak was ripped from her throat.
But it wasn’t heartbreak. Academically, he felt pretty sure she was having an orgasm, and it was amazing to watch. She leaned far forward, and he saw one of those nipples dangling over his lips. He lifted his head and captured it, sucking hard. Her pussy rippled again as her hips jerked forward, and she hissed “Yessssss.”
He sucked until she pulled it away from him and sat up. Her breasts looked completely different than they had when she was under him. They looked heavy now, rounded on the bottoms, while the tops sloped down like a ski slope. The nipples stuck out at different angles, the opposite of crosseyed.
“I would love for you to keep doing that,” she said. “But last night was dangerous enough.”
He didn’t know what she meant, but then it didn’t matter, because she rose, letting him come out of her. His prick slapped down onto his stomach wetly.
“It’s so beautiful,” she said, scooting her hips backwards until she was on her hands and knees over his groin.
Then she reached for it and sucked him until he thought the top of his head was going to blow off again. He knew he didn’t sound very manly as he spurted in her mouth, but he didn’t care.
What she was doing felt too good to worry about the small shit.
She sat beside his hips, just looking at him as he caught his breath.
“I suppose we should get some breakfast,” she sighed, finally. She looked at the open doorway. “And it would be better if Jennifer didn’t see us like this.”
He said nothing. Again he was out of his element. She was acting like nothing odd had happened, which, of course, was ridiculous. His whole world had changed radically. Something he had thought would never happen to him even once, had taken place twice within the last eight or nine hours. The woman it had happened with was treating him as if it had simply been a pleasant interlude, instead of the relative earthquake it had been. As he thought about it, he was amazed he hadn’t had an episode.
It was that fact - that he hadn’t fallen apart - that he was thinking about as she stood and left the room, turning right, as he had earlier. He was still lying there amazed, when he heard the toilet flush. She came back into the room and looked at him.
“You don’t play fair,” she said.
“What?” He stopped thinking about what hadn’t happened, and came back to the present.
“Lying there like that. You’re very tempting. But it would be very foolish for me to play anymore. This is the worst possible time. That’s probably why I couldn’t keep my hands off of you last night. So don’t tempt me. Get up and get dressed.”
He still didn’t know what she was talking about, but he got up. Rather than try to talk to her, he just left the room and went to where he’d taken his clothes off. He thought nothing of putting the same clothes back on. He was buttoning his shirt when Mindy came into the room.
“Jennifer?” she called, looking around.
“She’s not in here,” he said.
“She’s not in her room or the kitchen either,” said Mindy. “She doesn’t usually go out this early, and she didn’t leave a note.” She looked around and then frowned. “Oh my. I hope she didn’t get up and see us.”
“Why?” he asked, without thinking.
She stared at him. “She’s already jealous of me, Bobby,” she said. “Seeing us like that wouldn’t have sat well with her at all.”
While he had been at a loss for how to have a conversation with the woman he’d just made love with, the glaring error of her conclusions was something he had no problem addressing.
“She’s not jealous. She brought me to your room last night,” he said. “She said you could have me.”
Mindy folded her arms under her breasts, which looked smaller somehow, now that they were covered.
“You’ve spent too much time away from people, and not nearly enough around women,” she said. “When I saw the two of you last night, I wanted to tie her up and send her to her room. I know she would feel the same way if she saw us together, especially if she saw us while we were doing that.”
None of this made any sense to Bobby, so he stopped thinking about it. He looked around.
“Her bow is gone,” he said.
“She never goes out this early,” said Mindy again.
“You want me to go find her?” he asked.
“I haven’t the faintest idea. Since you came into our lives, everything has changed. She’ll come back when she’s ready. If she saw us, we’ll talk about it then. Right now I’m famished.”
She turned around and went toward the kitchen. Bobby put his boots on and laced them up.
He was sitting, thinking about how to proceed with rebuilding his uncle’s house, when Mindy screamed.
It seemed like forever before Jennifer saw the fuzzy outline of her house. She didn’t get lost. She knew the woods much too well for that to happen. But she had to go slower, and she tripped several times. Each time she fell, she felt foolish and years younger than she was. At some point she realized she didn’t have her bow, and she remembered dropping it. She almost went back for it, but knew she’d never find it without her glasses. So she trudged on.
By the time she got home she was cried out, and all she cared about was taking some aspirin for the dull, throbbing ache that was her face, and getting her mother to arrange for new glasses. She didn’t even care that she was going to be yelled at for breaking them.
Never once did it occur to her that her mother and Bobby might have been worried about the fact that she was missing, and had left no note. Nor did she have any idea that she looked like a refugee from a war. So she was unprepared for it when she stumbled into the house, where her mother saw her and freaked out completely.
Mindy’s scream, in fact, scared Jennifer half to death and shattered what little composure she had. Her ability to bawl had been refreshed.
“I’m sorry!” she blubbered, thinking about both the squirrel and her glasses. Her mother’s scream seemed to go on and on, until it was chopped off as if with a machete. She saw the image of a man she assumed was Bobby, come into the room.
“What the hell?” came his voice.
She had no idea that her face was a mask of dried blood and dirt. Had she been lying on the ground, not moving, anybody would have assumed she was dead. Her shirt was soaked with blood as well, but much of that was still bright red, not having dried yet. Her hands, which she had raised in supplication when her mother screamed, were crusted with dried blood, bits of leaves and twigs.
“What happened?” said Bob. His image and that of her mother, both fuzzy, approached.
“I broke my glasses,” she sobbed, pulling their twisted remains from her pocket. “And I dropped my bow.”
She settled into a hiccupping cry, expecting her mother to scream at her again.
“How did you get all bloody, Jennifer?” said Bobby’s urgent, strong voice. “Where are you hurt?”
“My nose,” she blurted. “I ran into a treeeeee.” She sobbed then, feeling stupid, and juvenile. She could barely get out the words “I n-n-need an aspirin.”
“Oh baby,” moaned her mother. “Come on. Let’s get you cleaned up.”
“Should we take her to the hospital?” asked Bobby.
“We’ve all spent enough time at the hospital, lately,” said Mindy. “Let’s get the blood off of her and get a better look at things. Noses bleed pretty freely, as I recall. I hope it’s all just from that.”
Bobby went with them to the kitchen. Mindy told him to run a pan of hot water while she left the room, coming back with some well worn towels. She got one wet and started gently removing the dirt from her daughter’s face.
“Let’s get your shirt off,” she said, pausing. “Help her, please, Bobby.”
Bobby gripped the hem of the T shirt and raised it while Mindy reached to try to ease it past Jennifer’s nose. He held the shirt and looked at the girl, trying to find wounds. There was dried blood between her breasts, and on her upper chest, but no injuries. As the nose was cleaned, it looked raw and swollen. There were scrapes on both her chin and forehead, but they weren’t serious.
“I think you broke it, sweetheart,” said her mother, swabbing away the blood gently from the nose. “I’ll call the doctor and see if he wants to see you.”
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