The Hermit of Scarecrow Valley
Copyright© 2013 by Lubrican
Chapter 13
Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 13 - Hermit: A man who wants nothing to do with other humans around him, and who is said to shoot at trespassers, or worse. Jennifer: A girl who wanted to see what the hermit looked like. Chance: An unplanned event, such as being there unexpectedly to save the hermit's life. Serendipity: When the hermit whose life you saved, ends up saving yours too. Complication: Like when your mom falls in love with the same hermit you fell in love with. And he falls in love with both of you too.
Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Ma/ft Consensual First Oral Sex Pregnancy
Evolution is often talked about as this force of nature that takes place, almost in slow motion, over thousands and millions of years. But there is another aspect of that theory that requires us to think about it differently. For example, that far back ancestor who first used something as a tool didn’t think about using something as a tool for thousands of years. He picked up a rock and whacked something with it. Just like that. He got an idea, and he went for it. Then that idea led to others and a fragment of evolution happened.
So sometimes evolution involves very sudden decisions being made, and then acted upon. If the results are good, and that decision becomes part of future behavior, then evolution plays out, to some small degree. And if the results are bad ... well, that’s part of the flow of things too.
Lest you think your humble storyteller has gone off on a tangent, let’s get back to Mindy Franks who, as she stalked across the living room toward her daughter and the man who had upended their lives, was making decisions. She hadn’t planned on making any, except to possibly yell at them for fooling around behind her back. Instead, she basically just picked up a metaphorical rock and whacked something with it.
“You’re not leaving me out of this,” she growled.
It wasn’t until she actually got to them, that she realized her daughter was stark naked. Of course she couldn’t know that Jennifer had liked being naked in front of this man earlier in the day, or that this new type of freedom had thrilled the girl to the bone. She wasn’t aware that, because it had been so spectacular for her earlier, Jennifer decided to do it again that night. That he was naked, and that her daughter was naked, didn’t necessarily mean what most people would have assumed it meant. But Mindy jumped to that conclusion, regardless.
“No!“ she barked. “No sex! You can not have sex with my daughter!” yelled the woman.
That was received in two different ways by the two people who thought they were being addressed.
Jennifer, in typical teenaged style, complained. “We’re not having sex, Mom!”
Bobby, in what was typical for his particular style of PTSD, got overloaded and his body shut down. He went rigid ... groaned, and then lost the ability to control his body as it jerked in a sort of seizure. It wasn’t actually a seizure, by precise medical definition. Rather, his brain suddenly lost the ability to control voluntary functions. Sometimes he passed out when this happened. Sometimes he just flopped like a fish and scared the crap out of anybody who was around him. It was the primary reason he had decided to go off and live in the woods. His family didn’t deal well with the episodes.
Jennifer recognized what was happening to him instantly. She had seen his body do this just before he drowned. She didn’t know what to call it, but it didn’t repel her. Rather, it brought out the maternal instinct in her.
“It’s happening again!” she gasped, as she more or less threw herself on his body. It was an unconscious (and unnecessary) attempt to prevent him from drowning again. He didn’t fight her, but his body continued to move. What that meant, basically, was that her warm, naked body got rubbed all over his naked body, while she cooed to him that everything would be all right.
Mindy, of course, was horrified as she realized that her anger and shouting had probably caused whatever was happening to him... to happen to him. And her maternal instincts were much more honed than Jennifer’s. So, within a few seconds, she added her own feminine nearness to the mix, putting her face by his (and Jennifer’s) and telling him how sorry she was for yelling.
“I just didn’t want to be left out,” she moaned, kissing his cheek. Her face bumped into her daughter’s face, who simply moved to the other side of his head, arranging it so both women could succor the distressed man.
In the past, people had responded to Bobby’s episodes in a variety of ways. Drugs had been used. At one point his father sternly ordered him to “Snap out of it, soldier!” He had been restrained, actually tied to a bed one time. On several occasions they had turned off the lights and backed away, not touching him at all, just trying to remove as much stray stimuli as possible. And of course lots of women had cried over him.
But, as these two women had broken down a wall when they touched his scars that first time in the hospital, they again broke through one of his walls by simply caring for him, without demanding anything, including that he “get better” or “stop it!” or any of the other things people had tried to demand from him when this happened. They didn’t try to force him to do anything. They just held him and cared for him.
It’s possible that Jennifer’s naked body, rubbing against him, might have had something to do with it too.
At any rate, he came out of his trance much sooner than he had in past situations.
“I’m okay,” he muttered, breathing deeply. “Really. I’m okay.”
“I think he wants you to get off of him, Jenn,” said Mindy.
“Oh. Okay,” said the girl.
“That’s okay,” said Bobby, who was dealing with a stiff boner for the third time within half an hour. He’d had one when he first lay down and was thinking about the two women, in their bedrooms, twenty feet away. Then he’d lost it when he heard Jennifer coming and gotten embarrassed. She’d gotten him hard again, only to have that one made soft by Mindy’s angry entrance. Now it was ready to go again, and had even found its way between Jennifer’s legs, to dig into soft, warm skin where her legs joined.
He groaned, in fact, when she wiggled off of him.
The two women looked at his erection as he sat up.
“I didn’t mean to yell,” said Mindy.
“It’s okay,” he said, sounding like he could only speak one phrase in English.
Mindy wasn’t so sure, but she had made a decision (whacked something with that rock) and she knew she had to live with it. To that end, she turned to her daughter.
“Please don’t sneak around behind my back. And no sex. Sucking him is one thing ... but no intercourse. Do you understand me?”
Jennifer’s eyes were round and wide. She nodded.
“I’m going back to bed, then.” She turned away without saying good night. She did, however, turn the light back off.
“She’s mad,” said Bobby, his voice low.
“I told you we shouldn’t,” he accused.
“Is that why you have a hardon?”
“Hardons are normal. That doesn’t mean they’re a good thing.”
“I know,” she sighed. “I didn’t mean to make her mad.”
“This is all crazy,” he said.
“No it’s not! It’s not wrong for me to like you, or for you to like me. I don’t care how old you are. We saved each other’s lives. That has to mean something!”
“But you said it yourself. She likes me too.” He frowned. “Why do I suddenly feel like I’m in junior high school again?”
“I’m not that young!” said Jennifer, on the brink of tears.
“No, it’s not you,” he said, reaching for her. “Believe it or not, I don’t think of you as a lot younger than I am. I know you’re younger, but I don’t think of you that way. But adults don’t like each other. They fall in love. It was saying she likes me that made me feel silly. I should say she’s interested in me. Or something. That’s the problem. I don’t know what to do. I like both of you. And I’m interested in both of you too!”
“I know,” said Jennifer, softly. She was no longer teary-eyed. What he’d said made her feel much better. And she wasn’t completely innocent either. She knew what kind of relationships grownups had. She knew her mother had had sex ... lots of times. And she knew that was what her mother thought about when she said she ... liked ... Bobby.
She thought back to what had just happened. Her mother hadn’t yelled at them. Not really. She’d used that voice she brought out when she was disappointed in Jennifer ... the voice that was even more awful than getting grounded, or punished in some other way. Jennifer hated the “disappointed voice.”
She looked at the naked man in front of her.
“I know what needs to happen,” she said.
“What?” Bobby lay there, amazed that he could be so comfortable, naked, with this girl, when his emotions were almost at the level they’d been when he was on patrol in Afghanistan. It was crazy!
“I want you to do something for me, and then do something for my mother.”
“What?” he asked again.
“I’ve never had an ... um...” She swallowed. She had to do this. She had to say this. She had to be adult enough to do what she was sure needed to happen. She started again. “I’ve never had an orgasm that I didn’t give myself,” she said in a rush. She was so amazed she’d actually said it that she had to hold her breath.
“Okay,” said Bobby, who wasn’t all that surprised. All the orgasms he’d ever had had been self-generated too, until he met these two women.
“I want you to give me one,” she said, again in a rush.
He was silent for a moment. Then “How?”
“I don’t know,” she said. “I’ve never done anything with a boy. You’re grown up and handsome. You’re supposed to know what to do!”
“Well I don’t!” he snapped. “I’ve never done anything with a girl either. Not like you’re thinking. I mean I kissed and made out, but then I joined the Corps and ... I didn’t have time for girls any more.” He was thinking that there had been plenty of time to go out with the guys. They all picked up girls, and got laid. He could have done that, but he’d been scared ... scared he’d do something wrong ... scared the woman would laugh at him ... scared he’d get a disease. So he’d played pool, and gone to movies, and done extra PT, and read books.
“I’m sure we can think of something,” she said, her voice low and somehow sultry.
“Your mother said no sex,” he reminded her.
“Yes, and she said I could suck you.”
“I don’t actually feel like it right now,” he hedged.
“I can see that,” she said, looking at his less than firm penis. “But if I can suck you ... doesn’t that mean you could ... um ... do the same to me?” The last two words went up in her vocal register and she suddenly felt as young as those two words had sounded. She almost stamped her foot in frustration.
Her eyes were accustomed to the level of light such that she could actually see the whites of his eyes appear as his eyes widened.
“Wow,” he whispered.
“Right?” she asked. She held her breath. If he refused, she’d be so embarrassed she’d just die. Her whole body was tense.
“You’d let me do that?” he said, so quietly she could barely hear him. But his question thawed her body. He hadn’t said no. It was obvious he was interested. She felt like screaming for joy. She even took the breath to yell, but then bottled it up. It took supreme effort for her to moderate her voice, even for one word.
“Oh wow,” he sighed. “I’ve never done that.”
She felt warmth explode throughout her body as she heard his unstated willingness to do as she had asked. That warmth manifested itself between her legs as a rush of moisture. She knew she was slippery down there, and it loosed her voice as if those juices had oiled her throat too.
“Me, either, until I did it to you,” she said. “It wasn’t hard to learn. I’m sure I can help you figure it out.”
It was silent for so long she almost asked him what was wrong.
“Okay,” he said, his voice breathy.
She pulled him up and took his place on top of the sheet. She was so excited she had no modesty at all, and she pulled her heels up to the edge of the couch cushion and let her knees fall apart wide. He stared. It was dark, but their eyes had adjusted to that, and she could see him clearly. She knew he could see her too, and even that didn’t make her feel nervous. She couldn’t wait to see what it would be like.
He seemed to take forever to get to his knees and get his face close enough to touch her. Then, as his lips came close, she was afraid all that slipperiness might smell bad. She took a deep breath and held it as she heard him inhale. She could tell he had done the same thing - held his breath. But he let his out suddenly, before she could process what she thought he was thinking about, and pushed his lips against her vulva. He got lucky, and his lips surrounded her turgid teen clitty. It was just instinct for him to suck at the bud.
Her groan, as all that air she’d sucked in was suddenly expelled, was so agonized he was sure he’d hurt her. He pulled away, only to have her hands frantically grab at his hair and jerk his face back against her.
“Don’t stop!“ she said, with the tail end of the air in her lungs. Even though she was out of air, she managed to put a lot of emotion into those two little words. Now his lips weren’t in the right place, though, so he just explored, using his tongue instinctively to probe and touch. Her fingers pulled so hard he knew he was losing hair, but it was obvious now that she liked this very much. He felt proud.
Then, like he had set about in the Corps to become the very best at everything they tried to teach him ... he set out to learn how to be the very best at doing this too.
The only reason Mindy wasn’t back out in the living room turning lights on again and demanding to know what the hell was going on, was because Jennifer found his pillow and gagged herself with it. She knew she’d scream, but she didn’t want him to stop doing what he was doing. She didn’t want him to ever stop what he was doing, for that matter.
She’d gotten her orgasm. It had happened so quickly that she barely gotten the pillow over her face in time, and by the time she got control of her rattled brain enough to convince herself it was over, there was another one right there, knocking on the door.
So she grabbed for that one too.
These orgasms were completely different than the ones she got by punishing her clitty with stiff fingers, rubbing and slapping it until it released that sweet pain throughout her groin. She’d put her finger inside herself once, when she was twelve, but there had been pain and blood, and she’d never had the courage to do more than just tickle the area just past her pussy lips. She never connected the fact that her use of tampons since then meant she could probably try it again with a different outcome.
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