My Wife, Her Slave - Cover

My Wife, Her Slave

Copyright© 2013 by Memory Heap

Chapter 14: The Gay Bar

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 14: The Gay Bar - She was my wife, but she was her slave. It started as a discovery of something new, but had developed into something so much more. And now, was she still my wife, was she only her slave, or were we sharing her?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Reluctant   Slavery   Lesbian   BiSexual   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Spanking   Exhibitionism   Fisting   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys  

They drove to another part of the city, then turned down a back street and parked in a quiet area, nowhere near any of the clubs or bars that Nina was familiar with. She looked around, and asked, "Where are we going? It doesn't look like there's any place here."

"A little place I know. It's a bit off the beaten path, on purpose." They got out of the car and walked to a door in one of the buildings. Beside the door was a small brass plaque that said 'Private Club—Members Only.' Nina looked at Gretchen quizzically as she reached for the door.

"It's not actually a private club, but the sign does a lot to keep out people who don't belong here." As they entered, they found themselves in an entryway with another set of doors in front of them. After a moment, a buzzer sounded, and Gretchen opened the inner door, then showed Nina through.

Inside, Nina found herself in a very well appointed club, with a bar along one wall, and circular booths along the other three walls. There was a small stage in one corner, and a little dance floor. The atmosphere seemed pleasant, but the lighting seemed designed to ensure privacy, especially for the booths. The lighting around the bar was a bit brighter, and many of the stools were occupied. Nina couldn't see into many of the booths, which seemed to be part of the design.

A hostess came to greet them, and Gretchen asked for a booth. As she guided them across the floor, Nina noticed that her dress was very short, had slits on the side, and was deeply cut in both front and back. She was very pretty, and didn't seem to mind the skimpy outfit. She was wearing an interesting necklace, which seemed to be a solid gold ring all around her neck.

Gretchen guide Nina into the booth, and had her move to the middle, then she slid in behind her, and moved up beside her. She looked down for a second, and noted that Nina had flipped her skirt out of the way, and was sitting with her legs spread apart.

A moment later, a waitress came by, and they each order a glass of wine. Nina noted that the waitress's outfit was very similar to that of the hostess, even down to the gold necklace. After their drinks had been delivered, Nina turned to Gretchen. "This seems like a nice little place. I wouldn't have guessed it was here."

"That's the way the owners, and the clientele like it. Notice anything about it?"

Nina looked around, and realized that there was something different about the place, but couldn't put her finger on it. As she scanned the bar for the second time, she saw a woman standing by one of the stools, on which another woman was sitting. The two were talking, and the standing woman reached out to tuck a lock of hair behind the ear of the seated woman. At that moment, Nina realized what was different.

"There are no men here, are there? This is a lesbian club, right?"

Gretchen smiled at her, and said, "Yes. Which explains why we like to keep its existence quiet. We don't bother the neighbours, and we don't want to be bothered."

"That explains the security door at the front."

"Yes. If we had been male, or looked like we didn't belong, then we wouldn't have got beyond the door. The place is very discreet, and we like it that way."

"I guess that also helps to explain the way the wait staff are dressed. If there were guys everywhere, they'd be getting groped all the time."

"Don't kid yourself. They get groped all the time. Sometimes they get put up on a table and eaten, or bent over the table and fucked with a strap-on, or told to get under the table and eat someone. Lesbians can be very aggressive. After all, there are a lot of dominants in here."

"So the wait staff just have to accept the treatment?"

"Well, since most of them are slaves, there's not much of a problem."

"Slaves? How do you know?"

"Well, did you see the sort of necklace that the hostess and our waitress were wearing? That's a collar. If you want further proof, I can have our waitress come over here and strip, then get under the table and lick you until you scream."

Nina looked at her with wide eyes. "I am too scared that you just might do that. No, thanks ... I'll pass on the offer for now."

"Okay, but next time she comes by our table, I'll ask her to show you her collar."

After another sip of wine, Nina asked, "So, you said you wanted to talk. You also seemed very serious, much more so than usual, even when you're my mistress. You're worrying me. What's up?"

Gretchen took a swallow of her wine, then moved a little closer to Nina until their legs were touching. She put her hand on Nina's leg, and moved it to the inside of her thigh, then started lightly running her fingers between her knee and the top of her stocking. "Actually, little one, you're the one I'm worried about."

"Me? Why?"

"Well, for starters, you're sitting in a club that you've never been in before. You have no panties on, your legs are spread wide open, and I'm running my hand along your leg, with no complaint from you. I can move my hand right up to your pussy, like this, and slide my fingers up and down your slit, like this. You are wet, and if I kept this up, you would ask me for permission to come. If I gave that permission, you would have an orgasm right here in the club, in full view of anyone who might be watching. So, is that pretty much correct?" As Gretchen spoke, her fingers had moved from Nina's leg to her bare thigh above the stocking, and then to her wet pussy, sliding between the labia. She pressed on Nina's clit once, then moved her hand back to Nina's leg.

Nina had closed her eyes while Gretchen's fingers were doing their magic on her pussy, but she had heard every word. When the hand moved away, she took a drink of wine, then paused for a moment before answering.

"Yes, everything you said was true. I would have allowed all of that, and if you had given me permission, I would have had that orgasm, and done my best to keep from screaming, like you usually make me do."

"Why? A week ago, you were, pardon the expression, a 'simple housewife', or a 'soccer mom', now I'm not sure what you are."

"I think the answer is easy. A week ago, you told me, in the middle of a shower, that you were strongly attracted to me, and that you had basically taken control of me that day, giving me a few delicious orgasms. You also told me that you were very dominant when it comes to women. Well, what you and I did that day, and what I discovered during my research, awakened something in me. It was something that I had no idea was there, but I haven't been able to put it out of my mind since that day.

"Since that day, I have studied more about a subject than at any time since college, and I have read more porn than I would have believed existed. The more I read, the more intrigued I became. And quite frankly, every time I read a story about a woman like me being dominated, especially by another woman, I got turned on. Between the porn and you, I've been wet since that day.

"But, the more I thought about you, and met with you, the more I realized that my near-obsession with being dominated was focused on you. At the moment, I don't have anything else to compare it to, since I don't know any other dominants, but I knew that I at least wanted to explore what it was like to be dominated. It was an itch that I had to scratch.

"Some aspect of your personality made me feel, deep down, that even as I was being dominated, that I would be safe with you. I took a big risk, admittedly, but your little test was kind of the final indicator that I needed, since it proved that you cared about my welfare, even with all the dominance and control you had been asserting. You were willing to let me walk out of your life rather than see me give myself to the 'horny five'.

"After that, I knew that I could trust you on a very deep level. It meant that I could hand over control of my sexuality, knowing that you would force me to look in all the dark corners and learn about all aspects of it. Yet at the same time, you would never do anything that would hurt me. I simply had to trust that you wouldn't hand me over to the 'horny five', or that if you did, it would be because you had decided that it was something I needed to experience. If it happened, I could only trust that you had done something to ensure my safety while I was being used.

"Because I trusted you with that control, then it was my duty to follow your instructions regarding how I dressed, and whether my legs are spread when I sit down. If you decide that I should have an orgasm in this club, then so be it. I have given that control to you, so your wish is my command in any sexual matter.

"Moving from that level of control to becoming a 'gym slave' was kind of the next natural step. I knew from our discussions that being a submissive and being a slave were two very different things. I wanted to see the difference for myself, and I realized that using the gym as the only place where I am a slave made it a very safe location to explore that side of my sexuality, and my psyche. I know that there may be other people in the gym who will see me as a slave, and may therefore get to use me as a slave. I accept that, because without that aspect, I will never know what it is to be a slave.

"I fully expect that some other dominant will make me get on my knees and eat her one day in the gym, or will spank me for some infraction, or will even whip me. And I know that, because I have enslaved myself, then I will have no choice in the matter, and will have to perform sexually, or accept the punishment. But by the same token, my anchor is that when I leave the gym, I am no longer a slave; I may still be your little submissive, but I will have regained my free will the moment I walk out the door.

"Whoo. That is the longest speech I have given in a very long time. I need another glass of wine." Turning to Gretchen, she lifted a hand to her face, and said, "You were awfully quiet through all of that. Are you alright? Did I answer your question, or raise a dozen new ones?"

Gretchen pulled her in for a deep kiss, and held her tightly for a moment, then drew in a deep shuddering breath. "Give me a moment, little one. I need to think about what you've said."

"Oh, Gretchen, have I scared you, or said something I shouldn't have? I don't want to hurt you."

"No, no, little one. I just need to organize my thoughts. Let's get another glass of wine." She looked for their waitress, and lifted a hand to signal for another round. The waitress appeared a moment later, and put the glasses of wine in front of them. With a glint in her eye, Gretchen looked at the waitress and said, "I need to prove a point to my friend here. She's usually pretty wet, so would you mind sticking two or three fingers in her as far as you can to see how wet she is? Feel free to run your thumb over her clit while you're there, but don't let her come."

"Of course, Mistress." While Nina stared at Gretchen with a stunned expression on her face, the young girl put her tray down, then slid into the booth beside Nina. Her hand went under the table, and Nina moaned as the girl's fingers slid deeply into her, then grunted as the girl's thumb started rubbing her clit quite firmly, Her breathing immediately ramped up, and her head started to tip back as the sensation overwhelmed her. "You were right, Mistress. She's very wet."

The girl kept it up for a few more moments, then suddenly stopped and withdrew her hand. She brought the fingers to her mouth and licked them clean. "Mmmm, you have a nice taste. I enjoyed that."

As the girl started to leave, Gretchen said, "Just a second, get up on your knees on the seat, and spread them." The girl did as instructed, and Gretchen looked at Nina. "Don't you think you should reciprocate?"

Nina gave her another wide-eyed look, then turned to the girl, and reached under her short skirt. She discovered that the girl was shaved, and also wet, so she slid two fingers all the way into her, and started rubbing the girl's clit with her thumb. She pumped the fingers, watching the girl's reaction. "May I make you come? Are you allowed to come?"

"No, Mistress. I need to ask permission from the owner first." Nina stopped a moment later, then slid her wet fingers into her mouth and licked them clean. She looked at the young waitress and said, "You taste very nice as well. Thank you."

"You're welcome, Mistress." The girl gathered up her tray and their empty glasses, and left. Nina took a sip of her wine, waiting for Gretchen to organize her thoughts.

A moment later, Gretchen once again placed a hand on her leg, but then lifted it at the knee, bending it up. She stood partway up, and moved the leg behind her. When she sat back down, she moved into the space between Nina's legs, but then reached for the other leg, bringing it up across her lap. When she was done, she turned slightly to face Nina more directly, and put a hand on the outside thigh, to hold Nina's leg close to her.

"I was wondering what you were trying to do. It's a good thing these seats are deep."

"I wanted to be as close to you as I could while we talked, and I figured this was the best way to do it. The next best way would have been to have you sitting on my lap."

"I kind of like this. I can wrap my arms around you and pull you in for a kiss." Which Nina proceeded to do.

After a moment, Gretchen pulled back. "Enough stalling. As fun as this is, if I don't say what I wanted to, it will eat me up inside." Nina became alarmed at the statement, and the tone in which it was delivered, and she reached out to hold Gretchen's hands.

Gretchen looked into Nina's eyes. "I have told you that I am submissive toward men, and dominant toward women. You have seen the women part firsthand. I told you that I wasn't gay, but that I liked sex a lot. Most of that is true. I am submissive with men, and dominant with women. I'm not gay, because I do like sex with men.

"However, I haven't had a male-induced orgasm in over a year. Until last week, the only female-induced orgasms I'd had in a year were from a few different slaves, who I had forced to make me come. Most of my orgasms were from my own hand, or a few toys. Then last week, this cute little soccer mom made me come twice, once just by playing with my nipples. I had not forced her into anything; she did it more out of ... curiosity? ... than anything else, I think. But regardless, I enjoyed it, and I think she enjoyed doing it to me, and I realized that I not only really liked the sex, but I liked the person who had done it to me.

"But, she disappears out of my life for over a week. When she comes back into it, she says that she's been studying everything there is to know about my lifestyle, and kneels in front of me to offer me another orgasm, this time with her tongue. I get worried about where things are going, so I arrange a little test for her, and she shows me that her head really is screwed on correctly. Then the next time I see her, she floors me by kneeling again, and declaring that I now control her entire sexuality, and that she is my willing slave whenever she is in my gym."

Gretchen paused for a moment, and took a sip of wine. As she turned back to Nina, she looked at her for a moment, then reached out and unfastened the few remaining buttons on her blouse. She pulled it open, then reached in and gently cupped a breast in each hand. "I want to play with these while I talk, because they're so damn pretty." She started softly caressing them, running fingers over the nipples, and giving them the occasional squeeze.

"You said that I awakened something in you. Well, the truth is that you've awakened something in me, as well. I told you I wasn't gay. That's true, but not one hundred percent correct. If I am honest with myself, I think the reality is that I am about ninety percent lesbian, at least where you are concerned." She took a deep breath, letting out a heavy sigh, and brought her face close to Nina's. "If I am to be completely honest, I am falling in love with you, and it scares the crap out of me."

"Oh, Gretchen." Nina let out a sound like a heavy sob, and wrapped her arms around Gretchen, pulling her in tightly. She kissed Gretchen on her forehead, then on down her face, and finally on her lips, showing her affection for her friend, kissing her deeply, and running her tongue into Gretchen's mouth. Gretchen moaned deep in her throat, and slipped her arms around Nina's back, releasing her breasts for the moment.

After a couple of minutes, Nina pulled back gently, and rested her forehead against Gretchen's, then spoke softly. "Why do you think I told you that I trusted you with my sexuality in everything, and with my life inside the gym? I've been avoiding telling you, or even telling myself, but the reality is that I'm falling in love with you as well.

"I don't think I'm gay. I'd say that I'm obviously bi-sexual, but I don't know enough to know where the line is. Maybe I'm fifty-fifty, maybe I'm eighty-twenty, or maybe I'm actually one hundred percent heterosexual, with the sole exception of a certain Gretchen Long, with whom I'm one hundred percent submissive lesbian. Am I a submissive lesbian with any other woman? Who the hell knows? What I do know, is that I gave the reins to my friend and lover, and told her to help me find out. When I do find out, I know that, regardless of the rest of the outcome, I'm still going to be her submissive lesbian lover, if she'll have me."

Gretchen moved back from Nina's face, bringing her hands back to Nina's breasts. In a threatening voice, she said, "What I should have done was booted you out on your ass the moment you knelt in front of me. Or more correctly, I should have tried to rape you the very first time I showed you the massage table, when you still had clothes on. Then you might have known who I really am, and you would have run away screaming, and never come back."

"Yes, dear," Nina said in a condescending tone. "And if you weren't sitting here holding my boobs in your hands while you said that, then I might have actually believed you."

"I should tell you that slaves don't have boobs or breasts, they have tits. And they don't have vaginas or vulvas, they have pussies, or cunts."

"Well, whatever you want to call them is fine with me. This is the gentlest touch I have ever felt from you, and it feels really nice."

"This is all part of how you're screwing with my head. If I were really your mistress, or even your part-time dominant, I would be sending you out on the dance floor naked, or sending you to the bar and letting you get attacked by the piranhas, so that you get to see what another dominant would do. And I wouldn't care what happens to you.

"Part of me wants to sit you up on the table here and eat you 'till you scream, part of me wants you to get under the table so you can eat me 'till I scream, part of me wants you collared and cuffed and strung up so I can stripe you with a crop and hear you scream, and part of me wants to take you home with me so that we can make sweet, gentle love to each other all night. You have me so confused that I don't know which way to turn, and yet I'm the one that is supposed to be making all the decisions about you."

"May I make a suggestion?"


"Go with your gut, and do it with your 'Gretchen the Mistress' persona in full dominant mode. If you wimp out, and think of me only as your lover, then we'll be like a couple of fumbling teenagers, or newlyweds. You'll be afraid of hurting me, I'll be afraid that something I think I should try is too weird, and neither one of us will be happy.

"Treat me the way you did the day you wouldn't let me come, and the day after ... the big test. You laid down rules, you told me I had to dress and act a certain way. The next day was even harsher; you made me sit to expose everything, then masturbate. You explained nothing, you just commanded. 'Play with yourself ... stand ... strip.'

"I'm not saying you have to be that harsh all the time. You can certainly be yourself, but don't be clouded by your love. If I'm slacking off and should be punished, then punish me. If some other mistress in the gym wants my tongue in her pussy, then that's my place, and I should be doing it, unless you think she might hurt me. Part of your role, and the trust I've placed in you, is the protection; I trust you to see that I will not be physically hurt while I am your slave. Other than that, I have to experience what every other slave would experience, or else I won't be learning anything. If you think it will help you, I'll wear a collar all the time, or some other symbol that only you and I know about.

"And finally, on top of all of that, every now and then we can take an evening and spend it just making sweet love to each other, as equals, not as dominants and submissives. I agree with all the parts of you that you listed before. I should be on the table or under it, and one of us should be screaming; I should be in the washroom either on my knees eating pussy, or having mine eaten, or I should be at the bar guzzling free drinks because some number of women think they're going to get lucky tonight."

Gretchen paused for a moment, absorbing Nina's comments. "There is one big issue we haven't discussed ... you're married. What does your husband think about all of this? Or does he even know?"

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