Knight in Shining Armor - Cover

Knight in Shining Armor

Copyright© 2013 by Stepdad


Romantic Sex Story: Epilogue - Arthur Sherwood, a wealthy bachelor, comes to the rescue of damsels in distress with more than spiritual rewards.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Science Fiction   Humor   First   Safe Sex   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Petting  

Things at Camelot had finally settled down to what we had come to expect as normal. Kim and Dora's photo studio became a resounding success. They both have met their life mates and have moved out of Camelot to start their own lives. I still got visits from both of them from time to time as they enjoy sleepovers.

I have continued my quest to rescue damsels in distress. In the process I had built seven more schools scattered across the country. Just as I finished one of the schools, the FBI rescued 105 children in a nation-wide sweep who were victims of the 'kiddy sex trade'. Girls were forced into prostitution or being sold to wealthy pedophiles to become sex slaves only to meet their demise when they grew too old for their owner's taste. I offered the FBI the use of my plane and a place to take care of the girls until they could be re-united with their families. Some of them had no families so they became somewhat permanent residents at the school.

Fortunately we did not have a repeat of the maintenance man debacle. In-depth screening of employees not only kept undesirable people out of the school but also resulted in the arrest and conviction of a couple of prospective applicants. Our investigators discovered that they had been involved in supplying young girls to one of the larger sex trade operations. Seeing the success of our investigations, I established a national agency specializing in uncovering unscrupulous operations involving kidnapping and exploitation of under-age girls and boys. Being a private company, we were not restrained by the rules the police must work within. Our main emphasis being rescue, with prosecutions taking a back seat, resulted in many of our successes.

All-in-all I am very happy with how I have lived my life performing rescues whenever I could. I don't think I will ever retire form what I do. It seems there is a never-ending supply of damsels in distress needing my help. Maybe Grace and I will visit medieval Camelot to enjoy the adventures offered there. My old friend Merlin should be a fascinating person to just hang out with.

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