My Boss My Slut - Cover

My Boss My Slut

Copyright© 2012 by Ving Too

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - a wrong deciscion at work puts my uptight boss in my control

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Mult   Consensual   Reluctant   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Incest   Mother   Daughter   MaleDom   Spanking   Light Bond   Humiliation   Gang Bang   Group Sex   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Fisting   Sex Toys   Bestiality   Squirting   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism   Leg Fetish   Public Sex   Transformation   Porn Theatre  

Having gone home from work, showering and getting my thoughts straight on how I wanted to proceed with Brenda and our new relationship, I was now standing at her door, waiting for her to answer it. You can imagine my surprise when it was opened by a teenage girl the spitting image of Brenda.

"HI, you must be Mr. Brown, mom told me you were coming for dinner, I'm Amy."

"Ahhh, yes, yes I am, but she never told me she had a daughter, or that she was married for that matter," I barely responded.

"Why doesn't that surprise me," she laughed, "but she's not married, dad left us for another woman when I was 6, nine years ago,"she continued breezily while ushering me inside.

As I entered I was also greeted by a huge dog, a Rotweiler or mix of one from the looks of it. It made no noise just wagged a stump of a tail.

"Oh that's just Fido, he's harmless, just a big ol' lovable mutt, aren't you boy," Amy said as he wiggled his body happily over to her for a pat on the head. I found myself in a foyer, than a living room on my right, a dining room to my left and a stairway in front of me.

Brenda was descending the steps when I noticed she was wearing slacks.

"Brenda, I told you you were to wear dresses or skirts only. Now turn right around and go and change into one, the shorter the better. I am a leg man and I like to see a lot of leg," I said sternly.

She stopped stock still, not moving a muscle as she looked in horror at her daughter. I looked at Amy too. She was blonde like her mother, but her hair only came to her shoulders and it was wilder, like a mane. She was dressed much like her mother had dressed; shapeless, baggy and totally unappealing. In Amy's case this meant a baggy sweatshirt and baggy sweatpants. I had no clue what her body looked like.

"Don't worry about Amy, while you are finding something more appropiate to wear in my prescence, I will explain our new working relationship to your daughter."

Brenda still didn't move. She was like a statue.

"Your daughter deserves to know about your new status. She has a right to make her own descions regarding her mother and how it will affect her life because it will. It all ready has, when she heard me order you to put on a short skirt or dress. She deserves to know why I can do that, and she needs to know why you will obey that order. Now."

Brenda stood in place a final second, looking from me to her daughter with a pleading look to her face; then she obediantly turned and went back upstairs.

"We need to talk Amy," I said taking her hand and walking into the living room. I motioned her to sit on the couch and then joined her.

"I'll jump right into this Amy, please don't interupt until I say so. Your mother screwed up at work big time, she basically has become my slave. As such she is going to change the way she treats her employees, she is going to become a better person when it comes to work related issues. She is going to learn to be nice. Hopefully she will learn to loosen up and not be so repressed. This relates to you also; if I'm not mistaken she probably has you repressed too." I saw Amy nod and continued, "and if I am correct that repression has your teenage angst going crazy. Well I am going to get your mother to take the leash off of you. You will be free to wear what you like, listen to what you like, go on the computer to whatever sites you like, and most of all to start seeing boys you like. If I read you both rightly I am sure she dictates everyone of those to your dislike." I nodded at her.

"You are so right, she doesn't let me do annnnyyything. And the clothes she makes me wear are just horrid; I'm the laughingstock of the school. And boys, don't even mention the word. I'm almost ready to run away, she makes me so unhappy."

"Oh don't do that, it would break her heart and her spirit. You're all she has, she just doesn't want what happened to her to happen to you."

"What happened to mom?"

"I'm not exactly sure but I have a pretty good idea of a couple of things that might have happened to cause her to be like she is. I will order your mother to let you dress how you want, watch what you want, and let you start seeing boys."

Amy squealed and gave me a quick hug.

"Thank you so much, if you can do that I am forever in your debt."

"Now there is something else you should know,"

I cleared my throat, this next was going to be unchartered waters.

"I am also a pervert. I like to see women dressed like sluts and act like sluts. I plan on using your mother like a slut, though she may not have realized that yet. I am going to make her expose her tits, panties and pussy in public. I am going to take her places like strip clubs, dirty bookstores and porn theaters and show her off to the strange men there. I may even have them fuck her. I will be bringing men here to fuck her. I will be fucking her every night in her bedroom. You will have to live with the fact your mother is going to fuck and suck a bunch of different men."

I looked at her, she was immoble but her eyes were moving a mile a minute as I could see her digesting what I had said.

"You're a virgin I assume?"

Amy nodded.

"I know what I have said is overwhelming, but I want you to know everything.You are old enough now to make your own descions when it comes to your own sexuality. Now that you know what your mother is going to be doing she can't tell you not to do it to if you want, and I'll make sure she puts you on the pill."

I could see the light bulb go on in her head, she was just given permission to have sex and as much or little of it as she wanted.

"I have an idea, why don't you and your mother play hookey from school and work tommorrow and go clothes shopping. From the amount of time your mother is taking I'm sure you both need an upgrade to your clothes."

"Really? You mean it?" Amy jumped off the couch in joy, "I can actually buy something from the 21st century?"

We both laughed, "Yes, you can buy anything you want, although there will be a caveat to that that we should wait for your mother for."

"A cavy, cavyer?"

"Caveat, it means something is esentially true but there is a small catch to it, and what that small catch is I will tell you when your mother comes back. If she ever will come back, she's been gone a long time."

"That's because she doesn't have any short skirts or dresses and she's up there cutting one of her longer ones." Amy giggled.

I loved the sound of it, it was a long time since I heard the girlish laugh of a teenage girl. Eventually Brenda did make it down and Amy was right. She had to cut one of her sundresses to make it short, and she didn't do a very good job. In front it was about 5 inches above her knees but in back it was only a couple of inches long and the ugly panties she insists on wearing were exposed.

Amy laughed, Brenda turned red and I just shook my head. We repaired to the dining room and dinner was served. Brenda was right, she was a good cook, the meal was delicious. During the meal we talked about ourselves. I went first and told my non discript life in a quick and nondiscriptive way. With prodding from her daughter and I, Brenda somewhat came clean about her past, and as I suspected a teenage boy had done her wrong and in response she closed herself up like a clam, which in turn caused her to lose her husband and alienate her daughter. I did my home psychoanalysis and by bed time had Brenda more than willing to submit to my will if only for her own mental health, little realizing her opening her life to new experiences was coexistant with my turning her into a slut.

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