My Boss My Slut
Copyright© 2012 by Ving Too
Chapter 19
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 19 - a wrong deciscion at work puts my uptight boss in my control
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Ma/ft ft/ft Fa/ft Mult Consensual Reluctant BiSexual Heterosexual Incest Mother Daughter MaleDom Spanking Light Bond Humiliation Gang Bang Group Sex First Oral Sex Anal Sex Masturbation Fisting Sex Toys Bestiality Squirting Cream Pie Exhibitionism Voyeurism Leg Fetish Public Sex Transformation Porn Theatre
I dropped Brenda off at home with a promise that she would clean up and go to bed; either to read, watch TV, or sleep, but under no circumstances was she to masturbate or engage in sex. She giggled at me
"I think someone is just as excited as I am about my fucking a horse," she laughed, mock punching my arm.
"I have to admit, I am excited, but I just want to make sure you're in shape to do it."
"I love your concern, Mr. Brown, but it's not like I haven't done this before; don't worry," and she gave me a quick kiss. "Now go pick up our daughter, there's no telling what that horny slut got herself into today at school."
"Yeah, she told me to pick her up in the park, I imagine she's there fucking Chuckie and the boys."
"Well if you're worried about someone being in shape for tomorrow you better get her ass back here quick," she said laughing even harder.
She jumped out of the car and after I saw her enter the house safely I took off to get Amy.
Sure enough, I found her at the park with one cock in her pussy and one in her mouth. Chuckie and Jeff were busy video taping the action; one using a tripod, the other a hand held camera. The other 2 boys were watching the action.
"Have the 2 of you fucked her yet?" I asked as I approached the pair.
"No Mr. Brown, err Hank, we haven't."
"Well sorry, you won't get the chance, she needs to rest up for tomorrows activities. You can jack off on her face if you want, but I need her pussy to not be sore."
"No problem, Hank, I don't mind cuming on Amys face," Tom said, and Joe nodded in silent assent.
"Pete," I said to the boy fucking Amy, "sorry but you got to pull out of her, just jack off on her face, okay?"
"Nooooo," Amy wailed as she popped her mouth off of the cock in it, "I am so close to cuming."
"Tough shit, you little cunt," I mock growled at her, "serves you right. Now you'll just be twice as horny when you fuck that dog tomorrow."
Despite her protestations, Pete climbed from between her legs and stood over her face as he jerked load after load on Amys cheeks and forehead, trying not to hit Mikes cock which Amy went back to violently sucking on. Mike soon jerked his hips and yelped while he deposited his sperm into her willing mouth. He took his cock out and offered it to her so she could lick it clean and suck the last drop out from its tip. Tom and Joe then stepped up to either side of her face and began jacking off while alternating putting their dicks in her mouth. They soon added their cum to Petes.
"Chuckie? Jeff? you want to cum on her face?" I asked the two cameramen, I needn't. They handed the gear to Joe and Pete and availed themselves of Amys face and mouth too. Amys face was soon covered in twice the amount of cum her mother wore earlier in the day. I was getting used to the fact I loved seeing it.
"Okay guys, we have to take off, but we will see you tomorrow. I will leave 10 tickets for you." I smiled at their reaction, "Yeah you can expand your group to 10; with the new relaxed rules of your school, my rules will have to be altered too. Just be sure they are guys who won't freak out from seeing women fuck horses and dogs."
"Actually, that fits really well, Hank," said Joe, "we have 4 friends in the AV club who we need for your website. This will be the perfect incentive."
"Great, glad it will work out, will they be cool?"
"They're nerds, they don't know what cool is," Joe laughed, "and for sure they will be freaked out by what they see, but only in a overly driven hormonal way, as the Phy Ed teacher would say." And all the boys laughed.
"Ummm, Hank?" Mike actually raised his hand. I laughed, and he sheepishly realized what he did and put his hand down.
"No problem, Mike, couldn't resist, but we're not in school; anytime you guys have a question don't hesitate to ask. By this time we have no secrets among us."
We all laughed.
"Well, actually we do," Mike replied. He hung his head and was looking at the ground as he said "I've been fucking my older sister Debra, and I told her about Amy and her mother and Mary and her daughter Becky, and she would like to come tomorrow too."
Mikes confession had his friends in a tizzy.
"She's a fox, man. Holy shit, your dickin' your sister. Wow, dude, how longs that been goin' on? Debras one of the hottest chicks in school, man. Duuuude, how cool is that?"
I interrupted them
"Later, later, you can grill him after Amy and I leave, but right now I need to get something straight."
I took Mike by the shoulders and looked him in the eye
"What you're doing with your sister, I assume it's consensual?" Mike looked frightened, but nodded yes. "And your sister is okay with everything you've told her about Amy and her mother?"
"Oh, she's more than okay with it Hank, I think it's getting to the point she wants to join them," Mike enthused.
"All right. I have been told that there will be two types of women at the ranch tomorrow. Those wearing skirts and dresses and those wearing pants and jeans. The women wearing skirts and dresses are considered part of the activities and can be gropped and fucked; the women wearing pants and jeans, not so much. So if your sister really wants to come, make sure she knows her options. And you can tell her that Brenda, Amy, Mary and Becky will also be wearing nylons and garterbelts under their skirts," I smiled at him, "just in case she really wants to join them."
"I'll be sure to tell her," he responded before he was inundated by his mates questions and surrounded by them in their enthusiasm over the news of his sister.
Amy took my hand and we left them to their inquisition as we walked to the car.
"Oh, Hank, today was just great. There was a morning assembly for the whole school and the principal announced that I was taking part in a study for the U and would have a camera crew following me around school. He said the study concerned open teenage sexuality and it's affects on other teenagers. I was called onstage and stood in front of him. He ran his hands over my blouse and fondled my tits while telling the kids they were free to touch my tits whenever they wanted to. Then he unbuttoned my blouse and exposed my tits while he rubbed my nipples and pinched them. He told them they were free to take my tits out and play with them too. Then he raised my skirt hem up to my waist and told them that they were free to raise my skirts and look at my panties anytime they wanted to. Ohhh, goddd, Hank, then he moved my panties out of the way and finger fucked me. I came as soon as his finger entered my pussy. Ohhhhh, Hank, I orgasmed in front of the whole school, it was sooooo fucking hot I almost passed out. He told them they had to ask permission to fuck me, but any looking or touching they could do whenever they wanted, as long as it didn't disrupt classes. Then he said girls were free to touch me and look at me too, and just like the boys, if they wanted to have sex with me all they had to do was ask.
My pussy started wet and stayed that way the whole day, Hank. I can't tell you how often I had someones hands on my tits, pussy and ass. I couldn't walk down the hallway without my skirt being raised so everyone could see my panties. I got finger fucked everytime I went up a staircase and I let 2 girls suck my pussy, one of them right after I fucked one of my teachers. I didn't tell her she was sucking on Mr. Brights sperm, it might have freaked her out, but she said I tasted delicious. Ohhhhh, Hank, school is going to be sooooo cool to go to now. I can wear what I want and pretty much do what I want."
"To a point there, little missy, to a point. If your grades go down because of your activities this will all come to a stop. As much as I love you being the school slut, I don't want your education to suffer."
"Oh Hank," she gushed, putting her arms around me, "you don't have to worry about that. School's so easy I could test out right now."
"Really?" I said shocked, "you are so far ahead you could graduate?"
"Kinda, I guess. I just know my teachers have all said that I could pass the equivilancy tests in their subjects."
Hmmm, I thought. What if she took the tests and passed? Then she could go to school part time just to show off and get fucked by other teenagers for the cameras. She could then have her days free for me to get her fucked by older men, win win.
"Say, how'd you like to give a heart attack to a guy?" I asked as we buckled into the car.
"Sure, what do I have to do?" she responded, not missing a beat.
"Well, while I was getting your fake ID your mom was being fucked in her pussy and ass by a couple of guys who happened to be there. When the IDs were done all three men came on your mothers face and I decided to show her off. She went into the 24/7 store and when the clerk mentioned she had something on her face she told him it was the sperm of three men and then she lifted her skirt and told him they came on her face because her pussy was just too wet to hold anymore liquid. The guy just about shit. Now if you walk in there..." and before I could finish Amy chimed in
" ... and be the daughter with twice as much cum on her face. That really could give him a heart attack you know."
"Nah, he's a healthy young kid, he should be all right."
Shortly I pulled up to the strip mall and Amy bounded from the car and ran into the store.
As soon as I could get my girth to follow her in, I did. Only to hear her say
"Hi, I heard my mother came in here earlier and she told you she had the sperm of three men covering her face. Is that true?"
She startled the clerk and the 4 male customers waiting in line to say the least.
The clerk nodded, looking at her in wide eyed disbelief. Amys cum covered face was so shiny it reflected the lighting of the store and gave her face an angelic glow. I noticed the 4 male customers had their eyes glued to her face too.
"Well I am her daughter and I have the sperm of six boys covering my face. What do you think? is there more cum on me than on her? and which one of us is prettier?"
The clerks jaw moved, his head looked like it was a booble head, but no words could he speak. Nor could the other men when Amy turned to them and with a big gesture used two fingers to smear the cum on her cheeks around then stuck them in her mouth and sucked.
She then raised her skirt to her waist and showed off her panties.
"Unlike my mother though, my panties aren't so wet that they couldn't have sprayed thier sperm in my pussy and have it stay there. The cum on my face is because my dad made those 6 boys cum there instead of fucking me becasue tomorrow I am going to fuck a dog in front of 100s of people and he doesn't want my pussy to be sore."
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