My Boss My Slut
Copyright© 2012 by Ving Too
Chapter 1
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - a wrong deciscion at work puts my uptight boss in my control
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Ma/ft ft/ft Fa/ft Mult Consensual Reluctant BiSexual Heterosexual Incest Mother Daughter MaleDom Spanking Light Bond Humiliation Gang Bang Group Sex First Oral Sex Anal Sex Masturbation Fisting Sex Toys Bestiality Squirting Cream Pie Exhibitionism Voyeurism Leg Fetish Public Sex Transformation Porn Theatre
I walked into the office expecting just another boring day. I had just finished a big project for an old customer and when all was said and done I wound up out of the box and gave him some unsolicited advice. I went against company policy, but I figured for an old and trusted customer honesty was better than business. I had just taken my coat off when I was summoned to my boss' office. Brenda Barlyle was an MBA; a woman with smarts but no people skills whatsoever. She was rather pretty and might have a great body; but with her blonde hair always in a bun, and the rather drab pantsuits and baggy blouses she always wore it was hard to tell for sure. She looked to be in her mid 30's and had been at the company just over 4 months. In that time she had successfully alienated just about everybody on the floor. She was demanding rather than suportive, harsh rather than tactful; brash and overbearing might be better terms, though impolite. We all figured she was a recent grad school graduate and was hired because the company needed a woman executive.
I was ushered into her office by her very harried and nervous secretary. Harriot Jones walked on egg shells trying to satisfy Ms. Barlyle, who seemed totally capable of never being satisfied.
As I entered her spacious office I noticed my report file on the Dalbon project I had just finished in her hands. As I looked up to her face all I saw was a mask of fury. In a voice that would freeze water she asked me
"Mister Brown do you make it a habit advising our clients go to our competitors? Don't answer that, I don't want to know. I do know you are fired. I want you out of this building within the hour or I will call security and have you taken out. I can not belive this report. And one of our most valued clients. I have no idea how I am going to tell Mister Acres what you did. But I am sure he will be pleased to know I at least fired you. Now get out of my sight."
She obviously didn't want to hear my thinking on the subject so I had no choice but to turn and head back to my desk and start cleaning out my meager belongings. As I was about to open the door it was opened for me by Mr. Acres. He strode into the room with the biggest smile on his face. When he saw me his smile got even bigger.
"Brown, just the man I wanted to see. Glad you had him in your office Ms. Barlyle, now I get to tell you both the good news. I just got off a conference call with Dalbon and Haaris. When you advised Dalbon to go to Haaris instead of using us, Brown, he thought it was the most honest peice of advice he had ever heard. So he called Haaris and told him what you did. Haaris then called me and he too was taken by your honesty. The upshot my boy, is that our company and Haaris are going to merge and our stock price just went up 10 bucks. You just made me a millionaire son, and the company billions."
He looked at Ms. Barlyle and said with a smile
"Whatever you do, don't let this guy get away. Haaris told me he would double his salary if he came to work in their special projects division. So you both get a raise and I want you to do everything in your power Ms. Barlyle to see that Brown here stays happy and continues to do exemplary work, for us, and not for Haaris, am I understood?"
A very confused Ms. Barlyle could only nod, words failing her.
"Good, I'm glad we have an understanding, maybe Brown here can get you to loosen up some, your a good numbers cruncher but I'm hearing people are not happy with your, mmm, how can I say this, your demeanor? You might try lightening up some on the diatribes, Ms. Barlyle, a happy office is a productive office. Well congratulations to you both, you'll hear from HR about the raises but I'm sure you'll both be pleased, and Brown?" he looked at me
"Don't make it a habit of giving our clients away, the next one might not be as accomadating," and then he gave a hearty laugh, shook my hand and said thanks once again and walked out, leaving a deadly silence in his wake.
We looked at each other without speaking for what seemed like an eternety. I knew what she was thinking, how to apologize and get me to stay. She had no idea what I was thinking.
I am a balding, pot bellied, late 50's blob. I smoke, I drink, and I don't fuck. I haven't had a woman that wasn't paid for in at least 20 years. My right hand and porno on the internet have become my best friends. And because of that internet use my sexual interests have become somewhat perverted from the norm. My most recent fantasies maybe about to come true.
Finally Ms. Barlyle was able to speak
"Well, obviously I was wrong and you are most welcome to return to your desk. No hard feelings?" and she put her hand out to shake. I ignored it.
"No Ms. Barlyle, there are many hard feelings. You fired me without giving me a chance to explain my thinking about why I did what I did. You lord over this office like a queen, paying no attention to the hurt left in your wake. But things are about to change, and change for the better, although you might not think so, at least at first."
Ms. Barlyle looked at me with the first hints of fear overtaking her face.
"Wh ... wh ... what do you mean?" she finally stammered out.
"I mean that from now on you will do what I say and what I want. You heard Mr. Acres, and I quote 'do everything in your power to keep Mr. Brown happy', and if Mr. Brown isn't happy he walks and tells Mr. Acres you fired him."
Now the fear was written in bold ink
"What do you want from me?"
"Simple, I want a new you. A kindler, gentler you, and I might add, a much sexier you." and I laughed.
She sank to her chair and started crying. That I didn't expect, hissing, spitting, swearing I expected from the tough broad that stalked the office, but crying? that I didn't know how to cope with. But what man truley knows how to cope with a crying woman.
I walked up to her and put a hand on her shoulder
"There there," I said, "it won't be so hard, you just need to simmer down."
"That's easy for you to say, you're not a woman in a mans job. I've got to be tough, cause if I'm not people will walk on me and not respect me," she managed to say between sobs."
"So that's why you've been so hard on everyone, you think you need to be tough to get respect? Well you don't, you just need to be competant, show people that you are well qualified to do your job and that will earn their respect. You don't have to yell at them, just give constructive advice."
Now as for me, well, you are now going to start wearing more feminine clothes. I want to see you in skirts and dresses."
"But people won't take me seriously if I start wearing that, they'll think I'm just some woman easy to push over."
"No they won't, that is just some feminist propaganda that you bought into. There is one other little request that I have of you to make me happy. You are going to have sex with me anytime and anywhere I want it."
Her head snapped up and the tears instantly stopped. She looked at me with a look of disbelief, that she hadn't heard me right, but afraid she did.
"You, Ms. Barlyle, are going to be my slave. You are going to do what I want, when I want and how I want. There will be no back talk or excusses. If you disobey me I walk and tell Acres you fired me. Are we clear on that point? You WILL do as I say, whether you like it or not. I will not be a hard master for you, and if I guess right you will come to enjoy all that will be asked of you."
The tears started again, but this time I didn't care. While she sat in her chair nearly petrified I took the pins from her hair and let it fall to its natural state. It was a beautiful shade of ash blonde and it fell to the middle of her back fanning out in a just ruffled way. It was stunning and it instantly turned her stern exterior into a softer persona. I took her suit jacket off her, she helping in a robotic way.
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