Jenn's Coverup - Cover

Jenn's Coverup

Copyright© 2012 by neff trebor

Chapter 4: The Public Exhibition

Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 4: The Public Exhibition - Jenn is forced into humiliating sex situations and blackmail to save her family after the 9/11 attack.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Coercion   Blackmail   Heterosexual   Mystery   Wimp Husband   Wife Watching   Humiliation   Group Sex   Black Male   First   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Size   Prostitution  

"Surely, this is enough." Thought Jenny.

Sam leaned over to Jenny and whispered into her ear. Jenny turned white at his orders. She knew she had no alternative if she wanted to keep her husband out of jail.

Her eyes teared up at the orders, but she felt she had no choice. Her ordeal of torment tonight continued to escalate and seemed like it would never end.

Jenny would gladly have accepted a gang-rape on the center dining table rather than what she had been asked to do. She took several deep breaths and a gulp of wine before she got up. She walked towards the bathroom with the ceiling fans causing her skirt to subtly flutter which gave the men on the way a good indication she had no panties.

As she went by one table about halfway to the bathroom, there was a group of about four big burly men sitting together having beer and appetizers on the way home from work. As instructed, she stood before the man closest to the isle she was in, put one hand on his shoulder, slid his chair out a little and sat down in his lap. She kept her hand and purse in her lap to keep the dress together.

They did not react when she asked him for his cap. Jenny tried to sit on his lap with her legs crossed and the dress gathered and held together with one hand. The stranger was huge, and Jenny could not reach the floor with her crossed legs. It was a precarious position.

As she wobbled on his lap, the man reached down and took her right arm and wrapped it over his back and around his neck. This gave her a way to balance herself, but the raising of her arm pulled the shawl away from her chest and exposed her right breast and nipple. The men's eyes light up!

He took the Paris Hilton type newsboy hat and stuck it on her head. "Thanks; can I use your hat for a while?" she asked in a whisper, with as much of a smile as she could muster. The men could only nod silently as they stared at Jenny's nipple.

The hat was too big for her, but fit down past her ears and almost over her eyes as she pulled it back far enough to see. She looked like a ten-year-old Tatum O'Neil in "The Sting" except for the exposed nipple. Whatever little anonymity she may have had was lost when she sat on the man's lap and put on his cap. All eyes were now on Jenny.

The large, athletically muscled middle-aged man looked down at her dress, then back up into her eyes. She tried to hide her terror with as much of a forced smile as she could muster. The man used his right hand to push her left hand off of her lap. The dress parted and the sides fell, exposing her beautiful legs to where they started to cross. Jenny turned her head, and looked back to her table, where Sam and Tony were watching, as though she could shed her embarrassment by looking away.

The man looked down and slid his large hands along her top leg to rest at the last buttons concealing what little dignity she had left. With a soft twist, he freed the last button hiding her crotch. The dress fell a little more. The man slid his open hand down between her legs, forcing her to uncross them.

Jenny felt her humiliation escalating beyond her wildest imagination. She sat there on a stranger's lap; with her right arm around his neck, exposing her breast; her legs open, exposing her shaved spectacular mound; shielded only by his grizzly-bear sized paw.

Jenny's horror was not over. The man reached out with his thumb. This tanned, muscled monster had blisters, and calluses on his sandpaper-rough hands that felt they left scratches on everything he touched. The man's thumb felt and acted like a python with a mind of its own, as it crept up her leg and inched into her opening. Jenny's pain was exceeded only by her humiliation. There was no way to reduce both. Jenny was forced to drop her left leg down to the floor; further exposing herself as the invading creature crept into her. Once in, it seemed to be searching for other passages, as it wiggled and turned. Jenny laid her head against him as she quietly sobbed in agony and despair.

Finally, feeling she had done enough to fulfill Sam's orders for this stage of her ordeal, she softly tugged at his hand as it withdrew with a soft "plop". She gave him a soft kiss as she stood, hoping this would conceal her rejection and escape.

Jenny gathered the shawl back around her and held her dress together as she stood and walked away.

She tried to hold her small clutch purse over her crotch for some cover and went into the women's bathroom as ordered; not to use it, but to give herself, an excuse to be away from the table. She vomited in the sink, rinsed out her mouth and wiped her face. She re-buttoned her dress as much as she thought she could get away with.

She walked out into the main dining area and over to the bar as instructed. Jenny grimaced as she climbed up onto the high barstool and ordered two drinks. There was no dignified way for a woman as small as her to get up into that seat with the front of her dress missing half of the buttons. She crossed her legs and gathered the sides of the dress to hold them on her lap as she ordered two drinks. She used her clutch purse and hands to hold everything together. Once the drinks were delivered to her, and she picked them up to return to their table, her hands were occupied when she started to get down off of the barstool.

As ordered, before she picked up the drinks, she unbuttoned the remaining buttons below her crotch and let go of the shawl. She raised both hands and brushed the left side of the shawl aside, exposing a breast; but still facing the bar. With the two drinks in her hands, it took all of her strength to overcome her embarrassment as she swiveled herself around on the barstool to face the crowd.

With her purse under one arm, Jenny's tanned and freckled face turned red as she was unable to hold the dress together as she picked up the two drinks. The sides dropped off of her crossed legs and opened like the petals of an orchid to reveal the beautiful stamen inside.

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