My Stepson the Psychopath - Cover

My Stepson the Psychopath

Copyright© 2012 by Vulgus

Chapter 16

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 16 - A young single mother of a thirteen year old girl finally meets the man of her dreams. But her dream is turned into a nightmare when she falls prey to her fifteen year old stepson. This story ends at the beginning. I'll start the finish if there's enough interest.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Mult   NonConsensual   Rape   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   Slavery   Heterosexual   Fiction   BDSM   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Rough   Light Bond   Humiliation   Torture   Gang Bang   Interracial   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Bestiality   Water Sports   Cream Pie   Spitting   Exhibitionism   Needles   Public Sex   School  

They were right about the pain. I hurt so bad in the morning I needed the help of both girls to get to the bathroom. I took another pain pill and sat on the toilet while Kenzie took a shower so she could get ready for school. After she dried off and went to her room I filled the tub with water as hot as I could stand it and climbed in.

I half expected that at any minute Dave or Casey would come in and use me for a urinal. But no one did and by the time the water was cool and I struggled out of the tub only Tempe and I were left in the house.

I still have almost three hours before I can take another pain pill but I can’t wait. The pain is just too much. I put some water in a cup and hobbled back to the bedroom. I took another pill and then I turned and saw the concern on Tempe’s face.

I smiled and said, “I’m never going to forget what you did for me, baby. You are so fucking brave!”

“No. I’m not. Not really. I was terrified. I’d like to take credit for what I did. But the truth is I really wasn’t thinking. I panicked. I’m still scared. You should see a doctor, a real doctor.”

I gave her a hug and said, “You may be right. But that isn’t an option at the moment. And we have things to do.”

She nodded and said, “Yeah. Dave said if he finds a speck of dust when he gets home he’ll make us clean the house all over again with our tongues, starting with the toilets.”

He would, too. But housework isn’t what I have in mind. The house is clean. We need to find where he hid the fobs and the keys for our collars. We need to search every inch of this large house. I explained what I want to do to Tempe and we decided to split up. But before we did I asked, “Are you certain there isn’t anyone you can call? Someone you trust, someone you can get help to help us?”

She smiled wryly and said, “There isn’t. But even if there were someone, Dave took the computer modem and every phone in the house with him.”

I guess I should have expected that.

We split up and started searching. I started in the bedroom I once shared with Dave. I looked everywhere. I searched for trapdoors and hidden safes even though I know I couldn’t unlock a safe. I even searched for hidden rooms. I looked under everything and in everything. It took a long time, long enough that I didn’t think we’d be able to search the entire house before Casey comes home from school. But we had no choice but to keep looking.

I searched Casey’s room next. Once again I examined every space. I tapped on every wall and opened every drawer, making certain nothing was hidden under a drawer or behind it. I did find one thing in Casey’s room. I don’t know if he forgot about it or if he didn’t think it was important. But I found a plastic sandwich bag with a handful of the pills he gave Kenzie last Friday. Columbian Devil’s Breath, the drug he used to turn her into an automaton, completely stripped of her free will.

I started to return his stash to the hiding place in a hollowed-out book on his desk but before I did I came to my senses. I was holding the keys to our future in my hands!

I don’t dare take them. He might check when he gets home. What I can do is replace the drug in the capsules with talcum powder or baking soda or something. I can use the drug to turn the tables on Dave and Casey!

I started to worry as soon as I decided what to do. Can it really be that easy?! Well, maybe not easy. I still have to figure out the best way to give it to them and what to do after the drug takes effect. And I’d feel a lot better about this if I could find the keys to the collars and the fobs which control them.

Tempe and I continued our search without success until an hour before Casey and Kenzie were due to come home from school. Then we put our heads together to work out a plan. While we talked about what had to be done we sat at the kitchen table and emptied the contents of each of the ten capsules onto little squares of foil. After carefully wrapping each little mound of white powder we set them aside. We replaced the powder with baking soda. I hid the real drug in the back of a drawer in the kitchen and replaced the sandwich bag with the now harmless capsules in Casey’s hiding place.

My first thought was that we should slip the drug to Dave and Casey at dinner. But after talking it over and talking about the alternatives, we decided to drug Casey as soon as he comes home from school. It would be best if his two friends aren’t here with him. But even if they are we still thought it best to drug Casey and get his friends out of the house, tell them he got sick or something. I want the information I’ll be able to get from Casey about the drug and I hope he knows where the keys and the fobs to the collars are hidden. We know where the fob which controls Kenzie’s collar is. He has to have that one on him.

We went around making certain the house was neat and clean until it was time for Casey to come home. They both walked in the door at the usual time. It was a huge relief to see Kirby and Tucker aren’t with them. That’s one less complication to deal with.

As he strode through the house on the way to the stairs he called out, arrogantly ordering me to bring him a Coke. I stirred the contents from one of the capsules into his drink. I was relieved to see there was no reaction. It didn’t foam up or anything. I thought about adding a little extra just to be safe. But what I gave him was already twice as much as he gave Kenzie. I thought it better to ask him about the dosage and the effects first.

I took the last of the pills they gave me for the pain before going upstairs. Every time I start thinking my guts are feeling better the drugs wear off and the pain returns. But I suppose it’s getting a little less severe each time. I’m beginning to think I might not need to go to the hospital after all. I know I’m going to wish I had more of whatever they gave me for the pain when the last dose begins to wear off, though. I’m not certain over the counter pain killers are going to be strong enough.

I went upstairs and gave Casey his Coke. I looked closely for any sign he noticed anything wrong. But we were instructed to clean house today so if anything is out of place it can easily be explained. And besides, he has no reason to check on his drug stash. I’m reasonably certain he didn’t suspect anything.

He gulped down half his Coke and said, “If you’re hanging around hoping to get fucked, forget it. Kenzie sucked my cock on the bus on the way home. Get the fuck out of here and let me do my homework, bitch.”

Precious child! Isn’t he just so sweet?! He didn’t even ask me how I’m feeling after what I went through last night. Little bastard!

I left his room and went to see how Kenzie is doing. She has undressed as required and is sitting at her desk with her books in front of her. But she’s staring at a blank wall with tears in her eyes.

I went up behind her and put my arms around her. I kissed the top of her head and whispered, “Be strong, baby. I think we may have found a way out of this.”

I hadn’t planned to say anything. Not yet. But she seems to be in desperate need of some good news. She turned to look into my eyes, trying to believe me but not quite able to. I smiled and whispered, “I can’t promise. But so far the plan seems to be working.”

“What?! What plan?!”

I touched my finger to her lips to shush her and told her to come downstairs. In the kitchen, Tempe and I told her we found the drug and Casey has already taken it. As long as Dave sticks to his normal habit of gulping down a beer when he gets home and then sipping on a second one before dinner they should both be under our control by early evening.

I started supper at the usual time. The girls helped out and set the table. I waited half an hour before going back upstairs to see if Casey has finished his drink and if the drug is working. We’re all going to be devastated if this plan doesn’t work.

When I got to his room his glass was almost empty. He’s sitting at his desk looking calm and serene. He actually looks different. That touch of evil I can normally see on his face isn’t there!

I entered his room, still not certain about the effectiveness of the drug. He didn’t turn to look at me until I said, “Casey, finish your drink.”

He picked up the glass, swallowed the last inch of Coke and put the glass down. He returned to staring off into space. The drug is working!! I’m so excited I almost screamed!

I sat in the chair beside his desk and asked, “Casey, how long should the effects of a full dose of Columbian Devil’s Breath last before they start wearing off?”

He answered, “I was told the first dose would last eight to ten hours, depending on the person I gave them to. The next dose will last a little longer as the drug builds up in the person’s system.”

Kenzie had started to come out after only three hours. He may have been less than accurate when he divided the contents of the capsule or a half dose may not be as effective. Or maybe the pain and the shock she was suffering reduced the effectiveness.

“Casey, where are the keys and the fobs for the slave collars?”

He reached into his pocket and handed me the fob for Kenzie’s collar. Then he answered, “I don’t know. Dad even keeps that a secret from me.”

Shit!! Dave won’t be home for half an hour. Thirty more minutes before I can drug him and then twenty or thirty minutes of tension before the drug takes effect. I need a sedative! I can only hope he’s as self-absorbed as usual and doesn’t pay any attention to me and the girls when he gets home. It’s going to be very difficult to act like everything is normal.

I ordered Casey to remain in his room until I called him downstairs. I wouldn’t want Dave to see him like this. I went back down to the kitchen and sent the girls up to Kenzie’s room. I listened for the sound of the garage door opening and waited. Time seemed to stop. I swear I looked at the clock every ten minutes to find that only a minute has passed! It seemed like hours before I heard the sound of the garage door opener.

I jumped up and got a beer from the refrigerator. I opened it and poured in a dose of Columbian Devil’s Breath. I was even more tempted to increase Dave’s dosage. But I’m going to need to have him able to answer questions. I don’t want to take a chance he’ll overdose, maybe lose consciousness.

By the time Dave entered the house carrying his briefcase and a box with all the telephones in it the drug was totally dissolved in the beer. I handed him the bottle and said, “Dinner is almost ready. He took the beer from me without a word and gulped it down the way he normally does. I got another bottle for him and he went into the family room to relax and watch the news until I call him for supper.

I waited twenty minutes before going to the family room. He’s sitting in his chair with his feet up and his hands in his lap. He’s staring at the television but he has the same blank look I’ve seen on the faces of Kenzie and Casey, indicating the drug has taken effect.

I turned off the television, watching Dave closely to see how he reacts. Nothing! He doesn’t even seem to realize I’m in the room!

I rushed upstairs and sent the girls down to the family room. I went to Casey’s room, picked up one of his video cameras on a tripod and asked him for blank disks. He gave me a handful from his desk drawer and I ordered him to follow me. We joined the others in the family room.

We entered the room to find Kenzie and Tempe staring at Dave as though they’re in a room with a tiger and aren’t certain he isn’t going to attack at any moment. I ordered Dave and Casey to sit together on the couch while I set the video camera up and put a disk in it. It took me a moment to figure out the controls, load it and turn it on. When it was recording I stood behind it and started asking Dave questions.

First, and most importantly, I asked Dave where to find the fobs and the keys to our collars. His hiding place is ingenious! I never would have found it. No one would. Not without tearing the house down.

I pushed pause on the camera and rushed upstairs to the small closet where the water heater is located. Just inside the door is what appears to be a circuit breaker box for the water heater. I opened the box, pulled the handle up halfway and turned it. When I did, a hidden door slid open revealing a small storage room about six feet wide and six feet deep. It’s lined with shelves all the way around from floor to ceiling. What I found on those shelves shocked the hell out of me.

Before I saw anything else my eyes were drawn to stacks and stacks of money. There must be a ton of it! I stared in disbelief for a long moment. There has to be at least a million dollars there! I’ve never seen a million dollars and don’t know what it looks like. But Christ! Look at it! What’s he doing with all that money just sitting there?!

I finally tore my eyes away from the cash and started looking around. The shelves are full of boxes of files and boxes of DVDs. I looked through the DVDs. The covers indicated that they’re masters, originals detailing the destruction of so many innocent lives. I have to believe that what I’m looking at is enough to put Dave away for the rest of his life. I found a supply of restraints and a small box containing two fobs and three little plastic keys on a key ring. Eureka!!

I looked around a little more to satisfy my curiosity. I stared at the cash a moment longer and promised myself that one way or another the money is going with the girls and I when we leave here.

I went back down to the family room and removed the three collars imprisoning us. I put a collar on Dave and Casey, just to be safe. Then I went out to the garage and tore into the plastic bags containing my old clothes. I got dressed in the garage and returned to the family room.

Kenzie laughed when she saw me in my old clothes. In that moment I was relieved to see a little of the old Kenzie returning. I know none of us will be able to return to being the people we were before all this happened. But I know, too, that we won’t remain victims for the rest of our lives.

I sent the girls to the garage to get dressed. I sat down with a pen and a pad, turned the camera on and ordered Dave to give me the names of everyone who is a member of their little secret society. My court reporter skills came in handy as I began writing down every name he rattled off.

Most of the names meant nothing to me. But more than a few were recognizable. I learned the names of the members who weren’t present when we were being tormented at the studio. One is our next-door neighbor. Another is a teacher of whom Kenzie is very fond. I was even more surprised when he named an attorney I knew from my days as a court reporter. He’s a man I considered a friend. The man I first thought of when I was thinking of who I might turn to for help. He also named one of the judges I worked with, another man I thought of as a friend!

The name of the fifth member whose identity was kept from us sent chills down my spine. My suspicions had been correct. He’s the principal at the high school. No matter who Kenzie went to for help at school, if she got up the nerve to ask anyone for help, they would have had to involve Mr. Stack.

After listing the names in the local chapter of the society I asked Dave to name as many people as he could from other groups. He knew most of the people in the group located in the state capitol. Now THAT was a scary list!! He has contacts in most of the groups around the country due to the fact that he operates their website and is a major supplier of filthy DVDs and trained slaves.

I asked him if he kept records of all his slaves and their whereabouts and learned that most of his older records are in the secret room upstairs. The more current records are kept at the studio where he has an identical room hidden off of his private bathroom. Before I turned the camera off I asked, “Dave, have you ever killed a slave?”

He calmly answered, “Yes.”

“How many slaves have you killed?”

“Personally, I’ve killed four. More have been killed in the making of some of the DVDs when someone got carried away. Ruth ... I’m not certain how many Ruth has killed. All together ... I’m not certain. I’ll have to check the records.”

“Where are their bodies?”

“Some were buried. Some dumped in alleys in other states. Once we acquired the animals for the movies we began feeding them to the pigs.”

I asked the names of the people who were killed. He told me half a dozen names but said there were a few more he couldn’t remember. He’d have to check his records.

I asked, “Why did you kill them?”

“Most of the time it was an accident. Someone punishing their slave lost control or a movie got out of hand. There have been a few slaves who just couldn’t or wouldn’t be trained no matter what we did to them. They weren’t even deemed suitable for sale to foreign buyers or brothels. We couldn’t just let them go. But most of the deaths were accidents.”

“Do your records indicate where the slaves who have been sold are located now?”

“Most of them do. But they aren’t updated. There’s really no way of keeping track of the slaves who were sold out of country. And the truth is most of them don’t last long. They have a pretty rough life.”

I paused the camera again. I’m feeling ill. I need a moment to compose myself. I asked Kenzie to get me a beer. She’s sitting nearby staring at Dave as though he has horns growing out of his head. It would certainly be appropriate. This is the man I fell in love with?!!

She shook her head in disbelief and stood up. When she returned I gulped down nearly half the bottle. I needed the alcohol to take effect before I could go on. While I was waiting, and while the camera wasn’t recording, I asked him why he has all that money upstairs and how much is stored in that room.

He explained that all his money and all the money his business takes in is kept in offshore banks. Because of the nature of his business, he can’t just transfer money around like an honest businessman. He has in place a rather complicated system of moving money out of the country and depositing it in foreign banks with the help of several airline pilots and a couple of government employees with diplomatic passports. It can take time to move the money, though, and it occasionally gets backed up. At present he has four million dollars upstairs.

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