Helping Hubby
Copyright© 2012 by Shani 34
Chapter 4
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - Her husband Jason is sent to prison for a year. A man arrives saying he can protect hubby from being abused. She must decide, and after hearing Jason's recorded plea for help she agrees to take the man as her new husband for the duration of Jason's time. The man explains that her duties include being constantly available for sex. Not just with him, but with the other prison officers who will have to protect Jason over the coming year.
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Reluctant Coercion Fiction Cuckold MaleDom Spanking Oral Sex Anal Sex
The day after her spanking, as she prepared to go off to suck today's cock, it never occurred to her to do other than dress in her normal quarter cup bra, stockings and suspenders, frilly panties, short dress, and high heels. But shortly before setting off, she checked her emails and found a correction to the day's appointment. It seemed the man she was going to see had expressed a preference to see Jessica, not Jacky.
So she had to undress completely and start again, wiping off all her makeup and putting on the old fashioned bra and panties that she had been wearing as normal before Jason was taken from her. She pulled on her school uniform, white ankle socks, and flat shoes, then looked at herself in the mirror. Her dress needed the pigtails. So she sat down and did them, wasn't happy so did them a second time, then realized she was going to be late for her meeting, so ran out to the car and set off.
She felt silly driving to the stranger's house in the school uniform, although it was nice to be wearing a full bra for a change, and she felt even more guilty when she arrived five minutes late and then had difficulty parking, finally having to walk in her uniform a couple of blocks before running up his drive and hammering on his door breathlessly.
The man's greeting was inevitable. "You are late, young lady." He was wearing just a dressing gown, obviously eager to get on with the sex, but maybe her late arrival threw him slightly. But no, surely his instruction to come dressed as a schoolgirl meant he always intended to spank her?
She looked shy and whispered, "Sorry sir."
"Come inside, and go stand in the corner."
She realized that she was going to get a second spanking! She was glad she had arrived late unintentionally, it made it more exciting to know that it was deserved. The man growled, "Pull your panties down to mid thigh, and hold your skirt up to your waist."
She knew he was sitting behind her watching her, drinking beer and probably masturbating. She didn't mind, if he got himself close enough it wouldn't take long to bring him off in her mouth. But also the longer she stayed there the more excited she was getting, wondering how big his cock would be.
"Looks like you already got spanked, girl."
"Yes, sir, my daddy strapped me last night for skipping school."
"And now you turn up for your lesson late. Bad girl!"
"Yes sir, very sorry sir."
"You will be. Did you bring the strap with you?"
"No I didn't, I'm sorry sir."
"It's okay my hand is pretty hard."
When he finally called her to come and go over his lap, she was sopping wet. He put her over his lap, left hand over her back holding her still, right hand resting on her bare bum.
"Count the spanks." His hand cracked down.
"Ouucchhh one thank you sir."
Pretty soon his left hand slid under her, cupping her breast through her shirt and bra. Not long after that he slid her off his lap and made her kneel and take his cock in her mouth. It always surprised her how quickly men lost interest in a girl once the man had cum. She took a sip of his beer to wash away the taste then let herself out.
When she got home an email instructed "Sister Nancy" to go the next day to another address. She sat for a while wondering what sort of undies a nun would wear, and decided that she wouldn't wear quarter cup bras! Black, for sure. So, again off to the shops for a nice black bra, and on a whim a black pantaloon like her grandmother would have worn. She wasn't at all sure how she should act for this new role, was she meant to kneel and pray for the guy, instead of sucking his cock?
At last came the day when she was allowed to visit Jason for the first time since he was locked up. She wasn't looking forward to it, expecting him to ask how things were going, and sure that he knew she was sucking cocks of strange men every day. Did he also know that she had a new husband, who came to dinner several times a week and often slept over in their bed?
The email the night before had given the prison as the address for her appointment today, and visiting time as the time for her to attend. She hoped that meant they didn't want her to visit anyone else today, she didn't want to have to suck yet another stranger's cock before going to the prison. She hoped she might be able to give Jason sexual services, either a hand on his cock under the desk or maybe even full sex in some private room. The email suggested she would be allowed, because it had instructed her to take anal lubricant with her, which she hoped just meant that she would be allowed to have anal sex with Jason. She didn't quite understand why she wouldn't be allowed normal sex, but perhaps her new husband wasn't willing to allow that. Not many husbands were! She had never let Jason do anal sex before, and she wondered how to explain why she was offering it today.
She dressed in sexy red undies with black lace trim, wondering if she would be able to let him see her new look, but worried that if he saw how she dressed nowadays for the other men then he would be jealous of what the men she consorted with now were seeing that he had never seen while he lived with her. Anyway there was no choice, the email had made it clear that she was going as Jacky and therefore that quarter cup bra and suspenders were required.
She put on a pretty black dress, a new one bought specially for the visit, knowing she couldn't face him in clothes that she had already worn while giving oral sex to any of his guards. Finally she paid special attention to her makeup, and drove to the prison, feeling quite nervous. How should she handle the visit? Should she explain to Jason that the men who now ran her life were paying for all her new clothes? Would he want to know that? If he didn't ask, she might just say she had bought the dress especially for this visit, and not mention that she had sexy new underwear on, all paid for by one of his guards. Hopefully he wouldn't notice her nipples pressing against the material of her dress. Would they be allowed to touch, even kiss? Or would they be sitting either side of a window, talking with him over a telephone, like in the movies? Might they even be allowed 'conjugal rights'?
Rather than taking a large obvious tube of lube in, she squeezed most of the remaining contents of a tube that she had already partly used into a cup which she left in her fridge, then she rolled up the empty base of the tube, and slipped the little anal lubricant tube that remained into her handbag, confident that it would be enough for Jason.
As she entered the prison, she recognized the guard at the gate! He grinned at her, and said, "Hello Jacky, nice to see you again." She flushed, remembering how she had sucked his dick just a week or so ago. How many guards worked in a prison this size, she wondered, couldn't be that many. She flushed as she realized that by now she must have visited most of them, sucked their cocks, been buggered by some of them. Would her new husband be here too, wanting to brag about his ownership?
The guard at the gate, who knew her but whose name she had never been told, instructed her to face the wall and put her hands against it, shoulder height. With experienced hands he patted her down, his fingers tweaking her nipples and going up underneath her skirt in the process. Did male guards usually pat down women visitors? Or was this just because the man knew of her situation? Then he asked to look inside her handbag, and when he found the anal lube he grinned at her, and asked why it was such a small tube!
"I ah I thought it would be enough," she gasped, flushing scarlet.
"I hope you are right," the man said, grinning, then he suggested she put it in the pocket of her dress. She wouldn't be allowed to take her handbag into the prison.
She was shown into a small interview room, where three guards were waiting. "This is a strip search, Jacky. Take off the dress." They watched, grinning, and made no attempt to look for contraband in the dress when she put it on the table, so they didn't spot the little tube in the pocket. Suppose it really had been contraband, she thought, drugs or something. So much for their security!
"Now the panties, please." Eyes lowered, she slid them down, grateful that she had worn them outside her suspenders. Stepping out of them she was about to put them on the table when one of the men held his hand out, and she gave them to him.
"Stand on those two little steps, please Jacky." The small platforms were quite far apart, and she felt very exposed as she stood on them in just bra, suspender belt, stockings and high heels. "Don't you dare step down off them until you are told to, you will be punished if you step off early." She nodded nervously, wondering how long they would keep her like this, spread like this.
"Okay, now, hands together please." She obeyed and was shocked when one of the men fitted handcuffs on her wrists.
"Cavity search. Mouth first. Open your mouth wide, Jacky." How could she have been so naive as not to expect this? Even so, when, after poking fingers in her mouth, the man took his cock out, she was a bit shocked. "Bend right over, please, Jacky." This was the first time she had given head in front of others, and the first time in such a humiliating and unstable position. It was actually quite difficult, her head resting against his belly. With her hands cuffed in front of her, she could have used her hands a bit to help, except that her position was so unstable she needed to use her hands to cling on to his thigh, to avoid falling. So she was glad that some of the men she had visited had insisted she did the oral sex with her hands behind her back, teaching her to use her mouth effectively.