Body Swap - Cover

Body Swap


Chapter 22

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 22 - A soldier is fatally wounded in Afghanistan at the same time as a young boy is badly injured in a car crash which kills the rest of his family. The soldier desperately fights for life while the young boy wants to give up. they both get their wish.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Fiction   Paranormal   Incest   MaleDom   First  

The First week flew past and though we were sure that Margaret had probably told Bill about the sleeping arrangements that applied in our house. Nevertheless the restricted space meant that Ellie had to share a room with Katy and I had to share with Jim. This meant our love making was going to be much more restricted. Despite this we felt we would manage to stay behind a few times when the others went off to do things. Then when we were sure they were gone we would be able to go to my room and make love.

On the Saturday at the end of the first week Moira and Jim arrived at Malaga airport and Joe and Isa went to pick them up and bring them back to the apartment. When Jim arrived, Ellie rushed to meet him and embraced him in a hug before giving him a very public and passionate kiss.

"Well, I guess somebody has missed you Jim, and she has certainly shown you how pleased she is to see you" Margaret said with a smile.

We all laughed at this remark while both Ellie and Jim blushed with embarrassment.

I showed Jim where our room was and helped him settle in while Moira put her things away in the room allotted to her. It struck me that she was a little over awed by the size of the place and the luxury of its surroundings. Though other apartments shared the pool with ours it was never very busy and a lot of the time we had it to ourselves. I wondered how she really felt at times as she saw the luxury in which our two families lived compared with her lot as a single parent in a low paid job.

Neither the MacLeans nor Joe and Isa treated her any differently from the way they treated each other. They made sure to include her in all that was going on. Indeed Isa and Margaret proved to be true friends; nevertheless, their lifestyle meant that even though she was included in everything, I thought she could not help but feel at times that she was the poor relation. However she had learned to accept this with dignity and with good grace and I admired her for it.

When Katy and I were alone, I asked her how she had got on with Ellie regarding her advice on how to develop her relationship with Jim. She said that she had spoken to Isa and that Isa had spoken to Margaret. As a result of this Margaret had spoken to Ellie and then taken her to the doctors and she was now on the pill. This would not prove to be an effective contraceptive for just over another month and Katy seemed to have doubts if Ellie's virginity would survive that long. Fortunately, she told me, Ellie had told Jim to bring along condoms for the time they were in Spain just in case they got carried away.

After the newcomers were all settled in we had light lunch and got up to date with all the news from home. Moira was then updated about how the first week in Spain had gone. Once our lunch had settled the four of us headed for the pool. We decided to have a competition between us. I took Ellie as my partner and Jim had Katy as his. We then had a relay race in which all four of us would swim one hundred metres. The girls swam the first leg as Ellie was given a half length start and allowed to get into her stride before Katy dived in. Despite this she and Jim won fairly comfortably.

We then changed partners and gave Ellie a bigger start. This made for a much closer finish but Katy and I emerged the victors this time. Afterwards we just played about in the pool. We had found a football and played cat in the middle with three of us trying to pass to one another without the one in the middle intercepting. When the girls were in the middle they did not play fair and if they did not catch the ball soon enough they would swim straight at the one they thought was going to be the recipient of the ball and try and pull his costume down. This caused a great deal of hilarity among the family spectators.

That evening it was decided that we should all eat out again at one of the restaurants that overlooked the beach. The adults had at least two bottles of wine with their meal while we had cokes and afterwards Joe and Bill had whiskies while the ladies had some sort of weird cocktail though Isa's was non alcoholic. The adult part of my mind sometimes wished for a beer but in the main there were so many compensations from being in a teenage body that this did not really bother me all that much. But as we walked back to our flat that evening the adults were quite loquacious and giggly.

On the Sunday we did some sightseeing and at night Bill and Joe fired up the barbeque on the balcony and we had steaks and vegetables on a stick. Jim and I were given the job of doing baked potatoes in the microwave before taking them out to be finished off on the barbeque. Afterwards we all sat round the table and played cards and dominoes.

Next night the adults decided that they were going to a local bar which was providing entertainment in English with musicians and singers. This left us alone in the flat. We knew they would be gone for at least two hours, so by mutual consent Katy and I retired to the room I occupied with Jim, while he went with Ellie to the room she shared with Katy.

When we entered our room, Katy immediately unwrapped the sarong which covered her bikini clad figure and quickly followed this with her top. Then she shucked out of her bottoms and stood before me naked. I quickly dropped my shorts, stepped out of them and moved swiftly towards her and pushed her down onto then bed. We kissed passionately and when she broke of the kiss she pushed me onto my back and took my rock hard cocked in her mouth and sucked me to a climax.

Now it was my turn and I eased her onto her back once more and made to kiss her breasts as I started to return the favour. But she was having none of it.

"Fuck me!" she said. "Fuck me hard, I need you inside me. I am so horny I need you inside me now."

With that she pulled my cock to the entrance to her cave and then started to push against me. I responded by pushing myself into her and started to do as she instructed. When my lady used that kind of language I knew she was as horny as she said and so I did my best to oblige her. I fucked her as hard and as fast as I could and she met my thrusts with her own. It was not to long before I felt her writhe under me and her back arched and she screamed out in her ecstasy as she orgasmed

I however had cum with her blow job and was still rock hard and continued to strive to bring myself to a climax. Sweat was lashing off me and my legs were tiring as I pistoned into her. I was reaching the stage where I wondered if my legs would fail me before I was able to get myself off. But my state of arousal and the demands of passion kept me going and as my body tensed and my seed shot into her I roared my satisfaction as it shot into her womb. As I came in her she had another somewhat less intense orgasm.

When I came, I collapsed on top of her and lay there trying to get my breathing to return to normal. By the time my heart beat had slowed to something nearer its usual state I had shrunk and my limp cock had slipped out of her. I rolled on to my side and held her in my arms. She looked over at me, gave me a satisfied smile and then kissed me.

"I needed that lover," she told me. "Of late I have been unaccustomed to having my sex rationed," she giggled. "As a result I get very horny."

"And very commanding and demanding," I said with a smile. "I was so exhausted there that I thought I was going to collapse before I came." I told her.

"Then it is a good job that I make sure you keep fit," she replied.

"Listen to her," I said. "I am the one who was having to make herculean efforts to satisfy my lady."

"And I appreciate your efforts, my darling," she told me, "and after all you get as much enjoyment from it as I do.

"Says she just lying on her back, while I am the one expounding the calories" was my rejoinder.

"Hey! I was making a bit of an effort also you know," she said with a mock pout. "Anyway with such a willing lady, I don't see that you have many grounds for complaint."

"There is that," I said, "and if you keep stroking my cock like you are doing just now, I might be forced to make another effort.

She took her hand away.

"I would not want to over tax you," she said, "After all you are a good bit older than me," she giggled.

"Hey, I am just reaching my sexual prime," I told her. The human male reaches his sexual peak at seventeen, while the female of the species reaches hers around thirty seven."

"Wow!" She said, "if that is true maybe I maybe I should be even more demanding if you are going to be sliding downhill so soon," she giggled.

We heard noises of someone stirring from the other as somebody headed for the bathroom. We learned later that it was Jim getting rid of a condom as Ellie had surrendered her virginity. With them on the move we got up and put on our swim things. We went down stairs and had a quick cold shower under the poolside showers before diving in for a short swim.

This set the pattern for most of the holiday. We took the opportunity to make love whenever the adults left us alone and Ellie and Jim did the same. Ellie was now a lot more confident in herself and would even flirt with me occasionally and that was something she would never have done before. I wondered if people would notice the difference when school restarted in the middle of August.

Thinking about this made me realise that this was going to be an important year, especially for Katy. Before the next summer holidays she would be sixteen and at the end of the year we would be sitting our standard grades. I had no problems with this. I had all the knowledge locked inside me that would enable me to pass them with a modicum of study. It was equally important that my sweetheart should do well. I resolved that when we got back home I would remind her of the importance of this year and help her with her exam technique which was sometimes as important as the knowledge you crammed into your head.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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