Body Swap - Cover

Body Swap


Chapter 15

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 15 - A soldier is fatally wounded in Afghanistan at the same time as a young boy is badly injured in a car crash which kills the rest of his family. The soldier desperately fights for life while the young boy wants to give up. they both get their wish.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Fiction   Paranormal   Incest   MaleDom   First  

On Wednesday before Christmas Katy and I took the chance to wrap the Christmas present we had bought for Joe and Isa. It was a joint present from us to them. We had bought them a grandmother clock from a charity shop, believe it or not, much cheaper than it would have been if the person who donated it had sold it to an antique shop. I made a mental note to myself now that I had come into my inheritance to make a donation that would compensate for the bargain I had obtained from them. Once we had the clock wrapped we decided the best place to store it was back in Katy's bedroom. I slid it under her bed which was against the wall on one side. Then I put back a storage box which completely hid it from view. As I stood up from my labours she wrapped herself around me and gave me a searing kiss.

And as I responded to her passion our tongues thrust into each other's mouths and my hand slid up inside her T shirt and to my surprise I found that she was not wearing a bra. I started to caress her B cup breasts and she let out a little moan. When we broke the kiss she pulled away from me and took of the T shirt and lay back on the bed.

"I want you to make love to me the way you did when John and Alice were here," she said with a hint of shyness.

I was already rock hard and despite my best intentions could not resist this request. I unzipped her jeans and she eased herself up of the bed to let me pull them off. She repeated the manoeuvre as I took of her panties. I then shed my own clothes and climbed up on the bed beside her and kissed her, and she responded in the same passionate manner as she had done previously.

I then broke of the kiss and turned my attention to her breasts sucking and caressing them and occasionally nipping her nipples gently with my teeth and gently pulling on them as they stood out prominently from her mounds. Once again my other hand was stroking her vagina and her body was responding to my touch. I moved away from her breast and stopped what I was doing with my fingers and she gave a little groan of disappointment and said,

"Don't stop Peter; I want you to make me cum."

I smiled at her and replied

"I am going to my darling; you just lie there patiently and enjoy it," I told her.

Then I resumed my kissing and licking of her tummy slowly moving lower and I think she began to guess where I was heading because her legs opened wider and soon I was licking her slit and nibbling her pussy's lips. She let out a little scream of pleasure and I brought her to the brink of orgasm before easing off and then beginning again. The second time I did the she said.

"Please Peter, make me cum."

This time I brought her to a full blown orgasm as I lashed her clit with my tongue and her body arched she screamed loudly. For a quite shy girl normally she certainly was loud when she responded to sexual pleasure and that heightened my enjoyment of it too. I was not going to tire of this girl once we got into a full sexual relationship because I guessed she was going to be very bold and adventurous in her demands. As she came down from her high, she turned to me and said

"Oh Peter that was even more wonderful than the last time we did it. I know we can't but I so want you inside me."

"It is what I want to darling but I want you to be patient a little bit longer, until your dad and Isa respond to the things we have discussed with them."

She smiled at this and said,

"I thought that would be your answer. In that case I better not leave my man hanging."

She pushed me onto my back, knelt over me and took by hard cock in her mouth and began to lick and suck my cock which soon jetted its cream into her mouth. Not only did she swallow it but she licked me clean, giving me a further inkling that my prophecy about her adventurousness would be fulfilled.

As I lay back recovering from her ministrations she kissed me gently.

"I hope you realise that I am going to want more of this and more often than we are doing it now" she said with a giggle.

"Somehow I am getting that impression." I said to her with a smile. "I just hope we don't give ourselves away before we find out what Joe and Isa are thinking."

"I am affectionate with you a lot of the time but I will try and restrain myself so that I don't let them know how besotted I have become with you." she said with a grin.

"Well let's hope that our parents come up with some sort of compromise which will make things easier for us," I replied.

In the latter part of the morning we donned our swim things and spent an hour doing lengths in the pool which Joe had decided to keep on and heated for the winter so that we could do some additional training if we wished. As I thought about this it dawned on me that Joe must be a fairly wealthy man himself if he could afford the kind of house we lived in and install a swimming pool and Jacuzzi in its back garden. That was probably why my inheritance did not bother Katy from that perspective. Nobody was going to accuse her of marrying me for my money.

That evening Joe and Isa told us they wanted to speak to us about our relationship. Joe opened the discussion by telling us the he and Isa had discussed this and had come to some conclusions he hoped we would agree to. He told us that he thought that at fourteen Katy was too young to enter into full intimacy. He went on to say that they also thought it was unrealistic of them to put a prohibition of several years. He went on to tell us that they felt we should wait until she was fifteen at the very least and longer if we could restrain ourselves. He said that they would have been more comfortable with sixteen since that was the legal age when she would have been judged to be mature enough to enter into that kind of relationship. However, he concluded, that they were willing to give us a degree of latitude on that and leave it up to our own judgement.

That was a very fair proposal and I felt that it was something that Katy and I could agree to and I said this to them. I looked over at Katy to see what her response was to my comment for I knew she would be a bit disappointed by this as she felt more than ready right now. She saw my glance and nodded her head in approval but she also indicated that she wanted to say something.

"I am glad that you have considered this problem, but I just want to say that it is not Peter who is pushing me into having sex with him. I am the one who feels ready and it is me who is urging him to accept that we should move faster than he wants. I also appreciate that you are worried about long term effects of having sex at such a young age, and I will bow to your wishes and wait a few more months and I also assure you that I will have regular checks in the future to guard against the dangers you fear may stem from it."

I am glad to hear you say that," Isa said, "and perhaps you and I should have a talk about that some time soon."

"I will be quite happy to do that," Katy said.

At that point I felt we had said as much on this subject that needed to be said so I spoke up again.

"It seems to me we have said all that needs to be said on this subject for the time being," I declared, "so I suggest we leave it for now as I confess to feeling a bit uncomfortable discussing sexual matters so openly with our parents."

Joe laughed at the statement before declaring

"I have a lot of sympathy with those feelings Peter," he told us. "It is a bit unusual to be discussing things like this with your own daughter at the age she is, but I think it has been a useful exchange of views and it leaves me feeling a bit happier about things now that I know you are trying to act responsibly in this situation."

After this the conversation turned to more normal matters and Isa informed us that since we were going to be on our own over Christmas day, she and Joe had booked us in for Christmas dinner at a lovely little restaurant not far from their office. She said that we would be there for one pm. and should take the opportunity to dress smartly but not too formally. She also suggested that we might want to contact some of our friends and see if they wanted to join us between Christmas and New Year.

The following day Katy and I phoned round all our swim friends including John and Alice and they all agreed that the day after Boxing Day would be the best time. We told them to come early and bring their swim things so that we could have some fun in the pool. We conveyed this information to Joe and Isa and they said they would prepare things for the occasion.

Later that day Isa received a phone call from the parents of Di who thanked her for having her daughter and her friends over to our house on several occasions recently. Her mother said that they would like the opportunity to return the favour and asked if we were doing anything special for New Year. When Isa told her that we had nothing planned Di's mother invited all of us to her house to bring in the New Year. She told Isa that they had invited Jenny's parents and hoped that we would be able to come also. We were to come for a late supper and stay for some time after the bells sounded to bring in the New Year. Isa told her that we would be happy to accept.

The Next morning Di and Katy had decided to go shopping for some presents for their friends and as Joe and Isa had decided to pay a visit to the office I was left to my own devices. Although I had done my Thai Chi exercises with Katy earlier and we had a joint period of meditation together, I decided to work through some of my Krav Maga routines and then followed this up with a further and more extended period of meditation since I felt I needed to try and centre on my inner self to settle some of the turmoil in my mind about Katy and our future. I was almost certain that she was the one of whom our other worldly visitors had spoken, but I could not be certain. If she wasn't would I be able to resist the attraction of another person who might at some stage come into my life? I certainly hoped so as the last thing I wanted to do was turn to some else at the expense of devastating Katy.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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