Pussy Boxwilder, Queen of Hornywood
Copyright© 2011 by aubie56
Chapter 3
Humor Sex Story: Chapter 3 - Pussy Boxwilder, the stage name for Helen Snodgrass, always wanted to be a TV star in Hornywood. This is the story of how she managed that and her triumphs after reaching her goal. Readers should note that this is a satire and should not be taken literally. Or should it!?!
Caution: This Humor Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Consensual Fiction Humor Oral Sex Anal Sex Exhibitionism
The concept team at Mutual TV Syndicate was having a hard time coming up with a series for Pussy. All they had really accomplished was to come up with a name "The Adventures of Ardent Cumtwat." The name was chosen because they were looking for something sexy, but that's where they lost their inspiration. Inspiration seemed to have flown out the window and left the concept team high and dry.
One of the writers asked, "How about dropping all the way back to the 1940s, and producing this thing as a serial with a cliffhanger at the end of each episode. Make it sort of a 'Perils of Pauline' type of series. We could make the last 5 minutes or so of each episode as a lead in to the following week. If we work it right, just a little bit of editing and splicing would set it up for later syndication so that it would make no difference to the order of the episodes."
This was hailed as a stroke of genius! Another writer offered, "Maybe we could throw in a time machine so the heroine would jump back and forth in time. I vaguely remember that there was an old-fashioned 2-D TV program back in the 1960s that used that gimmick. As I recall reading about it, it worked pretty good until the producer started screwing it up with cheap gimmicks and special effects."
The producer commented that he thought there would be no trouble with the copyright, because that series had to be something like 60 years old, and the courts were pretty lenient in copyright infringement cases now that it was 2035. Therefore, if the writers wanted to give that concept a shot, he could see nothing wrong with it.
The only problem that the producer could envision was that the network wanted a lot of nudity and sex, and that was going to be kind of hard to come up with without playing fast and loose with history. Of course, they could get away with doing that, because the only people who would scream negative thoughts would be history professors, and nobody paid any attention to them, anyway.
Now that the concept team had something to work with, they were able to outline several possible episodes. They could clean those up and present them to the executives of Mutual TV Syndicate. Everybody heaved a sigh of relief, because they now had done their job, and, if the show was popular, they might even scarf a bonus from their efforts. A few days later, a presentation was ready for the executives, and the writers went back to their gin rummy games.
The concept was interesting for the times in that there was only one permanent main character, Ardent Cumtwat. All other major characters would be "guest stars," and that would save the production company a lot of money and fringe benefits. All they would have to pay out would be the standard rate for guest stars. Pussy Boxwilder would be the only continuing character of any importance, so this was going to be a relatively cheap production, even if they did have to spend a lot of money on sets and special effects. The feeling was that if there was enough sex and nudity, nobody would care about the sets and special effects.
Tentatively, the plan was to open the show with some sort of sex scene, somehow fucking would always be a central part of this scene. The main part of the episode would close with another sex scene, again with a lot of fucking. This would come on just prior to the teaser for the next episode.
A pilot script was written and it was circulated among the people who had to approve it. Pussy would probably not have been on the distribution list if JL had not sent her a copy of his copy. She read the script and marked a couple of places where she thought it could be improved. Pussy would have been willing to use this script as written, but she had a fine sense of the dramatic, and she felt her minor changes would add to the story.
Okay, a lot of the mechanics for the story had been finished, so it was now time to start looking for a cast. This particular episode was one which had to introduce Ardent Cumtwat and the background for the story. Therefore, there was no strong male figure in this episode. All they needed was somebody for the opening fuck scene and a different person for the closing fuck scene.
Ardent Cumtwat was introduced as a research physicist who was working on a time machine. The time machine had been tested and found to be safe for humans, so she was going to be the first person who stepped through the portal into another place and time. Unknown to her, she had a bitter enemy, a rather unsavory looking male, who had sabotaged the machine so that it would transport Ardent somewhere in time, but not the time she had specifically chosen. After Ardent had been transported by the machine, the villain was going to come back and reset the machine so that nobody could tell that it had been sabotaged. Ardent was now lost in time and that set up the rest of the series.
There was some debate initially about how to work in the opening sex scene. A clever writer had come up with the idea that Ardent and her favorite technician were having a private celebration party about the completion of the machine. The technician could be anybody who was good-looking and a good fucker. Hornywood was filled with men who could fit that description, so Central Casting should have no problem with that character.
Everybody wanted to start off this series with a bang, so they decided to have it a bodice-ripper. During the course of the episode, Ardent would be captured by a pirate on the Spanish Main, and he would be the one who fucked her in the closing sex scene. Therefore, casting had to come up with a man who "looked like a pirate," but was handsome enough to please everybody, including the star of the show. That was also conceded to be a relatively easy casting job, so nobody worried about it.
Most of the sets were already constructed and only needed dusting off and a minimum amount of refurbishing. One of the executives at Mutual TV was a fan of the "Jacob's Ladder" where a static arc climbs up two wires. This had no practical value, but it was a very popular in "science fiction" movies and TV shows of previous years. Somehow it had fallen out of fashion, but the executive had seen it when he was looking at the original version of "Frankenstein." The device was easily found in the props warehouse and was made a part of the time machine.