Selena and Joe: an Improbable New Beginning - Cover

Selena and Joe: an Improbable New Beginning

Copyright© 2011 by Pettybox

Chapter 16: (Thanksgiving Day & Holiday time)

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 16: (Thanksgiving Day & Holiday time) - Selena and Joe was a popular story and rolled off the keyboard easy because I knew how it would end. I lost a few friends in the 911 attacks,the characters Joe and Selena were based on them. To this day I get emails from people who want me to change the ending and continue the story, or give it a heroic ending. I never gave much thought until a regular reader of my stories sent me an article from a UK paper of a man who was GONE for 5 years and woke as if nothing happened....Enjoy...Petty

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Romantic   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation  

Once Joe came in with breakfast the day quickly accelerated into a normal family Thanksgiving, gathering with relatives preparing and serving the harvest feast. While talk of the recovery’s of Joe and Selena had been talked about with all of the relatives on hand, The Hanson’s made sure that talk of Dana was scuttled, with her tragedies all too soon at hand, right up to the point where Scott Hanson asked each at the table to give what they were most thankful for. When it got to Selena she looked to Joe and took his hand and Dana was fast to take Selena’s other hand. While Dana had been “forbidden-speak” it was only fair to the relatives on hand that the subject be broached and this was the time.

“While we are certainly blessed with each day we have to live with each other after our 10 years of personal hell, we were blessed to be reunited with our daughter, but that too was at great expense to all three of us. While we were aware of Dana’s existence, we did not know her but still wished the best for her and wanted her to grow into the world as happy and blessed as both Joe and I were, good homes, great parents, great educations, and opportunities to excel in life. Dana’s year was marked with tragedy after losing her Mom in a horrific accident, she then had to walk her Dad through a nasty, fatal bout of cancer. She proved her deductive skills by seeking us out and discovering us as her natural birth parents. Now, while we were overjoyed to be reunited with her, we too felt the pain, anguish, and suffering she had to go through in both her parent’s ordeals. Any parent regrets having to see their own children have to suffer and are willing to take the yoke of that burden from them. Unfortunately, sometimes life deals terrible blows, but God never deals more than the spirit can handle if they have faith. Our joy of having Dana with us is muted by the fact she had to see the woman she idolized, who raised her and guided her, die before her very eyes, and then just a few months later learn that her father was facing a terminal illness. No matter the circumstance, to see your own child suffer as Dana suffered tore our hearts out. We have made it our goal to put the smile back on her face, relight the torch she carried for life, and help her achieve the goals she has set for herself.”

It had been agreed on that both Joe and Dana would offer an “amen” to Selena’s words, hoping it would close the subject and they could carry on with the dinner and traditions. However, Dana cleared her throat and spoke up, shocking both Joe and Selena, as well as The Hanson’s.

“If Thanksgiving as a Holiday is taken in its literal form,” Dana began, “Then I must give thanks that are due to some special people thrust into my life, whose blood relation to me becomes more evident every day. My adoptive parents were the most giving and goal oriented people I could ever know. They realized my own special gifts and gave me every opportunity to sow and reap the benefits I could draw from them, never once pushing me, but only guiding me as I chose paths. I asked their advice all along my life. I knew all the while that I was an older soul than my birth certificate showed and, with many of their reservations, I was allowed to grow and learn with students, athletes, and friends, all older than I was, never letting me lose sight of who I was and how old I was. My Mother spoke of the tragedy’s I had to endure. They make you grow up fast and learn some of the vagaries and pitfalls of life all too fast. My coming into their lives and the lives of my Grandparents should have been hard and I should have held grudges against God for what I’ve had to endure, but these people, my true parents and grandparents, have made me see life through eyes that have been taught and learned by their experiences. While I should look to God with a mistrusting eye, I realize all things happen for a reason, and I trust God to show me the proper paths. So, while I have had to suffer great losses, I am thankful where I am right now and the love I feel from my birth parents and grandparents is totally reciprocated from me as I understand the paths I am choosing. Regretful? for sure, but thankful is a given. I thank God and all the special people at this table for where I am and where I’m going.”

The table featured her parents, grandparents, a few aunts, uncles, and 2 cousins. Each one of them were all awestruck by the words that came from the 13-year-old. Her eloquence and understanding of the situation and the way she expressed it was almost shocking that a mind so young could put those thoughts and words together. If anyone at the table had reservations of the path she was on, thinking she might be too young to be going where she was, those doubts were dashed by her words. She left no doubt that she was mentally mature and prepared for the paths she was taking.

Scott and Betty Hanson both had misty eyes at her words and Selena also fought back tears while Joe beamed in a similar state. Dana made eye contact with Selena and she got up and bent to hug her mother and Joe put an arm around both of them and hugged his face to them. Dana whispered softly so only the two of them could hear “After all of the pain and heartache, I’m happy to be with you both. I love you both and the life you’ve given me.”

Their display at the table gave everyone pause to reflect on the meaning of Thanksgiving and gave each person at the table reasons to evaluate their own blessings.

While shoppers prepared to go out for Black Friday shopping Selena and Dana packed for their trip to New York Friday morning. Selena had volunteered to to be part of the skeleton crew of three at Wall Street Global Group. Volatility in the markets overseas brought on by terror threats made it necessary to watch worldwide reactions. Dana would stay with Selena at the office unless Joe got to town early, but he had errands to do Upstate and didn’t figure to arrive until 6 or so. He was driving since his car only held 2 and the thought of driving anything bigger in The City was beyond Joe’s patience level. Their parking slot at the condo opposite the TV studios was “compact only” and his friend Josephs alley slot would fit nothing larger either. Joe would only need a car for personal errands and would otherwise hire a service or show Dana the ropes of the NYC Subway system.

“You’ll see me in action tonight doing the financial report as well.” Selena told Dana as the train began picking up speed along the Hudson River tracks.

“Ha, my mother the TV star!”

“I’m only a star to finance geeks with black glasses and pocket protectors.” Selena giggled.

“No, even before I proved you were my mother and never gave a hint to my suspicions, I would hear the boys talk about the “hot money ladies”, you and Jamaica Browne. They would watch and make fantasy’s about you two.” Dana laughed.

“How old were these boys?” Selena asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Oh, 16 -18. You two had them interested, but maybe not so much in the stock market.”

“What would they say?” Selena asked.

“Mother! You know, boy talk, saying rude things to get our attention on a team bus. Girls in the front rows, boys in the back. The girls monitor always sat way up front, so we could hear the boys talking, but she was out of earshot, and they were just doing it to impress us, to make us think they were great lovers. We just laughed at them. Some of the girls were hooking up with soccer guys, but not on the bus.”

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