Mixed Messages - Cover

Mixed Messages

Copyright© 2011 by Flavian

Chapter 20

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 20 - A boy discovers through his mother's emails and IM logs that she leads a secret life. Enlisting the aid of his sisters, the three of them set out to train themselves in D/S, educate their dad, and tame their mom's apparent sexual cravings. Several others help along the way.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   ft/ft   Consensual   Rape   Heterosexual   Slut Wife   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   DomSub   Spanking   Gang Bang   Interracial   First   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Petting   Squirting   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism   Slow   Nudism  

Wednesday morning found me waking up earlier than usual. I felt the bed move and, when I opened my eyes, I saw that it was not as light outside as it usually is when I normally wake. My bedside clock also read an hour earlier than I normally awaken. My cock was just as stiff as normal mornings, though. Except that this morning, as I looked down, I saw Penny holding it in her mouth gently as she just lay there with her head propped against my left thigh. She smiled up at me as much as she could with her lips around my already very hard boner.

I said softly, "Hey, Pen. I love this, but why so early?"

She very slowly and sensually slid her tight lips up off my cock, leaving it with a wet smacking sound. Her smile dimmed a bit as she looked into my eyes. "Today is the day that our family either comes apart or else heals itself in a strange way. Whatever the outcome, I wanted to make sure that I had at least one more chance to make love with the most considerate lover in the world."

I had not shaken all the morning cob webs out yet. But I was awake enough to see that she meant it. I saw the moisture in the corners of her eyes and the love that resided there. I reached out my arms and she slid up into them. She pressed her naked body next to mine and laid her head on my chest and neck just below my chin.

She held me close and whispered, "I haven't made love with you since the day you introduced me to sex and made me a woman in the fullest sense." She felt me tense a bit and teased my chest with the fingers of her left hand. "Don't worry, Ron. You know that I have been falling more and more in love with Toby every day. It's just that making love with you that first time will always be special in my memory and in my heart.

"Someday, maybe we can even do it together while Toby and Clete watch. I know that you are concerned about the incest stigma and even what Adele or even Kelly might think of seeing you with me. But I just know that those two guys could learn a lot about how to be totally thorough and considerate lovers from watching the master at work."

I leaned down and kissed her on the top of the head and said with a sigh, "Pen, I'm still new at all of this too. I'm nowhere hear the status of a master at making love. I just do what seems to feel right at the time. So far, that has worked out well, but it was probably due to good luck more than to my being a master at it."

She lifted her head slightly and moved higher so that she could look me directly in the eye. With a serious expression she said softly, "That's where you are wrong. You really are a master of what it takes to treat a woman just the right way." Then her mouth began to turn up into a grin as she continued, "And it looks like, thanks to the presence of Adele in your life and in your heart, there are a whole lot of women out there who are going to be missing out on that experience and they will never even realize it."

Her smile turned to an expression as full of feminine desire as I had ever witnessed up to that point. In a somewhat husky tone, she said, "Make love to me, Ron. Please, make love to me like you did before. I need to feel that again." She had reached her hand down my chest as she spoke and had wrapped it around my cock. She began to stroke it slowly and I felt the lust and passion rise within me.

I rolled over so that she was on her back and I was above her. I kissed her lightly and then more deeply. She moaned and arched her back to allow her tits to press up against my chest. I discovered at that point that having a woman stretch and press her body against you from below is extremely erotic, stimulating, and thrilling.

I began to kiss her lightly all over her face and on down her body, whispering softly to her about how lovely and sexy she was. She would moan and it would catch in her voice as my lips would hit a sensitive spot. Finally, I reached her feet and did the toe thing which had her moaning and shaking a bit.

I could not wait any longer to taste her sex. I moved my head up and kissed around her pussy as I reached out and tweaked her breasts. I kissed her directly on the slit of her pussy lightly. I held it there while she began uttering things like, "Yes, oh, yesssss!"

I increased the pressure of my lips against her pussy and suddenly darted my tongue between the labia, licking at her juices that were, by now, flowing steadily. She lifted her ass off the bed and cried out loud enough to be heard all over the house. I was too aroused and excited to worry about decorum at that point. I licked up with my tongue around and over her clit, which was peeking out from under its hood.

She went off again, and again about thirty seconds later. She grabbed a double handful of my hair and said softly, "I need a break for few seconds, please." She panted for a few seconds and said softly, "Then I need you to fuck me. Please fuck me, Ron."

I stroked her pussy lightly with my finger once and ran it up to her right breast. As I moved my body up to a position over her, I gently massaged both of her breasts and she placed her hands over mine as I did so and moaned with delight. As my cock came up to brush against the lips of her pussy, Penny arched her back and reached down quickly and grabbed my cock and aligned it with her slit. She rose up to meet me and I slid easily into her warm, wet, and tight love glove all the way to the length of my very hard cock.

Penny moved her elbows to my shoulders as she held my head between her hands. Her legs bent back and she dug her heels into the cheeks of my ass as she tried to pull me deeper into her. It was as if she wanted her pussy to swallow me up completely. I moved my arms so that my biceps were pressing the calves of her legs right at the knees, holding her legs back and exposing her pussy to my thrusts.

Rising onto my hands and feet, I began to pound into her. She cried out over and over, "Oh, God! Yes! Oh, God! Ron, you fucking genius! Fuck me! Fuck me! Aaaaagh!" Her whole body writhed and her head tilted back and her mouth opened in a loud and long moan as she experienced a massive body-shaking orgasm. I picked up the pace a bit and she experienced another orgasm within about thirty seconds.

I felt my own culmination approaching. I leaned in and kissed Penny forcefully. She began to duel with her tongue against mine. I moaned into her mouth as I felt my own convulsions. My orgasm was so intense that I saw spots and sort of grayed out for a second or two. It was a mind-blowing, nuclear-powered orgasm that felt like I sprayed about a quart of my semen throughout the insides of her still-throbbing pussy.

Penny's ass was still moving with the rhythm of our fucking, even though I was not. Her body kept rising up to mine for about another twenty seconds as she milked me for all I was worth. Finally, she stopped moving and just held me in a desperate clinch.

She began to whisper, "I love you, Ron. I will always love you. This will always be special in my memory because I know that you love me too."

I was so touched that I could not help but let a tear loose. I felt my own voice shake as I said, "You are so special to me as well, Pen; you and Kelly both. Whatever happens, we will always love each other; all three of us ... well four, if you include Adele."

She chuckled gently and almost noiselessly through her nose and began to release the tension in her arms and legs to come out of the clench. She looked up at me and grinned and said, "Oh, we will include Adele, all right. And I mean in everything. Kelly and I have really come to appreciate just how good she is at doing slut cleanup duty on a pussy. Her tongue is almost as long as yours."

The imp had returned. I grinned and kissed her lips. Then I rose up and, with my cock still inside her, lifted her legs and kissed all her toes. I kept kissing her legs and feet until my cock was just too soft to stay seated in her already dripping pussy.

She quickly bent down and used her tongue and lips to lick my thighs and balls and suck the residue from my cock. She reached down with her fingers to scoop what was now beginning to leak from her pussy and bring it to her mouth to swallow with a sexy, lascivious flourish. She smiled at me with a look of victory after accomplishing all of her slut duties.

Penny reached down onto the bed with one hand and said, "We still have time for me to change the linens on your bed before we need to get ready for school. You can't have a big wet spot that smells like that. After all, nothing smells more like sex residue than sex residue, I have discovered in my oh-so-short sex life."

I got up and helped her up as well. We held each other and kissed deeply and affectionately, each of us tasting the sex taste on the other. I squeezed both her ass cheeks and said, "I'll just let you take care of the sheets. I need to hit the pisser."

As we broke apart, I heard through the ... oh, shit, the open door ... a loud masculine groan from down the hall toward Dad's bedroom, "Kelleeeeeee!! Oh, God!" I could tell that Dad was getting his morning's sex-inspired wake-up call and I smiled.

This morning's school session was the last final exam period and book turn-in. Everyone would be released at about ten-thirty, except for the graduating seniors. We had to hang around briefly for an inspection of our graduation caps and gowns. One of the older school faculty ladies kept going on and on about how to stand and sit, how to walk, and other minutiae that interested none of us.

When we finally got out of there, I walked with Clete and Adele out to the student parking lot. We were supposed to meet Kelly, Penny, and Toby before heading out.

As we approached the lot, I saw my two sisters standing with their backs against our SUV. They looked upset and a little frightened. Toby was standing in front of them with a snarl of determination on his face as he appeared to be confronting two seniors, one of whom I only knew by name; correction, I also knew him by his bad reputation.

The two older boys had smirks on their faces as they looked at the young sophomore trying to face them down. Each of them had at least thirty pounds on Toby and could easily squash him like a bug. Toby was not to be deterred, though. He was standing there looking every bit as if he was ready to go at it tooth and nail.

One of them, D.K. Kell, known as Deke, was saying, "You think you can take us, you little pussy? This is the last day of school. We have been watching those two cunts you're trying to protect and we've been waiting long enough. They seem to be so easy at showing off their pussies. We just figured that we would see if they were easy at giving it away as well. Now you just step aside before you get hurt. Hell, after we finish, we just might let you have a shot at them; if you can even get it up enough to try."

The other guy snorted and simply said, "You tell 'em, Deke."

Clete broke left and I broke right, pushing Adele back behind me. "'S'there a problem here?" I asked. Deke and his buddy snapped around to see Clete and me standing there with balanced and open stances. Those morons might have been arrogant with just Toby but, with the odds now against them, they seemed to be able to reassess.

Deke finally relented and said, "Nah! We was just funning the kid here." He frowned as he looked back at Toby, who was still wearing an expression of determined rage. Toby held his tongue despite the insult.

I said, "I'm not really sure, but I could swear that I heard you describe my sisters as 'cunts.' I would really be disappointed if I found out that were true. You see, I love my sisters, and I would hate to have them slandered." I had taken a step closer as had Clete.

The other guy with Deke nudged him and said, "Ah, we were just fooling around. We didn't mean anything." He turned to Kelly and Penny and said, "Sorry, Ladies, if we said anything to offend. Come on, Deke." Deke did not really like to have to back down, but he could count. He scowled once and simply walked off with his buddy training after him and looking over his shoulder at us a couple of times until they got to their truck.

Penny was all over Toby. "Oh, God, Toby! I was so scared for you there for a minute. You were just ... oh, God ... you were simply..." She stopped talking and wrapped him in a hug as she kissed his lips hard. I could see her shaking still.

Toby finally came out of the zone he had been in and he began to shake a little as well. I guess he realized that he had almost gotten his ass handed to him by two bigger, meaner guys. I knew from having seen his face a few minutes ago that he would have taken a bite out of both of them before going down, though. I guess the old saying is correct after all. 'It's not the size of the dog in the fight that counts; it's the size of the fight in the dog.' Toby had a lot of fight in him when he was protecting Penny and Kelly. He gained about a thousand points in my scale of regard today. I went over and thanked him. I saw that his brother had already gone over to hold Kelly, who was visibly shaking and leaning into Clete's chest.

Adele came over and hugged both Clete and Kelly for a minute before turning to Toby and Penny and doing likewise. Then she turned to me and kissed me right out in public in the schoolyard for the first time ever. She said that she would meet me at my house later after checking in at home.

We had not seen Connie since the gaggle inside had broken up, but Adele said that she had gotten a text from Connie saying that she would come over later today. Her family had relatives in town for the graduation and she had to help out at the house before she could take off and join us later. After passing this information to us, Adele blew me a kiss and walked toward where she had parked her own car.

Clete and Toby received kisses and assurances from my sisters and moved away to their car as well. They said, as they left, that they would be over to the house after checking in at home as well.

By the time we got home, the girls had mostly gotten over their brief encounter. Penny started smiling and said, "Wasn't Toby just so brave? I mean, he stood up single-handedly to two big seniors just to protect you and me, Kel! I am so going to fuck him stupid!"

Kelly was still looking pissed about what had happened. She was scowling as we all climbed out of the car. I asked, "What's the matter, Kel? You still pissed at what those two morons were trying to do?"

She whipped around on me and surprised the hell out of me. She said, "No! It's not what they were trying to do that has me pissed! What has me pissed is that my pussy was so wet with anticipation that they WOULD actually do it; and then, it didn't happen after all."

She crossed her arms in front of her and stared out across the street at nothing. "I'm also pissed at myself for feeling so slutty about having wanted them to fuck the shit out of me right there in front of God and everybody! I actually found myself wanting them to take me and rape me. Then the cavalry had to come in and spoil the whole thing."

My mouth must have been hanging open all the way to my waist as I heard my sister describe her absolute wanton lust and desire to be raped by those two Neanderthals. Evidently, this whole scenario had opened new doors for my sister that we had not even realized were even there.

I moved over to her and wrapped her in a hug that she may not have wanted, but she was going to get anyway. I said, "Sis, if you ever get the hankering for a rough scenario like you are describing, I want you to promise me that you will have a safety net in place with people you can trust absolutely. That sort of thing just might get out of hand otherwise."

She finally relaxed and looked around at me and smiled. She said, "I know, Ron ... Master Ron ... but if it is too safe, then the element of danger that makes it so exciting would be missing. Before today, I guess I just had never thought about it or even felt it. But now I know what I'm feeling and I want it to be a little dangerous once in a while. But you are right. I don't want to get too far under in all of this that I lose my way or really get hurt."

I said, "I'm sure there are folks in this strange lifestyle that we seem to have adopted that you could network with later in your life, after I'm off at college. They might help you experience that exciting edge without actually letting you get into trouble.

"Take Connie, for instance. She has as much as told me that I could take her as far as I want, despite her own limits. I could see where some guys would take her up on it and not worry about the consequences for her. I told her that I just would not feel right doing that and we agreed on a safe word that will bring the games to an instant halt. Her safe word is 'Canasta.' Will you take that as your safe word for what we are doing now until you can decide whether you plan to keep the fantasy going after we finish dealing with Mom? Will you get other folks with whom you choose to play these games, and on whom you can absolutely trust and rely in these situations, to agree to respect your limits and respond immediately to your safe word?"

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