The Wimp and the Deb - Cover

The Wimp and the Deb


Chapter 53

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 53 - The story of a misfit but highly intelligent schoolboy and computer genius who has a fascination for a girl who is part of the richest family in the area. She is beautiful but seems to be a flighty socialite until circumstances change and she is faced with challenges she never expected, How are their lives going to interact and will there be a romantic outcome? Explicit sex may well form an integral part of this story.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   DomSub   FemaleDom   Spanking   First   Squirting  


When we drove off in our own car after the wedding with tin cans rattling behind and just married signs posted on the window and confetti scattered all over it, we made a good bit of noise. When we arrived back at our house we went inside and collected the suitcases we had already packed and stowed them in the Range Rover. Before leaving, however, Rebecca suggested we make ourselves a cup of coffee as this would give us time to calm down after all the excitement.

I agreed as we were not travelling far. Phil and Mary had given us the keys to their house near Lancaster and we were spending the night there before setting off down the motorway. When we arrived at the house we made some supper and went straight to bed. We were both pretty exhausted after the events of the day, and strangely enough we began our honeymoon by going straight to bed and within minutes we were both fast asleep.

Next morning we awoke to a day that while being quite warm was overcast and cloudy. We had breakfast before getting into the car and heading for Folkestone where we had booked a room with Margaret and Helen. They were the landladies we had stayed with the previous August before boarding the train for France. They were excited to see us and welcomed us in with their usual invitation for refreshments after we had put our travel bags in our bedroom.

When we came downstairs to join them tea, coffee and cakes awaited us in their sitting room and this time their best china was on display. As we entered the room Margaret handed us quite a large parcel and told us this was their wedding present to us. When I took it from her it felt quite heavy and Rebecca asked if we could open it now and they agreed with a smile. When I managed to unwrap it a beautiful grandmother clock was revealed. It seemed to me that this was a rather expensive present to give to two young people whom they had only met once last year.

We thanked them profusely and said that we had not expected anything like this from them.

"You notice we have a grandfather clock in the hall," Helen said. "The grandmother clock belonged to Margaret and when we moved in together, it became a piece of furniture for which we had no room. So it has been gathering dust in our attic. It is not exceptionally valuable but it is quite nice and we decided we would like you to have it." You can leave it with us while you are in France and Pick it up on your return Journey."

We thanked them both again and told them we would take it with us to St Andrews and then move it to our new home when we left university and began our working lives. As we took afternoon tea with them they asked us about the wedding and we related to them the main events and gave them a little slide show of the pictures which had betaken for us with our own camera. They were so pleased at this and raved about my highland outfit and complimented Rebecca for being such a beautiful bride.

By nine the next morning we had said goodbye to our hosts and by half past ten we had driven from the Chunnel terminal in France and began our Journey south to the Loire Valley. The journey proved fairly uneventful and with a stop for coffee and the lunch we arrived at the farmhouse around six pm. The house had been opened and the beds made ready by the woman who looked after the house during the family's absence. She had also stocked the fridge with milk, butter, eggs and one or two other essentials and left us the bill.


We took our luggage from the car to our bedroom and I suggested that we should unpack before doing anything else. Rory agreed and we took our clothes from the suitcase and either hung them up in our wardrobe or placed them in drawers. I decided to change into something more casual as the sun was shining the breeze was soft and the evening temperature was in the low twenties. I had just stepped to my bra and Panties when Rory came up behind me placed his arms around me and began to fondle my breasts and nuzzle my neck.

It dawned on me had been married for over forty eight hours and on the two nights since, despite being on our honeymoon, we had been so tired first by the wedding and then the travelling, that we had not made love once. I turned to face him to discover that he was too was in his undergarments. My lips found his and we kissed passionately, his hands undoing the clips of my bra. As we broke the kiss he slid it from my shoulders and threw it on the bed. His rod was now at its full hardness and poking into my tummy so I fell to my knees before him and slid his underpants down to his ankle.

He stepped out of them and kicked them to one side so I grasped his massive member and took it into my mouth and began to lick and suck it. He pressed it further into me with his thrusts and breathing through my nose I allowed it to slide down my throat. It had taken me a long time to master this but I usually found that when I did so he did not last long. Sure enough with a few more hard thrusts I felt his buttocks begin to clench and I withdrew a bit as he came in my mouth and I tasted his cum before swallowing it.

Without a word, he picked me up and carried me to the bed and as he lay me down he spread my legs and knelt between them. He inserted two fingers into my now very moist slit and with them curling up towards my tummy he found the rough patch which form my G spot and began to stroke it wasn't long before I felt myself tensing up and my back arched as I orgasmed with my usual scream

Now he climbed up my body and began to pay attention to my breasts licking and sucking on my nipples creating a present tingle in my nether regions. He then kissed his way down my body and began to work on my pussy. This time he played with me bringing me near to orgasm and then backing off. I was enjoying this attention so I made no demands. Then he started to lash my clit with his tongue and again my body responded with another orgasm.

As the intensity of my orgasm surrounded, he took hold of my legs and pushed them upwards till my knees were almost touched my ears. (It is a good job with all my fitness and yoga I am very flexible because he now entered me stretching and penetrating me from this unusual angle. He then proceeded to pound it to me with hard thrusts of his massive cock. I felt as if he was knocking on my cervix and the discomfort and pain of the position he had me in seemed to heighten the intensity of my feelings and I came with another screaming orgasm just before he spurted his seed into me.

As he withdrew he allowed my legs to fall back to the bed and lay down beside me and kissed me tenderly.

"You know," He said, "I think I am going to enjoy the experience of making love to a certain married woman.

I giggled at the remark and then responded to his comment.

"You just make certain that you confine your love making to this certain married lady who now occupies your bed," I told him.

"There is no other I would desire as much or who could satisfy me the way that you do," my darling he told me.

We lay there kissing and caressing for a bit before I rolled away from him and said, "Sex after all that ravelling has made me hungry. If you will unhand me sir, I will go down to the kitchen and prepare some food."

"Slip on your swim wear under your shorts," He suggested, "And we can have a quick swim while whatever you make is cooking."

I did as he suggested and he pulled on his trunks and carried his shorts and a T shirt with him as we descended the stairs. He picked up a towel from the laundry room and while I prepared a casserole and put on some potatoes, he headed for the pool. I took the timer from the kitchen and laid it by the pool side before taking off my wrap and joining him in the water and we swam for another fifteen minutes before it summoned me back to my cooking duties.

Rory got out of the pool with me and after we had dried ourselves he followed me into the kitchen and began to set the table as I put the stew and potatoes on the plate and carried them to the places he had set. It was not only a meat stew but it had in carrots sweet corn and peas, so that it met the requirements of one of our five per day.


Next morning when we arose the first thing we did after breakfast was to look out our bicycles. I suggested to Rebecca that we should spend the morning at one of the big supermarkets in Samur and at the same time, put our bikes in the back if the car so that we could take them to be serviced. The cycle shop would probably have them ready for us the next day so we could park the car, collect our bikes and do a tour of the caves and pick some wines.

If we saw ones that we liked we could pay for them and have them set them aside for us so that we could then cycle back, put our bikes on the bike rack and then pick them up in the car. That way we would get some exercise, break ourselves in gently with a reasonable cycle and have some wines from a variety of places for our planned second reception on the following Saturday.

Rebecca thought this was a good idea and suggested that we should also pick up some invitation cards and ask some of our French friends in the village with children if the kids would deliver them to homes in the village. We would also have to talk with Henri and once again order the food we would need from his supermarket and asked him to transport the mobile fridge to our house for the occasion. We were going to have a busy few days organising all that needed to be down in order to have our French guests celebrate the occasion of our marriage with us.

On the Thursday evening we got a great surprise as a large French Renault saloon pulled into the drive in front of the house. As we came out onto the tiled veranda to meet whoever was calling out stepped Ruth and David and Phil and my mum. They had obviously decided to come and spend the weekend with us and join in our French celebrations.

Rebecca ran forward and gave her mother a hug and I followed her example and hugged mine before shaking hands with David and Phil. Then I went over and gave my mother in law a kiss on each cheek and told her we were very pleased to see them all.

"This is so unexpected," she said, "you should warn us you were coming and we would have had the dinner ready for you."

What! And spoil the surprise," David said with a laugh. If you have not started on your meal, you can show us to our rooms, then we will freshen up and I will take you all to dinner."

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