Absolute Delights
Copyright© 2010 by Charm Brights
Chapter 16: Parting
BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 16: Parting - The first of 12 books about life in a 21st century Arab country where the old laws of concubinage and slavery still apply. David Ransome has lived in England since he was four, and is a post-graduate student at Oxford University when his grandfather and uncle die, and he inherits the throne of the Emirate of Kobekistan. Read how an easy-going ordinary English young man is transformed by power into a cruel autocratic Emir who is capable of having an annoying concubine strangled.
Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Ma/ft Consensual NonConsensual Reluctant Coercion Drunk/Drugged Slavery Heterosexual Historical Incest Mother Son BDSM DomSub MaleDom Spanking Rough Humiliation Sadistic Torture Gang Bang Interracial Safe Sex Oral Sex Anal Sex Masturbation Pregnancy Cream Pie Exhibitionism Voyeurism Caution Violence
After the divorce from Peter Ransome had been agreed and was working its steady way through the English courts unopposed, David gave some thought to what he might do with Zubeydeh which would amuse him. He started by ordering a suite to be built specially in the Ruby Palace harem and explained his plan to the Chief Eunuch who said it would be simple to implement the eunuchs' end of the matter. One or two would simply be borrowed from the chosen man's own harem and would not need to be taken into the Emir's confidence.
The next move was to decide on an accomplice and to brief him. After some thought David decided on Ramzy El-Najjar, reckoning that the man owed him a big favour. When he discussed it with him, the Emir was surprised to find that the whole affair was treated by Ramzy El-Najjar as a further huge favour from the Emir, and a dinner invitation was issued to the Emir.
After the dinner, which was sumptuous, Ramzy El-Najjar offered to show the Emir his 'humble' home. Naturally the tour included the harem, where David noted that the women wore nothing but slippers and ornamentation. Ramzy El-Najjar, it seemed, liked bracelets and anklets, for all the women had many of these. Selima looked lovely and Ramzy El-Najjar specifically offered her to the Emir, who graciously accepted and stayed the night, using her fully both before and after they slept.
After he had come for the second time in the morning, she asked shyly, "May I speak, Master?"
Expecting her to ask for some favour, the Emir said, "Ask away."
"No, Master, I do not ask a favour. I only wondered if I might speak to you in the western fashion without angering you?"
"Of course," said David, toying with her breasts and wondering again why he had let her go.
"Master, that was a wonderful night. I have never had so much pleasure in my life. I hope you will visit my husband again," she said, blushing as she did so.
David felt very pleased that he was sexually better than Ramzy El-Najjar, according to Ramzy El-Najjar's own wife; it never occurred to him that 'she would say that, wouldn't she'?
With all the plans set, all that remained was to deceive Amelia into agreeing to be sold. This was the tricky part and David set about it with infinite care.
"Why can I talk to you, but not to the other women?" he asked her when they were next lying companionably together in a post-coital haze of happiness.
"Perhaps it is because I have known you a long time?" she suggested.
"No, I think it is the western background that does it," David suggested, "I must buy another western woman and find out."
"What is it like in the auctions?" asked Amelia, "I often wondered, and it is one of the many facets of Kobekistani life I could never investigate when I was here before, any more than I could now."
The thought of women being auctioned in front of a crowd of men excited her more than she would admit to him; she probed further as he seemed very talkative tonight.
"What actually happens in the auction? How is it all arranged?" she inquired.
"Oh, I've only been to one auction," David said, happy that she was taking his bait, "There were all the slaves in cages, rather like a cattle market in England, and men wandered round deciding which they wanted to bid for. Some of the better customers were even allowed to try the women out before the auction."
Zubeydeh's breathing became shallower and faster, he noticed, as she thought about the idea of being viewed, tried and sold. Obviously the ideas excited her sexually. He stroked her hairless mound and her hips lifted unconsciously to his fingers.
"Then the actual auction starts in another room," he continued, "The women are brought in one at a time and stood on a small stage, stripped and auctioned. A eunuch will show off their best features to the crowd as the auction progresses. With one he might bounce her tits, while he will turn and bend another to spread her buttocks and show off her arse hole."
Zubeydeh was definitely getting more agitated.
"I wish I could see that," she exclaimed as David slid his erection gently into her cunt and moved in and out in a most arousing way.
His fingers played with her arse at the same time and she was away towards another climax when he slid a finger into the darker rosebud.
"The Emir can do anything here," David reminded her, "I could arrange for you to see everything at one of these auctions if you want."
"Could I?" she asked between gasps as he titillated her further towards coming.
"You could be there to be sold, officially that is," he offered, "I could buy you back."
"Oh, David, that would be so exciting, and this is so ... so ... oh fuck me hard please darling, fuck me and send me to be auctioned."
It was not mentioned again and after a week or so when she had not been chosen, she assumed he had forgotten. Nobody had said anything to her about her going out of the harem, and this was so unusual that she was at a loss to know why she was suddenly required by the Chief Eunuch to remove her harem bolero and trousers and then to don an abaya.
"Why?" she asked, "Where am I going?"
His reply was electrifying.
"You are to be sold," he said bluntly, "And I am to take you to the Auction House today. The auction is not for some days, but the buyers will have a chance to look at the goods before hand. Some of them may even be allowed to try them out."
Amelia felt her juices dampening her cunt and beginning to drip enough to run down her thighs. Men, lots of them, would inspect her naked; some of then would fuck her; she would be put on display and auctioned like a pedigree racehorse or a fine picture might be in England. She almost had an orgasm at the mere thought.
She was then pulled quickly through the long corridors from the harem to the side entrance of the Palace and bundled unceremoniously into the back of a small car. The Chief Eunuch drove the short distance to the Auction House and parked close to a small unmarked door. He got out of the car and knocked. A short conversation ensued and the Chief Eunuch came back to the car and opened the rear door, pulling her out and bundling her in through the door, which was quickly closed behind her.
She was led again along a corridor, one which was distinctly less ornate than those in the palace, and into a huge room which was divided into a number of small cells by bars, rather like the wild west lock-ups she had seen in films. Most of the cells contained a woman, naked, and they seemed to be in varying states of gloom. Some of the larger cells contained low couches used, she later learned, by valued customers who were accorded the privilege of trying out the merchandise before the sale. Each cell contained a shower-head above a hole in the ground and there was no privacy at all.
The burly auctioneer who had chivvied her into the room now pushed her into one of these larger cells and came into it himself. A chain on the floor ended in a padded cuff which he quickly attached to her left ankle. Gripping the abaya with both hands he pulled it over her head and there she was naked, in a cell, chained to the floor and visible to dozens of pairs of prying eyes.
Evidently the privilege of trying the merchandise was one he arrogated to himself also, for he patted the couch to indicate that she should lie down on it. Turning her on her belly, he raised her until she was on all fours with her back to him, hair and breasts hanging below her torso, knees apart, arse and cunt open and available to him. In this position he thrust his not inconsiderable mutton dagger deep into her cunt and pumped away for a few moments.
Looking up, Amelia could see dozens of pairs of eyes watching this edifying spectacle which provided a respite from the unutterable boredom of sitting doing nothing all day. The idea that she was providing a spectacle for them made her very excited and she started to moan and to thrust back onto his prick. Immediately, he withdrew from her cunt and repositioned himself to take her tighter entrance, which he achieved with only a little pain for her. As he pumped again in her anus, reaching forward to grasp her breasts to give him leverage, she came with considerable gusto and the clenching of her internal muscles tipped him over the edge. She felt her bowels being deluged with his semen and soon he shrivelled out of her. She felt a strange loss at the departure of his intrusion and rather wished he had stayed longer. However, he quickly adjusted his dress and left, still not having spoken a word to her.
Shortly after this episode she was taken from the cage by two eunuchs who bathed her, washed out her cunt and arse, and groomed her with all the care she had become accustomed to as an inmate of the Emir her son's harem. Then she was returned to her cage. The bidders started walking through examining the merchandise soon afterwards. Her Kobekistani was not yet fully fluent but she understood the excitement when she was described as Princess Zubeydeh, mother of the Emir, to be sold by order of the Emir. None of these men were permitted to touch the merchandise, but if a buyer was particularly interested in a woman, the eunuchs would enter her cage and display her by taking hold of her arms and twisting her about, raising and lowering her arms, bending her over and spreading her nether lips or arse cheeks or emphasising whatever other particular feature the buyer requested.
Later, when all these buyers had been shooed out of the holding area, certain men were allowed in one at a time. These were the important buyers and were permitted into the cages to examine, and sometimes to try out the merchandise. Her value was discussed with the auctioneer several times and he said that it was difficult to judge. He had never auctioned an Emir's mother before, though several concubines had been auctioned recently. Nevertheless, he was confidently expecting to break the house record of two thousand nine hundred Kobesti with this one.
Only three buyers were allowed to try her out and all chose the narrower darker entrance between her buttocks. None pumped for very long and nor came inside her, and she got the impression that none of them wanted to fuck for pleasure, using her merely to emphasise that he had that right. Each of them also spent some time closely examining and fingering various features of her body. Two thrust several fingers into her vagina and anus, and all three hefted her breasts to see whether they felt heavy enough for their tastes.
When the first potential buyer lifted his kameez to use her the miasma of stale urine rising from his private parts was noticeable. He also spent what Amelia considered an inordinate amount of time examining her teeth, which were very good for her age, only two small fillings. He, himself, had not only bad teeth but also bad breath and it was all she could do not to recoil as he peered, and exhaled, into her mouth.
After probing her deeply with his fingers and taking her perfunctorily in the arse, the second privileged buyer examined her feet closely, and she began to wonder whether each buyer was concentrating on his own preference, or even fetish.
Then she heard the him say in Kobekistani, "You can always judge them by the feet. If the feet are hard they have never worn shoes and are only fit for labouring," and truly felt like horse being looked over before being sold.
It was exciting feeling and she looked forward to the morrow when she would discover what she was worth. Amelia wondered if her feet would be classed as hard, but she had the good sense not to ask.
The third buyer merely turned her face down on the couch and thrust once into her arse. As he slid out again he grasped her breasts as though trying to achieve re-entry, but contented himself with sliding his prick along her cleft.
While she has not being examined and tried herself, Amelia was quite enjoying looking around her and watched with interest as some of the other girls were tried out. It was exciting to watch when one very dark-skinned girl refused to cooperate and was beaten to make her submit. Then it struck her.
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