Absolute Delights
Copyright© 2010 by Charm Brights
Chapter 14: Life Goes On
BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 14: Life Goes On - The first of 12 books about life in a 21st century Arab country where the old laws of concubinage and slavery still apply. David Ransome has lived in England since he was four, and is a post-graduate student at Oxford University when his grandfather and uncle die, and he inherits the throne of the Emirate of Kobekistan. Read how an easy-going ordinary English young man is transformed by power into a cruel autocratic Emir who is capable of having an annoying concubine strangled.
Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Ma/ft Consensual NonConsensual Reluctant Coercion Drunk/Drugged Slavery Heterosexual Historical Incest Mother Son BDSM DomSub MaleDom Spanking Rough Humiliation Sadistic Torture Gang Bang Interracial Safe Sex Oral Sex Anal Sex Masturbation Pregnancy Cream Pie Exhibitionism Voyeurism Caution Violence
Back in England, Amelia decided that confrontation was the answer to her problem, so the first night back she took good care that Peter saw her shaven cunt as she came out of the bathroom. He went in there after her, so she laid herself out on the bed naked, with her legs apart and as he came back from the bathroom he found her oiling her cunt with baby oil.
"What on earth are you doing, and what made your hair fall out?" he demanded.
"I'm oiling myself to increase my and your pleasure when you push your lovely prick into me," she answered, "After all it is over a month since I went to Kobekistan and so you must be eager for a fuck. As to the shaving, I had it done in the harem. I had forgotten about that habit, but it is supposed to turn men on. Don't you like it?"
"Amelia, I am shocked," he exploded, "How you can bring yourself to use such language and indulge in such heathen practices, I do not comprehend. Get under the covers and turn the light out."
"Oh, Peter," she begged, "leave the light on; I want to see your face as you come. I want to know I please you as a woman should."
"A proper woman pleases her husband by obeying him and observing the civilised rules of decency. She doesn't behave like a ... like a..."
"Whore," she finished for him, "But I thought all men wanted a proper woman who was respectable downstairs but a whore in the bedroom?"
"Decent men don't," said Peter, "I'm going to sleep in the guest room."
"Please, darling," Amelia sobbed, "Please come to me. I need it if you don't. Punish me any way you want but not by leaving me alone all night."
"Now you sound like a child," Peter remarked.
"Then spank me like a child," sobbed Amelia, "But don't leave me alone all night when I need you."
That was the first of many nights she spent alone while Peter slept in the guest room. If she went to bed quietly and lay quite still in the dark he would sometimes join her and even occasionally fuck her, but if she showed the slightest sign of initiating sex he was out of the room like a frightened rabbit.
The next thing she tried was dominating him. She ordered him about for the evening, telling him to wash-up instead of waiting for him to offer, changing TV channels without discussing it with him and generally treating him as being of no consequence. As he came out of the bathroom she was standing beside the dressing-table brushing her hair. As he got into bed she swung the hairbrush catching him square on the arse, hard.
"Ow," he said, "What on earth?"
"The washing-up wasn't very clean, and you don't fuck me often enough. You deserve to be punished for both of those. Out of that bed and bend over."
Peter just stared at her; then he got out of bed and went to the guest room, locking the door behind him. It was three weeks before he shared her bed again. That night he tried, but failed to enter her; his penis simply would not rise to the occasion.
Next morning she rang the Kobekistani embassy in London and twenty-four hours later she was on a plane back to join her son's harem. This time it wasn't a private plane, or even a chartered jet. She flew in Air Emirates economy class to Abu Dhabi and there she changed to Air Kobekistani's routine flight. The steward did not give her any special treatment, except to give her an abaya to wear as her purdah just before they landed.
Nobody met her at the Airport and so, after some difficulty in finding one prepared to carry a woman, she took a taxi the five miles to the gates of the Golden Palace, where she was questioned, albeit politely, by the guards for some time before they would agree to telephone the Chief Eunuch about her arrival and she was finally admitted. The Chief Eunuch took both her British and Kobekistani passports and she doubted she would ever see them again. The treatment left her in no doubt that her return was because she was begging permission and not because her son had invited her there.
"You must understand," said David when they met in the anteroom to the harem, "that if you stay here you are Zubeydeh and not Princess Zubeydeh, and not Amelia, and especially not my mother. Also the suite is occupied by my current favourite, who is trying to get pregnant. Undress."
She took off her purdah, and her Western dress, stockings, brassière and knickers.
Kneeling naked before him, she intoned, "All I want is my Master's wishes to be satisfied. If he honours me by letting me stay here I shall be ecstatic; if he honours me even more by using me for his pleasure, I shall be in heaven. I am my Master's to do with as he wishes."
David walked away without replying, and Zubeydeh was hustled in to the harem itself by the Chief Eunuch and led away to be held ready for her Master's use.
'If he ever calls for me, ' she thought.
The Chief Eunuch broke the news that Maryam was not pregnant and was relieved that David did not blame him for this occurrence.
"When will she be fertile again?" asked David, as though discussing a favourite mare.
"In twelve days' time, Master. I recommend filling her daily then for five days," said the Chief Eunuch, happier now that this was all out in the open and was just a matter of breeding an heir and not a case of the Emir having some unnecessarily strong feelings about the woman.
"How do you recommend setting about it?" asked David, curious as to the local customs and superstitions.
"I will see that she is fed appropriately, Master. Then if the Master permits, we will present her in a frame which hold her in position for maximum chance. The position Fatima held her in is not quite the best, and she should remain for at least three hours after the seed is entered. Seeding morning and evening every day is also recommended."
The Chief Eunuch looked at David to estimate whether he had given offence by these, to his mind, scientific statements.
David merely nodded and said, "Remind me in twelve days then, or perhaps ten to be on the safe side."
Ten days later, David was debating which woman to have for the night when the Chief Eunuch reminded him.
"Tonight would be appropriate if you wish to impregnate Maryam, Master," he said, then he added, "Traditionally, the husband should warm her first with a light whip or cane."
That night they brought Maryam to him already in the frame which held her so that her arms and legs could not move. She was on her back with her head just a little lower than her hips, the arms were out horizontally and the legs were bent back either side of her body in what looked a fairly uncomfortable pose. David walked slowly round her noting that all three entrances were readily available for his prick, should he wish to use any of them.
"Is that thing comfortable?" he asked, not really expecting an honest answer.
"It helps me to be enceinte," she answered in her odd mixture of English and French.
Turning to the Chief Eunuch he asked, "You said something about warming her first?"
The Chief Eunuch passed him a light riding crop and stated gravely, "Do not punish her, Master, simply bring the arse and upper thighs to a nice deep red. It is the flow of blood to the area that is wanted, not too much pain."
"Then I'll use my hands, they will cover a bigger area at less pressure. What do you think?"
"The Master is wise, as always," came the sycophantic reply.
David cursed under his breath as he squared up to the woman and stroked his target area; would he never get an honest answer from any of these damned servants?
Four quick solid slaps, such as might be administered to a recalcitrant child, one on each buttock and one on each thigh raised flame-red areas but they quickly faded. Eight more such slaps left the redness glowing but not very pronounced. Eight more made a real impression and Maryam started to sob involuntarily, though she had stayed quiet during the slaps.
David moved round to where her cunt was held up displayed to him at just the right height for him to enter her standing up. Thrusting firmly, he put all thoughts of dalliance out of his mind and concentrated on fucking this woman and filling her so full that she would have a hundred babies all at once. As he thought of the child to come, his son, the Crown Prince to be, an image of his mother in such a frame came into his mind and he came in great jets of his seed which seemed never-ending.
"There," he said to the Chief Eunuch as he stepped back from the frame, panting and with a little string of semen stretching between him and the body he had been trying to inseminate.
The eunuchs took the wheeled frame away, complete with its load while one of the bath girls knelt and sucked reverently then licked him clean and dried his prick with her hair.
"Do you recommend that I sleep alone tonight?" he asked the Chief Eunuch.
"That is quite unnecessary, Master. Any of the women can give you much pleasure without spilling your seed. Conserving it for her Highness is recommended," was the grave reply.
"Send someone in that I have not tried yet," David ordered, "but be quick about it and make sure she knows the rules."
Less than a minute later an agreeably curvaceous young olive-skinned woman appeared whom David vaguely remembered from his first day inspection as the other one he took from the Ruby Harem with the Russian girl whose name he couldn't quite remember. She was fully prepared, so the Chief Eunuch had obviously predicted his wishes.
It turned out that her name was Esh-Shems or something like that, but she wasn't very interesting or inventive and she neither spoke nor understood English.
After seven nights and mornings of Maryam, almost all in her cunt with her strapped in the frame, David thought that he had done enough for her and said so to the Chief Eunuch. If she didn't conceive this time she could be demoted and he would try someone else. Maybe he would recall Selima, or ask if she had a virgin younger sister. None of the 'hot water bottles' as he had come to think of the Chief Eunuch's offerings had impressed him at all.
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