Cheating - Cover


Copyright© 2009 by Big guy on a bike

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - What do you do when you find out your wife is cheating? Get angry? Get even? Retreat into your shell and blot the world out?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Oral Sex   Anal Sex  

What do you do when you find out your wife is cheating? Get angry? Get even? Retreat into your shell and blot the world out? I don't know, probably a bit of all three. The key to keeping your sanity is to get the balance right, the trouble is I don't think anyone knows what the right balance is.

I didn't when I first suspected that Christine, my wife of ten years, was cheating. There were little things that didn't add up and, over time, I got more suspicious. I suppose these suspicions simmered for about three months before they came to a head one night when Christine was late in. I knew she was going out after work but had expected her home around nine pm, it was about ten-thirty when she arrived home. I asked her what she had been doing and she said that she had been out with her friends Sam (as in Samantha) and Linda. Trouble was, Linda had rung me at about eight-thirty and asked me to talk her through a problem on her computer. There was obviously a breakdown in communications somewhere but, in my experience, liars always get caught.

Now, I had been utterly faithful to Christine over the years. Don't get me wrong, I would still look at and appreciate an attractive woman but I never once moved beyond window shopping, even although I had a few offers over the years.

Christine was thirty three, four years younger than me, an attractive woman with big boobs, nice long, brown hair, and a flawless complexion that some girls are blessed with. She dressed well, kept a tidy house and was a good cook. She was fun in bed and was everyone's ideal wife but I was certain she was cheating and, in my eyes, she instantly turned into the ugliest bird in Northampton, where we lived.

I went to bed almost immediately, I didn't want a confrontation. I felt Christine join me an hour later but I pretended to be asleep and Christine was asleep quickly. However, I laid there tossing and turning, thinking about what to do. It was a good job Christine was a heavy sleeper. I eventually got to sleep having formed a plan in my mind.

In the morning I got up early, went to my home office and started browsing the internet, I wanted a tracking device. I eventually found what I wanted, a GPS device which would keep a log of its journey and times, which could either be replayed, or downloaded into a mapping program such as autoroute. I ordered the device and arranged delivery to a friend's house nearby. Ross knew of my suspicions about Christine, he had caught his wife cheating a few years ago, and gave me the 'been there - done that' talk.

I went round to see him that evening and told him I was finally doing something about it as I had a bare faced lie which needed explaining. He said he would ring me on my mobile when my package arrived.

Two days later Ross rang me and I went round to collect my package, wondering how to fit it to her car without Christine noticing. In the end the problem solved itself. When she got in from work, she asked me if I would take her car to the garage in the morning and warned me that she would be late home. I was going to a meeting in London the next day and could drop it off on my way to the station then pick it up on my way home. Brilliant! I fitted the tracker under the rear parcel shelf of my car, she never went in the boot as it was full of my tools. I went round the block, got back and hooked the unit up to my laptop. My ten minute drive appeared highlighted on the autoroute map.

The following day she arrived home late, apparently she had been out with Sam and Linda again. It was too late do anything about it that night without arousing suspicions, so I went to bed and tried to put it out of my mind. Christine followed me through the shower and into bed.

Once in bed she initiated sex. Now this was quite unusual. Lately, I always had to make the first move, this was one of my suspicions that had built up over the last three months. I wasn't really in the mood and it must have shown because, after a few minutes, she scooted down the bed and started sucking me. With this I got hard and she planted her pussy onto my mouth. I soon got into the mood, even with the nagging doubt that someone else was fucking her. She came hard, got off me and speared herself with my dick. I fucked her hard, I suppose I was angry, but she met every thrust and got off again. I came and she came again. She then said, "Wow! What got into you tonight, that was a hard fuck, but I enjoyed it." I was confused but I was also tired and fell asleep quickly.

As soon as I got up the next morning I went out to retrieve the tracker and plugged it into my laptop. I saw her drive to work then, from work, she went to a road on the other side of town and parked in a cul-de-sac, Preston Gardens, until driving home. I had a look on Google earth, and there are six very large detached houses in their own grounds. Each house appeared to be secluded from its neighbours by carefully planted trees, with views over open country to the rear. These places would fetch £750,000+.

I needed a good excuse to check out all the occupants in Preston Gardens and decided to revive the business idea I had a year or so ago; to offer a complete home maintenance service to well off householders, and printed off eight colour brochures. It meant doing some cold calling but it was the best cover I could think of.

I drove across town and parked at the head of the cul-de-sac. My first impressions were confirmed, every house had two or three expensive cars parked on the drive, Audi's, Merc's, BMW's, that type of thing. My Ford Focus looked well out of place.

The first house was occupied by an elderly retired couple, they invited me in and were very interested in my idea. We chatted away for maybe twenty minutes, and I think I could have closed the sale there and then but I wanted to leave it open to come back so I left my details and went on to the next house.

They were a couple in there early forties. The husband worked from home, much like me and they had three teenage children who were at home. They didn't want my services, the husband was clearly quite comfortable with major DIY projects. I didn't see how he could entertain my wife under the noses of his children even if his wife was away. There was no-one in at the next house. so that was still a possible.

The fourth house was occupied by a very attractive young woman in her mid twenties, now I wouldn't mind dallying with her! Her husband was away so that ruled him out and anyway, with a wife like, that I couldn't see Christine getting a look in.

The fifth house was empty and up for sale. The last one was occupied by a Japanese family, the husband worked at a new development in the town.

I had discounted all but the house where there was no reply when a thought struck me, maybe they had used the house that was up for sale. I decided to pay the agents a visit.

I went home, changed into a suit, and rang the agents for an appointment. They said that all viewings had to be accompanied so, if I was on the right track, that limited it to someone who worked for the agents.

I went to their office in town and pretended to have arrived by train from London, that way they would take me to the house and my car wouldn't be seen again. I spent maybe ten minutes in the offices and didn't see anyone that fitted the bill. I had already decided I was looking for a man aged thirty to sixty and both the manager and her assistant were female! Maybe Christine had turned bisexual on me.

The house viewing left me no closer to an answer, the house was empty and there were no signs of a recent visit. The electric was also off so the place would have been dark last night.

I knew that I was missing something and when I got home I just sat in my office and played around on my computer. The answer was in Preston Gardens but I hadn't found it. I also tried to think of any valid reason why Christine would have spent yesterday evening there but I couldn't.

While I was sitting there an e-mail came in, from All it said was 'Getting warm in Preston Gardens'. It had to be related to my search but who had my e-mail address? Then I remembered that it was on the brochures so someone in Preston Gardens knew something. I decided to go back and see the old couple. Maybe they would give something away, without even knowing what they knew.

As I pulled up outside the house again my phone beeped with a text, it said 'Getting colder'. I tried to ring the number that sent the text but no one answered. I got out of the car and decided to have a quick walk round again, just to see if anything struck me. Besides, someone was watching me and playing the old hotter-colder game with me.

As I walked up the cul-de-sac I got another text, 'Getting warmer again', so I carried on walking. As I got to the house that was occupied by the twenty something whose hubby was away I got yet another text, 'Getting hot now'. As I approached the gates the front door opened and the lady called me in.

This was the start of the blackest hour of my life. Well, maybe not that bad, after all I was almost certain Christine was cheating from my own enquiries, but even so, this meeting confirmed my worst fears.

As I walked up the drive the woman held out her hand and said "I am Amanda Gawton. I think we need to have a talk, please come in."

I looked at the woman in her mid twenties and noticed the long blonde hair, large tits, perfect skin and a pretty face, lightly but expensively made up. I realised that I was looking at how the other half live, the really rich ones.

The house was very well furnished and decorated and I was shown into a large 'through' living room with views over the back garden and across the adjoining fields. "Please sit down," said Amanda, "I will get straight to the point. Your wife is having an affair with my husband, it has been going on for three months, maybe more."

My face probably showed pain and hate, to start an affair like she had was a pretty horrid thing to do.

She then carried on to explain that she became really suspicious about six weeks ago and finally employed a private investigator to follow her husband. She had arrived home late yesterday from a visit to her mother in France and, today, the investigators called round and gave her the news, together with pictures, times and places. She showed me the file and there was no doubt, there was my wife with her husband in various states of undress along with Christine's name and address. One picture was taken with a powerful telephoto lens where they were naked and having sex, she was riding him. My house calls in the cul-de-sac had confirmed to her that I was on to Christine. "Otherwise it would have been an amazing coincidence," Amanda commented.

I explained my tracking device and what it had uncovered. She asked me what I was going to do and I said, "Throw her out."

Amanda then started to tell me a bit about her husband. His father was the owner of a large shoe factory, as well as several other business interests and factories, and his son was a junior partner in these enterprises. Amanda had to sign a pre-nuptial agreement and, whilst their status in English law is doubtful, her only chance of coming away with a decent settlement was to prove James' adultery. Amanda said, "I had a clause inserted at the last minute invalidating the pre-nup if James was unfaithful. But I want revenge, it isn't the first time he has cheated and I doubt it will be the last." After a pause she went on to say, "Revenge is a dish best served cold." She wanted half of everything, including her husband's holdings in the various businesses.

She then asked me about my circumstances and I explained that we were mortgage free and fairly well off, two incomes and no kids. She asked me if I wanted to give half to my cheating, soon to be ex, wife. Needless to say I answered no.

She was going to organise a showdown, in front of her father-in-law, at the factory where her husband was MD and my wife worked in the accounts department. There was also a step-sister who was involved with the business, she had been sidelined and was pissed off, so she was the way in.

What I couldn't understand was why he would cheat on Amanda, she was every bloke's dream girl. Anyway, she went to the kitchen and made a pot of tea, and we talked. She helped me put a plan together to protect my assets and gave me the name of a friendly solicitor, she thought this would take two to three weeks. I asked if the affair was likely to fizzle out and she said no, they got together at least twice a week.

Having laid our plans, we parted as comrades-in-arms, if not friends. Somehow, though she was a very attractive woman, I didn't warm to Amanda as a person but, perhaps, that was due to the circumstances of our meeting. Yes, I was gutted and upset, but I think having a plan and a comrade-in-arms helped me face it. And, after all, it wasn't a surprise, I had been making my own enquires because I knew in my own mind she was cheating.

So, having agreed to her plan, I went home, the cheater would be home in an hour or so. I decided to start playing mind games with Christine over the next few weeks. I would try to initiate sex on the nights when I knew she had seen James. I would change my plans at the last minute to try and fuck with their schedule. But, I agreed with Amanda, I wasn't going to confront her or let her know I knew until the time was right. I also idly wondered about a revenge fuck with Amanda, she was certainly fit, but I was ambivalent about it.

The next two days passed without incident and then, that evening, Christine announced she was going to be late tomorrow night as she was going out with Sam and Linda. I sent a text to Amanda saying, 'They are fucking tomorrow night'. She replied, 'I know he has just told me that he will be away tomorrow night. Want to have a little fun? Pick me up at 4pm'. I wasn't sure what she meant but wondered about a revenge fuck.

I picked her up at home and she said, "We are off to the Travel Lodge near the M1. They always meet there unless I am away, and he stays over, he is supposed to be in London. They will arrive about six o'clock so that gives us time." She didn't say what we would have time for. When we got there she had a whispered chat with the girl on the reception desk and was handed a pass key to a room in exchange for a £20 note. Amanda explained, "Everyone has their price. Hers was twenty pounds and we get to go to their room before they get here."

Once in the room she took a packet from her handbag and folded the bed back, "Itching powder," she said without smiling. "That will give them something to think about."

She then put a small camera behind the curtain. "I will recover that in the morning and give you a call."

In five minutes we were back at reception and Amanda asked the girl on reception if she would be on in the morning. She said she would so Amanda told her not to let anyone else into the room after the guests left. She slipped her another £20. The girl asked if it was her husband, and Amanda said it was and that my wife was involved. The girl on reception seemed to be on our side.

I then headed back to Amanda's house. When we arrived she asked me to come in and I accepted. I began to see that her coldness was due to the fact that she had loved her husband and felt let down as well as disgusted. I felt the same really.

She showed me to the living room and asked if I would like a drink. I asked for a tea and Amanda went to the kitchen leaving me sitting in the living room. After a few minutes she emerged from the kitchen and my jaw dropped. She was carrying a tray with two mugs of tea and a plate of biscuits, but was completely naked.

Amanda smirked and said, "Do you like what you see?"

"Yes!" I replied when I could speak again.

Amanda laughed and said, "I need sex and I expect you do as well. I do not want James anywhere near me. I despise him and I suppose you do not feel very loving towards Christine at the moment. I think we should try being friends with benefits for the moment, at least until this mess is sorted."

"You're a very attractive woman," I said. "I'm not going to turn you down."

"But not attractive enough to stop James ... fucking around," she said bitterly. With that, she set the tray down on the table and sat on my lap.

I started kissing her and rubbing her boobs. She opened her legs to reveal a landing strip of short blonde hair. I moved my hand to her pussy, she was wet, and I started rubbing her clit. She started to get worked up and said, "I am the only one naked around here, that is not a very nice party."

She got off my lap and I got up to shed my clothes as quickly as I could. I had a good hard-on and she grabbed it, dropped to her knees and started sucking it. I laid down on the rug and pulled Amanda on top of me, she knew exactly what I had in mind and scooted her bum up to my face whilst swallowing my dick. I worked at her pussy with my tongue, she smelt and tasted like she was behaving - really horny. I soon found her clit and, as soon as I put my tongue to it, she started to come; talk about hair trigger! As she came she swallowed more of my dick and I could feel her lips on my pubic hair. I continued to lick her and tease her and she came again, harder this time. Now her pussy was all wet and squishy, she certain didn't have a problem with natural lubrication.

As she came I also came, I warned her but she kept her lips on my dick and swallowed the lot. We then lay there chatting in the sixty-nine position on the rug in her living room. Every so often I worked at her pussy with my mouth and, a couple of times, stabbed and licked her anus which really turned her on. I got two more comes out her. She kept licking my dick, to keep it hard. We talked about our lives but kept off the subject of our spouses. I was enjoying the attention my dick was receiving and, judging by the little moans coming from Amanda, I was doing something right as well. I don't think either of us wanted to spoil the moment.

She then looked up and exclaimed, "Good God, its eight-thirty! We have been doing this for two hours!" And with that she jumped up and impaled herself on my dick. We had a quick ride and I shot my third load into her pussy. We lay there for another ten minutes or so, I was admiring her body, she really was a looker.

She then got up and said, "Come on, quick shower to get rid of my pussy smell and then you need to get home otherwise Christine will be suspicious." I actually hadn't thought about Christine for the last 2 hours. My face must have clouded because Amanda said, "Just think, I am here for you whenever you can get away. Anyone who can lick pussy like that has to be a keeper." With that she dragged me to the shower.

Before I left we had a quick chat, just sitting on the settee, and Amanda told me a bit more about James. Her husband was fifteen years older than her, they had been married six years and Amanda was twenty seven. She told me that she wanted to explore her sexuality but James just wanted a missionary fuck. He would only eat her out or do doggy style very occasionally and that was about his limit. I asked how they got together and she admitted that she was impressed with his wealth and status, and that she loved him. If he had been faithful she would have accepted a limited sex life.

I got dressed and prepared to set off home. She kissed me deeply as I was leaving and said, "If you have to fuck Christine to stop her from getting suspicious I wont mind, but I am not letting James anywhere near me. He has no idea how to please a woman. He refuses to lick my pussy unless I have just washed it and then only for a few minutes. I tested you tonight, I have not washed down there for two days but that did not stop you."

"You just smelt sexy to me," I said. "I've always enjoyed eating pussy and the way you came and flooded my face, well it turned me on like nothing ever has before."

What really upset her was the fact that she was fairly sure he was doing things with Christine that he wouldn't do with her.

I told her Christine was OK in bed but lately she didn't have time for me, which was hardly surprising since she was shagging James.

I walked back to my car, she waved and went in. I think I was falling under her spell, my earlier reservations about Amanda had evaporated.

I got home around nine-thirty and waited up for Christine. She turned up at quarter to eleven and said that she was late because she had to take her friend home as she wasn't well. I also noticed she was fidgeting a lot, the itching powder had obviously done its job. She went for a shower and was a long time. When she came out I was already in bed and she said, "Aren't you having a shower?" I told her I had one before she came in. She then got into bed and after my workout with Amanda I was asleep in a few minutes.

Amanda rang me the next morning to tell me she had recovered the camera and it made interesting viewing. "I'll look at it the next time they get together," I said

Amanda sighed and said, "I hope it's not too long, I enjoyed last night. By the way, did you know Christine took it up her bum?"

"Yes, I very occasionally get an arse fuck off her, if she feels she owes me for some reason."

"Well, James won't fuck me there, he says it is disgusting but he is obviously not disgusted by her anus. Do you think my anus is particularly horrible?"

"It looked normal and fuckable to me. I licked it last night."

"I know and I loved it," she giggled. "It really turned me on."

We continued to talk sex for a few more minutes and Amanda made it clear she expected me to test drive her arse the next time we met.

After the positive reaction to the home maintenance package that I got from the older couple in Preston Gardens I decided that idea was worth pursuing. It had been rolling around in my head for over a year and it was only the need to visit Preston Gardens that made me dust it off again. I decided to get a trial run of brochures printed and use a mixture of direct mail and cold calling. If I spent a half day each week on it I would get some idea if it was viable. I wouldn't take any payments until I had enough potential customers to make it worth doing, I thought this would be between fifty and seventy five households signed up. I could then enter into negotiations with local tradesmen, plumbers, roofers, etc to provide the actual services.

As I walked out of the print shop I bumped into Amanda. She gave me a quick peck on the cheek and asked what I was doing. She was quite formal and anyone who didn't know wouldn't suspect what we were doing the previous evening. I told her that the brochure I had brought round was actually a genuine business idea, just that I hadn't developed it yet.

She asked if I wanted to have a coffee or tea with her and tell her about it, and I agreed. We discussed my plans and she had a lot of ideas of how to develop the business, I was surprised and said so. She then told me that she had a degree in business studies but James wouldn't let her have any role in the family business. I said I was surprised. From what she told me I thought she was wasted sitting at home waiting for him to come home - or not...

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