Jake White - The Beginning
Copyright© 2009 by Aurora
Chapter 40
Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 40 - Young Jake travels from his home to Bristol where he is to join his Uncle's business. This is the start of his adventures
Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Ma/ft Consensual BiSexual CrossDressing Fiction Historical Humor Tear Jerker Group Sex Interracial Anal Sex Cream Pie First Masturbation Oral Sex Slow
Edited by Old Rotorhead
Angelica knew she was in charge of Underwoods whilst Dennis and Jake were away, but the responsibility didn’t sit as well on her shoulders as it might. She was, of course, perfectly capable of running her own side of things, attending to incoming ships and running their own small fleet. She knew that most of the men would do as she asked, but there were one or two who didn’t take kindly to taking orders from a woman. Of course she requested, not ordered, but still. She was contemplating this problem as she walked along the docks to visit a newly arrived ship, unusually without her assistant Anthony.
She was just passing a side alley when she heard the sound of a scuffle and a girl’s voice raised in objection. She stepped back and looked up the alley where she could see two men struggling to hold on to a girl who clearly didn’t want to do whatever the men wanted.
“Leave her alone!” Angelica shouted.
One of the men looked towards her. “‘Ere,” he said to the other. “We could have that one too.”
What was going on? Angelica took her gun out of her bag and fired in the air.
“Shit! She’s got a gun,” said the man. “Come on, I ain’t stopping ‘ere. The rozzers’ll be ‘ere in a minit.”
And with that both men took to their heels. Angelica went to the girl.
“Are you hurt?”
“No, I’m fine.”
Angelica looked at the girl. She was about eighteen years old, slim and quite pretty. Her dress far from new but clean and neat.
“What did they want?” Angelica asked her. The girl burst into tears.
“You were running away from them?”
The girl nodded.
“I have to pay my father’s gambling debts.”
“You have to pay them?”
“Yes,” sniff.
“Oh! I see. You were going to pay his debts with your body.”
“Yes,” the girl started crying again. “They were going to take me ... somewhere, I don’t know where, but they said someone called Corbyn wanted me.”
Angelica was appalled, but then her own experience wasn’t much different. And that did lead to her being sympathetic.
“And you need to hide.”
Angelica’s mind was turning over possibilities, she might be able to help the girl and at the same time solve her own problem. She was short of a steward on ’Lightning’. The problem arose because the ship’s cook, who was very good, was rather fond of men and they could find no one to work with him. She shuddered, the things she had to deal with were sometimes the sort of thing that a lady should know nothing of, but she enjoyed her job and if she had to deal with this sort of thing so be it. It was a risk, of course, it wasn’t normal, a woman working on a ship, and might be unacceptable to Captain Johnson. As an alternative she might be useful at home. Try the ship first.
“What’s your name?”
“Kathy Miller,” the girl replied.
“Well, Kathy, I may have an answer for you. Can you cook, wait table, that kind of thing?”
“My mother taught me to cook. We never had the money to employ a cook, and I had to look after my father after mother disappeared.”
“You mean your mother...”
“Yes, she said she was protecting me.”
She did a poor job of that Angelica thought.
“Come with me. We’d better hurry in case those bully boys come looking for us.”
Although he knew it was going to happen Jake could not believe the mound of luggage which Hermione insisted that Susan would need. By contrast Myrtle had only had one small trunk and a valise. There were some meaningful discussions which resulted in a slightly smaller pile. With twenty-four hours before the ship sailed Jake got the two women and the pile of luggage on the train for the short journey to Grimsby.
As soon as the journey commenced Susan seemed to attach herself to Jake, holding his arm and expecting to be helped, whether up or down steps, or across the gangway onto the ship. He found this a little disconcerting because she had always exhibited independence. Not, it should be said, that he objected, she was a very attractive woman. But she was his wife’s companion, and he did not wish to upset either of them. Perhaps he should talk to her about it, but then, he sighed, that might cause an upset. He finally decided that Myrtle might help.
Myrtle seemed to regard the whole business with some amusement.
“But Sir Jacob,” she said, her French accent rather more pronounce than normal, her head not even up to his shoulder. “You are an attractive man. You can ‘ardly blame ‘er. And her ladyship isn’t ‘ere to take care of both of you.”
Both of us?
Unseen by him her hand reached forward and rubbed the bulge in the front of his trousers. He jumped. “Even maids need to be looked after.” She giggled as she left him with his mouth open.
Once they were settled aboard the ’North Star’ a steward told them that dinner would be served at six. This gave them an hour to sort themselves out. There were several other passengers, mostly businessmen, three of them travelling with their wives, and two single ladies travelling together. Food on board turned out to be quite good and Jake certainly was happy with it. Conversation was relaxed, the businessmen being mainly timber importers. Jake decided to admit only to having the Wraxall estate.
“Isn’t that the Duchess of Skegness’s place?” asked one of the ladies, Mrs Smith.
“Yes,” Jake admitted, “my mother-in-law.”
“But...” Mrs Smith realised that she might be about to put her foot in it.
“Miss Gray,” he indicated Susan, “is a friend of my wife’s,” he laughed. I am escorting her to Koenigsberg to visit relatives. Then I shall go to Berlin.”
Shortly after the meal finished and several people retired to their cabins.
“Would you escort me around the deck before we retire, Sir Jacob,” Susan requested.
The companionway was, as they usually are, quite steep. No problem for either of them, and Susan liked her arm through Jake’s, and they walked slowly around the deck.
“There were some people there that were not what they would have liked us to think,” began Susan.
“Yes,” said Jake. “I noticed. Not Mrs Duke or her husband.”
“Who are not married,” Susan giggled.
“No,” Jake replied. “But ‘Mr and Mrs’ Butler, who aren’t married either, and I don’t think that is their name, took quite a lot of interest in us.”
“As did Mr Symonds,” said Susan. “I definitely wouldn’t trust him. And he’s not English, and neither is his wife. Perfect English but...”
“I know. Well spotted, Susan. She was somewhat flirtatious too. We’ll just have to keep an eye on them.”
Myrtle joined them, carrying a cloak for Susan.
“Madame must keep warm,” she told her. “Well, what have you seen?”
Susan explained, “so we should be armed at all times,” she finished.
All agreed, and Myrtle escorted Susan below deck.
Zeke bent forward and helped the lady to her feet. Dishevelled would have been a kind way to describe her appearance. Her hair was little but tangles, and her face streaked with dirt. Her dress was only fit for a rag bin. She stood carefully.
“Alice Farquarson,” she said, “My daughter,” she indicated the girl who was now sitting up, although in no better condition. “Emily. To whom am I speaking?”
“Lady Beatrice Hatherley,” Bea told her. “And this is Mr Downes, first officer of the steamship ’Rigel’ on passage to Bombay. You are safe now.”
“Even with you holding a revolver, m’lady?” Mrs Farquarson smiled.
“Especially so,” Downes laughed as he handed her onto the deck. Zeke had picked up the girl who appeared to have no objection to being in the arms of a large black stranger and he stepped on to the deck with her.
Jemima and Winnie had arrived, and Bea turned to them.
“Take these ladies to cabins and get a bath for them. Winnie, will you sort out some clothing for them, there is little worth in what they are wearing.” She turned to Mrs Farquarson. “We’ll talk later, I must go and see to the captain. Previous course and speed, please, Mr Downs.”
“Aye, aye, m’lady.”
And with that she went to the bridge where she found Sister Joan attending to Fitz.
“It looks worse than it is, Lady Beatrice,” Sister Joan told her. “The bullet just missed, but as he fell, he hit his head. You can feel the lump here,” she indicated the back of his head. “He’ll need to rest. Francis is stitching up the others. One isn’t too bad, the other will take a while before he is back on his feet. I sometimes thing knives are worse than bullets. But either are terrible.”
Bea could feel the vibration of the engine now, and there was a man on the wheel getting the ship settled on her course. They were scheduled to take two weeks to reach Bombay, hopefully this evening had been the worst that would happen. She went forward to see what she could do for the two injured men. Welby, the less injured of the two, was already joking with another crew member about the fight. Williams, on the other hand was in poor condition and Bea asked them to move him to one of the spare cabins where he could be looked after more easily. When she returned to the bridge Zeke had carried Fitz to his cabin. Downs had everything under control, so she went below to see how Fitz was.
With the ship back on course and everything below in hand Zeke joined Downes on the bridge.
“Everything all right down there?” asked Downes.
“Aye, no problems, Lady Bea is in charge,” he said with a broad smile.
“Quite something, isn’t she, Zeke.”
“That she is, Mr Downes. Indeed, she is.”
Victoria knew exactly what Chrissie was going to ask next when she finished her sentence. She had just said that playing with one’s sensitive ‘bits’ was better when someone else did it for you. And Chrissie was right on cue.
“Will you show me? You did say that women can please each other.”
Victoria wasn’t quite sure she had said that but ... the problem was she knew she was sailing into dangerous waters. Since explaining the basic biology of human reproduction to Chrissie the day before, the girl seemed to have turned it into a crusade. Having read the riot act to her doctor, and virtually dismissed her mother appointed maid, she was now threatening to take her mother to task and the other person in this was her husband. And he was going to be very unhappy that his little plaything had turned on him. Victoria had certainly thought that Chrissie had little between her ears but fresh air, and that was turning out to be anything but the case.
On the other hand, she might as well be hung for a sheep as a lamb. She leant into Chrissie and kissed her.
“I will. But not now. Josephine and Myfanwy need you again,” she said, little realising that she was sending Chrissie into a lion’s den. Or, as we shall see, sending her to a pair of ravening lionesses. “I’ll see you later.”
The two designers were delighted when Chrissie walked into their studio. Josephine took here in her arms and kissed her. Myfanwy guided her into their inner sanctum where there was a couch. Myfanwy wasn’t a practised seductress, but she knew that things always went better with a little planning. She took over kissing Chrissie as Josephine started to relieve her of her dress. As she did so she kissed Chrissie around her neck and then down her back as she exposed more skin. Chrissie was well aware of what was happening, but she wasn’t going to stop them. Josephine’s hands came around to caress Chrissie’s now naked breasts, and then as if by a silent command a mouth attached to each nipple. The sensations were so overwhelming that she hardly realised that she was now sitting on the couch. Minutes went by and then Josephine moved up to a deep kiss. Chrissie felt Myfanwy between her knees, pushing her legs wider as she kissed her way further and further up until a bolt of electricity shot through her as lips and tongue contacted her clitoris. Not that she had any idea she had one. Myfanwy’s tongue continued to caress Chrissies lower lips and then clamped onto to her clitoris once more and the sensation from yesterday returned only so much more as she writhed in the ecstasy of her ‘little death’. Myfanwy continued to gently tease with her tongue whilst she caressed Chrissie’s ‘bump’. She was rewarded by a kick from the ‘bump’. Josephine laughed at the expression on Myfanwy’s face.
“I think that means she enjoyed it,” she told her. “Better get you dressed,” she said to Chrissie as she began to concentrate again. “Play time is over.”
Angelica led Kathy up the gangway and onto ’Lightning’s’ deck. She could see George Johnson leaning on the bridge rail.
“Wait here,” she told Kathy, and mounted the ladder onto the bridge.
“Mornin’ Angelica,” George greeted her. “Who’s your friend?”
Angelica knew there was little point in beating about the bush with George.
“Your new galley assistant and steward, umm, ess.” Angelica grinned.
George looked at the girl, and then at Angelica.
“A year or two back I’d have said you were playing a joke on me,” he mused. “But now I have a slip of a girl who can tell me whether I can sail or not, and who can sort out dockers, and heaven knows I can’t do that.”
“I wouldn’t stop you sailing,” Angelica coloured from embarrassment.
“But you could,” George grinned. “So, you’d better give me the story of this girl.”
Angelica explained how she’d met Kathy, and why she needed to hide.
“Well, she should be alright with Rogers, I don’t see why passengers would object, and if I know the crew they’ll look after her. She can have that small cabin. Take her down and see what Roger’s says. He has to work with her and I don’t want any more problems.”
“Aye, aye, cap’n,” Angelica grinned.
Angelica went down and collected Kathy.
“One last hurdle,” she told her. “And that is Rogers the cook. He, umm, prefers boys.”
Kathy looked at her, a question on her face. Angelica stopped.
“Look,” she said. “You’re going to get educated in a lot of areas that a lady shouldn’t know, from those ladies around the docks who do what was expected of you, to men who prefer men. No point in being disgusted or whatever, it’s just life. You can run with it, or go ashore and see if you can escape those men who have been sent to collect you.”
“I’ll cope,” said Kathy after a moment.
They went into the galley where the cook was busy. He looked up.
“I’ve brought you a new assistant, Mr Rogers,” said Angelica.
Rogers laughed. “You’ve got the measure of me this time, Miss Angelica.”
“I hope so,” Angelica grinned.
“Right, she’ll be safe with me. Can you cook, girl?”
Angelica listened for a minute or two. It looked as though they might get on.
“I’ll get some suitable clothing for you Kathy. I’ll be back later,” she said and left. She was elated with her success
The morning after Jake and his ladies had left Hermione, as she often did, was taking breakfast with her mother the Duchess in her rooms.
“They should be at sea now,” she said wistfully.
“You couldn’t go with them,” her mother stated firmly. “Did you sort out a maid whilst you were in London?”
“Yes, mama. The agency will be sending a girl up today,” Hermione replied.
“Oh good. Now, I wanted to get the garden sorted out. It’s never been very attractive, and I think that this may not be the best place for a garden, we do get some awfully cold east winds. I talked to Jake about it, and he said that with the estate now running well it would be a good idea to make the place look better and to go ahead. He thought it would be the ideal project for you. It would give you something to do whilst he was away.”
“Me?” said Hermione in surprise. “But I know nothing about gardening. I don’t know one plant from another.”
“You could start by talking to old Titchmarsh. He’s kept us supplied with vegetables from the walled garden for years.”
They went on to talk about the kinds of things that mothers and daughters talk about.
Later that morning Hermione entered the walled garden in search of old Titchmarsh and information. She had not been in there for years. There were areas in which there were neatly planted rows of vegetables, some of which she could identify from what she had seen in the dining room, and some she had no idea as to what they were. There were also flowers of the sort that she had seen in the house, but beyond pretty she had little idea what they were. There was also a considerable area, about half she guessed, that was unused. She could see two men working and made her way in their direction.
“Mr Titchmarsh, good morning,” she greeted the older man.
“‘Mornin’, m’lady. How can I ‘elp ‘ee?” he doffed his cap.
“My mama wants the gardens around the house brought up to date. I’ve been given the job and I know nothing about gardens, apart from them being pretty and pleasant places to walk and whatever. I thought I’d start by asking you about it.
“Seein’ all the work bein’ done on the estate, Lady ‘Ermione,” Titchmarsh began, “I ‘ad wondered when this ‘ud be done. Problem is, I been workin’ in this garden for nigh on sixty year an’ I knows ‘bout veg and a few flowers, but the sort of garden you wants, well, I don’t know.”
“So, there’s two sorts of gardening?”
“‘S far as I’se concerned, yes, m’lady.”
Hermione thought for a moment. “But growing things, and keeping it tidy must be much the same?”
“I ‘low that ‘ud be right.”
“So if we took on a couple of young apprentices you’d be able to expand your vegetables and teach them the basics of ... planting things.”
Titchmarsh brightened up. “I could that, m’lady. An’ there’s a couple of likely lads in the village. They’m just labourers at present, but I reckon they’d jump at the chance.”
“We will do that then, Mr Titchmarsh, you may see to it,” said Hermione. “It’ll do no harm to increase the production from this garden. And I will seek out further advice regarding the other side of gardening.”
Titchmarsh grinned. “Thank ‘ee, m’lady.”
That, thought Hermione, doesn’t get me very far, but it is a start. She smiled to herself as she went in for lunch.
Fitz groaned when Bea entered his cabin. She went to him and checked to see if he was awake, and when he wasn’t she sat down next to him and waited. She knew that when she had fallen off the horse she was in a coma for several days and she was worried about him. It turned out that there was no need for her to worry because after a few minutes he groaned again and opened his eyes. Despite the only light being from s dimmed lamp he winced and shut them again.
“What happened?” he asked.
“A bullet hit your head, a ricochet, I think. It knocked you out and then you hit your head as you fell. Everything is sorted out, the ship is safe, and we are on our original course and speed. Now, go to sleep and you can hear all about it in the morning.”
Fitz obviously thought this was a good idea and was asleep before Bea had closed the door. She went to the saloon to see what was happening to the passengers. Including, of course, the two new ones. Not often, she thought, that you acquired passengers in mid ocean.
After all the excitement she decided that a small brandy would be in order. She sat down to see who appeared first. In the event it was Winnie.
“Emily is sound asleep,” she volunteered. “All clean and tidy. Do you need me anymore?”
“No, you go to bed,” Bea told her.
The next was Jemima.
“How is Mrs Farquarson,” Bea asked.
“I’m fine,” said a voice before Jemima could open her mouth. Mrs Farquarson came in and sat down at the proffered seat.
“Brandy?” asked Bea.
“I’d rather have a cup of English tea.”
Bea looked at Jemima.
“Certainly, ma’am. We’ve even got milk,” Jemima disappeared to the galley.
“My husband was a gambler,” said Mrs Farquarson. “He got heavily into debt and they took Emily and me hostage until he paid. He couldn’t do that of course, so we were shipped off to this godforsaken island. We were kept in a hut with no access to fresh water. That ghastly woman said that if my husband stopped this ship then she would trade us for Lotus Blossom. Word reached her earlier that you were on your way, and we were forced into the bottom of the boat. I think the rest you know,” she thought for a moment. “But you must have been expecting her.”
“We were just guarding against trouble,” said Bea. “This is a well-known area for pirates. I assumed that this lot just wanted loot. We were about to cut the boat loose when Zeke said there was someone in the boat. I knew nothing of your plight, so I had you covered with my gun. Just in case.”
Nathaniel arrived.
“Just the man,” said Bea. “What happened in the engine room, Nathaniel? I hope neither you nor Mr McClean were hurt.”
“No, Lady Bea, we’re both alright. First thing we knew Mr Farquarson came down waving a gun and told us to stop. Mr McClean refused so Farquarson threatened me, pulled the hammer back and was about to shoot me when Angus agreed. Had me a bit worried I can tell you,” he grinned. “Then he said his wife and daughter were hostages and that we were stopping to pick them up. Then Mr Downes arrived and Farquarson fired at him, I dived out of the way, and Mr Downes let loose. Caught his shoulder, I think. Anyway, I saw him stagger back and he went down the ladder, hit the bottom and didn’t move again. I told Mr Downes about Mrs Farquarson, I assume that is you, ma’am,” he looked at the lady who nodded agreement. “And then the hatch closed. We picked up a steel bar to smash it open when Zeke arrived.”
“So, my husband is dead?”
“Yes, ma’am,” said Nathaniel. “Umm, we’ve put his body in the lazarette.”
“After what my daughter and I have been through thanks to him, you’ll forgive me if I don’t shed a tear.”
Jake was up early the next morning so that he could watch the ship leaving harbour. There was, he felt, nothing so exciting as setting out on a voyage. There was a tug to get them started, and then once they were able to proceed independently the captain rang for full ahead and they were soon passing out of the Humber and into the North Sea. They were abreast Kinsea point when he decided to go down for breakfast. There was a westerly breeze and the crew set some sail, the passengers making sure they didn’t get in the way. The rest of the day passed peacefully., lunch, reading, a siesta for some and so to dinner. This followed the pattern of the previous evening the company being convivial and the food better than passable. After dinner several of the men decided to play cards, and the ladies mainly sat around talking. Jake chatted to the captain until Susan asked him if he would accompany her for a walk around the deck before retiring. Apart from agreeing that they had found out nothing apart from the two ladies being somewhat odd. Susan told him that Myrtle had found out that the three other maids were newly employed, which seemed odd. With little else to say they went below and retired to their cabins for the night.
It was after midnight because everything was quiet apart from the noises of the ship when Jake awoke disturbed by something. He reached under his pillow for his revolver. It was pitch black in the cabin. His cabin door opened and someone slipped in. Against the lowlight in the communal area he was sure that the figure was female. Susan or Myrtle he wondered? A hand pulled his blanket back and a soft warm hand took hold of his tender part. He was almost instantly hard. He opened his mouth to ask who it was when he was shushed. After a minute she straddled his legs and lowered herself onto him. Jake groaned as he disappeared into a warm slippery cavity. The lady moved up and down for a few minutes when he could stand it no more. At the same time he felt her vibrating as she achieved her climax. She remained in position for a minute or two and then dismounted and left as silently as she arrived. It wasn’t, he decided, Myrtle, she would have been unable to stifle a giggle, and he felt certain it couldn’t be Susan, this woman was experienced. The only clue he had was a whiff of perfume. He fell asleep wondering.
Angelica had purchased some suitable clothing for Kathy, nothing special, if she worked out well then Victoria’s could supply something better. She went back to the ship where she found that Rogers and Kathy were working very well together. He was a good cook, which was why they wanted to keep him, and she was willing to work hard, and had sorted out how to serve the food in the saloon. It was an eighteen-hour journey which meant up to three meals had to be provided for passengers and crew.
She had finally been to see the captain of the ship she had been on her way to see when she rescued Kathy and was passing the same alleyway when everything went black. Two men bundled Angelica into a barrow and covered her with sacks.
Chrissie turned up in Victoria’s office looking, well, how you’d look if you’d just had an encounter with Josephine and Myfanwy. She poured herself onto the sofa. Victoria took one look at her and that was enough to tell her precisely what had happened.
“My design team seem to have stolen a march on me,” she said. “You won’t need my tuition now.”
“What?” Chrissie came to life. “Of course I do. They only did things to me, I want to learn how to give pleasure. I’m not sure I could resist those two long enough to be able to do that. Oh, please...”
Victoria held out her hand to Chrissie.
“Come on. We’ll go up to the studio. There’s no one there today so we won’t be disturbed.
Chrissie trotted along with Victoria leading her. This should be fun was Victoria’s main thought. Chrissie turned out to be a quick learner. It took no more than half an hour for Chrissie to have Victoria naked on the chaise longue writhing in orgasm.
“Well, that was fun,” she said. “now, I need to clean up before I go and see my mother.”
Victoria waved a hand to indicate the direction of the bathroom.
Cleaned and tidied Chrissie took a cab to her mother’s house where she was admitted by the maid. She entered to find her own maid there.
“Good afternoon mama,” She began, then looked at her maid, “You, get out.”
The maid looked at her mother.
“Who do you think you are, Christina? This is my house. You apologise this instant,” her mother raised her voice.
“I will do no such thing,” said Chrissie. She turned to the maid. “You are sacked, do not come to my house again. I’ve had enough of you tittle tattling to my mother about everything I do, and telling me what I should and shouldn’t do.”
“I suppose this is all the influence of that Victoria Underwood. Lady Kingswood indeed. Well you will not be going there again,” her mother yelled, “The ridiculous idea of a lady flaunting her body in public. Your father won’t allow...”
“Yes, who is my father? I’ve never met him, and with your attitude to marital relations I’m surprised you ever gave birth ... I have met him haven’t I?”
“No, no, no.”
Yes, yes, yes! I’m married to him aren’t I? Well I’ll be damned, and I probably am, thanks to you. What was the arrangement mother? Was it an accident, or did he pay you to have me, has he supported you all these years so that you could bring up a plaything for him in his old age? Provide him with an incestuous heir? You,” Chrissie turned to the maid. “Did you know all this? I think you did. Anyway, you do now, have fun with the information.” She turned to her mother again. “Did you know he was a pervert, mama? Did he want you to dance for him, so he could go away and play with himself. Yes, I can see you did, and I expect there is more.”
The maid was now trying to calm Chrissie’s mother who was hysterical.
“Stop it, stop it,” yelled the maid. “Your poor mother...”
“And not only that,” Chrissie who was now fully wound up, “but you kept me completely ignorant about anything that mattered, like how this got in here,” she patted her tummy, “and more importantly how it is going to get out. You missed out on the pleasure a woman can get from sex because I wasn’t supposed to know any of these things, was I?”
“You don’t know what it was like,” screamed her mother,” The only other thing I could do was go on the streets. Where would you be now?”
“Pity you didn’t, you’d have a damned sight more humanity. And I’d probably be a whore too, but at least it would be honest, you can’t say that about my situation now. You’re just a selfish old woman who has thought of nothing but yourself, and damn your daughter.”
Chrissie’s fury cooled. She now felt nothing but contempt.
“I’ll now go and sort out my husband,” she finished. “Now that is a joke.”
Angelica recovered consciousness as she was carried into a building. She started to fight and since it became difficult to carry her any further, the two men stood her on her feet and forced her to walk. They entered a large open room where there were several girls in a state of dishabille decorating couches. Despite her headache fogging her mind Angelica realised that she must be in what is euphemistically called a house of pleasure, or more accurately she thought, a brothel, and that the two men who had hold of her were the same ones she had scared off that morning. Her location was confirmed moments later when one man knocked on a door.
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