Gencom Naruto - Cover

Gencom Naruto

Copyright© 2009 by C.King

Chapter 2

An hour or two later...

The meeting with the Fifth Hokage had gone mostly as expected, with Jiraiya and himself reporting on their training. Tsunade seemed to stare at him a lot while they were discussing things before she sent him out of the room so she could talk to Pervy Sage about top secret information. Yet she told him not to leave just yet since there had been some changes to his life within the village since he left. So he was left in the outer hallway to think and stew.

'What has the council decided to do with me this time? They still seem to think I'm the damn fox or the damn demon is corrupting me to become a danger to the village. You would think they would leave me alone after all I did for the village like during the chunin exam or when I got Granny Tsunade back to the village. Just because I didn't bring back Sasuke, they likely think they can do what they want with me.' grumbled the blond ninja as his mind crossed off what could have occurred.

It had been a while as the two sannin discuss their next moves when the door open and Tsunade motioned for him to follow him into the room where the Hokage did business. Naruto guessed his sensei had used the ninja exit, the window. Now it was just him and the large breasted older woman, even if she was now not too much older then him due to his 'gift'. She seemed to be staring at him hard like she was studying every inch of his body. This was the point when she began to speak to him and explain what had happened in the orange wearing genin's absence.

"One of the reasons I wanted to discuss things with you is the fact I managed to get you moved from the building you had been living in to one which is of better quality. This not only benefits you, but allows us to use the land of your old home for the building of a new complex. Now you will have more neighbours then you did in the previous building, these people are more welcoming to you then where you lived before. In fact, I have taken residence in the same building just so I can keep a better eye on you. You have plenty of potential which I don't want to be spoil, so I am going to make sure you are allowed to reach it." said the older woman as she kept her eyes on Naruto, while at the same time taking off her jacket. It revealed a new kind of shirt then the one which covered in previous visits.

The new shirt managed to show more skin since it was had bare shoulders in it's design. In fact the neckline managed to exist just above her predominate features, her above average boobs. The jacket which she had managed to wear before had hidden this, but it was only now that Naruto observed the jacket had more material then it had before to make the covering possible. The shirt was the same off grey colour as it had always been, but had a black thread tying it tight under the jiggling flesh pillows. Loose fabric of the shirt seemed to flutter with wind, while it ended before reaching even her belly button.

It made the woman he always had seen as a maternal figure transform into something more in place in one of his wet dreams. Making the number one knucklehead ninja at surprising, the one being surprised. He was trying to figure out what was going on and if he had a hand in it, and what he was going to do about it when he could get alone with the Gencom. The move itself could have been fallout from the work he had done with the Gencom, so he decided to keep listening and use his new tactical skills to make a plan. So he was all eyes so he could know what to do.

"Actually you might be the only male in the building, so you might have to be careful with the other tenants when they walk around the building or use one of the connecting hot springs. Unfortunately there is no division for men and women, so you will have to avoid using it when they are or make ... arrangements with them. We do have bathrooms for each of the bedrooms, but there are common areas for living spaces and for the kitchen. So you might have to share food and likely we will have joint meals for those not on missions, and don't expect having ramen every meal." continued the village leader as she continued while stretching every now and then, moves which made certain parts of her body jiggle. None of it was lost on the younger man as he realized he had bitten off more then he could chew.

"So I'll just take you on a tour of the new apartment you will be living in before you meet some of the other tenants you will be sharing with. Just let me get my jacket and follow me, I'll answer any of your questions once we finish the tour of the place." said the Hokage as she redressed, which cause Naruto to think she was showing off her flesh only for him and not for the rest of the village.

He followed her, noting it would be getting the slacker leader out of her office at the same time. Something was bother the genin in another way, 'I'm going to have female roommates, once who are not going to reject me. Why do I have a feeling I know who is moving in to the building and why they are going to react the way they are? It has to be the macro I made with Granny ... I mean Tsunade. The same one I applied to the other girls. Sakura, Hinata, Ino and Tenten. I have to look over those changes I made and figure out how to change this ... or if to leave it as is. I mean it would be nice to have some women interested in me and I could make things worse, but I am not sure if using the Gencom this way is the best thing to do. I have to find alone time to think!"


The new apartment looked more like a larger home, perhaps something bordering on a mansion in size. It was a simple dark brown wooden structure with brown bricks giving more strength. In the back of it one could see the building which must be the hot springs, with the building built interconnected with a few huge trees and several sizable rocks. The yard was mostly a mix of different trees and smaller plants, some of which were food baring plants and others he was guessing were medical herbs or whatever.

'Which makes a little sense since I included the medical issue in the macro which affected everyone, so healing plants would make sense if they all have doctor skills. Not sure why all the food plants, unless it has to do with my stomach and people efforts to get me off ramen. Unsuccessful efforts at that, no way I'm I giving up the food of the gods.' thought Naruto as he followed the Hokage into the complex. He also made a note about the higher then normal fences and the huge iron gates, giving him a hint at how his poorly chosen words had effected things.

"So as you can see the yard is quite beautiful and practical for my studies. It also has some food plants for healthy eating for the occupants or for making a few extra ryous from their sales. It's also a good idea for you to eat something else other then ramen, and even with ramen you might want to try Ichiraku Ramen's low fat ramen instead of the normal stuff you devour." continued Tsunade as she moved to the front door of the building. Naruto was at least glad she was willing to let him eat ramen, even if he had to eat other stuff and the low fat ramen. Living in a non-ramen house would not do and it would be hard to sneak it by Tsunade, let alone any of the other tenants if they turned out to be who he expected.

As the door closed, Tsunade moved pass him and locked the outer door. She then took off her jacket again revealing her own short shirt which made Naruto hold back his hormones. She held her eyes on the young fox boy and took out her own hand cloth to wipe around his nose, which was bleeding a little bit. Making the younger blond a little nervous at his own body's reaction. She then asked him, "Which part of apartment you want to see first? Kitchen, living area, perhaps a bathroom? Or maybe we should check out the bedroom or the hot springs?"

This caught the inexperienced genin in a moment, since the only woman he flirted with was Sakura who didn't flirt back. At least she didn't before, but Naruto was getting the feeling it would be coming up soon. Naruto was having a battle between his mind and his lesser brain, which was currently in a dead heat even with the minor alterations made by the Gencom.

'On the one hand, she's like my granny and the woman who has been like a mother to me. Especially after all of the negativity which I've been through, so I don't want to ruin it. On the other hand, she's a hot young lady who's in love with me and wants to make love to me. What do I choose and why?' thought the returned teen as he tried to figure it out.

Eventually something took control of the decision in the mind of the young genin, the more powerful of the two forces fighting it out. Lusts and logic went into battle against each other, with the power of lusts edging out the forces of logic by the smallest of margins. The win was gained by the bonus to teen-aged hormones by the ways of the Gencom's own perversion additions. So the choices were narrowed a little bit to the bedroom or the hot springs ... even if Tsunade could likely turn even the kitchen into place of cock-rising adventures from the way she is acting. So the option of inside the home with a bouncy bed and covers or a springs outside where it might be less likely for him to be engaged with sexuality then a bedroom.

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