Conspiracy of Dreams - Cover

Conspiracy of Dreams

Copyright© 2009 by corsair

Chapter 41: Proctor's Delimma

Mind Control Sex Story: Chapter 41: Proctor's Delimma - Set in Falconer's Capitallia, someone is subverting the political process. Set in the year 2136, this story of intrigue concentrates on the unintended consequences of controlling society's lowest strata.

Caution: This Mind Control Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Mult   Consensual   Romantic   Reluctant   Coercion   Hypnosis   Slavery   Gay   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   TransGender   Hermaphrodite   Incest   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   Spanking   Humiliation   Torture   Swinging   Group Sex   Polygamy/Polyamory   Interracial   Black Female   White Male   Oriental Female   Hispanic Female   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Petting   Sex Toys   Lactation   Water Sports   Pregnancy   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism   Body Modification   Violence   Prostitution   Nudism   Military  

Joshua Luceno was the president's chief of staff and personal secretary. At the moment Josh was baby sitting Hank Dalton aboard Air Force One. The Capitallian edition of an official state aircraft was a gigantic flying wing with a span of 110 meters and a length of 80 meters. On board was a full video studio that was eight by ten meters with a two and a half meter ceiling. It wasn't an extravagance. The President of the Capitallian Republic used the secure studio frequently when traveling, sometimes for conferences and sometimes for telecasts.

Hank Dalton had been asked to dress in his old Marine Corps dress blue uniform--the United States Marine Corps uniform he last wore during the year 2089. That was the year Capitallia broke away from the United States of America. Since the request came form the President of the Capitallian Republic, Phillip Proctor, and because the United States disbanded its own Marine Corps, Hank pulled his old uniform out of mothballs, had it cleaned and retailored, and was wearing it aboard Capitallia's Air Force One, complete with the Marine Corps NCO saber. Josh Luceno had interceded when presidential security objected to Hank's sword.

"Doctor Dalton can carry any weapon he feels like," Josh told the security detail. "He's dangerous when unarmed. You won't forget that he's dangerous when he carries a weapon."

Most people wouldn't regard that as logical--but it makes perfect sense to force professionals. One slogan is "there are no dangerous weapons, only dangerous men." Assassins were not dangerous because of weapons and body armor but because the assassin circumvented security measures. Little Delores didn't look dangerous, in fact Delores deliberately cultivated the appearance of those below notice--of slaves or indentured servants. Delores penetrated security screens by appearing to be unarmed and of low social status. Josh didn't want any of the president's security detail to ever underestimate Hank Dalton.

"Besides," Josh added, "if you know Hank Dalton like I know Hank Dalton, the time to be frightened is when you think he's totally harmless."

"Mr. Luceno," a talking dog told the president's chief of staff, "Hank made me. I can't imagine Hank hurting me or someone I'm supposed to protect."

"Neither can I," the dog's handler added.

Josh sighed, thinking how much danger the president was in because some of the security force didn't regard Hank Dalton as a threat. When Josh remembered Czar John Paul Jones, Phillip Procotor's pet talking tiger, an animal modified by Hank Dalton, Josh's face lost all color.

"Relax, Mr. Luceno," Hank said, "I believe in laws and civilization. Otherwise I would have acted before when three million were wrongfully enslaved. I have to let some things be, Mr. Luceno. A perfect world would be a sterile world. All I can do is take care of the people that I'm responsible for. Capitallia permits me this more than any other nation on Earth. Why would I mess up a good thing?"

"Mr. Luceno," a woman in a set of black coveralls announced, "we're ready for Dr. Dalton."

Josh shuddered, but led Hank into the studio. Josh took some small comfort in the surprise awaiting Hank. The shoe would be on the other foot--Hank didn't know what was in store for him.

Inside two presidents awaited. One was President Proctor of the Capitallian Republic. The USR president was a man named Huston McGee. Both presidents warmly greeted Doctor Henry James Dalton, shaking his hand and offering congratulations.

"Gunnery Sergeant Dalton," President McGee said, "you were a loyal Marine and you were mistreated by my government. Your highest award was the Marine Corps Commendation Medal--and you received only one, prior to your heroic work in California, especially stopping the Snakefly missile attacks on the United States and Mexico. Then Capitallia broke off from the United States--"

"And the new government arrested you a short time later, Dr. Dalton," President Proctor said. "First, you found the Snakefly launchers, a system designed to be undetectable to all sensor platforms. Then you rescued Capitallian delegates held hostage aboard the USS Constitution. It was a period of transition and chaos. You were arrested basically for practicing witchcraft. Capitallia didn't treat you well either."

"Admiral Banvork," President McGee ordered, "read the orders."

An admiral in the United States Navy read a citation for the Navy Cross, second in naval service only to the Medal of Honor. The citation told of the impossible odds, of how half the Snakefly missiles had killed millions in Mexico City and in Las Vegas, Nevada, and would have killed millions more. The citation praised Gunnery Sergeant Henry James Dalton for thinking outside the box. After the citation was read, President McGee pinned the medal on Hank's uniform.

"This should have been the Medal of Honor," President McGee stated. "Congress and I disagreed. Only Congress can approve the Medal of Honor. In the United States you are still regarded as a traitor by many--yet you saved what's left of the United States then and you saved us a few days ago. I have the honor of presenting you with the Freedom Medal for your assistance in working with the United States to return close to 600 Capitallian citizens to their home country. Gunnery Sergeant Dalton retired from military service to devote his life to medicine, but he came out of retirement to apply his unique talents to the rescue of so many kidnapped Capitallian citizens. The national sovereignty of the United States was involved, but Dr. Dalton persuaded me to cooperate in this operation. He only needed five minutes to rescue everyone in a coordinated assault involving Capitallian and United States military personnel. Dr. Dalton planned and executed the raids. Due to the need for absolute secrecy, the United States military planned a number of military exercises to disguise Dr. Dalton's raids and to cover his withdrawal to Capitallia."

That was an outrageous lie, Josh thought to himself--only Josh Luceno's diplomacy kept him from blurting out 'bull shit!'

When President Proctor joined in praising the United States' role in rescue of the Capitallian 'citizens.' President Proctor then had General Logan read an award citation for Hank's Capitallian award, the Distinguished Service Medal.

"I only regret that we don't have any public funds earmarked to reward Capitallia's heroes," Phillip Proctor said. "Dr. Dalton's role in the rescue was that of a private citizen doing his civic duty. Capitallia doesn't recognize 'civic duty' and has no provisions to provide any other reward than a certificate or medal. Not one penny of Capitallian public funds was spent in the rescue. Dr. Dalton raised and organized the unit of Capitallian commandos himself, paid their salaries, led the most dangerous of the raids, and managed to rescue all of his intended targets without a single Capitallian casualty."

"He managed to avoid killing any of the kidnappers and nobody was seriously injured," President McGee added, "though unavoidably there was property damage. That raid was so successful that I've asked Congress to authorize the United States of America to re-instate the Marines--and to hire Dr. Dalton to organize and train our Marines. We hope that our United States Marines will work side-by-side with your Capitallian Marines to promote peace and world stability. I can only ask--separation of power keeps the United States from becoming a totalitarian dictatorship."

Hank Dalton remained silent except for a respectful 'yes, sir' at appropriate points. President Proctor introduced Czar John Paul Jones, his pet tiger--his TALKING pet tiger.

"Your Congress may not want Marines," Phillip told Huston McGee. "This is an example of technology perfected by Dr. Dalton."

The tiger and the USR president talked about Hank Dalton.

"And he doesn't even need a teleprompter," Phillip Proctor bragged.

"Touche' Phillip," President McGee said. "I know it will be at least a decade before the new commandos will be operational. I understand that the commando force Dr. Dalton called on trains its commandos for ten years before they can join the unit. Do you recruit children?"

"Look at Dr. Dalton," President Proctor said. "Capitallian medical technology is no secret. Dr. Dalton developed processes that stop aging. Imagine the benefits of having a half century of military experience. That was one reason Dr. Dalton managed to pull off close to three hundred impossibly hazardous rescues of people guarded by terrorist fanatics and did so without casualties--not even the bad guys were harmed. The commandos involved averaged a quarter century of military experience, each, yet still had the bodies of Olympic athletes."

"Yes, Congress might be afraid that the new Marines could take them out and shoot them," President McGee said. "Why aren't you afraid of Hank Dalton's commandos?"

Josh Luceno wanted to know that answer, too.

"Because Hank Dalton is loyal to the principles that founded Capitallia," Phillip Proctor explained. "It wasn't until President President Goldsmythe dissolved the United States Marine Corps and issued orders to arrest Admiral Shields, Major Harold and Gunnery Sergeant Dalton for treason--and summarily execute them--that Capitallia formed. Hank Dalton was taken into custody by Capitallian military who had a valid arrest warrant for Dr. Dalton and he was taken to a prison so secret that it didn't appear in the records Capitallia had. The Capitallian government was in a state of transition and it took a few months before we straightened everything out. California, Nevada, Colorado and Utah would have become part of Aztlan without Admiral Shields and her Marines. Washington state and Oregon, most of the states west of the Mississippi joined in. Later, as you know, President Goldsmythe was herself removed from office and then convicted of treason."

"Yes, that President of the United States had diverted those Snakefly missiles to the Aztlan Reconquista Army and caused the deaths of several thousand US citizens," President McGee admitted. "After her impeachment and treason trial it was discovered that her party had used the new electronic voting system to steal two elections."

"Which is why Capitallia relies on those old-fashioned paper ballots," President Proctor said.

"Dr. Dalton, why didn't you do something when the Capitallian government mistreated you?" President McGee asked.

"I had friends and allies," Hank explained. "Admiral Shields was elected as provisional president of the new Capitallian Republic--later serving three regular terms as president before retiring. I had six state governors, the president, the new commander in chief of special operations, and a good chunk of the citizens of the new Capitallian Republic looking for me. The people holding me prisoner were following orders--warped orders, orders that would be illegal now, but the chaotic transition from US to Capitallian government was a temporary abbaration that was quickly rectified. I couldn't let my friends down by escaping what was at the time a legal confinement."

The televised account didn't tell the truth about Hank Dalton's arrest--and torture. The ceremony and brief exchange was for public consumption, mostly for the USR's citizens. While not fully lies, the fairy tale told to the Capitallian public was for both citizens and non-citizens. Capitallia didn't really need all of its dirty laundry aired. Belated medals and a semi-apology had just been offered up. Hank Dalton could have complained but chose not to. As the injured party, it was up to Dr. Dalton to complain of being wronged.

"You could have been killed," President McGee said.

"But I wasn't killed," Hank objected. "That secret prison was President Goldsmythe's legacy. Besides, witchcraft? Nothing but sound scientific principles were used in what many regarded as miracles."

"Dr. Dalton," President Proctor cautioned, "please refrain from specifics. Even though the events happened 45 years ago we don't need to reveal methods and sources to the enemies of Capitallia and the United States. Some of these methods are used by other nations allied to Capitallia."

President McGee petted tiger Paul and remarked, "if I couldn't feel and smell this animal, I might have guessed it was some sort of robot. I received reports that Dr. Dalton has modified hundreds of animals so that they can talk just like humans--and that Capitallian military and police are beginning to use them routinely. I was very fond of an old video series featuring a talking mule who took care of an inept Army second lieutenant during and after World War Two. It seems that Dr. Dalton has made that a reality. The United States Border Patrol has met Capitallian Border Patrol who are using talking dogs and talking horses. The United States Coast Guard requests that Capitallian officers and their talking dolphins be assigned to help in rescue operations, in customs enforcement, and the occasional encounter with terrorists. You keep a tiger as a pet?"

"My college had a tiger as a school mascot," Phillip Proctor said. "I got Paul while I was a professor at my college. Dr. Dalton has strict requirements for people who own or lease a talking animal. They are much like human children and easily hurt. I spent one entire summer in school learning to care for my tiger. Paul is very much like my own son to me."

"You knew Dr. Dalton before you got into politics?" Huston McGee asked.

"Long before," Proctor acknowledged--but that was a lie, Phillip Proctor first met Hank Dalton a week ago. "I paid for Paul and owe nothing to Dr. Dalton. My tiger was brought up as an issue during the presidential elections. Normally I don't display Paul in public."

"We tigers are shy," Paul said.

By this time Josh had deftly removed Hank from the studio as pre-arraigned.

"I could have done without all that," Hank murmured... "I already have all the fame and glory I can handle."

"Both presidents have a private meeting in ten minutes," Josh said. "I can tell you that it involves rooting out the Conspiracy of Dreams in the USR government. President McGee is going to ask that you screen Congress and key members of the Judicial and Executive branches of the USR government for active bio digital implants. This is going to be paid for out of secret USR funds."

It was actually closer to fifteen minutes before Hank was called into President Proctor's private office. There, President McGee began an impassioned plea.

"What will you do with them when you find them?" Hank asked the USR's president. "They are under the control of another--what they do isn't their fault. If handled with compassion you can turn those mind-controlled people into your political allies and they will be witnesses rooting out the Conspiracy of Dreams in your government. Or you can just kill them. What do you intend, Mr. President?"

"I have the same problem in Capitallia," Phillip Proctor said. "Dr. Dalton has convinced me that we must only deactivate the implants, remove the parts of the implants that we can, and hope for the best. Dr. Dalton rescued many people who had been kidnapped and implanted at Orlando Land in an operation he conducted on his own initiative last month. Dr. Dalton convinced one of the Orlando Land members on the Orlando Land board of directors to permit searching for a clandestine enslavement lab. It is only three weeks now, but we have tracked down and freed more than five thousand slaves. Yes, Huston, we have a problem--you and I have a problem. That clandestine clinic was in operation only three months but it managed to enslave more than 5000 people. Orlando Land was one place, it was open seven days a week, and about 50 people per day were processed through. Hank has the personnel and equipment to rectify the situation--but he insists that nearly all of the victims are innocent of any wrong-doing."

"Dr. Dalton, how many people in the United States are affected?" President McGee asked.

"My guess is around half a percent of the total population," Hank said. "I'm going to ask that your prisons be checked too--any place where there is privacy and time to conduct the implantation operation. It takes only a minute to implant someone and only a few minutes to program basic functions such as stun or command. The Orlando Land operation took longer because false memories were being inserted and a more serious menu was being programmed. The false memories--Orlando Land is one place where you can go missing for several hours without being missed. If you had memories to cover the missing time you wouldn't even know that you had been kidnapped. Once you were properly programmed you would respond to commands to go places for additional programming. It takes a slave trainer from two weeks to 90 days to fully train a slave and then monthly maintenance days are the norm, one or two days per month that the slave spends having the basic slave obedience programming refreshed or updated."

"That brings up something else, Phillip," Huston McGee said. "Okay, I'll agree to having Capitallian teams screen the government first. What does screening consist of?"

"If Dr. Dalton hasn't already verified that you have no active bio digital control implants," Phillip Proctor said, "then I'm disappointed. Dr. Dalton keeps secrets well--sometimes too well. Well, Dr. Dalton? Report!"

"President McGee has no active implants, sir," Hank replied. "John Paul Jones could have told you that, sir. It is a feature all sids have."

"Sids?" McGee asked.

"Shorthand for Animal/Human Communication Interface Device," Hank explained, "or cee-eye-dee. Sid. Talking animals to you, sir."

"How does that happen?" McGee asked.

"Animal senses are far more keen than ours," Proctor said. "For instance, robots emit a high-pitched squeal that most mammals cannot stand. But that isn't all. Talking animals have enhanced intelligence for the purpose of communication with humans. Animal vision, like animal hearing, extends beyond the human visual spectrum--Paul here can see body heat. Since a major reason for talking animals is spotting things we humans can't see. I didn't meet Dr. Dalton until a week ago, but during the school I learned that Paul was equipped to spot and read bio digital slave implants, citizen identification devices, and the legal resident ID bracelets. Paul isn't able to hurt anybody though. Only tell me that someone has implants. Paul, tell me about Dr. Dalton's implants."

"You have bio digital implants?" President McGee said.

"Yes sir," Hank said. "Paul, tell the president."

"Hank has his citizen ID device," Paul said, "but at the moment all I can verify is that Hank has a citizen ID. If Hank had a non-citizen identification device or a bondsman device I could read it more fully. Bondsman devices are collars that indentured servants and slaves wear that identifies either their owner or the slave training site, depending upon the privacy features the owner has established. I can only detect the presence of a bio digital implant and identify it among 34 types--there are 18 in common use, 9 that are obsolete and no longer used, and 7 that are experimental. Hank has the enhanced commando implant. Most of us sids have the animal edition of the Jakefield. A few sids have the Dalton System."

"Impressive," McGee admitted. "What about robots? Can they be equipped to detect active bio digital implants?"

"Of course," Hank scoffed. "Be warned that bio digital implants can be masked, but that most aren't. The masking function is similar to the citizen's ID device--it simply fails to respond to the interrogation pulse sent out by a detector. Sid animals have to be closer to read bio digital implants and identification devices than the pocket scanner or a robot."

"My electronics are bio-powered," Paul expounded. "I don't understand the power thing, only that I need my amplifier collar to talk at a distance."

"I normally don't put the collar on," Phillip said. "I prefer to converse close up with Paul. When I first got Paul he was a school mascot."

"I liked the cheerleaders," Paul said. "They were kind to me. Their uniforms reminded me of home."

"Vermont is one of the states that has no indecency laws," Phillip explained. "It isn't Florida, but except for local laws and private property it isn't illegal to be naked in Vermont. Our cheer leader squad had very abbreviated costumes. Little more than body paint and a skirt--or crotch-less loin cloth, really."

"I heard that Capitallian cheer leaders were given to the winning team for sex," Huston said.

"I have two checks, actually," Hank said. "First is the presence of an active bio digital implant. Second are a menu of commands that will trigger immediate compliance with the person issuing the commands. I can send a few hundred operators to identify those implanted and some mobile treatment clinics that can deactivate bio digital implants. The people will need follow-up treatment. Mr. President, can you imagine what it is like when another takes over your body? When your thoughts are not your own?"

"That brings me to the next question," President McGee straightened his tie. "Prison is bankrupting our economy. Slavery is out of the question. The United States will never again have slaves."

"Not even under the provisions of the 13th Amendment?" Hank asked. "The one about 'as punishment for a crime?' Like your hard labor sentences? How is that worse than a death penalty?"

"It's an image thing, Dr. Dalton," President Proctor chided. "Give him something positive."

"How about this idea I've been kicking around since 2076?" Hank asked. "Instead of warehousing people, zap them with x-rays and then release them. Universal health care and income protection in the year 2076 made that more practical than ever before. What radiation does is artificially age people--to oversimplify things. Using the sentencing guidelines, substitute a dose of 30 rems for every year of incarceration. You could even suspend part of the sentence to add when the convict commits another crime. Try, sentence, automatic appeal, execute and release. The beauty of that is radiation is cumulative. Severe radiation sickness sets in at 200 rems for most people. Lesser doses will add up when additional doses are received even years later. The convict might even keep working at his job under this plan and not have to be replaced--if the job can be held open. Part of the plan was that when the state was unable to convict within 90 days, the state is at fault--so the state won't charge anybody with a crime unless they can convict rapidly. I see that I'm appalling you."

"That is the most horrible thing I've ever heard," Huston said. "I thought that you were a humanitarian."

"We all have our dark sides," Hank admitted. "I saw radiation treatment as more humane than incarceration for years and years and years. Putting people in warehouses where they were at the mercy of the merciless--each other: and then 'once a criminal, always a criminial'--there's no redemption, never a second chance. Once convicted, even when that conviction is later overturned because the wrong person was convicted, was totally innocent of that crime, your life is ruined. There is no fixing it--might as well kill them off at the beginning.

"But there is an alternative," Hank continued. "You don't need to call them 'slaves.' With modern behavior control technology you could keep people in prison only long enough to finish their conditioning and then return them to society. They're under control. The bio digital implants could make prison tolerable. The bio digital implants can render prison walls and fences and guard towers redundant. There is great danger with great power--you need to put checks on those who control the bio digital technologies or you wind up their slave--or a corpse. When and if you screen for those implants you'll see how far along the Conspiracy of Dreams was towards taking over the United States."

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