Sin Bravely - Cover

Sin Bravely

Rachael Ross 1982 - 2012

Chapter 5

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5 - Husband and wife. Brother and sister. Government assassins turned mercenary bodyguards for the world's most beautiful woman, Wolfgang and Eva Brandt star in an action packed adventure filled with sex, romance, and intrigue that critics* have hailed as "...a dirty, sexy, roller-coaster ride for the whole fucking family!"

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Incest   Brother   Sister   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Petting   Violence   Prostitution  

"Breaking Up!" I giggled. "With an exclamation point even. Wow."

"You shouldn't read that stuff," Sofia said, shaking her head at me. "Where did you find it?"

"In the restroom," I told her. "Listen ... An unnamed source close to Broken Window frontman Jessie Robbins confirmed that the rocker and longtime gal-pal Cindy are having difficulties and may have called their romance quits ... A gal-pal? Is that what I am? God!"

"Cindy..." Sofia rolled her eyes. She really tried hard to keep that stuff away from me.

"Why don't they call him my boy-toy?" I wondered. "And two months is not a long term relationship."

"It is for People Magazine," she said with a laugh. "How old is that anyway?"

"Ummm ... old. Here's a picture of Jess at Depp's party," I held it up. "Brokenhearted and looking for a ride home after being ditched by Cindy after the MTV Fashion Awards."

"It doesn't say that!" Sofia blinked at me and reached for the magazine, but I snatched it away with a giggle.

"Oh ... There I am," I said, shaking my head at the photo of me holding my award. "They should have used this one for the cover."

"Who's on the cover?" Sofia asked, even though she was trying not to be curious. It was kind of her job.

"Me!" I grinned at her. "An old one though. Me and Jess that day we went to Catalina." I showed it to her. "You think he's got a better ass than I do?"

"Hmmm..." Sofia shrugged, looking at the photo of my boyfriend and me. It had been taken from behind us while we walked hand-in-hand, smiling at each other. It was a nice picture, actually, and I wouldn't have minded having the original. Except Jessie wasn't my boyfriend anymore and that made me frown.

"You could disagree, you know," I sighed. "Stupid magazine."

"May I see?" Eva asked me and I tossed it to her. Wolfgang leaned close to look over the girl's shoulder.

"Ms. Preston? Your helicopter's ready now," a man said, talking to Sofia and looking at me. I didn't have a last name. "If you'll follow me..."

"About fucking time," I muttered, but that just proves how spoiled I was.

We'd had to wait all of fifteen minutes while they refueled the helicopter and I wasn't used to waiting for anything. Sofia hadn't liked it either and she'd raised a little hell with the charter company, which was always entertaining. Sofia might have been small and looked like Shirley Temple, but she was tough as nails and I think she needed the week off as much as I did.

The house on Molokai was gorgeous, sitting on a tropical hillside overlooking the Pacific Ocean. The estate was extremely private, approachable only by helicopter or boat, and renting it for a week was frightfully expensive. There were no roads, just a mile long path leading from the house down to the beach, and we had a couple electric carts in case we didn't feel like walking. It had a swimming pool of course, but with the ocean right there...

"No boats," I grinned at Sophia shortly after arriving. "I think we lost them."

"I had them file a flight plan for Kauai," Sofia said. "It should buy us a couple days."

"You're sneaky!" I laughed, taking off my robe and I was completely naked beneath it. "Come on, let's get wet!"

Sofia was smiling and taking off her own robe, wearing a barely modest string bikini beneath it. That would come off soon enough. Wolfgang and Eva were unpacking our picnic basket, which is to say a rather elaborate lunch complete with shrimp salad, roast pheasant, and I don't know what all else. The staff that came with the house was extremely capable, priding themselves on being unseen as well as unheard. Things seemed to happen by magic, while we weren't looking, and I'd forgotten how much I liked this place.

"Cindy! No!" Sofia laughed as I pulled her bottoms down in the heavy surf, exposing her pretty little sex. She was clean shaven and pink all over, a very sexy girl once she got naked, and I did love to play with her.

"If I gotta get brown all over..." I giggled, tossing the bottoms towards the beach.

"I'm going to get a sunburn," she said, backing away from me as I chased her into deeper water. "So are you!"

"I've never gotten a sunburn in my life," I grinned, but that was only mostly true.

"Well, you don't need one now," Sofia warned me. "Not with the SI shoot next ... Ohhh! No ... Ah!"

We were both laughing as I caught her, grabbing the cups of Sofia's bikini top in my fingers and pulling them down to expose her milky tits. They were nice, not overly large, but pointy with sweet bubblegum nipples. Sophia had a small body and maybe her hips were too narrow, almost boyish it seemed to me, but her tight little ass filled my hands nicely as I pulled her close. The sand was shifting under our feet and a large wave rolled past without breaking, lifting us for a few seconds and putting us at the mercy of the undertow.

Sofia gasped and sputtered happily when we were turned sideways, still clinging to each other as another wave did break over our heads. I lost the girl as it drove us towards the beach in a cascade of foam that left me coughing and giggling, tossing my hair and blinking my eyes against the salt. Sofia was doing the same, sprawled like a little blonde mermaid on her butt and elbows a few yards away. Her top was hopelessly askew and the water receded just enough that I could see Sofia's pussy glistening between her creamy thighs. It was a delicious pose, sexy and innocent, and I half-crawled, half-surfed towards her on another wave, letting it push me between her spread legs.

"Hey," I said, smiling and a little breathless.

"Hi." Sofia bit her bottom lip, a habit of hers that I loved. She teased me with her green eyes under the bright sun, inviting me with a shy, come-hither look that couldn't be feigned, or refused.

I kissed her mouth, her smile, feeling my swollen nipples pressing into her smaller breasts. Sofia's tongue welcomed mine and we played together that way, with deep caressing kisses while the water rushed around our legs and hips. She held me between her thighs and I moved to find her sex with my own. My clit was small, but stiff with pronounced arousal and I loved grinding with my sexy assistant.

Sofia brought her knees high, tilting her pussy upward to meet mine. We were fucking, so much as two women can, and my clit rubbed along her labia, even between them perhaps, until I touched the swollen knot at the top of her slit. She moved her hands lower, down my back to grab my ass and pull me against her. Sofia's muffled moans filled my lungs as neither of us was willing to break our kiss.

The sound and smell of the sea filled my senses, the pleasure of the water rolling over and around us, and beneath it all I felt Sofia. Her warm body moving beneath me, her nipples which had grown long and fat with desire played against mine. I held her head with my fingers in the girl's blonde hair, dark now that she was wet, and tangled and gritty with sand. I loved this, as much as I'd ever enjoyed her in the many bedrooms we'd shared, having her outside was even better.

She came for me, Sofia gasping and tearing her lips from mine so that she could bury her face in my neck while her orgasm poured out of her sex. I imagined I could feel her juices spilling over my cunt, inside me to mix with my own. I was going to cum as well and I shifted just to feel more pressure on my pussy, arching my back and grinding my cunt against Sofia's soft flesh. I kissed her eyes and cheeks, and breathed tender words of love into her ear. My best friend, my lover, my guardian angel ... my Sofia.

"You love the beach, ja?" Eva smiled, holding two glasses of wine for us as I rolled off Sofia and onto my back.

"Ja!" I giggled.

"Thank you," Sofia said with a breathless smile of her own, taking her glass and she wasn't going to be shy, none of us were.

"There is a beach near Cuxhaven," Eva sighed, sitting in the water next to me after I'd taken my wine. "Not like this. It is cold and there are too many rocks."

"And no waves," Wolfgang added. He'd brought two glasses as well, handing one to Eva before he sat gracefully on the other side of Sofia.

"No waves," she agreed.

"Is that where you're from?" Sofia asked. "That ... Cuxhaven?"

"No," Eva smiled at her. "We are from Berlin."

"She's from West Berlin," Wolfgang said. "I was born in the East."

"Isn't it all one Berlin now?" I asked, kind of teasing the man as I sipped my wine.

"It's trying to be," he said with a shrug.

"So ... you two aren't really related..." Sofia asked slowly, " ... are you?"

"Sofia!" I laughed at her, but I was curious as well.

Eva and Wolfgang had talked about themselves once in awhile, but only in snippets, as if they were dropping hints without really explaining anything. Sofia and I, and even Mr. Goethe, had all been too polite to really ask out loud the questions we'd been whispering amongst ourselves.

"It is alright," Eva said, reaching behind her and tugging at the string of her black bikini.

We waited, watching as her top came loose, exposing her small, hard tits and long, dark nipples. Eva tossed it onto the beach behind us and leaned back to get some sun. The girl was so white I could see thin blue veins under her skin, but what really caught my eye were her muscles. Like Wolfgang, Eva had almost no body fat, she was all muscle and not like a bodybuilder, but like a serious athlete might have. She was sleek and lithe and nothing about her was wasteful. Eva possessed a different sort of sexuality, almost primal, I thought, and I found myself wanting to lick wine off her washboard stomach.

"I was a policeman in Berlin..."

"Policewoman?" Sofia offered.

"Ja," Eva nodded agreeably. "That is better. Policewoman. I was, hmmm ... playacting to be a prostitute. Undercover, I think?"

"Undercover, yeah. So you were like a vice cop," I said. "Okay."

"All the vices!" Eva laughed. "Precisely. I was very good for that because I know how to do it. I have seen it my whole life."

"I don't understand," Sofia said.

"Her mother was a whore," Wolfgang said. "Eva grew up in the brothels where her mother worked."

"Oh!" Sofia blinked at the girl and Eva was smiling.

"How did you end up a policewoman?" I wondered. I'd heard part of this story before, when we'd first met, but that had been sort of a crazy night too, being a fashion party. It would be interesting to hear it again and even get some details this time.

"I went to university in Frankfurt," Eva said proudly. "After I left my mother. It was not so difficult."

"Eva's very smart," Wolfgang said, trying to explain it. "She left Berlin and passed the Abitur, um ... It's a test. An examination."

"It is long." Eva made a face. "Difficult, ja?"

"And after college you joined the police?" I asked and Eva nodded.

"In Berlin," she said with a grin. "I like to wear the uniform, but they make me a whore instead."

"You were a policeman or something too, right?" Sofia asked Wolfgang. "Is that how you two met?"

"No. We didn't know about each other then," he told us. "I was in Bonn, assigned to GSG-9..."

"GSG-9?" I shrugged, having no idea what that was supposed to mean.

"The German counter-terrorism unit," Wolfgang said and when that didn't ring any bells, "Have you seen that television show 24? Jack Bauer?"

"What? Yeah," I nodded. "I used to watch that."

"GSG-9 is like that," he told us.

"Really?" I asked him, thinking that sounded pretty cool.

"No," Wolfgang said and then he laughed at the look on my face.

"Heh!" Sofia shook her head. "So if you were an anti-terrorism guy in Bonn, and Eva was a vice cop in Berlin ... How did you guys hook up?"

"Hook up?" Eva looked confused.

"Meet," Sofia said. "How did you and Wolfgang meet each other?"

"Our father," Wolfgang said and that made us blink.

"Eva is really your sister?" I asked, looking between the two of them.

"My half-sister," Wolfgang said, smiling at the girl. "My father spent a lot of time in West Berlin and he was a lonely man. He kept a mistress, a working girl. Very young, very ... beautiful, like Eva herself."

"I did not know he was my father," Eva said. "But I remember he was kind to me. He would come often, before the Wall came down, but after that ... No more."

"Of course, he was married to my mother," Wolfgang continued. "We knew nothing of his other life."

"Your mom didn't know he had a mistress?" Sofia asked and Wolfgang chuckled.

"My father was Staazi," he said, as if that explained everything.

"What's that mean?" I asked him.

"The East German secret police," Wolfgang said. "Like the old KGB or the CIA ... But more like KGB, you understand?"

"Oh." I just looked at him, wondering if I was going to believe that Wolfgang's dad was a spy, but he looked pretty serious about it.

"After the Wall came down and Germany was reunified, there was a big hunt for the men like my father," he explained. "Many people were angry for what had happened, you see? The Staazi were the traitors. The collaborators with the communists."

"What happened to your dad?" Sofia asked.

"He was hiding for a long time," Wolfgang said. "He worked at a factory and maybe he thought he would be lucky. Many papers were lost and destroyed. Many files. I finished my gymnasium and went to the university. I became a policeman, one of the best. I had no idea what my father had done for those many years. I'd thought he was a businessman, you see?"

"What happened?" I sensed an unhappy ending and the mood had gotten very somber while Wolfgang spoke.

"They discovered the truth about him," he shrugged. "More papers were found. An informant perhaps, something like that. He was arrested and I was relieved of my duties."

"They fired you?" Sofia asked him before I could.

"He's my father and that is Germany," Wolfgang said with a rueful smile. "We are all suspects anyway, everyone who was born in the East. I was asked to resign and I asked to see his file, the case against him. They didn't show me everything, of course, but the Staazi kept very complete records, especially on their own people. The details of my father's activities in West Berlin were well documented. That was how I learned of Eva."

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