Sin Bravely - Cover

Sin Bravely

Rachael Ross 1982 - 2012

Chapter 38

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 38 - Husband and wife. Brother and sister. Government assassins turned mercenary bodyguards for the world's most beautiful woman, Wolfgang and Eva Brandt star in an action packed adventure filled with sex, romance, and intrigue that critics* have hailed as "...a dirty, sexy, roller-coaster ride for the whole fucking family!"

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Incest   Brother   Sister   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Petting   Violence   Prostitution  

The fog had thinned to nothing by the time they reached the hotel. The discotheque at the Prague Hilton was a busy place, very popular in the way a lot of hotel bars aren't. Wolfgang thought it was because the Czechs seemed to have zeal for anything Western, especially Americans, and there were a lot of them around these days. The Hilton was certainly full of Americans; brash, loud, and annoying the way only spoiled children can be. It was welcome, however. The overdone atmosphere couldn't help but spoil the somber mood Wolfgang and Eva had been sharing during their walk and Eva in particular was eager to shrug it off, if only for one night.

"Over there," Eva said, pointing towards an unoccupied booth and Wolfgang just nodded.

She had to raise her voice to be heard over the music. There was no band, but a DJ was working for a small dance crowd. Most of the women were extremely young and blonde, either naturally or otherwise, and making the most of their exposure to the wealthy foreigners who were staying at the hotel. Few of them would be professional escorts or prostitutes, most were merely attractive opportunists, young women looking for easy money, a little fun, and maybe a ticket to someplace better. It was the same in a lot of former Eastern Bloc countries, although not quite the circus it had been a few years before.

"You fit right in," Wolfgang told Eva with a laugh shrugging out of his overcoat before they were seated.

He put it on the curved vinyl seat of the booth, sliding in behind it and loosening his tie. Wolfgang's dark linen suit, expensive and casual, lent itself well to his surroundings and attracted little attention, although the man himself appeared somewhat younger and less like a businessman than an artist or actor perhaps. A number of women eyed him with open interest and Wolfgang deliberately avoided their gaze.

"Yeah!" she laughed as well and it was clear that Eva wanted to stop thinking about work and lose herself for a little while. "Let's dance."

"You want to? Alright," Wolfgang agreed with a nod and he looked pointedly at her purse. "What about... ?"

"Maybe somebody will steal it," Eva told him carelessly, leaving it sitting on the small table. It seemed unprofessional, even foolish, but such was her mood and Wolfgang wasn't inclined to argue.

Eva pushed her skirt down in the front, just enough to show off the pale swell of her pubis and prove she liked lace black panties. She tossed her platinum hair and let her cobalt eyes roam the club, enjoying and dismissing the attention she drew not with beauty, but with an unmistakable primal sexuality. Eva looked dangerous in the way Wolfgang didn't and in that way, like so many others, they complemented each other well.

Wolfgang hesitated just long enough that Eva grabbed his hand impatiently and tugged the man to his feet. Would it be so terrible if that scrap of paper was lost forever? Probably, he decided. It would add to their worries certainly, but to lose the burden from their shoulders ... He wished Eva had left the Russian's satchel alone, as they'd been instructed.

"Let Fate worry about it!" Eva grinned and pulled Wolfgang away from the table and onto the dance floor where they were immediately swept into a small sea of churning bodies.

They moved close together beneath flashing lights and a pounding bass rhythm with Eva smiling happily. She did fit in, with her red leather miniskirt and matching jacket unzipped completely; the silk t-shirt she wore beneath was white and clinging to her boyish chest, becoming transparent with sweat so that Eva's long, dark nipples were obvious. Her platinum hair was fashionably cut, falling to her shoulders until it whipped this way and that as the girl would jerk her head around.

Wolfgang thought she was incredibly sexy and so did a lot of other people, some of the middle-aged men who were trying to keep up with their teenaged girlfriends. Eva was tall, about 5'10" as an American would measure her, and with her heels she was even taller than that. Her normally stern features had softened into something more childlike, with her eyes shining and cheeks flushed pink, and for the moment Eva was beautiful. She made Wolfgang's cock swell as his heart gained momentum with the energy of the crowd and the music. He touched her every chance he had, while Eva seemed to tease him with light fingers across his shoulders and chest and crotch, pressing her body against his and then pulling away with a giggle.

"Ha!" she grinned when Eva realized how urgent her brother's arousal had become and she stepped close with her hand between them. They'd been dancing for thirty minutes at least and they were both hot and flushed, damp with sweat and smiling. The music was still fast, but Wolfgang took her in his arms, holding the girl by the hips as she massaged his cock through his trousers.

"I want to fuck right here," she breathed into his ear, tugging at Wolfgang's belt and pushing her hand down the inside of his trousers.

"Eva!" Wolfgang gasped and then laughed, reaching for her ass through the buttery leather of her skirt and taking her in his hands.

"Mmmphhh..." Eva moaned into his mouth, wrapping her fist around Wolfgang's cock awkwardly. They'd stopped moving completely, except for their obvious groping, and some girl said something to them in broken English about getting a room. That seemed funny enough to break their kiss and Wolfgang smiled sheepishly while Eva held her shining blue eyes steadily on her brother's face.

"Do you want to get a room?" Wolfgang asked with a chuckled, shifting his hips as Eva pulled her hand free of his pants.

"We have a room," she replied loudly. "I want a drink first. And more dancing too. We have all night, yeah?"

"Yeah," Wolfgang agreed, taking her by the hand.

"Hey, come on!" a man said in American accented English, waving his hand. "I hope you don't mind."

He'd taken a seat at their booth and both Eva and Wolfgang immediately looked at her purse, but it seemed to be exactly as she'd left it. Now it was surrounded by drinks however, a couple martinis and a bottle of imported Michelob that the man drank from without bothering with a glass. He seemed overly large, as Americans always seem to be, wearing an expensive suit and a big Rolex. Perhaps forty years old and handsome with a strong, clean face and a friendly smile. His blue eyes twinkled. That was the word that came to mind, even for Wolfgang. They twinkled with amusement, or mischief perhaps. Something.

"Have a seat, Hans! I won't bite," the man said with a laugh and a jerk of his head. "You must Gretel..."

"Who are you?" Wolfgang asked in English, sitting in the booth to the man's left.

The stranger ignored the question as he turned his eyes on Eva, looking her up and down with evident pleasure. "Jesus. Gretel grew up, didn't she?" he said with a grin. "You're right, Hans..."

"Me? Right about what?" Wolfgang frowned, glancing at Eva as she sat on the other side of the American, putting the man between them.

"If she was my sister?" He looked at Eva, smiling into her cold, piercing eyes. "I'd do her too."

"You want to do me?" Eva asked softly, leaning close so her thick German accent could be heard above the music. "I like a big, strong American man..."

She pressed her hand against the man's chest while Wolfgang casually removed Eva's purse from the table.

" ... Don't you have a name?" Eva asked with a smile.

"I'm Paul," the man said with a deep breath. He seemed amused as he watched Eva's crimson lips, her pink tongue moving lightly between them while her hand slid across his chest, under his suit coat and down slowly.

While his sister distracted the man, Wolfgang opened Eva's purse in his lap, hidden from view by the table and shadows. He threaded the suppressor onto the pistol quickly, giving it a sharp twist and then cocking the P5's hammer with his thumb.

"Paul. That's a good name," she decided, moving her fingers around his waist and down to his crotch. "A strong name for a strong man, ja?"

"Ohhh ... Careful Princess, that's loaded," Paul chuckled when her hand found his swollen penis and she gave it a playful squeeze.

"So is this, my friend," Wolfgang said softly, pressing the muzzle of Eva's Walther against Paul's ribs.

"Charming," Paul made a small face as Eva pulled away from him.

"He's clean," Eva said in German and then shrugged. "From the waist up anyway."

"And I thought you liked me, Princess," Paul said. "You remind of my wife..." he glanced at his watch and then narrowed his eyes, " ... You didn't take my wallet, did you?"

"Enough games," Wolfgang said. "Who are you? Who do you work for?"

"Have a drink," Paul said with a smile, reaching for his beer. "I thought all you Germans were alcoholics?"

"Cia? NSA? Interpol..." Wolfgang asked.

"How did you know he's my brother?" Eva wondered, watching as the man took a swallow of his beer.

"Who do you work for?" Wolfgang repeated, emphasizing his question with a sharp jab of the gun.

"Hey!" Paul frowned briefly and then shrugged, letting his natural good humor reemerge. "I'm between jobs at the moment, but I never forget a client."

"What?" Wolfgang narrowed his eyes.

"I know an opportunity when I see one too," Paul chuckled, tilting his beer towards Eva, " ... and you two are golden."

"What do you mean?" The expression had confused Eva and she glanced at her brother.

"I mean..." Paul reached for one of the martinis, handing it to the young woman, " ... Let's have a drink."

Eva blinked at the martini in her hand and then stared as Paul picked up the other glass, offering it to Wolfgang.

"Come on, don't be so Prussian," Paul said with a chuckle. "I'm on my second honeymoon here. Let's celebrate."

Wolfgang looked at his drink, which had been waiting for them with the stranger, and he didn't know what to think. Why would the Americans know anything about him and Eva? Had they been following the Russian, or was their interest in Mozart? The man was an intelligence officer, that much seemed clear, and knowing that Eva was his sister seemed proof enough that something was very wrong. Outside the organization they worked for, nobody knew the two were related by anything but their legal marriage.

"Here..." Paul gave Wolfgang a sardonic smile and took his martini away, sipping from it slowly before giving it back. "See? Perfectly safe. You guys are gonna need more than one though..."

The American raised his hand and despite all logic, a smiling young waitress in the Hilton's green and gold livery appeared almost instantly to take the man's order. Paul was completely oblivious to the pistol and even more so to the questions Wolfgang and Eva tried to ask. It made little sense to either of them and after a few minutes Wolfgang felt almost foolish holding a gun on the man. He pressed the slide release, which safely decocked the pistol and put the weapon away with a shrug. Eva just laughed and shook her head. Their extensive training and experience in fieldcraft hadn't prepared them for a situation like this.

"Nein ... Mein Gott in himmel!" Eva laughed, falling into the booth with Paul right behind her. "Did you see him? He's mad!" she said to Wolfgang in German and then switched to English as she grinned at Paul. "You're a mad man, Paul. Do you know that?"

"I like to dance!" he laughed, reaching for her neck and Eva didn't object when Paul pulled her into his open mouthed kiss.

"Enough! I ordered more drinks," Wolfgang said and as soon as their kiss was ended, he pressed his lips to Eva's to kiss her as well.

It was an hour later, or maybe two, Wolfgang wasn't entirely sure. Likewise he didn't understand how this reckless American had somehow, suddenly become their best friend. Too much to drink, probably. That first martini had gone down easily and much too quickly, the second as well, and after that ... more drinks. And then dancing as Eva loosened up, which was a rare treat for the both of them. She'd danced with Paul and then Wolfgang, and now Paul again. The woman's pale complexion had turned almost rosy as Eva flushed pink with pleasure. She looked five years younger suddenly, as if she'd just left the university, before everything in her life had fallen apart.

" ... and I told her, Rapunzel baby? You gotta let down your hair, you know? Relax a little," Paul was saying, speaking too quickly for Eva to keep up and Wolfgang had to translate some of it while they laughed at the man's story.

"She's like the storybook, ja?" Eva asked, leaning into the American as she tried to suck an olive out of her glass, playing her tongue in the vodka with a giggle.

"Exactly," Paul said with an eager nod. "Oh! She was fiery redhead too. Stubborn as a mule."

"Like Eva!" Wolfgang laughed.

"Eva!" Paul waved at the man. "No. She's Snow White without the midgets ... Look at her..."

"What?" Eva lifted her glazed eyes from her drink and smiled at the two men from beneath her platinum hair.

"Snow white all over and pink inside," Paul grinned at the girl and put his fingers in her drink, picking out her olive. "Open up, Princess. Stick out your tongue for me..."

Eva laughed, opening her mouth and letting Paul not merely put the olive on her tongue, but push it inside. She closed her lips around his fingers, sucking two of them while she watched his face. Her nipples burned, like the fire in her belly and lower than that, down between her legs. The man wasn't uncommonly handsome. He wasn't fit and graceful like Wolfgang. He was loud and uncouth, and even pushy, but somehow he'd lit her up inside. Eva knew she'd been flirting with him shamelessly and Wolfgang had enjoyed it, teasing her with his eyes and his hands. He wanted her to play with this Paul character, as much as she did, and it was amazingly fun.

"She is Snow White," Wolfgang agreed happily, nodding his head and looking at Eva. "She was dead once, did you know that?"

"And you woke me up," Eva giggled at her brother as Paul pulled his fingers from her lips. "With a kiss!"

She leaned close to her brother to take his tongue into her mouth and Eva felt Paul against her back. He was kissing her as well, nibbling at the nape of her neck and reaching around to press his hand against her small breasts. Eva moaned with the pleasure of being caught between the two men, trapped in that small booth. She put her hand on Wolfgang's crotch, feeling him hard for her. Wolfgang's hand was on her right leg, sliding inside and up beneath her short skirt. She was wet, the tops of her thighs sticky with the juices that seemed to be pouring out of her. She'd never experienced a night like this. Her body throbbed with desire and she pulled away with a gasp.

"Take me upstairs," she said in German, blinking into Wolfgang's soft brown eyes. "Both of you..." she switched to English and turned her head, " ... You want me, ja?"

Paul just grinned at the girl and waved at the waitress who had been hovering around them all night long it seemed.

"Get the check, Tinkerbell?" he asked her with a smile and the pretty brunette gave him a little pout as she turned for the bar. Her pleated green skirt moved left and right with her hips and both Paul and Wolfgang admired the girl's tight little ass until Eva demanded more attention with her hands on each of their cocks, giving the men a hard and less than playful squeeze.

By silent and eager agreement the two men undressed Eva first, spoiling the girl with their laughing attentions while she fell onto the bed giggling. Wolfgang removed her shoes while Paul tugged Eva's t-shirt over her head, exposing her flat chest and long, thick nipples to the cool air. She gasped happily when the man bent his mouth to her taut left breast as she stretched her lithe body beneath him. Paul played with her other tit as well, pinching the girl's nipple and twisting it gently while he bit the other.

Wolfgang pulled Eva's skirt down her long legs, leaving her in only her black lace panties and those only briefly. He tugged them down her hips and out from under his sister's ass while she moaned with the pleasure of Paul's earnest kisses. Wolfgang chuckled when he saw Eva's sex. She'd grown ripe with arousal, her clit standing stiffly from the top of her slit like sweet, pink prong nearly two centimeters long. Beneath it, she was swollen and dark, Eva's labia engorged with blood and wet with excitement. The soft hollows of her thighs glistened and the sharp tang of her sex filled the air.

"Huhhhh..." Eva arched her back as she felt Wolfgang's mouth on her pussy.

His tongue slipped between the folds of her sex, splitting her tender lips to find the bright interior, delicate and coated with her juices. Wolfgang's tongue curling upward, digging a quick furrow to find her aching clitoris and he closed his lips around it, pinching the nub of swollen flesh and teasing it with his tongue. Eva closed her legs against his face for a moment, pressing her smooth thighs to the man's thinly bearded cheeks as she reacted to the sudden jolt of pleasure the sensation had given her. The American was still eating her tits, moving his hungry mouth from one nipple to the other, trading places with hands back and forth, and driving her crazy with desire.

Eva felt helpless and giddy, almost drunk and perhaps she was, but it was an intoxication much different from any other she'd previously experienced. Her hands moved of their own accord, they had to because her mind was far too distracted by Wolfgang's mouth as he enveloped her vulva nearly completely, covering her sex and working his tongue inside her pussy with a deep, searching kiss. And Paul's teeth in her flesh had become a beautiful torture. He chewed her nipples until they felt numb and were no longer specific points of pleasure, but an all-consuming joy that left her breathless and desperate for more.

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