Sin Bravely - Cover

Sin Bravely

Rachael Ross 1982 - 2012

Chapter 33

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 33 - Husband and wife. Brother and sister. Government assassins turned mercenary bodyguards for the world's most beautiful woman, Wolfgang and Eva Brandt star in an action packed adventure filled with sex, romance, and intrigue that critics* have hailed as "...a dirty, sexy, roller-coaster ride for the whole fucking family!"

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Incest   Brother   Sister   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Petting   Violence   Prostitution  

"Herr Brandt? I'm Veronique," a tall, dark woman offered Wolfgang a friendly smile.

He looked up at the sound of her voice, struggling to push away the fire of jealousy that Eva's confession had sparked in his gut. She'd been fucking the man, Herr Glauss, while Wolfgang had spoken with her over the phone, that had been obvious, and his sister had delighted in telling Wolfgang exactly how skilled Kurt was with his prick.

He hadn't asked for a reason, Wolfgang could easily guess why his sister would wish to punish him three days after visiting their father. She'd been looking for a means and now she'd found one. It was something he already understood about Eva, that there could be nothing inviolable to her. Nothing sacred to her moral sensibilities. She'd experienced death, or a form of it, a shadow of lifeless eternity in her addiction that had left her deeply scarred. It gave her a measure of strength that Wolfgang still struggled to appreciate and while the anger and jealousy remained, by the time Eva had whispered her breathless goodbyes, Wolfgang had already forgiven her.

Now he was looking at Veronique and exquisite seemed very much the proper word for her. Aside from a mane of luxurious black hair and a sultry, caramel complexion, she possessed a vaguely oriental face, very feminine with a generous mouth and prominent cheeks. Her eyes were dark and almond shaped with thin, arching eyebrows to complement her high cheeks and sensual mouth. Veronique wore pleated slacks and a blazer, both in charcoal gray, with a white turtleneck blouse. Her clothes were well fitted and the young woman's body appeared very fit with eye pleasing curves, a flat stomach, and wonderfully full breasts.

"Herr Mozart suggested I might find some way to entertain you," the woman said, her German perfect but soft and lilting with a pronounced French accent. "Perhaps you'd like to freshen up?"

"Yes. Thank you," Wolfgang said, clearing his throat and he felt his face redden slightly as he realized he'd been staring at her.

"Have you finished your call?" Veronique asked. "I can wait for you outside if you like."

"What? Oh. Yes, I'm finished," Wolfgang agreed, replacing the phone in its cradle. "My ... sister will be joining me shortly."

"Of course," the girl smiled. "I understand she's with Kurt?"

"Yes," Wolfgang nodded. "She is, uh ... Where did you get that wonderful accent?"

"Hmmm?" Veronique laughed lightly. "I've been trying to hide it. My father was a diplomat. I spent many years in Paris. Come, I'll show you to your room."

"Is your mother French?" Wolfgang asked as they walked together through the mansion.

"No, her family was from Tehran originally," she replied. "They immigrated to Cologne before the revolution."

The woman stopped, putting a hand on one deftly rounded hip and giving Wolfgang what he suspected to be a pout. Veronique was very attractive and as they stood there he could smell her perfume, very faint, but very pleasant as well, like a tease for the senses and Wolfgang found himself leaning into it.

"And so my blood is Persian," she said softly. "Don't tell me you that you can't tell."

"My second guess," Wolfgang said with a smile. "What is it that you do here?"

"You mean, am I a secretary?" Veronique asked with playful smile. "Am I one of the maids?"

"Or Herr Mozart's mistress?" Wolfgang smiled, shaking his head. "No. I'm merely curious. You seem..."

"Out of place?"


"That's a difficult question to answer at the moment," Veronique said with a small shrug. "The guest rooms are upstairs. I'd assumed your, ummm ... sister ... would share your bed. Was I mistaken?"

"You're obviously well informed," Wolfgang said slowly as they climbed a wide, curving staircase.

"I've offended you," Veronique decided. "Forgive me. I can be rather too direct when I..."

"When you what?" Wolfgang looked at her.

" ... see something I like," the woman said with a long look into Wolfgang's eyes. "Perhaps you as well, Herr Brandt?"

They were paused at the top of the stairs and Wolfgang decided quickly, reaching for Veronique and slipping his hand behind her neck as he stepped close. He kissed her, lightly at first and then urgently as her soft lips parted for his tongue. She offered him a low moan and pressed her ripe breasts against his chest as Wolfgang's other hand found the small of her back and pulled her hips against his. He'd already grown hard for her and the pressure of his trapped erection pressing low against her belly was welcome.

"Where's my room?" Wolfgang asked Veronique a moment later, whispering the words in her ear.

"There..." she licked her lips and smiled. "I'll show you."

They undressed each other quickly, kissing while they moved with clumsy urgency. Veronique wore a red satin bra and matching panties beneath her conservative attire, complimenting her dusky complexion perfectly, and Wolfgang tugged the delicate straps from her shoulders as she pushed his face between her heaving breasts. Veronique's tits were generous and firm, topped with smallish nipples colored like dark chocolate and he took the left between his lips, suckling at the woman and pressing his teeth into her flesh.

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