Sin Bravely - Cover

Sin Bravely

Rachael Ross 1982 - 2012

Chapter 22

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 22 - Husband and wife. Brother and sister. Government assassins turned mercenary bodyguards for the world's most beautiful woman, Wolfgang and Eva Brandt star in an action packed adventure filled with sex, romance, and intrigue that critics* have hailed as "...a dirty, sexy, roller-coaster ride for the whole fucking family!"

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Incest   Brother   Sister   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Petting   Violence   Prostitution  

"Dying in prison would be better than living with that," Wolfgang said with a nod of his head as if agreeing with himself.

He was looking down and none of us said anything for a minute.

"Even so," he looked back up and shrugged, "we were able to escape."

"You just walked out?" Sofia asked him.

"It was not so hard. I was able to get Eva on her feet again," he explained. "The drugs were wearing off, at least enough so she could walk, and nobody stopped us."

We were in my cabana suite, eating a seafood dinner, drinking wine, and listening to Wolfgang talk. His story had been interrupted occasionally as Eva would add something here and there, or one of us would ask a question. The mood was somber, as you'd expect listening to such things. Wolfgang hadn't planned on killing anyone and he'd hoped to avoid it, but seeing his sister the way she'd been ... He had no regrets about what he'd done, that was clear.

Eva herself merely shrugged. "Yuri was a pig. A bully," she said. "He liked to hurt me."

"He did that to you before?" I wondered. "Whipped you and..."

"Hmmmm..." Eva nodded. "Many times. It is not so bad, with the heroin it is very ... How do you say it? Surreal? Like a dream."

"It sounds like you enjoyed it," Sofia observed, perhaps distastefully.

"Sometimes," Eva agreed, smiling at the other woman. "It is the bad sex. I still like it."

"Okay." Sofia blinked and raised her glass, swallowing some wine with a little look at me. She liked sex, but Sofia's tastes were rather tame by anyone's standards. The idea of enjoying BDSM was a little beyond her understanding.

"But not the drugs," Wolfgang added. "Eva is very clean now."

"He watches me carefully," Eva said, turning her smile on Wolfgang. "He is cruel that way."

"Cruel?" I asked her.

"Oh yes," she said. "He tortured me in the beginning. I hated Wolfgang very much."

"I had to get her off the heroin," he explained. "Such things are never pleasant."

"What did you do?" I asked him, having visions of Eva being locked in a room, going crazy with withdrawal symptoms.

"I locked her in a room," Wolfgang said, narrowing his eyes at the look on my face. "I had no money for a sanitarium, and the questions they would have asked..."

"He had no choice," Eva told us. "He was a very good doctor."

"And you were a very bad patient," Wolfgang said with a chuckle.

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