Babymaker - Cover


Rachael Ross 1982 - 2012

Chapter 9

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 9 - Fifteen year old Trent just wanted to knock up his best friend's little sister and forget about her, but falling in love wasn't part of the plan! Things only get more complicated when Julie decides to show her new boyfriend off to her friends and Trent soon finds himself juggling romance with desire as the prettiest girls in seventh grade try to steal him away.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   mt/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Consensual   Romantic   Drunk/Drugged   Heterosexual   Incest   Mother   Son   Daughter   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Petting   Sex Toys   Pregnancy   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism  

After a week of being grounded, I was getting desperate. I hadn't complained at all. I hadn't whined or pouted, but followed my dad's suggestion and took my punishment like a man. I worked extra hard around the house, doing chores that I normally hated well before my mom told me to. My homework was done before dinner and to all outward appearance, I'd given up my girlfriends, all four of them.

I did all that in the hopes of an early parole and my lawyer thought I had a good chance. I left it up to him to plead my case.

"Sorry, Trent," Dad sighed. "Your mom says she's awfully proud of you, but..."

"I'm still grounded?" I sagged. Like a deflated balloon, the air rushed out of me. The energy. The life.

What did I have to do? Jeeze! I'd skipped one lousy day of school. Everybody does that! I bet even my mom skipped a day at least once in her life and I'm grounded for two weeks without even a shot at redemption? How is that fair?

Well, I knew why she was being deliberately tough. It wasn't just because I'd skipped school, but because I'd convinced Julie to skip school with me. Even though it had been her idea, I was older and supposed to be more responsible.

"If you really care about her," I remember Mom saying, "you would take care of her, Trent."

Yeah! I did take care of her, I wanted to say. I fucked her, Mom! How about that? We weren't just fooling around either. I dumped so much sperm in that little girl, she's probably going to have triplets! And you know what else? I hope she does! Because that way everyone will know how much I love her, even you, Mom!

Of course, I hadn't said any of that at all. That would be like being a test pilot for a new and improved electric chair. But I wanted to, believe me. Probably because my balls hurt. After I'd seen a movie at school about girls getting pregnant, I'd made a promise to myself that I wouldn't jerk off. Ever. I was trying to keep it, too. It had been easy before, since I had four girlfriends determined to milk my balls dry every chance they got, but I hadn't seen them in a week. I only got to talk to them on the phone once in awhile, when I knew I could get away with it.

Trust me, it sucks talking to girls on the phone, too. I mean, I liked it, but we spent most of our time talking about how much we missed each other. The twins, Stacy and Angie, would tell me how good they were getting at licking each other's pussies, and how they wished I was there to fuck them while they did it.

"I wanna suck Angie's pussy after you cream her," Stacy would say.

"I wanna lick your balls while you fuck her," Angie whispered.

And then I had to deal with Lisa and she'd tell me how she liked to lay in bed and fuck her butt with a special vibrator dildo thing her mom had bought her. She had the most awesome ass in the world, too, and I would close my eyes and listen to the girl describe how good it felt stretching her horny rectum.

"But it's not as good as you," she'd sigh. "I love it when you cum in my butt, Trent."

Then there was Julie, the girl I probably loved more than the others, but sometimes I wasn't totally sure. It kind of depended on where I was, what I was doing, and whether or not one of my other girlfriend's was kissing me. Anyway, Jules and I wouldn't talk about sex that much, she always wanted to talk about love. That's kind of sexy, too, except I wouldn't want to admit it out loud in the school auditorium or anything. Girls are supposed to get off on love, boys get off on watching girls suck their dicks or whatever.

Except, I did get off on telling Julie how much I loved her. We'd talk about the baby as well, our baby, because Julie was convinced that I'd already knocked her up. She'd tell me about her dreams, like she'd be big and round and all kinds of pregnant, and I'd be kissing her tummy and squeezing the milk out of her fat little tits. So, okay ... I guess we kinda talked about sex, too, but I didn't jerk off! That's my point. My cock would ache and throb and I'd soak my boxers with precum, but I had to save that stuff up!

Another week? Jesus! I was going crazy! I had to fuck something soon or my balls would probably explode.

"You're going out?" I asked, trying hard not to let my excitement show. It was Saturday night and if they went out, I could probably hook up with Jules or Lisa, or the twins and...

"A friend from work is having a party, yeah." Dad nodded. "Your mother and I haven't relaxed in awhile, so we're going to have a little fun."

"Am I still grounded?"

"I'm afraid so," he said. "I think your mom might be okay if Randy wanted to come over. You guys could get some pizza and..."

"We're not really friends anymore," I told him, and I hadn't even wanted to admit that to myself, but it was true.

"Oh." Dad frowned at that. "Because of his sister?"

"Julie." I nodded. "He doesn't want me to be her boyfriend."

"There's a lot of that going around," he sighed, and I looked up sharply to see if he was teasing me. He wasn't.

"I don't care," I lied, and he let that go.

"Anyway, uh..." Dad cleared his throat. "Do you still have those, uh ... condoms I gave you?"

"Huh?" I blinked at him. "Yeah. Why?"

"I was wondering, uh..." He smiled sheepishly. "See, I was supposed to get some, but ... Well, your mom ... Uh ... It's a bad time of the month for her and..."

"Oh!" I blushed, just because I understood what he was trying to say.

"Never mind," he said. "I'll just have to stop someplace along the way."

That's probably what he should have done in the first place, but maybe it would have embarrassed him or something. Not buying condoms, but telling Mom he had to run into Wal-Mart and pickup some Trojans because he planned on jumping her bones later. Except, I didn't like thinking about them actually doing it. I knew Saturday was their regular sex night, though. I wasn't stupid and I knew what was going on when they went to bed at 8:30 after Mom took a long bath and Dad uncorked a bottle of wine.

I couldn't even imagine having sex just one night a week, even if they did do it three times, maybe. If I was married to my mom? Jeeze! I'd probably want to fuck her every day of the week, and twice before church! I mean, she's pretty awesome, although she's not a complete fox like Bambi, but how many moms are? At least my mom had a tight body, awesome legs, nice tits, and a pretty face. There are a lot of them that don't, believe me!

So, probably that's why I gave Dad those three condoms back. Because I knew what it was like to go a week without sex and it sucks! I also knew Mom wasn't like any of my girlfriends. She wanted to be the vice-president of her bank a lot more than she wanted to be a mother. But don't think she didn't love me! I mean, she didn't want a baby. She loved me just fine, except when I skipped school.

"Thanks, Trent." Dad gave me a sincere smile as he pocketed the condoms. "Let's keep this between us, huh?"

"Sure," I agreed. Like why would I ever tell Mom that Dad was borrowing condoms from me? As if I wasn't in enough trouble already!

I was just happy because I could sneak out of the house for a couple hours. Or maybe one of my girlfriends could sneak over and visit me, that might even be better. If I knew my mom, and I did, she'd probably call just to make sure I stayed home. Actually, looking back on it, I seriously underestimated her sometimes.

"Wow!" I said, really meaning it, too.

"How do I look?" Mom asked, kind of posing in a slinky red dress.

It had those sequin things, thousands of them, so that she seemed to glitter just standing there in her bedroom, and the one piece dress hugged her every curve. I'd seen her dressed up before, but not very often, not like that. About once a year maybe, usually on their anniversary, and I wondered what made this party so special. Whatever it was, my mom was going to pop some eyeballs when she showed up looking like that.

"I didn't know your hair was that long," I said, which seems kinda stupid, but it was the first thing that popped into my head. She always kept it pinned up.

"I thought I'd let my hair down for a change," she said, smiling at my reaction.

Mom had straight blonde hair, like spun gold, parted over her right eye and falling around her bare shoulders. Her dress really hugged her breasts, kind of propping them up like a push-up bra or something, but there was no way she wore a bra beneath it. What I liked most was her flat tummy, because my mom had a very thin waist, and her round hips. Child bearing hips, obviously, because she'd had me, and in that red dress she had a serious hourglass figure.

Legs too! I hadn't noticed before, but when Mom walked around the bed, I realized her dress was slit right in front. Her long legs would appear and disappear behind a glittering curtain of red sequins, all the way to mid-thigh, if not a bit higher. I mean, I could see the lace tops of her stockings and just a bit of pale skin, just a hint to make my gut throb pleasantly. Jesus! My mom looked awesome dressed up, made up, and fixing the tiny buckles on her high heels. No wonder my dad wanted condoms!

Most of the time she looked like a banker. She wore boring business suits in boring colors. She pinned up her hair. She wore the kind of makeup that doesn't really look like makeup. And worst of all, she never smiled. She wouldn't give a guy the time of day if he tried to hit on her, I bet. Maybe because she was married and I knew she'd never cheat on my dad, but I figured she just loved being a banker. When she went to bed at night, she took her briefcase with her. Seriously.

Ding-dong ... The doorbell rang and for just a second there I thought maybe one of my girlfriends had come over. Or maybe two of them, if it was Stacy and Angie. Who else would ring the doorbell at 7:30 on a Saturday night?

"Oh! That must be Mrs. Hemming," Mom said. "Let her in, Trent."

"What's she doing here?" I wondered. Mrs. Hemming lived three doors down and in olden times she would have been called The Widow Hemming, since she was old and her husband was dead.

"She's going to spend the night."

"You got me a baby-sitter?" I blinked at her.

"Are you almost ready?" Dad asked, walking in from the master bath, and he looked about as handsome as ever. He wasn't wearing a tuxedo, but he'd broken out one of his expensive silk suits for the occasion. Every girl I knew, and their mothers, were my dad's patients, and for a very obvious reason. He looked good.

"I just want to have a good time tonight," Mom told me. "Without having to call every ten minutes to make sure you're okay."

"You mean, to make sure I stay grounded?" I gave her the biggest, most unhappy frown of my life. Never mind that she'd practically read my mind, the humiliation of having a baby-sitter was almost unbearable.

"That's exactly what I mean," she said, and Dad was staying out of this one.

Ding-dong ... The doorbell rang again.

"I'll answer it," he said. What a coward. He hadn't even warned me.

"God! I hate my life!" I yelled, and I stomped my way to my room the way I hadn't since I'd been six years old, probably.

"Trent!" Mom yelled, but she wasn't going to chase me. She wasn't even going to try and explain, as if she could.

She didn't trust me. That's like a slap in the face, you know? It's worse than a slap in the face. It's embarrassing and maybe part of me was just angry because she'd thwarted my plans to disobey her, but most of me resented the way she treated me like a little kid. What had I done to deserve this? As far as she knew, I'd skipped school and watched television with Julie all day, maybe kissed her a little. If getting grounded for two weeks seemed a little excessive, and it did, then having a baby-sitter was too much.

I couldn't ever hate my mom, no way, but right then ... I didn't like her very much. She always had to win, no matter what.

Something woke me up, but I didn't know what until I heard a muffled thumping noise coming from downstairs. I glanced at my alarm clock and it was the middle of the night, 2:13am and I thought it might be Mrs. Hemming at first. I heard another thump, or a slam, more like, and it had to be the front door.

I got up, wearing just my chili pepper boxers, and wondering what was going on. I peeked into the guest room and found Mrs. Hemming snoring happily on the bed. I pulled the door shut and turned around just in time to have a heart attack.

"Dad!" I blinked at him.

"Hey," he said, smiling dumbly. He wagged a finger at me and giggled. "Don't drink tequila."

"Uh..." My father was drunk?

"I'm going to bed." He walked sorta sideways, leaning against the wall and waving at me over his shoulder.

I could smell the alcohol on his breath, although he didn't look terrible. His hair was still combed, his suit didn't look all rumpled the way I might have expected. But the man was plainly drunk as hell and I had to grin. I'd seen my dad a little buzzed maybe, like after too many beers at a barbecue once, but this was really strange. I wasn't totally sure he'd make it to the bedroom without falling down. I hoped he hadn't been driving like that, and then I wondered ... Where's Mom?

The house seemed strangely silent, perhaps because I expected my mom to pop out and surprise me the way my father had. I mean, she must have come home with him. She probably drove, since I'd never, ever seen Mom drunk. I knew she liked to have a little wine once in awhile, but she wasn't any sort of party animal. Neither was my dad, actually. He's a dentist!

"Mom?" I whispered, moving around pretty well despite the darkness. My eyes had adjusted just fine and the outside lights shone through the curtains.

I found her on the sofa, sprawled on her back with her right arm and leg hanging off the cushions. She wasn't snoring like the old woman upstairs, but Mom did look seriously passed out. Dad must have carried her into the house, which would explain all the thumping. Maybe he'd thought about bringing her upstairs, but as drunk as he was, it's probably a miracle he made it by himself.

"Hey, Mom." I whispered, a little louder.

I thought maybe I could help her get to bed if she woke up, but she didn't even twitch her little finger.

"Mom?" I touched her shoulder, giving her a shake, and then a slightly harder one.

Man! She was completely out. I grabbed her shoulder, but gently, and really tried to wake her up, and got no response at all. At least she was breathing, since her breasts were rising and falling, and practically spilling out of her dress. I thought I could see her nipples, or at least the left one, and I looked closer, narrowing my eyes. I was tempted to turn on the nearby table lamp, but I didn't. I could see her nipple and I don't know why, but I even touched it. I reached out with my hand and brushed the tips of my fingers over that soft nub.

When I closed my hand around her breast, giving her tit a tender squeeze, that's when I realized I had a boner. I hadn't had sex in more than a week. I hadn't even jerked off, and my dick didn't care that the sexy woman passed out on the sofa was my mom. She did look sexy, too, every bit as beautiful as she'd looked some seven hours earlier, posing in her bedroom and telling me I was a little kid who needed a baby-sitter.

Little kid, huh? I was still kind of mad about that and it was her fault I felt so horny. I mean, she'd grounded me in the first place. Mom had been the one telling me I couldn't even have a girlfriend. I eased the top of her dress down, the part covering her tits, and her dress had cups, sorta like an under-wire bra, which is why her tits had looked like they were for sale, all propped up and everything. So I had to pull her dress down, wiggling the sequin material until I had both of her firm, round tits completely exposed.

"Wow!" I breathed, because my mom had awesome boobs. I watched her face closely, feeling my heart ready to burst and my legs ready to run at the first flutter of an eyelid.

She didn't do anything but breathe as I knelt on the carpeted floor of the living room and put both of my hands on both of her breasts, and they were a lot bigger than any of my seventh grade girlfriends' tits! Not huge, but woman-sized, soft and warm, luscious and perfect to me. I wished I could remember drinking her milk as a baby, but I could only do the next best thing as I lowered my mouth to her left nipple.

If she woke up now, I'd be dead. If my dad came downstairs, he'd kill me, too. This had to be wrong and I knew it. My gut was knotted up with fear, excitement, guilt, and desire. This was my own mother and I would never love anyone as much as I loved her, not even God, but maybe that's why I wanted her so badly. Or maybe I did it because I wanted to punish her, just to get a little revenge for the way she ruined my life. For the way she loved her job more than me. For not letting me love Julie or any other girl. Yeah, if I couldn't love my girlfriends, especially if I couldn't make love with them, it seemed like a pretty good idea to make love with her.

"That's what she really wants anyway," a little voice in my head whispered.

I kissed my mom's nipple, lightly at first, while I massaged her right breast with my hand. She didn't move, didn't make a sound, not even as I felt her nipples growing stiff. I wished I had more light, if only so could I really admire the contrast between her dark nipples and pale skin, so I could see more clearly her beautiful face. I can't tell you enough how frightened I felt, but that was nothing compared to the excitement. It wasn't just the sex part, the physical stuff, but knowing this had to be so completely wrong made me want to do it even more. She didn't trust me and I sorta wanted to give her a good reason why, like prove that I was even more of a bad boy than she gave me credit for.

I drew harder on her nipple and it had grown long and stiff and fat. I flicked it with my tongue and even bit her while I pinched the other one. I couldn't believe how chubby Mom's nipples were getting, like they were perfect for nursing, and I wished I could drink her milk. That's when I knew I had to fuck her. Everything seemed so clear to me and I remembered Dad telling me it was the worst time of the month for them to have sex. I knew he didn't mean she had her period; he meant she was ovulating. Her eggs were ripe and eager for sperm, even if she wasn't.

"Mmmm..." Mom sighed so softly I could barely hear it, and her head turned slightly. She even smiled, just a little, the corners of her mouth turning upward a fraction of an inch.

That made me stop, frozen with not only her nipple, but as much of her luscious boob in my mouth as possible. I'd covered her areole completely, kinda biting her like I would an apple, except not that hard. My hand stopped mid-squeeze, with my fingers and thumb spread and digging into her breast. Mom's nipple poked hard against my palm and I held my breath as I dreaded the inevitable. She was waking up and her eyes would open, and I couldn't even imagine the possible consequences.

But she didn't wake up, she only parted her lips slightly, snoring like a baby kitten, more of a purring sound than anything else. I waited and almost changed my mind. I could stop and go back upstairs, get into my bed and pretend like none of this had ever happened. Except I loved sucking her tit and feeling her skin like warm satin beneath my fingers, and smelling the curious mix of perfume, alcohol, cigarettes, and feminine sweat. She smelled like a party, but her nipple tasted sweet, just because it was hers.

I let her go, because I was pretty nervous, and tried to wake her up again. If she was going to open her eyes, I wanted it to happen when I could still be blameless, you know? Plus, I think I sorta wanted her to wake up. I knew I wouldn't stop, I just felt it in my bones, and especially in my hard dick, so she had to stop me. Mom had to wake up or I'd do something worse than just kiss her tits, and if she didn't wake up, well ... It would be her fault, not mine. That's what I told myself anyway.

"Mom?" I shook her shoulders. "Hey, Mom ... Time to wake up."

She didn't wake up at all and I kissed her mouth. I felt my heart lurch into my throat as my lips touched hers and after a second, I slipped the tip of my tongue between them. I felt her teeth, the tiny gap between inviting me in, and watched her tightly shut eyes as I pushed my tongue inside her mouth. She opened for me, her relaxed jaw dropping just enough to let me in. I tasted the alcohol she'd been drinking, salty and bitter, but she was moist inside, too. I teased her tongue and played with her tits, rubbing her nipples with my thumbs while I caressed her tongue with mine.

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