Babymaker - Cover


Rachael Ross 1982 - 2012

Chapter 6

Romantic Sex Story: Chapter 6 - Fifteen year old Trent just wanted to knock up his best friend's little sister and forget about her, but falling in love wasn't part of the plan! Things only get more complicated when Julie decides to show her new boyfriend off to her friends and Trent soon finds himself juggling romance with desire as the prettiest girls in seventh grade try to steal him away.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   mt/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Consensual   Romantic   Drunk/Drugged   Heterosexual   Incest   Mother   Son   Daughter   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Petting   Sex Toys   Pregnancy   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism  

Thursday morning I woke up and it took me a minute to realize my dick ached, stiff and swollen just like it should have been. I'd kinda worried about it actually, since cumming five times the afternoon and night before had been a whole lotta cum! I'd gone to sleep figuring I wouldn't get a boner for a week probably, but there it was! Everything was okay and even though I sorta wanted to use the bathroom just then, I gave my dick a little squeeze and spent five minutes thinking about Jules.

I missed her, you know? I hadn't seen Julie at all the day before. I hadn't even talked to her on the phone or anything. I'd fucked three girls and gotten a blowjob from Lisa's mom, but all I could think about was Julie and I wondered why she hadn't called me. Maybe she'd found out about me and Lisa. Or me and the twins? God! What if Jules was mad at me? I should have called her, I thought, except I sorta couldn't because if our moms found out ... Oh man!

My alarm went off again and I slapped the snooze button again. Five minutes worrying about Jules had been enough and I spent five more minutes thinking about Lisa and especially her mom. What was up with that Bambi chick anyway? Lisa had been so eager to introduce us and then later she'd been sorta mad about it, but I guess Lisa had a good reason too. Her and Bambi were gonna share me? Didn't I have anything to say about it? Did I really want to have anything to say about it? They were both totally hot!

Except I loved Lisa, I had to admit. Maybe not as much as I loved Jules, but it had to be close. How did that work? At first I'd only loved Jules and I'd just wanted to fuck Lisa, but now ... I loved both of them, I couldn't help it. I didn't love Bambi though and I only sorta almost loved the twins, Angie and Stacy, but yeah, I could probably love them too just because they were so completely awesome and they'd let me fuck them.

No, I decided, I couldn't fall in love with them too! God! That would be totally insane, loving four girls who were all thirteen-years-old and especially best friends! They'd kill me if they ever found out about each other, except they all knew about Jules and me and I was supposed to break up with her? No way! How come everyone wanted us to break up? Randy, our mom's, Julie's friends ... It seemed like the whole world was against us!

My alarm went off a third time and I finally got up, rubbing my boner through my boxers and thinking I'd just wasted ten minutes of my life. Girls were nothing but questions with tits instead of answers.

"Jules?" I blinked as I saw her sort of leaning against the big oak tree in our next door neighbor's yard.

"Hi!" Julie smiled and glanced around, but we were pretty much alone.

My parents had already left for work, like everyone else who lived around there and the cul-de-sac where I lived seemed like a ghost town on a normal weekday. But still, the Judge would be home and sometimes he'd watch through his big picture windows to make sure nobody trampled his grass or leaned against his tree. If he saw us, my mom would definitely hear about it!

"What are you doing?" I asked and maybe I sounded mad or something, but I didn't mean to.

"You don't wanna see me?" Julie's smile faltered and she bit her bottom lip.

"Yeah!" I told her quickly. "Course I do, but ... we got school."

"I missed my bus," she giggled.


"I missed you too," Julie said and my heart stuttered because she looked entirely beautiful to me. Lisa was cute, but Jules, I decided, was beautiful.

"I missed you," I agreed, watching her brown eyes grow warm as she looked back at me.

"Your mom and dad are working," she said. "Right?"

"Yeeeeah..." I nodded. "Why?"

"I don't wanna go to school," Jules laughed again, pushing herself off the tree and I put my hands on her hips.

She wore a dress today, a nice one too and I liked to think maybe she'd worn it for me. Like Julie planned on missing her bus just so she'd have an excuse to find me. She knew I walked to school with her brother every morning and Randy probably wondered where the heck I was about then. He might come looking for me because sometimes one of us would oversleep and when that happened, if he caught Julie with me...

"Come on!" I decided, taking Jules by the hand. "Randy might come looking for me."

"Yeah!" Julie agreed happily and we both knew that we'd be skipping school that day, I just wasn't exactly sure how to go about it yet.

"Good morning, um ... I'm, uh, Mr. Collins and my daughter isn't feeling very good..." I said into the phone with sort of a deep serious voice, frowning and waving my hand at Jules as she stifled a giggle, " ... Right. Yeah, uh ... Julie Collins. She's in seventh grade and ... Uh, okay. Thank you. Bye."

"Did they believe you?" she asked, practically jumping up and down, yanking on my shoulders and making me grin.

"I think so," I said. "I hope so! Man! We could get in so much trouble, Jules."

"No way!" She stuck her tongue out at me. "God loves us!"

"Yeah!" I rolled my eyes. "I hope so."

"I'm gonna call your school now, um..." she got almost serious, " ... Do you think I sound like your mom?"

"No!" I laughed at her.

"Like this, I mean..." Jules lowered her voice as much as she could, " ... Hi, this is Mrs. Winslow and..."

"Don't say hi," I suggested. "Just say good morning and talk faster, but not too fast. My mom hates talking on the phone."

"She does?" Jules gave me a funny look.

"She's on the phone like eight hours a day at work," I shrugged. "At least that's what she says. So she talks kinda fast."

"Okay, um..."

Julie tried again and then again, practicing and doing her best, but there was no way she sounded like my mom. She sounded like a thirteen-year-old girl, but it wasn't like I could call and say I was my dad either. They'd be suspicious of that for sure! But they'd be suspicious of Julie too, since high school kids were notorious for skipping out and Mrs. Eagleton, the secretary, had to be like a hundred years old and she knew all the tricks!

"This isn't gonna work, is it?" Julie frowned and we both glanced at the clock, a real old grandfather clock built by Daniel Porter in 1787.

I knew that because it had been in our family forever and I'd heard the stories a zillion times. Every family has one really cool thing and that clock was ours. It even kept time pretty good when my dad remembered to wind it. He wouldn't even let me touch it yet, but someday it would be mine and I liked that idea a lot, but just then I really didn't want my dad to kill me before I got to wind the clock! He would too, if he found out I'd skipped school just to fuck my girlfriend, and that was exactly my plan!

Julie made my dick hard just looking at her in that nice, blue and white dress, long and thin with lace around the sleeves. It had a sash thing tied around her skinny waist and after she'd taken off her coat, I realized she hadn't worn a bra underneath it either! I could see her nipples through the thin cotton and that was pretty much unheard of for Jules. She always wore a bra, a training bra that hid those sweet puffy fat pink nipples that I loved to suck on so much ... Ouch! My dick ached and she knew it, smiling and playing with her thick, wavy brown hair and batting her baby brown eyes at me.

Fuck! It would be worth dying just to spend all day playing with Julie's sexy barely teenage body! People have died for less, I knew that much, but probably not when they were just fifteen. Jules wasn't going to be able to pull it off and when I didn't show up for homeroom, old Mrs. Eagleton would be more than happy to call my mom at the bank and ask her why. If there was one thing you never, ever wanted to do, it was call my mom at work if it wasn't an emergency. Me not showing up for class would be an emergency only until Mom found out I hadn't been kidnapped or hit by a car or ... You get the idea. Once she found out I was perfectly fine and making out with Jules? Yeah. My life would be done. Stick a fork in it.

And as I contemplated what sort of music I wanted at my funeral, I had a thought. A weird, wacky, strange impossible thought.

"Are you gonna call the school?" Jules wondered as I dialed the phone and I shook my head, wishing she wasn't standing right next to me. This would be awkward enough and I was actually kind of scared.

The phone rang like eight times and for just a moment it seemed like nobody was home. I wasn't sure if I should have been relieved by that or not, but then someone answered.

"Hello?" she said and I blinked because I didn't recognize the voice at all.

"Uh ... Hi," I said, sorta turning my back to Julie and her curious look. "Is Mrs. Hutchins there?"

"Bambi? Oh! She's upstairs getting dressed for work," the girl told me. "May I ask who's calling?"

"Mrs. Hutchins?" Julie's voice tugged at me, but I didn't look at her.

"Uhhh..." I swallowed hard, " ... Trent."

"Trent?" the voice asked with a giggle. "Lisa's new boyfriend?"

"You're calling Lisa's mom?" Julie asked, knowing full well who Mrs. Hutchins had to be, since she and Lisa had been best friends forever and everything.

"Yeah," I answered both of them without trying. "Who's this?"

"Cool!" the girl said. "Oh, I'm Krissy ... with a K."

"Krissy with a K?" I almost laughed, but then I saw Julie's face and that killed the idea quickly.

"Why are you calling her?" Julie demanded, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I'm a nurse, well ... a student nurse. I go to night school, " Krissy explained. "During the week I take care of Bobby."

"Bobby?" I wondered.

"Why are you calling Lisa's Mom?" Julie bit her bottom lip and I wondered if she had issues with Bambi too. Probably any girl would, since Bambi was about the cutest, sexiest mother anyone would ever like to fuck!

"Robert," Krissy said. "Mr. Hutchins. I like to call him Bobby because he's such a sweetie."

"He is?" I didn't really believe that. The guy just sat there staring all the time, all lopsided and paralyzed and whatever.

"Of course!" Krissy laughed lightly. "Oh! Here's Bambi now. Nice talking to you, Trent. I've heard all about you!"

"You did?"

"Did what? Who are you talking to? What are you doing, Trent?" Jules seemed to be in a panic or something and I tried to reassure her with a smile.

"Trent?" Bambi's amazingly cute voice cut through my guts like a knife and all I could think of was how sexy she'd looked with my dick in her mouth.

"Yeah, um ... Hi..." I sort of said, suddenly realizing that this hadn't been my most brilliant idea ever.

"Hi there," Bambi purred. "I was just thinking about you while I took my bath."

"You were?" I swallowed hard and felt my face burning beneath Julie's intense brown eyes.

"Uh-huh," Bambi laughed lightly. "Are you calling because you miss me, or..."

"No ... I mean, yeah, I do sorta, but..." I had no idea what to say, everything sounded wrong.

"But?" she led me on. "Do you need a ride?"

"A ride?" I blinked at the phone because Bambi said it like she was asking me if I wanted to ride her!

"To school," she giggled and I must have smiled then, although I didn't realize it.

"What are you smiling at?" Jules wanted to know. "What's she saying?"

"Shhh..." I waved at her. "Um, Bambi? Actually, I was wondering if you'd sorta do me a favor?"

"A favor?" she asked, getting serious finally. "I'm running late for work already, so if you need another blowjob..."

"Oh ... Uh, no!" I said quickly, even though my dick throbbed at the idea. "It's okay, never mind."

"Trent!" she said with an exasperated laugh. "You've got me on the phone, so just ask."

"Well, uh..." I cleared my throat, " ... I was wondering if you'd call my school..."


" ... and tell them I'm sick or something."

"You're asking Lisa's mom?" Julie stared at me and then laughed. "She won't do it! She's a teacher!"

"What?" I blinked at Jules.

"You want me to pretend I'm your mom?" Bambi laughed too. "Oh Trent! What are you up to? Lisa isn't there with you ... Is she?"

"Lisa?" I instinctively turned away from Jules again. "No. She's not here, um..."

"But someone is," Bambi said, sounding suspicious and my heart stopped. "Don't lie to me. What are you doing?"

"Just, um ... nothing," I lied. Sorta. I should have known better than to call a professional mom. They always know when something's fishy, or maybe it's a woman's intuition thing.

"What are you guys talking about?" Julie wondered, sounding pretty darn suspicious herself suddenly.

"Trent?" Bambi warned me. "You're making me jealous now. There's someone there. Who is she?"

"Uh..." I really didn't want to say, but she was using the voice, like a Jedi mind trick, " ... Julie's here. We're kinda ... skipping school."

"Don't tell her that!" Julie stared at me. "God!"

"Julie?" Bambi giggled. "Well good for you, Trent."

"Really?" I asked. "You're not, um ... I mean, it's okay?"

"It's perfect," she said. "I'll call your school, you guys have fun. Where do you go? Century or..."

"Century," I agreed. "Yeah. Thank you, Bambi."

"But I want something in return, Trent."

"You do?"

"She what?" Julie frowned. "What did she say?"

"Pictures," Bambi said, making it sound like she'd just that second decided. "Of you and Julie."

"Me and ... Julie?" I glanced at Jules and she didn't look too happy.

"I want pictures of her sucking your cock," Bambi told me. "You have a digital camera, right?"

"Yeah," I shrugged. "My dad has one."

"Then use it."

"But what if she..."

"And make sure you cum on her face," Bambi warned me.


"Don't let me down, Trent," she said. "I'd hate to be disappointed in you."

"I'll, um ... alright," I agreed, having no idea how I was supposed to talk Jules into letting me cum on her face. I didn't even know how to ask her if I could take her picture like that!

"Don't let her say no either," Bambi said as if she could read my mind.

"I won't," I said, glancing at Jules and biting my lip nervously. She looked like she wanted to kill me already.

"Good! I have to run," Bambi said cheerfully. "I love you!"

"Uhhh..." I didn't expect that!

"Aren't you going to say it?" she pouted sexily and even with Julie standing three feet away from me, Lisa's mom could give me a boner like you wouldn't believe!

"Um..." I cupped the phone in my hand and whispered, "I love you."

"You're too easy!" Bambi laughed. "I was just teasing. Go have your fun with Julie and don't forget the pictures!"

"What did you say to her?" Jules asked, but I didn't think she knew what I'd said. Her question didn't sound rhetorical or anything, thank God!

Bambi hung up the phone and I sorta didn't want to hang up mine because then I'd have to face the music, you know? Like a full symphony orchestra marching band of Jules demanding to know why I knew Lisa's mom for one thing, why I called her Bambi for another, and why I'd ask her for a crazy favor, and especially why I'd be red faced and whispering! Just like Bambi somehow knew I wasn't home alone, Julie knew something was going on and like any serious girlfriend who was trying to get pregnant, she wanted to know what it was!

"What's going on, Trent?" Julie asked, standing there with her hands on her hips and her jaw sticking out like she wanted a fight.

I'd never seen a girl look like that before and it sorta frightened me.

"What?" I asked innocently, putting the phone down and trying to find the right expression to hide my guilt.

"Why did you call Lisa's mom?" Jules wanted to know. "And why do you even know her?"

"I met her before," I shrugged, trying to look completely unconcerned, but inside I felt like I was dying. Like, what if Jules broke up with me? The thought made me feel kinda sick to my stomach.

"Where? How? You just met Lisa on Sunday."

At the mention of Lisa's name, I'm sure some sort of look passed over my face. I couldn't help it, no more than I could control my thoughts when Lisa talked about Julie. I'd fallen in love with both of them somehow and maybe a couple days before I could have denied that, but not anymore. It totally sucked too because I didn't want to lose either of them, you know?

"You're Lisa's new boyfriend!" Julie blinked at me and her tuition thing worked just fine.

"Jules..." I stepped closer, putting my hands on her hips and looking down into her big brown eyes.

She seemed so small right then, and she was pretty little anyway, but you know what I mean. Julie felt soft and warm and looked so beautiful with her wavy brown hair falling around her heart-shaped face. Her pert little nose and pouting lips begged to be kissed and I could even see the barely there mounds of her tits, just fat nipples really, rising and falling beneath her dress. Jules made my heart hurt, she looked so beautiful to me just then, and I felt the kind of fear a kid feels when he can't find his best, favorite toy and thinks it's gone forever.

" ... I love you," I whispered. "Don't be mad at me, okay?"

"You jerk!" she practically yelled, pushing against my chest with her tiny hands, but I wasn't gonna let her go. I couldn't.

"I'm sorry," I told her, but that had to be the totally wrong thing to say. I mean, it made me sound completely guilty!

"She's my best friend!" Julie said, sort of twisting and squirming and I pulled her against me and wrapped my arms around her.

"I love you," I repeated, not knowing what else to say as we wrestled right there in the hallway beneath the stairs.

"I hate you!" Julie did yell that time and she kicked my left shin and half-slapped, half-pushed my face.

We were really wrestling too, that's the only word for it. Jules really wanted to get away from me and I knew if she did, I'd never get her back. There was no way I could let her go, not while she was mad at me. I kept thinking that if I made it up to her somehow, it would be okay. Like if I showed her how much I loved her, Jules would have to forgive me and everything would be alright again. To do that though, I needed her to stay. I needed her to give me a chance, even if she didn't want to.

"Umph!" we both kind of grunted and gasped as we fell onto the carpeted floor. Mostly on me, but we rolled around and I got Julie underneath me.

She was pretty strong for being such a little girl, but being a boy and a couple years older I had a lot of advantage. Plus I think I was more desperate to keep Julie than she was to get away, if that makes any sense. She could have fought me a lot harder than she did, dirtier too because I saw a real fight between two girls once and they were crazy! Like totally mean, you know? Jules just sorta ... wrestled with me and then stopped when I got her on her back.

"Let me go," she breathed, all red faced and sweating after a really fast three or four minutes of struggling.

"I just want to explain," I said a little breathlessly myself and wondering how I'd ever be able to explain anything.

"She said they had sex and everything!" Jules told me, meaning Lisa and me, and then she tried to get away again.

We wrestled for a couple minutes without really going anywhere. I'd gotten on Julie's chest, laying on her body and using my weight to hold her down. When she tried kicking at me and pushing me off with her feet, I worked my way between her thighs, forcing them apart beneath her scrunched up dress until my crotch pressed against hers. I held her wrists in my hands above her head, not too tightly or anything, but tight enough that she couldn't hit me or push me away.

I could feel her heart pounding against mine as I lay on top of her and Julie's eyes were wet, but she hadn't really been crying. We were both hot and kind of sticky with sweat, flushed and pink with our efforts, and I swear I'd never seen a girl look so beautiful in my life as Jules did right then. My dick was hard as a rock too! Not like I got off on forcing her to do anything or making her helpless, except maybe that was a small part of it. No. Mostly she just made my dick hard because I loved her so much and being on top of her and wanting her and needing her and...

"Mmmph! No!" Julie turned her head from side to side as I kissed her, keeping her soft lips tight together and breathing hard through her nose.

"Please," I whispered, following her mouth with mine, feeling desperate and a little voice told me that if I kissed her it would be okay somehow.

"Stop ... No ... I don't like you anymore!" Jules huffed and puffed, making faces at me and squirming like crazy.

"Yeah you do," I told her, praying it was true. "I love you. Jules..."

The crazy part was that Julie had wrapped her legs around my waist and all her squirming around really had the bulge in my jeans rubbing against her panty clad pussy! I mean, we were like fucking, sorta dry humping or whatever, and I'd grind the ache of my swollen cock against her as hard as I could too. It felt great like that and every time I did it, Jules would groan and her legs would get even tighter, the heels of her shoes digging into the small of my back almost painfully. She'd worn real shoes, since she'd worn a real dress, but I barely noticed.

"I hate you!" Julie said again and then she let me kiss her.

I couldn't believe it. I couldn't understand it either, but she stopped shaking her head and didn't try and stop me when my tongue slipped into her mouth. Jules didn't really return my kisses right away though, so it seemed pretty strange and really frustrating! Kissing someone who isn't kissing you back is like ... nothing. It's worse than nothing and my heart hurt so badly for a moment that I almost gave up completely. Like I finally realized she might actually hate me!

But then Julie's tongue touched mine and she tickled me and licked me and then she went sort of crazy. Julie kissed me hard! Like Stacy kissed, sorta. Like a boy kisses maybe. Julie's tongue pushed past mine and into my mouth and I must have let her arms go, even though I didn't remember doing it, because Julie's hand found my neck and the other one started scratching my back through my shirt. Her legs tightened and relaxed, getting us into a rhythm kind of deal so that it seemed like we were really fucking while we made out.

"I hate you," she breathed, breaking our kiss just long enough for that and every time we stopped to drink some air, she said something. "You jerk!" and "Liar!" and "I hate you!" again, a bunch of times actually, and all I could tell her was...

"I love you."

"Put it in me," she whispered, kissing my ear and kind of biting on it while I kissed Julie's hair and bathed in the sensation of being with her.

The feel of her small body trapped under mine. The smell of her skin and hair, like clean and sweet and salty with sweat. Hearing her soft, high-pitched voice telling me she didn't like me and yet her arms and legs and mouth wouldn't let me go. I didn't understand any of it, but I wasn't arguing either. She punished me with her words, but forgave me with her body. Maybe. I wasn't entirely sure what it meant and probably no man does. It's a woman thing and only sometimes, just when she hasn't been completely broken inside and doesn't want to be. Maybe.

"Hurry," Julie breathed, holding my face with both hands on my cheeks so she could stare into my eyes.

"Yeah," I agreed, moving and trying to reach between us while Jules started kissing me again.

She didn't make it easy, I'll tell you that much! Julie didn't want to let me go, but we were both hot for it and desperate too, I think. I know I was desperate anyway and Jules wouldn't stop kissing me for anything! I fumbled with my pants and got them undone and down my thighs. I had to yank and tug at her dress and it seemed more like a bed sheet or something. Like, where was the end of it? It hadn't looked that big before, but I finally got it out of the way and found her panties with my fingers.

Jules moaned into my mouth as my hand brushed her pussy. God! She felt like a furnace down there! A wet one! The girl had gotten soaked and the heat washed across my fingers as I slid them beneath the taut cotton from the side. I just kind of grabbed them and started yanking, jerking her body and breaking our kiss as Jules giggled and nodded her head. She relaxed her legs enough that I could almost sit up on my knees and I bet nobody had ever gotten a girl's panties off as quickly as I did just then.

I got her underwear down her legs and then over her shoes as Julie let me go, and then I got my own pants and underwear off completely. I smiled down at her, Julie lying on the floor in the hallway with her pretty dress bunched around her hips and her bare naked pussy all pink and puffy and wet enough that I could see her juices glistening. My cock strained and throbbed and little spasms would make it jerk up and down as we looked at each other. It was a defining moment, or something, like this had to be fate or whatever. We were supposed to be together, I thought, me and Julie forever.

Oh man! Jules felt tighter than ever! Like the first time we'd done it in her bed and she'd been a virgin, this felt the same way! I could feel her pussy lips spreading around the head of my dick and then the intense warmth of her moist hole being filled with my big cock. I mean, big compared to her, you know. Julie's pussy was so small and snug that she made me feel huge!

"Ohhhh ... Uhmm! Ah!" Julie sighed and then gasped with her brown eyes suddenly big and bright when my cock found the bottom of her pussy.

"Sorry," I whispered, since I hadn't really meant to shove all of my dick inside her all at once. That's what I'd done though, like just jammed it into her as far as I could with one long push.

"Shut up!" she giggled weakly, taking a deep breath as her arms tightened around my neck. Her legs had gone back around my waist too and my thirteen-year-old girlfriend pulled me tight against her.

"Okay," I smiled back and then kissed her. "Does it hurt?"

"Noooo..." she breathed. "I like it ... all the way, uh-huh ... uh-huhmmm..."

We didn't really fuck right away, which seemed sorta weird because that's exactly what we both wanted. Just making out seemed perfect though, kissing Jules while my cock filled her tight little pussy completely. I couldn't move at all, like pull back or whatever, Julie wanted me to stay deep inside and the soft walls of her sex seemed to grab my dick and squeeze. Relax and squeeze. Over and over with strange, amazing contractions that were almost indescribable. Jesus! She was fucking me without even moving, you know?

And the kissing had to be the best part for her. Jules always liked kissing anyway and after just a minute or two, with my tongue caressing the inside of her mouth, she started cumming. I could feel it too! Her pussy got even tighter somehow and she pulled herself against me, lifting her butt off the floor and rolling her hips. I felt her body getting tight everywhere, inside and out, and Julie's tongue flicked over and around mine like crazy! Her pussy pulled at my dick too. She didn't just squeeze me, she pulled like I'd somehow get even deeper than I was, but that was impossible!

"Oh God! I love you!" she gasped. "I love you! I love you! I love you!"

She kept saying it over and over and I'd started moving. I had to fuck her. My cock throbbed inside her pussy and I couldn't just lay there on top of her. I had to fuck her and cum. My balls were so tight that they almost hurt with the need for release. I rocked my hips into the girl, sliding my dick back and forth and feeling her amazing pussy wrapped around me completely. I bit her bottom lip and nibbled it gently. I sucked her tongue. I moved my chest over her puffy tits and held Julie's shoulders with my hands, keeping her still as I started fucking her good and hard.

I didn't last very long like that, believe me! A couple minutes later I felt my cum rising and I covered Julie's mouth completely with mine. I held her so tightly that I might have been hurting her, except Jules kept kissing me back. She breathed into my lungs and her heart pounded against my chest. Her hands were on my back, clutching me to her as my orgasm exploded into the depths of her womb. I came like a madman, spewing hot semen right up against the bottom of her pussy. My balls were snug against Julie's upturned butt and we were grinding then, not really fucking at all.

She came again too. Whimpering softly and blinking as tears filled her eyes. I loved it when Julie had those kinds of cums, the really intense kind, the emotional ones or whatever. Her first one had been different, like just physical maybe, but this one ... yeah! She could feel my sperm shooting towards her womb and Jules knew I loved her. She had to. I couldn't hide it. Everything else in the world got blotted out when I filled her with my ball juice and all I could think of was that we were making a baby inside her fertile, seventh grade belly.

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