A Daughter's Challenge - Cover

A Daughter's Challenge

by Prince Charming

Copyright© 2009 by Prince Charming

Romantic Sex Story: Her father was drinking and she had no one but him. Some how she had to hold on to him and what better way than love? Not an easy decision to make for her but she does after a lot of deliberation and yes the story moves slowly.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fan Fiction   Incest   Father   Daughter   First   Safe Sex   Slow   .

Subha yarned, shifted in the couch and looked at the time in the dim light the T V provided. It was 10.50 P M and still her father has not come home. She sighed and tried to loose herself in the T V before her. She could not watch the serial, it was the same recurrent story of a woman avenging another woman. It seemed the T V channels could not think up any new ideas for the serials. Frustrated she switched off the T V and sat in the darkness, her hands covering her face. She tried to stifle the tears that threatened to flow and with an effort steadied herself.

Less than three months ago when her mother passed away suddenly due to brain fever the responsibility of running the home and looking after her father fell heavily on her. After finishing school she could not attend college because their financial situation would not permit it. Her parents had the responsibility of saving money for her marriage and with the small income from the fancy store her father ran, it was hard. After a lot of convincing she had finally taken up her present job in a ready made garment show room as a sales girl. Most of the other employees also were girls there and so her parents reluctantly agreed. Her pay helped their savings and they let her work.

After her mother's untimely death, she had to do the house work also and it was tiring her. But her father was neglecting his shop and had started drinking and her salary had become a must now. She could not understand why her father was drinking when her mother had not been a good wife so to speak when she was alive and he had no reason to miss her. She nagged and bitched a lot and her father never got along well with her. Still here he is neglecting his business and drinking every evening, not even thinking of his adult daughter.

Subha was worried and did not know what to do. She had tried talking to him, reasoned with him, even fought with him to no avail. Every night he came home late, fully drunk and went to bed with his cloths on. At first Subha did not know how to handle it but now she undressed him every night and made him comfortable in his bed. It was hard for her since being a virgin at nineteen and having never seen a naked man before, seeing her own father naked was embarrassing to say the least. But she did it and never regretted it for she loved him. He had been a good father all along, loving her and being there for her always. In fact she was more closer to her dad than her mother from the start.

She came out of her reverie when she heard noise outside. She switched on the lights and opened the door. Her father staggered in and she helped him and led him to his bedroom. He fell on the bed babbling incoherently. Swiftly she undressed him and made him comfortable and with an aching heart she went to her bed. Some thing must be done to get her father back in gear and she had no clue as to how she could do it. Just what would give her father the motive not to drink and be normal she needed to find out. With this thought and pain in her heart she faded into sleep at last.

Sleep gives us the peace we never seem able to feel when wide awake. Sleep also refreshes us physically and emotionally. Often we go to sleep with problems in our mind and wake up with the solution falling into place from no where. That is just what happened in this case or at least a possible solution starred at her when she woke up in the morning. Suddenly she remembered the gossip of older women when she had visited her village in her early teens. Village folks liked to bathe in the river and when they did they talked about their personal affairs. Most of the talk would be about sex, either bragging or complaining. She now vividly remembered a discussion that suggested this possible solution to her.

"My husband comes home late every day and invariably he is too tired to wait for me in bed. By the time I come to bed he would be snoring," A young woman was saying.

"The idea my dear girl, is to interest him when he comes home late or early and that would make him wait for you," a much older woman responded.

"What do you mean, ma?" the young woman said interest showing in her wide open eyes.

"Give him a hint of what is in store for him as soon as he enters the house and then keep him interested,"

"How ma?"

"You stupid girl," the older woman winked at the others, "God has given you enough charms and why can't you flaunt them for him to see? After all it is there for him anyway,"

The younger woman had blushed furiously and had been silent. But the older woman was not finished yet.

"No man who gets good fun in bed would sleep without sex even if he is dead tired," She laughed loud.

"You women are too proud or shy and won't show your husbands what they want to see," the whole gang of women had guffawed at that and the young woman had ran away embarrassed and shy.

She had not understood this talk at that time and had thought of it many times. But now when the conversation flooded back, she understood what the older woman had meant. But there was one snag and that was a damn big snag. Her father was not her husband to flaunt her charms and keep him interested. Her daughterly love has failed to keep him home or from drinking, so this is no solution at all. So thought Subha and all during the day the same thoughts recurred and by the time she was back home and was busy with her chores, she was still not clear how this solution will help her.

When she had finished her dinner, she came and sat in the hall, resigned to wait for her father. Absently she switched on the T V but switched it off almost immediately as her mind was in turmoil. She closed her eyes and tried to think of a way out. As though helping her a scene played out in her mind. it happened almost two years ago and she had forgotten it till this day. But suddenly she remembered.

It was during her school final exams. Every night she would study and revise all through the night with one or two hours sleep and then rush through her morning toilet before going to school. One day she was in such a hurry that she did not take change of clothes with her when she went to the bathroom for her shower. After the shower cursing herself she had wrapped the flimsy cotton towel around her and had come out of the bath room. The towel covered her breasts and came only to the middle of her thigh. Her shoulders and legs were bare. The flimsy fabric could not hide her breasts or her naked skin properly and it was almost a see through. As she ran to her room she had seen her father gapping at her with a look in his eyes that was haunting. She had only blushed then and did not really understand the meaning of her father's look. But then when she breakfasted and then was leaving for school she felt her fathers eyes following her and it had surprised and shocked her. She had felt or thought his look was lustful.

Now thinking back of that event, suddenly Subha felt elated. Her father was interested and aroused by her looks. She now tried to think back and many things came back to her mind that shouted her father admired her looks when ever he got a chance and it was never fatherly. She still remembered the only time she wore a Jean and tight T shirt at home out of curiosity and showed off to her parents. Her mother had scolded her but her father had admired her and had said she looked beautiful. She tried to remember where his eyes had been when he had said that and remembered, he had been staring at her straining breasts.

"Go inside and get those things off you Subha, do you want to look like a whore?" her mother's words had stung then and stung even now. With tears she had retreated to her room and changed.

She wondered now if she could flaunt her charms to her father so he would stay home and not drink. But then she can't follow it up by giving him what he would want after and that disappointed her. She can't do this or could she? Suddenly she sat up right. If she left her father to his drinking ways sooner or later he will ruin his health and his business as well. He would either become a sick man or die on her. She shivered at the thought. If her father fell sick or died she had no one to go to for help. Family she knew would shy away if she approached them for help. Her own income would not be enough to take care of her. These thoughts new and yet so true glared at her. Further she loved him and did not want him to die or get sick.

The gloom depressed her and she began to cry. When her father came home that night she did her duty and then retired to her bed afraid and confused. Their family being conservative, the task before her seemed monumental. She tried to close her mind to these thoughts and tried to sleep. But sleep would not come and after tossing about for a while, she sat up in the bed and tried to sort out her thoughts.

Her father was her sole problem and she had no one to go to for help; whatever is to be done must be done by her and soon. This much was clear to her. But how and what to do was her dilemma. Talking and even fighting did not help and now a solution has come to her mind but its taboo nature confused her. She now concentrated on this seemingly only solution presently available to her. It meant that she should use her charms to hold her father in check. Using her charm was easy enough but she must also face the consequences and can she do it, was the question she has to answer.

The consequences meant she go against the traditions and norms of being a good daughter. She has to elevate/degrade herself from daughter to the role of a wife which automatically would mean that she have sex with her own father. This to her conservative up bringing was the impossible task. Even if she prepared herself to take up this task how will her father react, will he accept her new role as a wife meekly? Can she be good enough to revive her father and make him as he was before? What if her father misunderstood her intentions and should hate her?

Questions, questions, exasperated she began to cry. Why is she in this predicament? Why can't her father be responsible? The society is always ready to find fault with anything abnormal or against the set traditions and yet will this same society help her if she took her problems to them? Even while crying, these questions came to her mind and she was getting more and more upset. Finally with no decisions made she fell asleep exhausted.

The next morning she was in a nasty mood and when her father came for break fast, contrary to her usual calm she was abrupt in her replies to him and he on his part left the table half way through the breakfast. When her father had gone out she quickly dressed and went out to a phone booth called her shop and told them she is unwell and can't come to work that day. That settled she came home and busied herself preparing lunch. Her situation irked her and she was hating herself. She had treated her father badly today, granted he deserved it and still she could not forgive herself for being so nasty.

After preparing lunch she started with washing cloths just to keep herself busy and not think. But after lunch, she felt tired and went to bed but could not sleep. Once again the same questions came back to her and tears began to flow on their own. How long she cried she had no idea but then she steadied herself with an effort. Tears would not answer her question but thinking may. So she started once again to think of her situation but this time in a more realistic way.

Her only solution at present was to seduce her father and get him back on foot. If she could motivate him by giving herself to him, then her problem would be solved. Once again the big question of whether she could give herself to her father and how he would react came to her mind. First she started with herself. With no other alternative in sight she decided she will seduce him and give herself to him. Giving herself would not be difficult she thought. For one thing she loved her father and he, at 44 looked far younger and though not a handsome man was good looking and healthy apart from his drinking. She knew he would not be aversive to her physically anyway. These thoughts excited her and she realized thoughts of sex with her father aroused her.

The next was his reaction. It is tricky and not predictable. He may or may not accept her but she must take the risk anyway. After all he is a man and her feminine charms are sure to arouse him if she could present them right ... That settled, she went to the final and biggest question of all; how to seduce him. She did not have the courage to seduce him when he was sober and she accepted it. His drunken state may in fact be a great help for her and it would be much easier for her to seduce him. But it will be temporary and not lasting for her purpose. She needed to give herself to him in such a way that he would want her and need her forever.

How to go about the seduction was her present problem and she thought for a long time on that. Nothing she could think of sounded good or right. Finally deciding to act according to the situation required, she relaxed and turned to sleep. To her horror she found her legs sticky and realized she is wet between her legs. The thought of seducing her father had turned her on and she did not know whether to be pleased or ashamed. However it helped her to justify her decision and with that calming her mind she went to sleep peacefully.

When she woke up dusk had already fallen and the room was almost dark. Quickly she got up switched on the lights and then went to the bathroom to have a bath. Now that she has made up her mind, she did not want to delay. Any delay on her part could chicken her out and she was not ready for that. She stripped herself naked and stood before the bathroom mirror. It was not full size and showed only her upper body. She was proud of her round cheerful face and the long black hair. Her eyes seemed to twinkle and her firm young breasts stood out proudly with the nipples erect. She felt the ache in them and gently massaged them. She backed away a little to see below her waist and what she saw satisfied her. Her legs were shapely though not long. Her thighs silken smooth and between her legs her pubic hair was thick and black, almost hiding her feminine opening.

As she looked, she felt moisture begin between her legs and quickly opened the shower and allowed the cold water to drip down her. She closed her eyes and shut out the erotic thoughts that suddenly seemed to envelop her. She wanted to be fresh and cheerful for the task in hand. She had no idea if she would enjoy the seduction and the love making after but she wanted to make it as pleasant as possible for her father. She tried to convince herself that she is forced into this situation and is doing this only because she had no other way out. Yet she could not hide her excitement or crush it out. She finished her bath quickly and came out of the room with the towel wrapped around her.

In the bedroom she could not help looking at herself in the full sized mirror. With only the towel to hide her nakedness and that too only partially, she looked sexy and pretty she thought. But she could not wait this way until late for her father and with that thought in mind she put on a night gown and dried her hair and combed it. She left the hair loose and put on her usual facial cream and powder. She smelled good with the scented soap still lingering on her and the facial cream and powder adding to the fragrance. She went to the kitchen and prepared dinner quickly. As her father never had dinner at home these days it was easy and quick.

Returning to the bedroom, she rummaged among her dresses to find one that would be sexy and revealing. The dress must be revealing her charms she thought and smiled. One by one she discarded the dresses until she came to a midi she had worn only once before, that too two years ago when she visited a friend in the city. It stopped above her knees and showed off her legs from knee down. It was tight fitting and would highlight her thighs. She then looked for the blouse she had worn along with it. It was a loose silk blouse, reached only down to her naval and would cling to her breasts and show them off. If she unbuttoned the top button her cleavage would be revealed and that, she felt would be revealing enough. When she lifts her hands the blouse will go up and show her flat abdomen and if she is not careful part of her breasts too. The thought was exciting. She can't go too far with her dress but must reveal just enough to interest her father.

Taking off her night gown she put on the Midi and the blouse without any undergarments and looked in the mirror to make sure it fit her perfectly after the two years. It did and even without a bra her breasts stood out against the clinging silk fabric and the midi was too tight against her legs and came a little higher than when she had worn it two years ago. There was also sufficient gap between the hem of her blouse and the Midi showing off her young flat abdomen. The midi was a little uncomfortable but she decided to manage with it. No other dress she had would be appropriate for this special occasion. Satisfied with her preparation, she went out to the hall and sat down on the couch. She switched on the T V and tried to enjoy the serial.

Time dragged on slowly, painfully. The tight Midi and the silk blouse were exciting her soft skin. She was becoming more and more conscious of her dress and her purpose. The very nature of the adventure she has undertaken and the wrongness of it was telling on her. Her feminine needs were coming to the fore and the anticipation of the event was arousing her. Her eyes were fixed on the T V but her thoughts wandered. Finally when she heard her father arrive she switched on the hall lights before going to the door.

She took a deep breathe to brace herself then opened the door with a smile on her face. As usual her father staggered into the house and stopped dead in his tracks. Subha, ignoring his shocked surprise and stare, closed the door and had to lift her hands up to bolt it. As she did her blouse also rose up exposing her naked midriff. Her father had one hand on her shoulder and stood rooted to the spot his eyes fixed on her.

"You been to some place?" He asked harshly.

"No Dad,"

"But yer dressed up,"

She blushed and replied," I just wore it for the fun of it Dad, don't you like it?"

His hand on her shoulder tightened and he lurched pulling her with him. She lost balance and fell on him and both struggled in an effort not to fall. In the process their bodies met and his hands went around her protectively. He still lurched and Subha felt her breasts press against his chest and gently she pushed him a little away from her and then pulled his right hand around her shoulder circling his waist with her left supporting him and led him to his bedroom. As they staggered his right hand slipped down and his palm touched her right breast. She said nothing and walked on. His palm slowly cupped her breast and still she said nothing nor looked at him and walked on.

Once inside the bedroom she stopped deliberately and with her right hand closed the bedroom door, shutting out the hall light. In the darkness her father's left hand also came to rest on her left breast and when she did not move or object, his hands began to gently knead her breasts. The excitement was too much for her and she felt her knees weaken and leaned closer to him laying her head on his shoulder. Afraid she may scare him away she stifled her moan and buried her face on his shoulder. Reeling as he stood, he kneaded her breasts and mumbled some thing she could not make out. For a while they stood transfixed there he cherishing the feel of her and she entranced by his action.

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