Prey of the Incubus - Cover

Prey of the Incubus

Copyright© 2009 by SacredHarlot

Chapter 2

Fantasy Sex Story: Chapter 2 - An incubus marks his prey and will not be stopped from claiming them, whether his prey wishes to belong to him or not. Humans, Imps, Vampires...none of them are safe from the lustful need of the incubus once he marks them as his own. It's when those women encounter one another that things truly get interesting.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Reluctant   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Paranormal   Vampires   Swinging   Polygamy/Polyamory   First   Anal Sex  

He had always told her she would belong to him. On the night he took her virginity several years before he had told her she would belong to him no matter who she gave her body too, no matter whom she tied her life too, she would remain his, first and foremost.

It was her wedding day. She had turned to Camyron over the years, trying to deny the longing she felt for the demon that had initiated her into the world of lust and passion and had chosen to marry him as her childhood betrothal dictated. He had attended the wedding, naturally. His presence lurking in the background, his eyes fixed to her body the entire time. She could sense him there, he could tell, the way her eyes kept shifting in his direction, the nervous little lick of her lips, all gave away the unease his presence caused within her. Unease that simply brought a self satisfied smile to his lips that left the other guests wondering just what had put it there.

He watched from the back as she tied her life to another, to a man he knew would not care for her as she deserved. He could see that they wouldn't last but such was not his affair. For the time being he had no desire to have her in his home all the time, his life did not permit for a permanent mate at the moment, so if she chose to fill her life with this sod in between his visits to her, who was he to complain? He could share her, to an extent. For now.

Except for tonight. Tonight he would rule her entire world and she would be reminded who she ultimately belonged to.

The festivities lasted the entire evening, the whole of the kumpania turning out to celebrate the marriage of two people who had been raised by their queen. As her sister it was only natural he be a part of the celebration. He could feel Jana's anticipation, knew she expected him to approach her, to dance, to kiss the bride, to offer up his good wishes. Not once did he go near her though, his presence lurking in the background, his eyes never leaving her as she danced with Camyron and toasted her new marriage. She felt his gaze, he knew it, he could feel her awareness radiating off of her in waves, and it pleased him to know that her focus was upon him even on her wedding day.

Finally the evening wore down and the bride and groom were escorted to the wedding vardo (The wagons lived in by gypsies), this wagon larger than most as the bed within was made especially for a couple's wedding night. He watched as they disappeared within the vardo, a dark smile tugging at his lips as he lingered when the others began to depart for their own homes. Leaning against the side of the covered wagon he listened to them within. It was easy to discern the sounds of clothing being removed; the beginning signs of passion as Camyron claimed what he assumed was his virgin bride. He would laugh at the thought if it would not give his presence away. He would get a woman whose body had already been well and truly claimed, and he was here to remind her of that.

It wasn't long before the sounds within quieted and with a smirk he shook his head. Camyron obviously did not have much stamina. He was patient though, waiting until he was sure that both the occupants of the vardo were sleeping.

He was an incubus, the realm of dreams was within his control, and it was that power that he called upon now, slipping into Camyron's dreamscape to lull him into the deepest sleep he could, assuring he would sleep through the night regardless of any commotion within the vardo. Nothing would wake him until Morlis released him from the dream vice he had woven tightly around his would be rival.

Finally he was able to approach the door to the vardo, a quick glance given around the clearing to be sure no one watched him enter. He was here to reinforce his claim on her body, not make her an outcast amongst the narrow minded romani. Easing inside he closed the door quickly behind him, the widened vardo providing him a clear view of her upon the large bed, Camyron's body next to her. He had already rolled away, curled up to the side of the bed, his back facing her. Good, that worked perfectly for him.

She slept but not peacefully, that much was obvious as her body writhed gently on the bed. The sheet slipped, dropping from her breasts and his eyes devoured her body, his cock hardening at the sight of her. With a muffled moan she flopped over, her back now facing him as her front faced Cameron's back. Slowly he approached the bed, his clothing seeming to dissipate into nothingness as he walked. Upon reaching the edge of the bed he drew back the sheet that covered her and lowered himself gently to the mattress carefully so as not to awaken her.

Resting on his right side he faced her back, his left hand reaching out to slide along her hip as he drew her back against him. She shifted fitfully in her sleep, her ass arching back to brush teasingly across his already swollen cock. A low hiss emitted from his lips and his left arm slid around her body, anchoring her to him as his hand slipped between her thighs. For a woman who had supposedly just has sex, she was barely moist and again he shook his head Camyron's ineptitude.

Again she shifted in his arms, his touch no doubt causing her dreams to take a decidedly more sensual turn and he grinned gently when she moaned. Slipping his fingers between the folds of her pussy he began to stroke her clit, teasing the sensitive nub until her hips arched against his fingers, her body writhing back against him as her passion starved body responded to his touch.

Slowly he slid his right hand beneath her head, his arm coming around the front so that his hand could rest across her mouth, muffling her cries as her arousal grew. Leaning next to her ear he whispered gently, "Wake up Jana ... I'm here to remind you who you belong to."

The sultry whisper was enough to draw her from her sleep with a start. Her eyes flared wide as she realized he was there, pressed to her back, his fingers teasing her clit with her new husband of only a few hours only a foot away on the same bed. A cry of alarm muffled against his hand, more out of disorientation than any real fear of him. Gently he whispered against her ear, his voice soothing any panic that she might be feeling.

"Don't be afraid baby ... you know I won't hurt you," His melodic voice drew her in and eased all fear from her body.

"Do you remember when I took you before ... when you fucked me so wantonly on the forest floor when you were younger? I told you then ... no matter who you gave yourself too, or who you tied your life too, you still belonged to me. That hasn't changed," his final words issued on a possessive growl as his fingers slid down from her clit to slide into her pussy, two thick digits filling her moist depths as he began to pump his fingers in and out of her.

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