You Won'T Believe What Happens to Crystal! - Cover

You Won'T Believe What Happens to Crystal!

Copyright© 2009 by Vulgus

Chapter 1

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 1 - A pretty high school senior with submissive tendencies is taken under the wing of a dominant classmate. The funny thing is, she didn't even know she was a submissive until someone started telling her what to do!

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/ft   Mult   Consensual   Reluctant   Slavery   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Daughter   MaleDom   Humiliation   Gang Bang   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism  

The last class of the day is over. I had just put my books in my locker and grabbed what I need for my homework tonight. I was walking down the hall toward the door when JJ appeared beside me. We don’t really know each other. Well, we know each other. We see each other around school. We’re even taking a class together this year. We’re both seniors in the same high school but he’s been held back a couple of times during his school career and is at least a couple of years older than me and most of the rest of the class.

I’m seventeen, so JJ is at least nineteen. He’s one of the few black kids in our mostly white school. I don’t really know him. But I’m aware of him. I doubt if we’ve exchanged a dozen words in all the time we’ve been in the same school. He’s one of the better-known jocks while I’m kind of a non-entity just floating along pretty much unnoticed.

JJ is big and imposing. He always seems so self-assured and maybe just a little scary. I’m embarrassed to admit that I feel that way. When it’s appropriate we say hello or nod. But as I said, I don’t remember ever having an actual conversation with him. We don’t really have anything in common to talk about.

That isn’t because he’s black, if that’s what you’re thinking. We just hang out with different people and have different interests. To be honest, I doubt if he’s much more than vaguely aware of my existence.

I didn’t think anything of it when he suddenly was there walking beside me. We were both floating along in the river of kids trying to make it to the front door and go home. In fact, I hardly even noticed him until he started to talk to me. He asked me if I’m on my way home.

I thought it was curious he’d ask inasmuch as it was pretty much the first thing he’s ever said to me. I wondered why he wanted to know. I didn’t ask, though. Instead, I meekly responded that I am. I felt uncomfortable, as if I should say something more. But I couldn’t think of anything to say.

He told me to come with him. He’s going to drive me home. He just stated it. It was a simple matter of fact. It wasn’t an offer. It wasn’t even really an order. He just told me he’s driving me home!

That was totally out of the blue! I didn’t quite know how to respond. The funny thing is, I followed him! Once we got outside and were on our way to the student parking lot I tried to ask him why he’s offering me a ride home. He just smiled and continued walking as if I hadn’t spoken at all.

We continued walking to his car in silence. When we got there he opened the car door and held it for me.

I wanted to tell him I’d just as soon walk home. The words were in my head. For some reason the words didn’t come out. I slid into the passenger seat and he walked around to the other side and got in.

As strange as it seems, I wasn’t scared. I’m more than a little curious. But for some reason I wasn’t afraid. I don’t know what he’s thinking, why he has taken it upon himself to drive me home, but I’m pretty sure I’ve never said or done anything to upset him.

I tried to ask him again what he wants from me but he just ignored me and concentrated on fighting the traffic getting out of the school parking lot. It wasn’t until we were out of the parking lot and on the road that he relaxed and started talking but I’m a little bit distracted when I realize he knows where I live. He never asked for my address or directions. He’s just driving toward my house!

He told me he has been watching me for a while and he noticed something about me. He told me in a calm, quiet, matter of fact voice that I’m different from the other girls. He wasn’t offering an opinion. He was stating it as a fact.

I didn’t know what he was talking about. I haven’t given it much thought. But except that I may be a little smarter than most of them I don’t think I’m any different than the other girls. I’m pretty sure that I have all of the same parts. As far as I can tell I’m just a normal high school senior. I asked him to explain.

He responded by asking me if I know what a submissive is. He could read my mind at that moment because I felt my face instantly turning bright red. And it got so much worse when I realized he’s aware of my instant reaction. For just a split second I was afraid he really could read my mind, not just interpret my reaction!

The funny thing is, until he just put a label on it I’m pretty certain I didn’t know there was a word for people with fantasies like mine. Not until I heard him say it. But I knew as soon as he said it he was talking about me, or people like me. And I knew that he knew from my reaction he was right. I couldn’t hide my reaction. The look on my face confirmed his accusation, although it had been more a statement of fact than an accusation.

I was too embarrassed to speak at first. When I finally got my breath, when I was finally able to speak, I asked him to let me out of the car so I could walk home.

He just chuckled and continued driving. As he continued down the road, his voice deep and confident, he simply said, “I knew it.”

I want to ask him how he knew. To the best of my knowledge I’ve never said or done anything to even hint at my secret fantasies. I want to open my mouth and confidently deny it. I want to put everything back the way it was fifteen minutes ago. But for some reason there seems to be a disconnect between my brain and my mouth. I couldn’t say anything.

It was quiet for a few minutes. Finally he glanced over at me with a disturbingly arrogant expression on his face as he drove towards my house. He said, “We gotta talk.”

That seemed to settle it ... for both of us!

We pulled up into my driveway. He shut the car off and got out without even looking at me. He came around to my side and held my door for me. He took my arm and guided me to my front door. He wasn’t being rough ... just very, very confident. All of this was done in total silence. It never even occurred to me to refuse him, to tell him that he couldn’t come in.

Well, that isn’t entirely true. It occurred to me. But I didn’t say it out loud. Instead, I found myself wondering how he seems to know no one is home. Has he been watching me? Does he know her hours? That’s scary!

I started to say something a couple of times on the way to the door. I tried to tell him my mother doesn’t allow me to have boys in the house when she isn’t home. I tried to tell him, well, I don’t know, just that I don’t want to have this talk. My kinky fantasies are none of his damn business!

Except for a few awkward sounds nothing came out and I never offered any sort of resistance as he led me to my door.

He stood beside me as I unlocked the front door and we went inside. I dropped my book bag in the foyer and we went into the kitchen. I poured myself a glass of juice. JJ didn’t want anything but I need something to drink. My mouth is so dry I can’t swallow. I took my glass and we went into the living room and sat facing each other.

He stared at me in silence for a few minutes while I sipped my juice and wished it contained alcohol. He looked calm and smug and very much in control. It was very unnerving.

I tried to meet his gaze but I couldn’t. I belatedly considered defying him. But it just wasn’t in me. I finally gave up and stared down at the floor. I tried to act calm. I tried to act as though this strange situation was nothing out of the ordinary. But the fact that I’m having trouble breathing probably told him how scared I am. At least I think what I’m feeling is fear.

I sipped my juice in silence while he just seemed to relax and watch me. He seemed amused. I managed to moisten my dry mouth. But for the most part I just sat there, pliant, submissive, just as he apparently knew that I would.

I waited breathlessly, waiting for him to say something. It suddenly occurred to me that in so doing I’m giving him control. But it isn’t as if he doesn’t already realize that. And more to the point, there really isn’t anything I can do about it ... if, in fact, I want to do something about it and I’m beginning to wonder.

“I’ve been watching you for a while,” he said at last. “Watching you and checking up on you. I know you and your mother have lived alone since your dad died when you were three.

“I know you weren’t allowed to date until last year when you turned sixteen. I know you’ve only dated three guys. The first was Gary Brooks. He popped your cherry on your fourth date.”

I looked up in shock and gasped loudly. There’s no way he could know that! Damn that Gary Brooks!

But then my befuddled brain focused and I remembered that not long after that momentous event in my life occurred it had become common knowledge, at least among Gary’s friends. The day after he separated me from my virginity he bragged about it to all of his friends. And to add insult to injury he never asked me out again. But at least it didn’t become common knowledge around the school, or I didn’t think it did.

I hated Gary after that. I still haven’t forgiven the loud mouth son of a bitch. But that was a year ago. How did JJ find that out now? Surely people aren’t still talking about it!

“You didn’t date anyone after Gary for a long time. Not until you went out with Jim Taylor. That didn’t last long. Jim is a wimp and you two only went out twice. When you were out together you were both bored stiff. Neither of you had anything to say to the other. And he was too much of a pussy to even try to get in your pants. He wasn’t what you need, Crystal. You just didn’t know it yet.”

He was quiet for a moment. I know he’s studying me. I heard the amusement in his voice a minute later when he said, “You know it now, though. Don’t you Crystal? You know you need someone strong to take control, to tell you what to do. There are games running around in your head that you’re dying to play.”

I didn’t even look up. I’m much too embarrassed to look JJ in the face. I know my own face is bright red again ... or still. I have always thought I kind of coasted under everyone’s radar. I didn’t think anyone outside of my immediate circle of friends knew or cared about me. Certainly not enough to investigate my dating habits!

“Your last few dates were with that loser Kevin Lewis,” JJ continued. “He took you out twice. And then on the third date he took you out to the lake and parked. He felt you up for a while and talked you into putting your mouth on his wimpy little pecker.

“You freaked out when he came in your mouth and all over your face. But he kept pushing and he managed to talk you down onto your back and he fucked you. He wasn’t any better the second time around. Just like when he got his cock in your mouth, he came in about five seconds.”

Indignantly, I finally demanded to know, “How do you know all of those things about me?! Why do you care? What do you want?!”

But I sound much too timid, even to my own ear. I didn’t demand an answer. I whined at him like a scared little girl. I didn’t even deny anything!

But even if it doesn’t sound like it I’m furious. I don’t want anyone knowing anything about my sex life, what little there was of it. I couldn’t believe that loser Kevin would admit to anyone what a lousy fuck he was. I wondered for a second or two if JJ took him aside and beat it out of him. I hope he did.

Now that it’s probably much too late I decided I had to act. I stood up suddenly and put my glass down. I was about to order JJ to get the hell out of my house and tell him to mind his own business. That isn’t the way it went. It isn’t that I lost control of the situation. We’re both well aware I never had control of it.

As soon as I stood up he looked at me with that smug, self assured look on his face. He’s almost daring me to say what I’m thinking.

I backed down immediately. What can I say? Everything he said was completely accurate. It’s far too humiliating to admit, but almost every night since I discovered the joys of masturbation my mind has been playing with these strange fantasies of being controlled, being helpless. Being used and abused.

HELPLESS!! God I love that word! It sends chills right down my spine. Or more correctly, it sends chills directly to my clit!

I can’t even remember how long I’ve enjoyed these fantasies and I have no idea where they came from. But the intensity of my fantasies grew when they received some fodder from an unexpected source a few months ago. I went into my mother’s bedroom looking for my scissors. She borrowed them earlier and I needed them for a project I was working on.

I couldn’t find them anywhere so I looked in the drawers of her nightstand. I received the shock of my life. I found several vibrators and six of the nastiest paperback books I could have ever imagined.

It was enough of a shock to discover that my super strait-laced mother owns vibrators. One of them is so lifelike that I couldn’t stop staring at it. But those books! I never even imagined books like those existed!

On the covers were realistic full color drawings of naked women and girls in bondage. The books were about women being kidnapped and raped, or blackmailed for that same purpose, or somehow forced into being sex slaves to large numbers of perverted men. I know because I read them!

I read the books. They didn’t take long to read, maybe an hour or so. I can’t say for sure because time really flew when I was reading them. While I read them I had one hand working furiously between my legs and I enjoyed orgasm after orgasm as I imagined myself in the often horrible situations described in the pages of the books, situations very much like the fantasies I’ve had for quite a while. After reading the books and realizing what turns my mother on I began to wonder if an interest in those fantasies is something she passed on to me in her genes.

Up until I discovered those books my fantasies were about being forced to undress in front of a man and let him do all kinds of vaguely sexual things to me. Everything I did in those fantasies I did against my will. I never failed to have an orgasm as these fantasies ran through my mind and I rubbed my tender, highly aroused pussy.

The books changed everything. Now I imagine that I’m being blackmailed or kidnapped and terribly abused. Things that never even occurred to me before I read the books are now common in my fantasies at night.

Before I found the books I would come home from school, do my homework and then start dinner. When my mother came home from work at around five thirty we ate and talked about our day.

Now I come home from school and go into her room. I get one of my mother’s dirty books and take it to my room. I quickly get undressed and masturbate until my pussy is numb while reading my favorite parts of whichever book I was in the mood for that day.

I probably don’t need the books. Not anymore. I’ve read them so many times that I know every word by heart. But it isn’t just the text that excites me. I love the perverse drawings of young women in extreme distress on the covers.

Almost as exciting is the list of similar books in the back that can be ordered through the mail. Just the titles are enough to stimulate new fantasies.

In real life, even though I’ve been stupid enough to let two different losers have sex with me, no boy has ever seen me naked. Neither of the two boys I had sex with even tried to take my top off! They only felt me up over it. Each of the boys took me to the lake and parked. They groped me roughly and then pushed just enough cloth out of their way so that they could hump me quickly on a blanket in the dark. Not one of those experiences had the slightest resemblance to my fantasies.

But as I stretched out on my bed with those books after school, in my fantasies I was forced to undress in front of any number of men and serve them sexually. I was forced to let them humiliate me in ways that no normal girl would even consider.

JJ is right. I’m a submissive, albeit a frustrated one. I just didn’t know there was a name for it.

He knows. I somehow found the courage to look into his eyes. I saw the confidence there and it sent shivers down my spine.

Yes. He knew. And I think it’s safe to assume I’m about to learn that he also knows how to treat a submissive.

JJ sat up straight in his chair and pointed to the floor in front of him. Without even thinking about it I crossed the room and stood in that space like a well trained dog. I stood there waiting mindlessly for whatever is going to happen to me next. But I’m not afraid. Well, maybe a little. But the fear is a part of the reason, no doubt a large part of the reason I’m so excited I’m actually having trouble breathing.

I watched as his large, strong, masculine black hand moved up and caressed my cheek. I stood unmoving as his fingertips traced my face and then moved down and cupped my right breast gently. He kneaded my breast through my clothing for a moment. Then he put his arm down and sat back in his seat.

“Take off your blouse and your skirt,” he said. “I want to see you in your underwear.”

I couldn’t believe it! He expects me to stand in my living room and undress in front of him! Until this very moment we’ve never even had a conversation! And this hasn’t been much of a conversation!

As incredible as it seems, even as those thoughts raced through my brain, my shaking fingers began unbuttoning my blouse. I paused after the last button was released. I took a deep, shuddering breath and slid my blouse off of my shoulders. I held it in front of me for a moment. And then I held my arm out to the side and dropped it on the floor.

My mind is screaming at me. I’m standing in front of a boy, a boy I hardly know, wearing nothing above the waist but my bra!!


My skirt was next. I didn’t even hesitate. I unfastened it slowly with my trembling fingers and slid it down off my hips. I stepped out of it and nearly fell over when I attempted to kick it out of the way. Now I stood obediently in front of JJ in my plain white bra and a pair of tight fitting nylon panties. I’m terrified. And I’ve never been so excited in my fucking life! This is even more exciting than my mother’s dirty books!

“Beautiful! Turn around slowly.”

I kept my eyes focused on the distant walls as I slowly turned in a complete circle for JJ’s amusement. I realize my pussy is soaking wet. I fear that the crotch of my panties must be noticeably damp. That’s so wrong. I don’t want him to know that about me. But I’m certain he noticed.

Appearances aside, I’m not stupid. I know I should be screaming at him to leave and disobeying every command he gives in that calm, steady, strong masculine voice that still sends chills down my spine every time he opens his mouth.

I can’t demand that he leave. How can I deny myself the most exciting experience of my life? I don’t want him to know it. But I can’t wait to see what will happen to me now that I’ve demonstrated that he was right about me and that I’ll do whatever he tells me to do. How many of those terrible things I’ve read about in those sleazy porn novels my mother has stashed away will JJ subject me to now that I’ve surrendered to him?

After I completed my slow circle I stopped. He looked at me for a moment and then he reached out and rested his hands on my thighs just above my knees. An intense thrill ran through me as I felt his hands sliding up the outsides of my thighs to my hips. It took all of my will power to keep from telling him how exciting that was.

His left hand went around and caressed and squeezed my butt through my panties while his right hand moved between my legs to first grasp and squeeze tightly and then slowly caress the damp crotch of my panties. As his hands took charge of my body he stared at my face, enjoying my reaction.

I’m getting very weak in the knees as his hands move over me. I’m having trouble standing without something to lean on. And I’m painfully aware that I’m enjoying the most delicious sensations I’ve ever experienced. No one has ever touched me this way before! I’m afraid my heart will burst if I become any more excited.

JJ stopped what he’s doing after several very exciting minutes and sat back again. He looked into my eyes and calmly ordered me to remove my bra.

I knew it was coming. It’s the next logical step. But when I heard the words a chill went through me. I shivered as it ran down my spine. But somehow that chill seemed to end up dancing happily around my lust swollen clitoris.

For the first time in my life a man is going to see my breasts!

I can’t help being a little worried. My breasts are only just barely a B cup if I take a deep breath. I mean, they look good. They have a real nice shape and stand out straight from my chest. I don’t need a bra for support. But everyone knows guys like big boobs. I don’t know why it’s important to me that JJ not be disappointed when he sees my tits. But it is.

I reached behind my back and released the catch holding my plain white bra closed. I’m so excited I can actually hear my heart beating at nearly twice its normal rate!

I glanced at JJ’s face as I let my bra slide down my arms and revealed my breasts to him. I was relieved when I didn’t see a look of disappointment on his face. In fact, he looked pleased. Strange that this should make me feel so proud.

I added my bra to the pile of clothing on the floor. I stood before him nervously in only my panties now. JJ sat up again. He looked at, and then gently touched my breasts. After caressing them he pinched the nipples and pulled on them, squeezing harder and harder until I squealed in pain.

But my hands stayed at my side. It never even occurred to me to resist.

After manipulating my breasts for what seemed like only an instant, or an hour, I’m not sure which, JJ sat back and ordered me to turn around. When I was standing with my back to him he ordered me to slowly slide my panties off without bending my knees.

I heard a strange noise escape from me. It sounded like I was sobbing. But I’m not crying. I’m still having difficulty breathing, though. For some reason I can’t seem to inhale enough oxygen. But I only feel two things at that moment, embarrassment, and an overwhelming, indescribable, unprecedented sense of arousal.

I’ve never felt like this before. Not even when I was about to lose my virginity! Of course I was excited that evening. Unfortunately, nothing which happened out at the lake that night came anywhere close to meeting my expectations. I did get excited, though. The kissing was hot and his hands moving clumsily over my body outside of my clothing turned me on. A boy was groping my breasts for the first time. Of course it turned me on.

But not like this. Nothing that has ever happened to me has been anywhere near as exciting as this! And I don’t even know what this is! I don’t know what to call it! It isn’t a rape. I somehow knew it would be wrong to admit to JJ what I’m feeling. But I want this! And we’re certainly not about to make love. We aren’t in love. Hell! I don’t even know him well enough to say if I like him!

Is this wish fulfillment? Or is it a dream come true? Maybe both, but I won’t know until it’s over and he goes home.

I groaned as I prepared to finish baring my body for this boy, this man really; this man I hardly know. I slipped my trembling thumbs into the waistband of my panties and slowly eased them down as I bent over in front of him. I moaned, humiliated beyond belief as I slid my panties slowly down my legs and stepped out of them, not nearly as gracefully as I would have liked.

I can feel his eyes on the most sensitive, the most private area of my body as I bent down and obeyed his command. As soon as I stepped out of my panties I started to straighten back up.

JJ stopped me and ordered me to stay in that degrading and extremely vulnerable position.

A long, embarrassing moment passed before he ordered me to spread my legs farther apart.

I obeyed without thinking. No. That isn’t true. Thoughts were speeding through my head so fast I couldn’t control them. But primarily I’m imagining what he can see of me in this slutty pose he ordered me to assume.

I felt his fingers caress my obscenely exposed ass before slipping between my thighs and moving over my pussy again. This time not even my thin panties are there to protect my modesty.

I gasped and flinched at the warm touch of his fingers. But I didn’t move. His fingers explored my damp crevice at length before I felt one of his large fingers slip easily inside of me. He moved it in and out several times before pulling it out and gently gliding it over my swollen clit. No boy has ever touched me like this. No boy has ever touched me there before. Neither of the two boys who attempted to have sex with me in the past was capable of such a talented, educated touch. JJ knows what he’s doing!

I cried out and almost fell to my knees as his fingertip circled my clit. I almost cried out again when he took his finger away. If he had continued for only one more second I knew I would have experienced an earth shaking orgasm.

After exploring my drooling pussy his hand pulled back slightly and his fingers began to explore the private area between the cheeks of my butt.

I didn’t think I could possibly be any more embarrassed. Not until I felt him slowly forcing his finger, still moist with my juices, into my tight, heretofore untouched little asshole. He took his time, moving his finger back and forth between my sopping wet pussy and my slowly relaxing rear aperture.

There finally came a time when I couldn’t hold back a second longer. At some point, as he slid his long, thick finger into my pussy, I reached my first orgasm at the hands of another person. As my mind and body succumbed to that explosive orgasm under his erotic touch my legs gave out and I started to collapse weakly to the carpet in front of him.

I felt a sudden sharp slap to the cheek of my butt and caught myself. I quickly returned to my humiliating position, bent over with my sex organs on vulgar display in front of this tall, dominant, young, black man.

A moment later he pushed me away and ordered me to take his shoes and socks off. I knelt in front of him and complied with his order eagerly but anxiously. I can’t deny what must be as obvious to him as it is to me. I want to see him naked. But I can’t help being nervous all the same.

I slipped his tennis shoes off and struggled with his socks for a moment. Once I had them off he got to his feet and stood in front of me with his bulging crotch nearly touching my face. I was so focused on that almost too big to be true bulge in his pants that I almost didn’t hear him order me to remove his jeans.

As I worked at his belt and the fastenings on his pants with my shaking fingers he quickly removed his t-shirt. I almost didn’t notice the rippling muscles in his chest and his flat stomach. I continued to struggle with the strong desire to stare in awe at the incredibly large bulge in the front of his underwear. It’s only inches from my face. It’s like nothing else in the universe exists at that moment.

I slowly slid his pants down to his ankles. He rested his hand on top of my head as he stepped out of them. The only thing left to remove is a pair of white cotton bikini style underwear with a huge bulge in the front and a wet spot where the head of his cock is throbbing impatiently.

He grabbed my hair and pulled my head to within an inch of his crotch. He snapped “Look at it, bitch!”

His voice has changed! His entire demeanor changed! He reminds me so very much of the cruel men in the drawings on the covers of my mother’s porn! I had to bite my tongue to keep from thanking him for knowing how to treat me! I shuddered in erotic delight because he spoke to me like, well, like his bitch.

His order was unnecessary. I’m already staring at the bulge in his underwear and I’m in total awe of what I see there. I never got a look at the organ that separated me from my virginity. But I felt it. I had nothing to compare it to at the time. But it seemed to be perfectly average to me. I do know it was nowhere near as magnificent as this glorious tube of virile male flesh!

I did see the second male organ to invade my body. I had it in my mouth for a brief moment before it exploded in a disgusting slimy mess in my mouth and all over my face. It had not been very imposing at all.

This new one, however, this long, fat, hard, black, cock straining to be released from the small garment holding it back less than two inches from my face; this is impressive! And it’s very scary. For the first time since I left school with JJ this afternoon I began to wonder if I’m in over my head. I feel the beginnings of real fear. It seems like a cock this large is going to have to hurt me!

But it’s an exciting fear. I’ve read about cocks like this. I’ve read about them and masturbated thinking about what one of these would feel like if it was to invade my small body.

JJ asked me if I see the wet spot on his underwear.

I managed to whisper that I do.

Then he asked me if I know what it is. I nodded slightly. I know all about the lubricant that oozes from a boy’s, or rather a man’s cock when he’s aroused. I felt it on Gary’s dick when he placed my hand on his cock before he took my virginity.

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