Lizzie Moving In - Cover

Lizzie Moving In

Copyright© 2009 by sam177

Chapter 7

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7 - A teen girl moves into a new town, meets new friends, and practices for the Naked in School Program. Oh and she's a vampire. This is the first in a series. Note some codes refer to a story within the story and the interacial code is for sex between races and people of different colors.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   ft/ft   Mult   Consensual   Reluctant   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Paranormal   Vampires   Were animal   BDSM   DomSub   Snuff   Swinging   Group Sex   Orgy   Polygamy/Polyamory   Interracial   Black Male   White Male   White Female   First   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Pregnancy   Body Modification   Nudism  

Wednesday Aug 10

The Mom woke me up with a phone call so I went to the bathroom and took care of things, then headed down stairs to meet the Rents.

I have to say sleeping nude is a new experience. I kinda liked it but I'm not sure I'd do it during the winter. It does have the advantage of making it easier to touch. Yeah I masturbate. Doesn't everyone? I'd dug out a steamy bondage story and imagine Mr. Hunk collaring me. I had a real nice cum. Does that make me a closet submissive? I don't know. I think if anyone called me that I'd deck them but it was a nice fantasy.

Any who The Rents said that if they could come over to help me finish unpacking the family room if they wanted but they were to stay downstairs. The Mom would be home at five and depending on how things had gone they'd allow them upstairs after that. I smiled and thanked them both.

I road my bike to school and after parking it in the locker I headed for the library. I was surprised to see Lou behind the counter. She's pretty, not like Rachel, but she's still very pretty. They all are pretty really. Just in different ways. Lou though has something fragile about her that just makes you want to cradle her in your arms.

When she saw me she kind of shrank into herself.

I approached the desk slowly but stopped short when Lou took a step back.

"Uh hi. You must be Lou. I'm Lizzie" I didn't stick my hand out or anything. I figured she'd think I was taking a swing at her or something.

She looked at me curiously, blinked, nodded, and gave me a timid little wave.

I smiled back. "I guess the others aren't here yet?"

Lou shook her head.

"Kay. My folks said it was ok to have some friends over this after noon to help me finish the unpacking. You're invited too if you want to help. Even if you don't you're still invited"

She gave me a shy smile. Then she gave me a curious look and then pointed to her mouth.

"Huh? Oh my fangs? My Mom had them filed down. See?" I pulled my lip back for her.

Lou pointed to her, touched her hand and then pointed at me again.

I didn't understand what she wanted so she wrote, "touch?"

"Oh ... uh ... okay" I said and leaned forward with my lips pulled back. I felt down right silly really but I didn't want to scare Lou off or anything.

Hesitantly she reached out and rubbed a finger tip against my fangs.

It felt like this vibration went right through me at each stroke of her fingers. I couldn't help shivering.

Lou snatched her hands back and gave me a worried look.

"It's okay" I told her. "It just felt really weird"

She opened her mouth as if saying, "Oh" Then she looked pensive for a while as she thought about something. Then she turned slightly and very hesitantly extended her right wing to me a little bit.

I was shocked. "It's ok for me to touch your wing?"

She gave me a tiny nod and extended her wing a little again.

"Wow Lou! Thank you! I promise to be gentle but let me know if I press to hard okay?"

She nodded and then tensed up her whole body, arms held tightly against her, fists under her chin, eyes squeezed closed. She made this tiny, "Eeeeee" sound as if she was afraid I'd yank on her wing.

Very slowly I reached out and stroked the tip of her wing. "Wow your feathers are so soft" I said softly.

She jumped at the contact but didn't run. She even started to relax as I continued to gently stroke her wing tip. She even turned a little more and extended her wing out a little more.

I smiled and continued until I was stroking the whole of her fore wing.

Lou does have cute wings. At full extension I doubt they'd go much past her elbows. Rachel's go clear to her finger tips.

I was still stroking Lou's wing when Izzy walked in. We jumped when Izzy dropped her backpack. You wouldn't think a ghostly backpack could make such a loud thud but it did.

I whirled around and there was Izzy staring at us open mouthed. We stared back until Izzy finally asked Lou excitedly, "You let her touch your wings?" To me she asked, "What did you do?"

Lou said something in sign and Iz turned to me and said, "You let her touch your fangs?"

I shrugged, "Uh yeah?"

Izzy stared at me in amazement for a while and then asked, "Can I?"

"Huh?" I know brilliant reply.

"Can I touch your fangs?"

"Uh ... I guess so"

I opened up and shivered as Izzy touched them. Lou clapped softly. When we turned to her she pointed at Izzy tapped her hand and then pointed at me and then signed something else.

Izzy grinned widely as she said, "I told you I wasn't joking. We really can touch each other"

Lou sat back on her stool stunned. Izzy grinned at her and then turned to run her hand down my sleeve. I was wearing a long sleeve t-shirt. I didn't mind. I know it's a little weird but after five year's she's got to miss touching and being touched.

Lou just sat there watching in amazement. Then she leaned forward and signed something. I had to tap Iz in the shoulder and point to Lou because she'd gotten a bit lost.

She shook herself and said, "Huh?"

Lou signed something and waved her hand at her arm but missed it.

Izzy shrugged. "I don't know"

I asked, "What's she say?"

"She wanted to know if we could pass through each other or not"

"Pass through?"

"Like your sister did to me yesterday"

"Oh Why would we want to do that?"

"We wouldn't but that's what happens normally. People can pass right through me and sometimes if I can concentrate I can pass through them"


"Yeah but it come in handy when you want to mess with people"

I grinned. "I bet"

"So you can pass through walls and things?"

"Yeah as long as there's no electrical wires going through them. It hurts running into those"

"Yeah I guess so"

Lou questioned Iz again and she shrugged, "I don't know" She turned to me and asked, "Wanna try?"

I shrugged. "I guess if you do?"

She shrugged back, "I guess we could a little. Here," she said holding her hand out. "Try to pass through my hand"

I put my hand in hers and it felt solid. Cold but solid.

Izz closed her eyes and concentrated hard, her face scrunching up. "Kay try"

I pushed down and it was like putting my hand in pudding.

Iz jumped back with a "Whoa!"

Lou and I both asked if she was ok, only Lou did it silently.

Is was holding her hand with the other, rubbing her palm with her thumb and wiggling her fingers.

"Yeah but it sort of felt like everything went super hot and then it wasn't there.

She massaged her hand a while more and then reached out to touch me with it.

"Everything okay?" I asked her.

"Yeah but I'm not in a hurry to feel that again"

"I don't blame you."

"What did it feel like for you?"

"Like putting my hand into really cold pudding."

"You're turn"

"You sure you want to?"

"Not really but I am curious"

I held my hand up and said, a little reluctantly, "Okay?"

Izzy put her hand on my wrist, concentrated and pushed into me. I felt this sudden burning cold numbness at my wrist and then nothing like my hand was gone. I jumped back with a "Yow!" and all of a sudden my wrist and hand were burning hot. I grabbed my hand with the other and massaged it like Izzy did hers. The sudden heat went away leaving that prickly feeling you get when part of your body goes to sleep and then wakes up.

Lou and Iz both looked at me worriedly. I told them I was alright and explained how it'd felt. Pretty much the opposite of Izzy's experience. Looking at Iz I said, "Let's not do that again, okay?"

"Sounds like a good idea to me" She agreed.

Lou hung her head and signed, "I'm sorry"

I reached out and wiped a tear away, "Hey no tears. It's ok"

Iz reached out too and said, "Yeah Lou. It is really. Please don't cry"

It took some convincing but we did get Lou to stop crying. Of course it shocked Sarah and Rachel to see us both hugging her. We filled them in on what happened. I also found out that when Iz goes through someone else it doesn't hurt. They just go cold and numb.

What makes me so different? They didn't know either.

Then I told them that the Rents okayed them coming over but only if they stayed downstairs. Then if it went okay they could go up. They said that was ok and then Izzy asked what kind of unpacking they had to do.

"Oh mostly it's just taking books, movies, and music out of boxes and putting them onto shelves. Of course I have to unpack the shelves but it shouldn't take too long"

"Sounds good let's go after Lou's done her shift"

We all agreed and pretty much just hung out for the rest of the hour. Then we got our bikes and road for my place. For the occasion Sarah had brought her bike, which turned out to be a moped. Izzy rode with Lou. Since Rachel was the only one who didn't have an engine on her bike the rest of us pedaled. I did ask why she didn't have one but she said she never needed one. I said that was cool.

Oh they all agreed my helmet is wicked. J

We went into the back yard through the gate on the living room side of the house since going that way would be easier getting Lou's bike into the back. They ended up parking their bikes on the walk since there's no way I could get them all inside my room. Not Lou's anyway. The others would have fit I think. I did park my bike inside, while the others checked out the hot tub and the little changing rooms. I figured theirs would be safe from Shelly at least for today but I knew she wouldn't miss an opportunity to mess with mine.

I went into the house and through hall door calling out to see if anyone was home but all I got was blissful silence. I let them in through the family room's sliding door and we took a look at what needed to be done. I found a note on the coffee table that said that Shelly was swimming with friends. So much for being grounded. At least she wasn't supposed to be home until 4. That gave us most of the day.

I suppose I should describe the family room. Well there's the door at the corner of hall. Along the wall shared by Shelly is a solid wall. That wall has some cabinets and book shelves that just barely fit. I say just barely because if they were any bigger the door would hit them. The lower cabinets, which are a few inches deeper, hold mostly videos and older records that the Rents occasionally listen to at Christmas. They have these folding doors that you have to open to reveal drawers that contain M+Ms. The upper middle cabinet is the same only that's where dad has his audio stuff, dual tape deck, multi disc CD player, tuner/amplifier, etc. I've got similar equipment upstairs only most of Dads is a lot newer than mine. Most of what I got is from thrift stores or what Dad decided to give me when he upgraded. I've also got things Dad doesn't have like an 8 track player. Two actually. They each came from different thrift stores. I've also got my video stuff hooked in with it. Dad doesn't.

Any way on either side of the upper middle cabinet are two bookshelves. We had to fill the book shelves and cabinets. In the middle of the outside wall is a wood stove. There are two windows up high on either side of it. Under one of the windows is a small book case. I recommended a second to balance it out and the Rents think that's a good idea. Towards the backyard there's a sliding glass door that takes about half of the wall. That leads to a small covered patio. The other half was solid wall as was the hall wall. Except for the door that is.

After looking around we got to work. It didn't take us long to unpack everything. We even moved the furniture around some so the TV and its table are in the back corner. On either side of it in a V shape are two couches, a 3 butt couch against the hall wall and a 2 butt couch against the backyard wall. (A 3 butt couch is a couch with three cushions. A 2 butt has two.) We put the coffee table angled between the two couches. Facing the back wall at the end of the 3 butt couch is a big comfy chair. We put a lamp at the ends of the couches. So its lamp and chair, couch, TV, couch, and lamp.

The Mom was actually quite pleased with our work when she came in. I'd brought down some drinks and we were kicking back watching videos when she came in. She was still unnerved by Izzy and Rachel though and almost in ah of Lou but they didn't let that bother them. Lou even braved a brief wave hello before hiding behind Izzy. In fact the Mom was so pleased she invited them to stay for dinner. She said the Dad was going to barbecue and that they were more than welcome to stay. They all liked that idea but had to call home first. So they did. Lou's foster mother was a bit reluctant but after Mom promised that nothing would happen to her and that all her other friends were staying too she agreed. Mom even said that if it got late she'd drive everyone home and they could pick up their bikes tomorrow. That's pretty cool for her.

Shelly of course was her usual annoying self. She kept pulling on Rachel's wings and tail and trying to get to Lou's as well as poking her finger into Izzy. We all had to keep telling her to stop it. Mom finally told her to leave us alone and to help her in the kitchen. I had to get the coals ready. Dad did the actual cooking though. He even managed to greet my friends without fumbling too much. I still think it's kind of funny how Dad got embarrassed around Rachel. Of course it's also kind of gross but it wasn't like he was fawning all over her either. In fact he and Mom seemed more friendly. Which, while still gross, is a good thing.

Dinner was good. Dad actually fixed mine the way I liked it. He also fixed veggie burgers for Lou and ghost burgers for Izzy. He'd stopped at the store on the way home. We had a good time. Until Shelly ruined it that is. We were cleaning up our paper plates and putting them in the trash when Shelly snuck up behind Lou and plucked one of her feathers. Lou let out a cry as she arched her back and tried to reach back to hold her wing.

We all looked to see what was the matter and there Shelly stood holding the feather. When she whispered, "An angel feather" we knew for sure what had happened.

I yelled, "You little beast!" and lunged at her as Sarah and Rachel quickly went to Lou. Shelly screamed and ran behind the coffee table. Izzy moved to jump in Shelly's way when Mom yelled, "Shelly Kristine Hammond!" in full Mom voice. Everyone froze, even Dad who'd come in to find out what the screaming was about.

"Shelly Kristine Hammond what did you do?"

Shelly's hid her hand, which was still clutching the feather, behind her back.

"N-n-nothing!" she stammered.

"Do. Not. Lie. To. Me." The Mom spoke slowly making each word a sentence. "Tell me what it is you're hiding behind your back"

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