Samantha, Naked in School - Cover

Samantha, Naked in School

Copyright© 2009 by sam177

Chapter 5

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 5 - The daughter of a well know hich class call girl has her week in the program. Note the incest codes are only hinted at but are included so nobody complains about being surprised.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Reluctant   Incest   Mother   Father   Daughter   First   Oral Sex   Petting   Prostitution   Nudism  

I didn't sleep very well last night even though I fell asleep when my head hit the pillow. I'm sure you can imagine what my dreams were about. Yep. The Program. Only it wasn't pure nightmare. There were a lot of erotic parts too. No I won't say what they were. I'm sure you can guess any way.

When Mom finally woke me up I couldn't keep from blushing as I remembered the dream and what happened last night. She just laughed, kissed me on the forehead, and said, "Come on sleepy head. Time for school."

I frowned.

Mom sighed and kissed me again. "It'll be better today sweetie. You'll see."

I sighed and said, "I hope so."

Mom gave me another kiss and I dragged myself out of bed. After getting ready, I got into Bumble Bug and headed for school. When I arrived I parked in my space and waited. I really didn't want to go. I was feeling a little panicky seeing all the people watching the morning strip and knowing a lot of them were waiting for me.

I closed my eyes and tried to breathe slowly. I was still concentrating on my breathing when there was a knock on my window. I jumped and let out a shriek.

Leigh quickly apologized though saying, "Sorry Sam. I didn't mean to scare you."

I gave her a weak smile and told her it was okay, while I tried to get my trembling under control. I saw Michael and Kim were with her. I tried to give them a friendly smile. Michael smiled back. Kim just glared at me.

"What's up?" I asked, trying to recover from my fright.

"School's going to start pretty soon. You need to get undressed or repeat your week, for program violations." Kim stated.

The others looked at her and then turned back to me.

"She's right." Michael said.

Then Leigh surprised me by asking, "Can I undress you Sam?"

I looked at her surprised and then stammered, "Uh, Amy ... Amy already asked me."

Leigh looked a bit chagrined and looked up and Michael. Michael said, "She won't be able to make it. She's take the bus zero period, Remember?"

"Oh." I replied, disappointed.

I don't know if it was just because now I'd have to face the wolves alone, or if I was actually looking forward to seeing Amy.

"Yeah she forgot too." Michael told me. "She called this morning and asked us to tell you she's sorry and asked if we'd take care of you for her. She also said to tell you she wants a rain check."

I felt strangely relieved and pleased by that.

"So..." Leigh said, drawing it out. "Can I undress you?"

I nodded and her face lit up. That made me feel pleased too.

She moved back to let me out of Bumble Bug. As I was locking up Michael asked, "If there's time, can I touch you after?"

That made me more nervous but he's been nice to me so far, so I nodded. He smiled and I couldn't help smiling back. Although the smile I gave him was more nervous than the one I gave Leigh. I shouldered my backpack and then Leigh took my hand and led me to the changing room.

A lot of people were watching what was going on inside but there was still a big cheer as we approached. I tried to draw back but Michael put his arm reassuringly around my shoulders and Leigh squeezed my hand. As we worked our way through the crowd people kept shouting at me, either wanting to strip me or just making lewd comments. I tried to ignore them but they still hurt.

Just as we were about to enter the changing room, we were stopped by Travis. I couldn't help growling, "What do you want" When he leered down at me.

His evil grin got even wider. "I'm here to undress you."

I flat out told him, "You're not undressing me."

He smiled predatorily, "Yes I am. It's a reasonable request."

Not to me it wasn't.

I shook my head and said, "No, your not. She is," and I lifted Leigh's hand up pulling her closer to me.

Travis looked surprised at that. "Uh, alright. I'll undress you tomorrow then."

"Sorry, I'm booked. Some other life maybe." I replied and shouldered my way past him, dragging Leigh along behind me, while those around us laughed.

In side the changing room were more people than there were yesterday. That's because there were people receiving requests. I was kind of happy for Marie who had a couple guys running their hands over her. She looked thrilled. So did her partner who had a girl stroking him. All the guys did in fact. Except Mark that is. He had a girl sucking him.

We passed the sophomore girl who was being undressed by someone and her partner to take my place next to Beth. (For some reason, we all get lined up by class, even though we don't have to.) I couldn't help blushing when she smiled at me. She was already nude and seemed to be enjoying the finger fucking she was being given. A part of me wished I could be like her and just enjoy everything.

I shyly smiled back at her and then blushed even more when she said, "Hi Sam. I'm looking forward to our shower." Then she winced and told the guy not to suck too hard on her nipple. He said,. "Sorry" and then put his mouth back on her breast. She sighed and said, "Mmm yes like that." I didn't see what happened next because Leigh called my name and said, "We don't have a lot of time." Then she pulled my top over my head.

I blushed hotly as she unhooked my bra and started to rub the lines away. (It was an old bra that was a bit snug. I didn't want to risk losing a good one if there was a problem with my locker.) I blushed even more when I saw that Leigh had noticed my nipples had hardened and that she licked her lips while staring at them. (I wonder how it would feel to let her lick them.) She licked her lips again and then slowly sank down to her knees. I let her help me out of my sandals. I shivered as she ran her hands up my legs. Then she undid my skirt and steadied my as I stepped out of it. She did it again when I had to step out of my panties.

When I straightened up completely naked, the cheers, whistles, and hollers got even louder. I don't think they were for Beth either who was crying out her pleasure as she orgasmed next to me either.

Leigh folded my clothes up and handed them to Michael. Then she ran her hand over my hip to start combing her fingers through my pubic hair, making my breath catch. I'm still surprised how nice her undressing and touching me all felt, and by how my body responded to it.

Leigh looked up, blushed, and apologized. "I'm sorry Sam. I shouldn't have done that without your permission."

"It's okay. It felt nice." I told her, and then blushed as she smiled. She raised her hand again and I nodded. She smiled and started fluffing out my hair again. I kind of liked it. I think it the circumstances had been different I'd have liked it even more.

I was still watching her when Kim said, "I have a question."

I looked up surprised and she said, "You told Travis you were booked up for morning strip. If Amy's doing you tomorrow, who's stripping you the rest of the week?"

My eyes went wide as I felt my pulse begin to race. Panicky I started to look around when Michael said, "Well Chin said he was hoping to undress you. So I guess he'd be doing that Thursday and I'd like dibs on Friday if that's alright."

I quickly nodded my agreement.

Kim wasn't impressed though. Crossly she said, "So you lied to Travis about being book up. That's a program violation."

"Kim!" Leigh gasped standing up to face her. Even Mark and Beth looked at her surprised. Angels aren't generally known for, turning in the ones they're supposed to be guarding, for Program Violations.

"Actually," Michael, putting an arm around her shoulder said, "She only said she was booked to his request to undress her tomorrow. He never asked about the rest of the week. Just because he, and you, misunderstood that does not make it a program violation."

Kim shrugged his arm off and glared at him. Then she turned to glare at me. "What about getting dressed?" she asked skeptically as she leaned back and crossed her arms.

I blinked in surprise. I hadn't thought about getting dressed. Weird huh?

Beth came to my rescue, again, saying, "I'd like dibs tomorrow, if it's still open?" Then she sighed and she stepped away from the guy who'd been supporting her. She then thanked him, who in turn thanked her and as she stepped into Marks open arm. They kissed. Then he turned to me and asked. "Can I help too?"

Blushing, I nodded and gave them Wednesday and Thursday. As I did, I couldn't help noticing his now flaccid cock was still wet and shiny. So were Beth's inner thighs.

"Who's dressing you today?" Kim asked.

"Amy" I replied firmly.

"What about Friday?" Kim demanded.

"Uh?" I replied trying desperately to think of something.

"You do" Michael said surprising all of us.

"Me?" Kim asked just as surprised as I was.

"Well you did ask about dressing Sam." Michael replied with a grin. "Are you withdrawing that request?"

I really don't think that's what she'd meant but I don't think she caught on to Michael twisting her words around on her.

Kim glared at him for a moment then turned to me saying, "Alright. Fine! But remember I'm watching you." Then she turned and stalked off as the first warning bell rang.

Those close by stared after her in open-mouthed shock. A few of the lower grades looked back at us and then hurried off to class. I guess they didn't want to get caught up in the blast if something went wrong.

Finally Mark asked, "What's her problem?"

Michael shrugged. "Something to do with Sam's Mom."

"Why?" Beth asked shocked. "Sandra's a lovely woman. Why would Kim be upset with her?"

Then it was our turn to stare at them. They both blushed at the attention. Beth looks even more pretty when she blushes and Mark so cute. They were both smiling though. After a few moments, Beth said, I had a problem last year that I was able to talk to her about. Once she helped me with that Mark and I became closer than ever." Mark's grin became a little goofy when she said that. Then she leaned back against him a little, reaching up to turn his face towards hers and gave him a tender kiss.

Leigh and I both couldn't help sighing watching them. They're obviously so in love with each other. I hope that when I finally find someone that we're as in love as they are.

Turning back to us, Beth gave us an impish grin, "Of course since I'd already given myself to him I had to think of something else to give him for his birthday."

Mark's grin got even goofier as our mouths dropped open.

"You and Mom..." Popped out before I could even think about stopping it.

"The three of us." Beth confirmed.

"Best birthday present so far." Mark agreed giving Beth another kiss.

"Hmm." Beth sighed snuggling up to him. "It was a wonderful night. And she gave me a lot of pointers."

"Some how I doubt she was doing the pointing." Michael quipped.

For some reason (Don't ask me why.) I looked down at Mark and I saw that he was ... doing a good a good amount of pointing on his own. I couldn't help grinning at that. I heard Leigh chuckle too as Beth laughed. "That wasn't all he was doing." Mark blushed.

"How much was it?" Michael asked.

"A lot." Beth said. "But the experience plus what she taught us was worth so much more." She and Mark looked into their eyes at the same moment and you could feel the love flowing between them. "What we gained from it is priceless."

The second warning bell rang then and we scrambled to get our backpacks and head to class. On the way Leigh asked Beth, "What all did you learn from her?"

Beth said, "Besides a lot of sexual tips you mean?"

Leigh blushed and nodded.

"Different ways of looking at things as well as how to be completely open with each other." Mark answered for them. "She really is amazing."

I couldn't' help agreeing with that. I noticed Michael and Leigh nodding in agreement also.

Then Beth leaned over and said softly. "She's very proud of you, you know."

I was so stunned I stopped and someone walked into me. Since they used that chance to feel my butt I don't think they minded the sudden stop too much.

The others stopped also and turned back to look at me.

"You and Mom talked about me ... on your ... date?" I asked totally stunned.

"Well she didn't mention you by name." Mark replied.

Beth explained, "We talked about a great many things and when she learned which school we went to she said, 'That's a good school. My Daughter goes there.' That got us talking about children so we naturally talked about you some."

Still stunned I asked, "Is that why you've been helping me?"

Beth shook her head. "No, I'm helping you because you looked like you needed help, and I wanted to help you."

"Oh okay." I said not sure if I completely believed her.

"And I did enjoy our shower yesterday." I felt my face getting hot as she leaned in, "And I really am looking forward to our shower today."

My eyes went wide as she kissed me gently on the cheek. That brought a lot of whistles and comments from the classroom we were standing by too. I didn't have to ignore them though because Beth had my full attention.

"I'd ask to shower with you every day but that wouldn't be fair to your partner or your Knight." She said giving Michael a wink.

His blush made me blush more. Then I blushed clear to my toes when she whispered in my ear, "There's always next week though." She gave me a wink then and grabbed hold of Mark's cock. "Come on lover. I need relief."

He let her lead him into the classroom, to a lot of cheers. I thought my ears were burning when he gave me a smile and a wink before he disappeared.

The final bell rang then and we had to run to the Library. I was late but Mr. Anderson waved off my apology, saying he understood. Then he wrote Leigh and Michael passes so they could get to breakfast and class. Isn't he great? After they left he asked if I needed relief. My face felt so hot as I shook my head! Mr. Anderson just smiled, nodded, and gave us our assignments for today. Everybody else booed, quietly. Mr. Anderson would have thrown them out if they were loud.

Library was pretty busy for a change. There were a lot more people for one (mostly guys) and they all kept checking things out. Unfortunately that's because I was naked! Guys kept coming up to check out books, and my breasts. Then a few minutes later they'd check the books back in while still checking out my breasts. I don't think one book they checked out left the library. It sure kept me busy. Fortunately I could look down and concentrate on what I was doing without having to look at them. I could still felt their eyes on me though. All the check ins made a lot of work for the girls putting the books but I don't think they minded too much. I think they were glad they weren't me.

A few minutes before zero period was over I was surprised when a happy voice said, "Hey Partner!"

Followed by another saying, "Hi Sam."

I looked up surprised and then had to look up some more when all I saw was Amy's bare breasts.

I looked up at her and blushed as she smiled. Then her expression changed and she looked embarrassed. I guess she was remembering last night too.

I shyly said, "Hi" to her and Chin, who was standing behind her.

Amy apologized saying, "I'm sorry about this morning. I totally forgot we had different zero periods."

I blushed too and said, "It's okay. Michael and Leigh explained."

"That's good." Then she hesitated a bit and then asked, "So um ... can I get a rain check?"

I felt my ears burning as I looked at the counter top and nodded. "You're booked for tomorrow." I whispered.

"That's great! Thanks!" She exclaimed and then asked, "Booked?"

Blushing I filled them in on my morning strip. Amy and Chin both said they were sorry they'd missed it. Chin also thanked me for booking him tomorrow. He looked like he was looking forward to it too! That gave me a strange but kind of nice feeling in my belly.

Then they told me about Amy's. I gasped when she told me she had to strip right on the sidewalk in front of passing traffic.

Amy blushed a bit as she shrugged, "Yeah it was pretty embarrassing."

"But it was way cool you made that guy crash his car."

"There was a car crash?" I asked again shocked.

Chin laughed, "Oh yeah! He was rubber necking as Amy was taking her panties off and tried to drive up a tree."

Amy grinned. "That was pretty wicked."

All I could say was, "Wow!" I can totally see it happening too. Amy is attractive and having her strip right on the corner would be pretty distracting.

Amy and Chin were still laughing about it when the bell rang. I groaned. Time for more groping.

Amy didn't seem too put out though. She looked at me and asked, "Walk you to class partner?"

I nodded and let her grab my hand as I walked out from behind the counter. We didn't get too far though before we got rushed with unreasonable requests. I tried to go back into the library but Amy squeezed my hand and gave me a smile. Then she let some guy rub her breasts.

Chin gave my shoulder a squeeze and said, "Don't worry Sam. I'll keep and eye on you."

I gave him a weak smile and then frowned as Travis came up to request to touch my breasts. I did not enjoy it at all. A couple other football players quickly joined him and I started to get really scared. I mean I know Amy and Chin would help protect me and I was sure Leigh and Michael were on their way but there were so many of football players and they were so big!

I tried to back up but there was no where to go. Travis had moved behind me and was still mauling my breasts, while rubbing his erection into my behind. It made me feel so dirty! What's worse is that they thought my rapid breathing meant I enjoyed what they were doing. Which couldn't be further from the truth. My rapid breathing was caused by fear. If they were actually paying attention they'd have noticed my nipples were totally flat and I was dry.

One of them told me to spread my legs. I didn't want to but Travis smugly told me it was reasonable. So I did. Then guy who told me to "spread them" squatting down in front of me he said, "I want to touch your pussy."

Whimpering I nodded. Trembling I said, "Just don't ... don't..."

He leered up at me. "Don't worry, Sam. I won't penetrate you. Not until you ask me to that is."

That hardly reassured me.

Then his hand was between my legs and he was rubbing my pussy. I totally couldn't help wincing. His fingers felt like he was rubbing me with sandpaper. Then he shoved his fingers between my labia's and I yelped when he scratched me.

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