Family Enslaved
Rachael Ross 1982 - 2012
BDSM Sex Story: Epilogue - As a professional Dominatrix, I'm rather well-accustomed to leading a double life. When my secret is discovered by my father, however, I quickly realize that I'm not the only member of my family with a taste for the perverse! Our little reunion was to become the perfect opportunity to clean out the closets of our past and start our lives anew. BDSM isn't merely a choice of lifestyle, it's a philosophy.
Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa Fa/Fa Consensual Romantic Incest Mother Brother Sister Father Daughter FemaleDom Spanking Light Bond Humiliation Group Sex Oral Sex Anal Sex Masturbation Sex Toys Pregnancy
"Mom?" I couldn't help but stare and then giggle happily, drawing even more attention to us than we already had.
"Susan," she smiled back at me and I pressed both of my hands to my mother's swollen tummy, but only for a moment because we really needed to hug.
"Hi Daddy," Katrina was taking care of our father for the moment and her voice was almost shy, the way it often is, and Dad took the girl into a gentle hug of his own.
His left hand found Katrina's belly, which was bare beneath the leather halter top I'd dressed her in. Katrina was seven months along, nearly eight, and combined with the matching black leather skirt and one inch heels, that outfit was almost too much even for Vegas. Nobody was complaining though and the girl had drawn a crowd of admirers while waiting for our parents' flight to arrive. Katrina's breasts had grown wonderfully fat with milk and I knew they were aching, especially bound as they were in that tight halter, and so she was taking the opportunity to rub them eagerly against her soon to be daddy-in-law's chest in hopes of finding some relief. I didn't think my slave even realized she was doing it, to tell the truth.
"You didn't tell me!" I pouted and Mom laughed lightly as we separated only enough so I could touch her tummy again.
"We wanted to surprise you..." Mom whispered, " ... Mistress."
"Seven months?" I wondered, because she did look fairly ripe but Mom shook her head.
"Barely six," she told me.
"Twins," Daddy explained and I gasped at that, switching with Katrina so that he could hug and kiss me.
"Really?" I kissed his cheek and enjoyed Daddy's strong arms as he pulled my all too thin and decidedly not-pregnant body against his. "I guess you were serious about it this time, huh?"
"Your mother was," Daddy agreed. "I think one of the babies is Jim's."
"What?" I pushed myself back just far enough so I could look into his eyes.
"Well..." Daddy cleared his throat and shrugged, " ... we're not sure who the father is, so..."
"So we decided they both are," Mom finished for her husband with a loving smile just for him.
"That's perfect, Mommy," Katrina decided and they were both touching each other's tummies and I wasn't going to disagree with my slave.
"Does Jim know?" I wondered as we made our way out of the airport and I'd send my brother to pick up our parents' luggage later. There was no hurry and we had so much to do.
"He knows," Mom said and I shook my head at that. I wouldn't have bet a nickel that my brother could keep a secret from me, not a big one like that!
"So Cheryl knows too," I stated the obvious and then looked at my slave as she walked slowly in her heels. "Did you know, Katrina?"
"Yes, Mistress." She shared a smile with Mom, one of the conspiratorial kind, and I shook my head at the girl. "You'll have to punish me for that, Mistress."
"I should have made you wear three inch heels," I sighed, but I wasn't that cruel; even one inch heels were a subtle torment for the girl.
Katrina wasn't huge, not like some women are when they're coming close to term, not like my mother would be probably, but even so my slave was a healthy eight months pregnant. Her waist had ballooned from its normal 20 inches to something closer to 36 and I did love exposing her to the world. Katrina was still beautiful, even more so as motherhood gave her a radiance all its own. She was popular as ever on the internet and our subscriptions had jumped by a third once we'd started advertising her as a pregnant submissive.
Life was good.
"Hmmm ... This is nice," Mom decided as the taxi-van pulled to the curb in front of a large, modern house.
It was built to resemble a two-story Spanish Hacienda with tan stucco walls, white trim, and a red tiled roof. The place was large with three bedrooms, two baths, a swimming pool, and all the other amenities. It had once been a five bedroom home, but after knocking out a wall and investing in some creative carpentry, the place now boasted a well-equipped BDSM dungeon.
"How can they afford this?" Dad wondered, being the financial guy he was. "I thought Jim was still looking for a job."
"Oh, he's got a job, Daddy. Full time!" I giggled and my brother was already opening the front door, smiling broadly and welcoming us to his new home.
"Doing what?" Dad asked, sounding suspicious and I guess most father's are like that.
"Being Cheryl's husband," Katrina said, taking Daddy by the hand and following Mom and me up the walk.
"Welcome to Casa de William," Jim grinned at us and I let him embrace our mother and perhaps even his children for all anyone knew.
I hadn't expected that news at all. The last thing I'd heard was that Mom was trying to get pregnant and had gone to a fertility clinic for help. She and Daddy hadn't stopped wanting children after Jim was born, but they hadn't really gone out of their way to make it happen either. I guess Mom had gotten some treatment or something. Twins. That was pretty amazing and my parents were going to have their hands full in about four months, I suspected. Good for them and the realization that I was going to have new sisters or brothers, or both! still hadn't sunk in completely.
"You named the place after me?" Daddy chuckled and I laughed at him.
"I think they named it after the baby, Dad," I said, stating the obvious just because someone had to be the straight man.
"Yeah, but they named the baby after me!" Daddy beamed and of course that reminded all of us that we couldn't stand on the front steps too long, not with a brand new baby waiting to meet his grandparents.
"Oh! He's beautiful!" Mom gushed and I think she was ready to cry as we found the nine day old infant cradled in Cheryl's arms and nursing happily on her left breast.
"Hi Mom," Cheryl smiled. "Hi Daddy. Look who's here," she whispered, pulling the baby gently from her swollen nipple. "Grandma and Grandpa are here. Look."
"He's so big!" Mom said after kissing Cheryl and taking William from her daughter-in-law's arms. "He's heavy!"
"He's a little pig," Cheryl laughed, rising from her chair so she could hug and kiss our father. "How was your flight?"
"It was good," Dad said agreeably and then widened his eyes as Cheryl wasn't going to settle for a kiss on the cheek.
She was wearing a terry-cloth bathrobe, a very loose one with the sash hanging untied from her hips, and nothing beneath it. Cheryl pressed her body to Dad's and her hand found the man's neck, pulling his mouth to hers and Daddy didn't resist as his young daughter-in-law kissed him long and deep, moaning softly as Dad's hand slipped inside her bathrobe and found Cheryl's ass. I caught Mom's eyes and she just smiled, enjoying the moment as much as Daddy did, it seemed to me.
My brother didn't say a word, but only smiled and after seven months Jim was very comfortable living 24/7 as Cheryl's submissive husband. He wasn't quite the slave Katrina was, not yet, but Jim was still learning and that was fun. His limits were still too soft for my taste when it came to corporal punishment, but that was Cheryl's business anyway. Other than two or three scenes for our website every week, I really had little to do with my brother's training and I was able to focus most of my attention on helping Cheryl become the good Mistress my brother deserved.
"I'm going to want another baby soon, Daddy," Cheryl said with a soft smile, but her eyes were serious and she wasn't letting him go.
"Oh. Well, uh ... Good," Daddy licked his lips and nodded.
"He doesn't get it yet," I giggled and then Mom wanted to show the baby to his new grandfather, so Cheryl would have to explain later.
We'd established a sister site centered around Cheryl as the pregnant Domme and Jim, her submissive husband, and it was very popular. The membership was paying for the house easily and they'd been pleasantly surprised to discover just how lucrative the online porn business could be. Not to mention the in-call service Cheryl provided for certain, generous men who had taken advantage of Cheryl's limited availability as an escort. Of course membership and the money it brought in depended on quality product and now that Cheryl had given birth, she was no longer the pregnant Dominatrix her clients wanted and that would have to be fixed.
She'd discussed it with Jim, of course, and with Katrina and me as well, since we were all partners in the business. Three or four months down the road, when Cheryl was completely recovered and her body ready for another baby, she'd start trying for one. The woman was excited by the idea of playing "Sperm Roulette" in her fertile womb and she wanted Peter and my dad to play along with Jim, three men with equal chances, more or less.
Peter was more than eager and he'd pretty much taken to fucking the woman every chance he got and he'd moved in with them. Not because he'd co-signed the loan for the house, but because he was head-over-heels in love with Cheryl and she was equally infatuated with him. Jim shared their bed, occasionally, but most often my brother slept in his own bedroom listening to Peter fuck his pregnant wife through the wall. It wasn't a relationship most men would understand or be happy with, but Cheryl wasn't married to most men and she loved Jim as much as she had the day they were married.
They made a good couple, the three of them, I mean.
If there's been a fly in the ointment, it had been a small and short-lived one. Peter's relationship with Amy, our partner who worked closely with him as the technology guru and web mistress, had always been on-again/off-again and never serious. Still, it had come as a surprise to everyone learning that the man had fallen in love with my sister-in-law and was determined to share Cheryl with Jim. Everyone had walked on egg-shells for a few days, until...
"Look, I don't want a boyfriend," Amy told us with a giggle. "I just need a fuck-buddy once in awhile, you know?"
"Fuck buddy!" I giggled at Peter and he actually looked slightly humbled, which was maybe deliberate on Amy's part, maybe not. She'd never been one to mince words, believe me. Kristine was much the same way, which probably explains why we all got along so well. It's hard not to respect someone who says what's on her mind and neither of them let me dominate them the way lesser personalities might have. I appreciated that too; Katrina was more than enough for me.
"Oh! In that case..." Cheryl smiled agreeably and jerked her head towards Jim. "My husband has a great cock, how about him? He's available."
Thus ended that little melodrama and Amy had my brother's cock on speed-dial ten minutes later.
"Alright, um ... Which one of you is the bride?" Meredith looked between us with a grin and settled on Katrina. "It must be you, right?"
"Yeah," my slave smiled and rubbed her round tummy through the satin of her wedding gown.
"Are you sure you don't want a tux?" Meredith asked me and the owner of the Chapel on the Hill wasn't teasing.
"Nope!" I smiled back at the woman. "My dad's here and he's been waiting a long time to see this."
"Hmmm..." Meredith sighed with happy understanding and it was nice to meet someone who liked her job as much as I liked mine.
One of Meredith's daughters was helping me with my own wedding gown and while we had briefly considered a fetish wedding, this was better. We made two beautiful, blushing brides and our father was going to walk us down the aisle. Both of us and if it wasn't exactly traditional, Daddy wasn't going to complain. I was getting married!
That had been our own little surprise for our parents, who had planned their vacation around the new baby. The opportunity was golden and the timing perfect. I'd been dreaming of marrying Katrina for far too long and now we would make it a reality. Legally, nothing would change, since Nevada didn't recognize same sex marriage, but that wasn't the point at all. It was the symbolism that mattered, much like so many other things in our relationship.
The emotions and purposes of BDSM gained something through the ceremony of it, through the symbols and costumes and deliberate dramas that we played out together. None of it was strictly necessary, but neither was it something we would willingly lose, and getting married, taking the vows and exchanging rings was the same. It lent something tangible to what we felt to be true inside. It gave substance to our faith and allowed us to make a gift of it to our friends and family. That's why we were doing it. In our hearts, Katrina and I had been married for a long time already.
"In here, Dad..." Meredith was saying, getting our father ready and he was looking very handsome in his tuxedo.
"Are you ready for this?" I asked Katrina and she looked amazing. My blonde angel dressed in white, with a thin veil over her immaculate face and her fingers playing incessantly over her gown.
"Mistress," she sighed and that one word expressed everything.
"Did you tell Daddy about..." I wondered and he was right there.
"Tell Daddy what?" he asked and then caught sight of Katrina. "Wow!"
"Yeah," I giggled and Katrina blushed. I'm attractive, I know that, but as I must have said before, Katrina is a light that dims the world around her.
"You look very handsome, Daddy," Katrina said softly.
"Tell him," I told the girl.
"What is it?" Dad wondered as he looked between us and outside the organist had started up with the familiar and traditional strains of Mendelssohn's "Wedding March."
"After the reception," Katrina glanced at me, "we'd like you to, um ... help us consummate our vows."
"Consummate?" Daddy narrowed his eyes. "You mean..."
"We think a girl should get pregnant," Katrina giggled nervously, "on her wedding night."
"But..." my dad grinned at her, " ... you're already pregnant."
"I'm not," I reached for Dad's hands. "Not yet anyway..."
"Anytime, brides!" Meredith called from the doorway of the dressing room.
" ... I'm ovulating, Daddy."
"Oh. I don't know, Susan..." he started looking for all the good reasons to refuse, knowing all too well we'd made love before.
"It's my wedding day, Daddy," I drew a happy sigh and took his right arm in mine.
"You can't say no, Daddy," Katrina told him, taking his left arm through hers.
"I guess I can't," he decided and that went a little easier than I might have expected, but how could he possibly refuse?
The chapel was small and there were a number of other eager young couples waiting their turn. Our closest friends and family had filled the pews and that was a lot of people. We had about thirty five guests all told and that was impressive for Meredith and her crew who were more used to couples on vacation. They were putting on a good show. Peter was filming everything, of course, and an edited version of the night's festivities would make it onto our website. Kristine had dearly wanted to hype it up, talking about numbers and money and all of that, but I'd reminded her that my own mom was a Platinum Club member and we had to keep it a secret.