Family Enslaved - Cover

Family Enslaved

Rachael Ross 1982 - 2012

Chapter 12: Perfection

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 12: Perfection - As a professional Dominatrix, I'm rather well-accustomed to leading a double life. When my secret is discovered by my father, however, I quickly realize that I'm not the only member of my family with a taste for the perverse! Our little reunion was to become the perfect opportunity to clean out the closets of our past and start our lives anew. BDSM isn't merely a choice of lifestyle, it's a philosophy.

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Incest   Mother   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   FemaleDom   Spanking   Light Bond   Humiliation   Group Sex   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Pregnancy  


"Yes, Mistress?" Daddy smiled as I pulled his arm around my shoulders so we could sit close together on the big sofa in our family room.

"No, just call me Susan for a minute, okay?" I looked at him and he laughed because the last thing he wanted was for me to be was his little girl probably.

We were naked, or he was anyway, I still had my black thong and shoes on, for what little difference that made. As his Mistress my father would accept anything I wanted, but as his daughter he would be a little guarded, perhaps even reluctant. But I hoped not.

"Uh, Susan ... Okay," he nodded and looked down, only to see his erection straining between us. He wasn't going to lose that anytime soon, but it was a little obtrusive at that moment ... in every sense of the word.

"I have to talk to you, to ask you something," I spoke slowly, hoping I was very sure of what I was doing, and confident that I was. But still ... I hadn't sounded like this since I'd graduated high school. The nervous little girl looking for her father's sage advice, and truthfully I'd played that role only rarely.

"Uh ... This is kind of a strange time for a heart-to-heart," he chuckled nervously. "What is it?"

My dad and I were in the middle of an incestuous orgy, for lack of a better phrase. Our whole family had been playing at it for an hour easily, giving in to our desires and exploring our new relationships. Everything was strange for us right then, but he'd heard the tone of my voice and he was my father for the moment, not my slave or my lover, but my concerned dad more than anything else.

"Katrina and I, we've been talking for some time about starting a family." I drew my feet up underneath me, feeling small suddenly. "We want to have a baby, Dad."

"Uhhh ... Okay," he rubbed his jaw and his blue eyes were on mine. "Which one of you is going to have it?"

He didn't smile at that, but I did. I'd been worried that he'd laugh at me, or try to find an excuse why we shouldn't and try to talk me out of it. But those fears weren't justified by anything except my own anxiety, the little doubts that plague us all when we want something badly enough.

"Katrina," I nodded, looking at my slave reflexively and Dad's eyes followed mine to see her rubbing Jim's back gently.

Cheryl was fucking Jim's ass easily now, pushing and pulling that dildo quickly from the man's bowels while she slapped his hips and giggled, Cheryl's voice teasing him. She was calling her husband a slut and asking him how he liked her cock, but my brother could only groan into his mother's cunt. It was strange to see it, and unbelievably exciting as I sat there next to my father, his cock painfully hard and just inches from my hand.

I could have jerked him off then, if I'd wanted to. We could have sat there making out and watching as my brother ate my mother to orgasm, pushing his tongue into the cunt that had birthed him twenty-two years before. I could have sucked my father off, taken his cock into my warm wet mouth and made love to him with my tongue. I could have swallowed the seed that made me while Daddy held my long black hair in his hands so he could see his daughter's loving eyes.

Or I could have fucked him myself, straddled my father's cock and felt his hands on my ass, lowering me down while I guided his penis into my fertile womb. It was the middle of my cycle and I was ovulating, probably, and not on any sort of birth control. I fucked men only rarely and always with a condom, but I could have taken Daddy bareback then. He wouldn't have stopped me. Even if he'd asked about pregnancy, I'd have told him the truth, or lied perhaps, I couldn't know until it happened. But he wouldn't have denied me in either case, not if I really wanted it.

But as much as I might have desired some or even all of those things, there was something I needed from him even more. Something I knew I wanted that he alone could give me.

"We want the baby to be ours, Daddy. Katrina's and mine," I told him, contenting myself to touch his bare thigh, to feel his hand caressing my shoulder. "We want our child to have our genes."

"Right. So, uh..." My dad nodded and he was an intelligent man and quick to understand me. "You're asking if I'll ... What? Donate sperm for Katrina? Is that what you're asking?"

"Uh ... Sorta. We don't want a clinic. I mean, I want to be there, making love to her while you..." I bit my lip because I didn't know for certain what he'd say and that sliver of uncertainty was what bothered me. It was against my controlling nature not to know the answer even before I asked a question.

"You want me to ... ahem..." he cleared his throat, " ... have sex with her."

"Yeah," I nodded and smiled. "It's still a donation, just ... the old fashioned way."

"Why not use a clinic and..."

"It's conception, Daddy," I shrugged and smiled self-consciously. "We've talked about fertility clinics and test tubes and whatever, but there's no mystery there. We want the magic, you know?"

"Yeah," he smiled at me, his daughter. "I know what you mean, Susan."

Perhaps it was a silly notion, a meaningless one in our technical age, but Katrina and I had discussed everything and we were agreed. Our only obstacle was finding the right man and I'd solved that, I hoped. My father understood what I was talking about too and that was a relief. He didn't seem uncomfortable at the thought of having sex with Katrina either. He was looking at her and she was lovely, I knew that, like a dream and he wanted her as most men did. The real problem wouldn't be asking my dad to fuck her, it would be the intended consequences.

"Have you talked with your mom?" Dad looked at me and he knew I hadn't. He could see it in my eyes.

"No," I shook my head. "It won't be her baby, Dad. Or yours."

I stared at him, wanting him to understand that I wasn't saying those words to hurt him, I was saying it because they had to be true. We had to make that lie become a reality if Katrina and I were to have what we most desired.

"So you want me to get Katrina pregnant and just ... forget about it?" he sighed, thinking it over.

"No," I smiled at him. "You'll be a grandfather. You won't be able to forget about it at all. But I'm saying that I won't tell our child who his father is. He ... or she, will know you as Grandpa, nothing more."

"What will you tell him ... her, when it grows up?" My dad looked away at the scene in front of us.

Cheryl was still fucking Jim and his groans had turned into muffled moans of pleasure it seemed. My mother held Jim by his short brown hair, gasping and crying out softly as she fucked her pussy against her son's mouth. Katrina was glancing at us and stroking her new brother's back, although he didn't need the encouragement any longer, and Cheryl was content now, her mouth open as she panted for air.

My sister-in-law was going to cum, I thought, from fucking her husband the same way he'd fucked so many women in his life ... hard and deep. A few of them up the ass too probably, maybe even Cheryl, which would explain her enthusiasm as much as anything else. I was always surprised by the number of emails I received from women, from wives who wanted to dominate their husbands in precisely that way ... by fucking them in the ass with a strap-on.

"When our child's old enough I'll explain that we're not sure who the father is. That so far as Katrina and I are concerned it was an accidental blessing," I shrugged. "Not the best, perhaps, but I won't be my baby's grown up sister, Daddy. I'll be its mommy or daddy, or whatever ... but it will be my child."

Katrina was getting to her feet and she picked up my brother's shirt from where he'd folded and placed it, wiping her hands clean of the lube and walking towards me and our father. She was sexy and bright, glowing with a perfection only she possessed, and I watched Katrina with my heart as much as my eyes.

"I think a person has a right to know, Susan." My dad was also watching Katrina move, and she was as beautiful to him as she was to me, I thought. I could hear his breath catch in his throat.

"I've thought of that," I told my dad, and then I held out my hand for Katrina to take and she knelt on the floor next to us, kissing my fingers.

"And?" My father cleared his throat and looked back at me.

"We'll introduce an element of doubt," I smiled at him. "I want Jim to have sex with Katrina as well. Both of you, as often as possible over the next several days, maybe a week if we can stay that long."

"Mistress?" Katrina looked up at me and her sapphire eyes were wide with surprise. I hadn't told her of this idea, only that I'd found someone. But it was a logical choice, the best choice and Katrina understood everything immediately. It wasn't about the sex, it was about us and our baby.

"You didn't know?" Dad looked at Katrina with some surprise.

"No, Daddy," she shook her golden hair. "But it's perfect. Thank you, Mistress!" She was kissing my hand again and smiling into my eyes.

"So we won't know who the father is, not a hundred percent." I tore my gaze away from Katrina to look at my dad. "But the baby will be a part of me either way."

"It will be ours, Mistress," Katrina sighed and she put her head on my thighs, smiling up at her new Daddy.

"I guess, uh..." my dad pursed his lips. "I guess that could work, if it's that important to you."

"You don't have to, Dad," I told him. "If you think it's not right, ummm..." I sighed, " ... I don't know for sure what I'll tell our baby when it's old enough to ask and understand, but we love each other." I looked at Katrina, stroking her hair gently. "We just can't do it by ourselves."

"And you feel the same way, Katrina?" Dad asked her. "You really want to have a baby?"

"Yeah, I do," she nodded. "We've talked about it for a long time now, Daddy. We've saved money for it, planned the future around it as best we can. I love Susan and we're not young or naïve, or rushing into it. We're ready to be parents."

I smiled when I heard Katrina use my name. I think it was the first time she'd called me Susan in my presence since our first year of college together. I'd been 'Mistress' for so long I'd forgotten what my name sounded like coming from her lips, and my tummy did a little flip-flop.

"Nobody's ready for kids," Dad chuckled. "Don't fool yourselves."

"We are," Katrina giggled. "As much as anyone can be, and we'll have you and Mommy, right? You'll be here for us, won't you, Daddy?"

"Of course," he nodded. "We'll always be here."

"Then tell me you'll do it, Daddy." Katrina reached out and brushed her hand along my father's thigh, stroking the soft curling hairs on his leg and smiling at him. "Please? Tell me you'll make a baby inside me, a child for Susan and me to love."

"Heh ... Hmmm..." Dad was almost blushing I thought, having this beautiful young woman calling him Daddy, asking him to make her pregnant. "I'm pretty old..." he chuckled.

"I've never been with a man," Katrina told him seriously.

"You'll be her first," I nodded. "And I'll be there, of course. I want to be a part of it."

"Ahhh ... Yeah, I understand," my dad nodded, but the thought of taking Katrina's virginity, in a sense, was obviously something that had surprised him. "So, when did you want to..."

"Right now?" I looked at Katrina and she nodded happily.

"I hope I'm ovulating," Katrina told him. "I'm about ten days into my cycle so, now would be good. If you're in the mood," she looked pointedly at my father's stiff cock and giggled.

"I guess I can't deny that, can I?" Dad really did blush then and he laughed softly. "But you're sure about not telling your mom? You don't think she should..."

"No," I shook my head. "She'll be fine with it anyway. Cheryl is the one that I have to worry about."

"Hmmmm ... Yeah, your mom would be okay, I think. She's certainly having a good time with Jim."

I laughed at that because 'good time' was an understatement. She had her legs over Jim's shoulders while he held her lower back completely off the floor, my brother's arms wrapped around mom's waist while he was eating her pussy hard. Cheryl had finished with him apparently and she was sitting back on her knees, red faced and sweating from fucking my brother's ass with her dildo for a good twenty minutes. She glanced at us and smiled and it was a happy one, so maybe she'd just needed to work some of her frustration out of her system.

Fucking was always good for that.

"Let's go upstairs, to your bed, Dad." I let Katrina move, standing up slowly.

"My bed? What's wrong with yours?" he wondered with a chuckle.

"It's too small, Daddy Bear, but yours is just right!" I grinned at him, moving my legs and standing up from the sofa. "Cheryl can keep Jim and Mom busy for awhile."

"This isn't what I expected when you told us you were coming home for a visit," Dad smiled, letting Katrina and I pull him to his feet, each of us taking a hand.

"Are you disappointed, Daddy?" Katrina asked him with a giggle.

"Oh no, Katrina." My dad looked my beautiful slave up and down and shook his head. "Not in the least."

"This feels strange." I brushed a lock of golden hair from Katrina's dark blue eyes.

We were laying close together, side-by-side on my parents' bed, which was something I would have never expected.

"What's that, Mistress?" Katrina was on her right side, facing me as I was on my left.

I'd kicked off my shoes and removed my thong, so that we were both naked in the soft glow of the bedside lamps. I could feel her foot caressing my calf as Katrina moved it slowly up and down, and I was petting her left breast, the side of it, which was soft and warm and firm.

"Just ... everything," I sighed softly. "Being in this bed, with you and my dad."

"Ours?" Katrina widened her eyes as she brought a finger to my lips, playing with my mouth gently.

"Our dad," I agreed happily. "I never thought I'd share you with anyone."

"I don't want to be shared, Mistress." Her eyes were so dark, I was falling into them.

My father, our dad, was there, sitting on the bed patiently, watching us. He knew, I think. He understood that this was special and more about Katrina and myself than him. It may seem callous, but the truth of it was that we only needed his cock and sperm filled balls. We loved him, of course, but Katrina had never wanted a man inside her, not for pleasure, and I'd never wanted to see her with anyone.

"I know." I bit at her finger, catching it in my teeth and Katrina smiled, letting me nibble gentle.

"We're going to have a baby." She moved a hand down my back, feeling my smooth skin and I shifted just a little closer, so that our breasts were pressed together.

"Yes, we are," I promised her.

"Make love to me now, Mistress," she bit her lip. "I want you inside me."

"Are you ready?" I asked, wanting to make sure.

I slipped my hand between us, coaxing Katrina to spread her legs so I could feel her smooth sex beneath my fingers. She was hot and humid and when I touched her soft vulva the girl rewarded me with a tiny gasp.

"Feel me, Mistress ... I'm ready." She closed her eyes briefly as I split her thin labia, the outer lips of her sex.

They were always shy, much like Katrina's clitoris, and in that respect she was very much like a young girl. Her sweet pussy was a hidden treasure that would reveal itself slowly, and only after it had received proper attention. I loved Katrina's sex, as I loved everything about her, and I slipped my fingers along the crease of her pussy, splitting those folds and finding her moist within.

"You're so small inside," I smiled at her.

"Because of you, Mistress," Katrina giggled and she squirmed slightly, pushing with her pelvis to work my fingers a fraction deeper. She was thinking of her infibulation, four months of enforced celibacy, in that one respect anyway. Nothing had been inside her pussy for a long time and she was nice and tight.

"You're ready," I agreed softly.

"Thank you, Mistress," Katrina whispered and my heart was aching for her.

"Dad?" I turned my head to see him sitting on the edge of the bed, patiently watching us, and enjoying our moment I think.

"Hmmm..." he smiled at me and I wondered where he'd found all that patience.

"We're ready, I think." It seemed a silly thing to be saying and I felt self-conscious and nervous and excited all at once.

This was going to be very much like making love with my dad, I thought, but nothing like it at all. I wasn't sure what his opinion was, but he'd been hard all night, aroused and on the edge and now he was moving, putting his body close to Katrina's, behind her and opposite me. He was going to have sex with the person I loved most, but it would be me making love to her.

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