All In - Cover

All In

Copyright© 2009 by cmsix

Chapter 38

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 38 - Late in life I decided I wanted to be a Cowboy, and I ain't talking about one of those football playing ones from Dallas. Hell, I got sidetracked along the way.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa  

It was nearly dark thirty before we got all the things inside we wanted inside. Nancy, Hope, and Charity had even made up the one room downstairs for Ben's use and he was especially proud of it. For one thing it had a real bed in it along with a closet, chifforobe, and a washstand. The only snag now was Ben didn't have any other clothes to put in it. Nancy took him up into the store then and outfitted him with three pairs of pants, three butternut shirts, and two red flannel models, along with woolen underwear and several pairs of socks.

Ben was a happy man when he retired. I was a happy man when he retired too. Especially since he was downstairs where he could keep a listen for intruders and where he wouldn't be so apt to be listening while I was tending to the women. I had some tending to in mind too.

I was in for a little wait since my uptime women were intending to introduce Nancy, Hope, and Charity to the delights of a shower tonight. After a second I realized this would be even better, especially with the extra large shower we'd had installed into the trailers.

Sure enough I followed them out to the bathroom and we were all wet and fucking in no time flat. As soon as we were all washed Jerrilyn took command of he show and had me sit on a bench before she began blowjob lessons for Nancy, Hope, and Charity. Of course I was the only example they had to work with so you know whose dick got sucked to distraction.

Christine of the bottomless throat did all the showing and she did a marvelous job. Nancy, Hope, and Charity were a little subdued at first, but their horny gene came though quickly enough and soon they were all sucking and licking around on my dick and balls at the same time. None of them could do a decent deep throat yet, but their enthusiasm made up for it.

Soon enough the lessons were terminated for the nonce and after donning robes we adjourned to the upstairs bedrooms. I guess I should say bedroom though, since we all ended up in the biggest one which mostly contained the mattresses we'd put together on the floor so all my women could sleep with me.

Since Nancy, Hope, and Charity were the latest to the party they were given semi-guests status and the honor of being the first cracks penetrated. Hope and Charity wanted another chance at a cowboy ride, but Nancy wanted it missionary style whether she knew what a missionary was and how they fucked or not.

She did know how to lay back and spread 'em though and soon enough I served her a portion of dick. This time she didn't lay back and take it so much as the night before though. Her legs came up around my waists and her arms clutched me to her while she busily sucked on my neck and then began banging her hips in time with my strokes. She was having a wonderful time until the long strokes got to her and her rhythm went spastic and she just held on for the pounding.

No matter the logistics I was fucked out before the night was over and I was almost fatally cuddled. I woke bright eyed and bushy tailed though and I even slipped down to the shower trailer for an early morning cold one.

Most was right with my world by the time I made it to breakfast though, since Nancy was cooking while Hope and Charity looked positively anxious to serve.

Our breakfast was interrupted by three men breaking in the front door with guns drawn. Thankfully one of the girls had left her shotgun standing in the kitchen and I had it grabbed up and pointed before they made it in. When I saw them waving their pistols around and heard them shouting for someone to stand a deliver I did.

I delivered eight rounds of double ought buckshot and I was thumbing in reloads in seconds. I ran past the remains of the bodies and out the door where I saw three masked men climbing back on horses in an attempt to get away. I took head shots at the first two to avoid hitting the horses, but I decided we'd need someone to question and the last horse took the brunt of two shells as I basically removed one leg of the last living robber. The horse staggered away as the crook fell off and I had to remove the hand he'd just pulled a pistol with.

I'd just finished reloading the shotgun when the banker mayor started our way from across the road and he was firing a pistol in my direction. I didn't actually know whether he was aiming at me of the wounded crook, but I felt it was close enough to me to return fire. The buckshot did a lot more damage than his 36-caliber pistol could have, even if he had been able to hit me. I wasn't absolutely positive, but I thought it probable the town was going to need a new banker and a new mayor since the current one was pretty much a bloody mess in the street.

Oh well, the living get to tell the tale and I didn't see anyone else watching closely. I quickly tied tourniquets onto the upper leg of the downed crook and then just up beyond where his hand had been.

"You want to get things off your chest before you die, lefty," I asked him, and apparently he did.

He told me how the mayor had let them in on the fact we had a tremendous pile of money sitting out on a table in the front of the store. I had him repeat it after a few minutes since the judge had just happened to wander up with about six other people who had determined the shooting was over.

"Won't someone please call the doctor? The mayor is hurt badly," one of his tellers who'd come running out of the bank was nearly sobbing out.

"Let him die," the judge shouted, "It'll save us a trial and hanging since this robber has just let me know the mayor was the big reason behind this early morning excitement."

"You'd better get back in the bank and make sure no one tries to rob it during this other commotion," I said to the man, and he looked stricken and then ran back into the bank."

"Did you have a bunch of money stacked on a table in the front of the store yesterday," the judge asked me.

"Yes, it was around half a million dollars worth. I did it on purpose to impress the mayor and I can see now I should have known better," I said, and hung my head sheepishly.

"Hell, you just keep on doing good for this town. The mayor has been choking the life out of it for years with his stingy ways and I want to be one of the first to congratulate you and shake your hand," the judge said, and stuck out his paw for a shaking.

I gave it a good one and then asked the judge what would happen now. He had quite a surprise for me.

"We'll have to hold an election and it wouldn't surprise me if you won two of the spots on the ballot. The mayor and the sheriff of the county. This is the county seat you know and the county sheriff has always acted as the town marshal too, as you so recently learned.

Sheriffs have come and gone so quickly lately that we've mostly just hired anyone we could get to take the job, but since you've taken over the store and all and since we have to have an election anyway it looks like you're going to be on the hook.

"But surely I can't be sheriff and mayor too," I said.

"I don't see why you can't. I'll probably have to campaign myself or you're likely to end up county judge too," he said, and laughed.

"Now I'm drawing the line there. If they elect me to anything more than mayor and sheriff I'll just pack my things up and get on out of here," I said, and I meant it, but I didn't realize what I was telling the onlookers. such as, I was letting them know I'd stand for being mayor and sheriff.

Before I knew what was happening the judge had called off the hanging this afternoon and set up an election. I felt lucky that some of the girls weren't out watching and I was hoping I could at least have time to break it to them gently.

Things had just settled down enough so I thought I could go back inside and so I did. The girls were all sitting around the eating table drinking coffee and I headed that way, but a rather statuesque blonde came right in behind me and floored me on the spot.

"Mr Mayor, could you come on over to the bank to at least get us started," she said, and I was afraid she was speaking to me.

"Excuse me Miss. Do I know you?" I asked her.

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